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School Manuel B. Guiñez Sr.

National High School Grade Level XI

Teacher Alemar B. Mapinogos Learning Area Statistics and Probability
Teaching Dates and
May 4, 2023: /7:45-8:45 AM Quarter IV


A. Content The learner demonstrates an understanding of key concepts of tests of

Standards hypotheses on the population mean and population proportion.
The learner is able to perform appropriate tests of hypotheses involving the
B. Performance population mean and population proportion to make inferences in real-life
Standards problems in different disciplines.

C. Learning At the end of the sixty-minute period, the students should be able to formulate
Competencies/ the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a population mean.
Objectives CODE [M11/12SP-IVb-1]
Formulating the Appropriate Null and Alternative Hypotheses on a Population
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
 K-to-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies with Curriculum Guide
4. Additional
Codes, page 540.
 Alternative Learning Module in Statistics and Probability
 In Next Century Mathematics: Statistics and Probability ANNOTATION BASED ON THE COT
B. Other Learning OBJECTIVES
Resources  Elementary Statistics: A Step-by-Step Approach (9th ed) by Allan
G. Bluman
Before the review phase is carried out, the teacher will conduct the following
preliminaries with the students.  Objective 2: Used a range of
 Students will be asked to stand for the prayer--- audio-visual teaching strategies that enhance
presentation--- and do the greetings. learner achievement in literacy
 They will be asked to arrange the chairs properly in such a way that and numeracy skills. (Utilizing
they will be seated comfortably. the Socrative website as a
 Before they are asked to take their seats, the teacher will play a platform that motivates the
dance video on the TV screen to allow the students to be energized learners to learn and perform the
and prepared for the day’s session. specific task)
 The teacher will set the rules and regulations inside the through a  Objective 3: Applied a range of
projected media. teaching strategies to develop
After setting the students with all the preliminaries, the review phase will be critical and creative thinking, as
conducted. well as other higher-order
 Students’ prior knowledge will be activated through an activity that will thinking skills. (One of the
be presented by the teacher. The following are the steps that students strategies is integrating an online
need to follow. platform, which is the
1. Open your smartphone. Mentimeter, for learning which
2. Open your Chrome and type on the search deviates from the traditional way
A. Reviewing engine. of delivering instruction)
previous lesson or 3. Type the code that is being projected on the screen to participate  Objective 4: Managed classroom
presenting new structure to engage learners,
in the activity.
lesson individually or in groups, in
 The question that will be projected is the following:
meaningful exploration,
discovery, and hands-on
activities within a range of
physical learning environments.
(Before the class started,
students are oriented on the
necessary classroom rules and
regulations, and even their
assigned places are properly
observed to allow maximum
learning to happen)
 Objective 8: Selected,
developed, organized, and used
appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including
ICT, to address learning goals.
(Utilizing mentimeter platform)
 The teacher will introduce the new subject matter to the students
based on the activity. The subject matter is all about “Formulating the
B. Establishing a Appropriate Null and Alternative Hypotheses on a Population Mean.”
purpose for the  The instructional objectives will also be presented to the students.
lesson The following is the objective of the day.
At the end of the sixty-minute period, the students should be able to
formulate the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses on a
population mean.
Objective 3: Applied a range of
 The teacher will play a video on-screen about Formulating the teaching strategies to develop critical
Appropriate Null and Alternative Hypotheses on a Population Mean. and creative thinking, as well as other
 The teacher will significantly remind the group it is important to pay higher-order thinking skills. (Students
attention and take some notes of the important concepts that are are engaged in a task that entails their
emphasized in the video to be able to effectively participate in the listening skills through a video
activity in the next phases of the lesson. presentation about the topic.
 The important concepts emphasized in the video are the following.
 Hypothesis testing is a decision-making process for evaluating
claims about a population.
 Statistical Hypotheses are assumptions/ conjectures which may
or may not be true.
 A null hypothesis is denoted by H 0 , this refers to a statement
saying that there is no significant difference between the
population parameter and the value that is being claimed. It is the
hypothesis to be tested.
 An alternative hypothesis is denoted by H 1 which is a statement
C. Presenting saying that there is a significant difference between the
examples/ instances
population parameter and the value that is being claimed. This is
of the new lesson
a statement that will be true once the null hypothesis is rejected.
 This test is called a two-tailed test when the symbol used for
inequality is "not equal to."
 This test is called right-tailed since the interest is in an increase
only and the inequality symbol used is "greater than."
 This test is called left-tailed since the contractor is interested only
in lowering heating costs and the inequality symbol used is "less

D. Discussing new
concepts and At this part of the lesson, the teacher will conduct an activity with the students.  Objective 4: Managed classroom
practicing new skills Students are already set in their respective groups beforehand. The following structure to engage learners,
#1 are the important things to remember in the activity. individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration,
ACTIVITY NO. 1: Know Me! discovery, and hands-on
 The task is designed on the website All groups activities within a range of
should have prepared a smartphone for the activity, it will be used in physical learning environments.
answering the quiz. (Setting a clear
 Scores and progress of every group will be projected on the screen, instruction/procedure before
as well as the correct answer after the activity is carried out. carrying out the activity for the
 The score will also be tallied on the scoreboard and pasted on the students to be clearly directed)
chalkboard since this is a game type of activity.
 Everyone is instructed to follow the steps indicated in the following
infographic.  Objective 6: Maintained learning
environments that promote
fairness respect and care to
encourage learning. (Students, in
spite of the differences, are
encouraged to participate in all
the activities and it is assured
that there is no one that is left
behind in the learning process)
 The following is the set of questions for this activity:
Answer the following questions on formulating null and alternative
hypotheses.  Objective 7: Planned, managed,
1. In formulating statistical hypotheses, what type of test is being and implemented
developmentally sequenced
referred to when the interest either an increase or decrease? teaching and learning processes
two-tailed to meet curriculum requirements
2. In an alternative hypothesis, what type of inequality symbol is and varied teaching contexts
being denoted by the word “increase?” (designed activities that follow
Greater than levels of difficulty)
3. In formulating a statistical hypothesis, the phrase “is smaller  Objective 8: Selected,
than” usually denotes the symbol _______________. developed, organized, and used
“Less than” appropriate teaching and
4. In formulating statistical hypotheses, when the interest is on the learning resources, including
increase of the parameter being tested, the specific type of one- ICT, to address learning goals.
tailed test that is described is _____________. (Utilizing Mentimeter platform)
Right tailed.
5. When the interest is on the decrease of the parameter being
tested, the specific type of one-tailed test that is described is


concepts and  The task is designed on the website All groups  Objective 5:
practicing new skills should have prepared a smartphone for the activity, it will be used in Managed learner behavior
#2 constructively by applying
answering the quiz.
 Scores and progress of every group will be projected on the screen, positive and non-violent
as well as the correct answer after the activity is carried out. discipline to ensure learning-
 Everyone is instructed to follow the steps indicated in the following focused environments.
infographic. (Students are reinforced while
they participate in the discussion
and presentation of their
answers to the problems. They
are also reminded of the
classroom rules and regulations
all throughout the phase.)
 Objective 7: Planned, managed,
 Each group should enter the group number, e.g. Group 1, etc. and implemented
developmentally sequenced
 The following are the questions in the activity. teaching and learning processes
to meet curriculum requirements
and varied teaching contexts
(designed activities that follow
levels of difficulty)
F. Developing  Objective 8: Selected,
mastery developed, organized, and used
appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including
ICT, to address learning goals.
(Utilizing Socrative platform)

G. Finding practical
applications of At this phase of the lesson, the teacher will give students locally relevant  Objective 6: Maintained learning
concepts and skills in problems on the topic. environments that promote
daily living DIRECTION: Solve the following problems relevant to your locality. fairness respect and care to
1. BEANayan Café encourage learning. (Students, in
BEANayan Café is a newly built food and drink establishment spite of the differences, are
located at the Municipality of Banaybanay’s public market, fronting encouraged to participate in all
near the municipality’s public terminal. The owner wants to test her the activities and it is assured
claim that the business establishment has been earning higher that there is no one that is left
profits compared to the previous months of its operation. In months behind in the learning process)
gone by, the mean profit was about Php21,500.00. Formulate the
null and alternative hypotheses of this situation.  Objective 7: Planned, managed,
2. Banaybanay Volleyball Association and implemented
The Municipality of Banaybanay has been making diligent efforts to developmentally sequenced
promote physical wellness among its residents, particularly the teaching and learning processes
youth, by encouraging healthful activities like sports. One notable to meet curriculum requirements
initiative is the establishment of the Banaybanay Volleyball and varied teaching contexts
Association, affectionately known as BaVAss, which regularly (designed activities that follow
organizes volleyball tournaments for the community. The levels of difficulty)
association's leader aims to investigate whether the water
consumption in liters per team during each set has undergone any
significant changes since its inception. The average water
consumption was previously recorded at 4.5 liters. What are the null
and alternative hypotheses? Determine the type of test described in
the scenario.

 The teacher will engage the students in another activity. Each group  Objective 1:
will be reacting with a “Heart/Sad” emoji which will be used based on Applied knowledge of content
the statement presented on-screen. within and across curriculum
 This concept is integrated into the topic of Media and Information teaching areas. (Integrating the
Literacy with its competency “discuss responsible use of media and process of generalizing about the
information.” In our present times, the massive use of media and topic through the concept of
information has become strengthened, and it is also inevitable that Media and Information Literacy
there are drawbacks brought by this situation. It must be which is the responsible use of
necessitated that spreading information across all forms of media media and information literacy
should only be accounted for facts and verifiable content rather than
falsehoods. It means that there should be no flow of fake news  Objective 6:
happening in all forms of media for a better world. Used differentiated,
 In this activity, students will be presented with statements on the developmentally appropriate
topic. If the statement represents truth to its concept, students must learning experiences to address
react with “heart”, otherwise the “sad” reaction must be presented if learners’ gender, needs,
the statement is false. strengths, interests, and
 The following are the statements to be presented. experiences. (Utilizing a card
game to further enhance

H. Making
generalization and
abstractions about the

I. Evaluating learning  Objective 6:

 At this point, the teacher will give the students an evaluation through Used differentiated,
a quiz. developmentally appropriate
 The quiz will be projected on the screen. learning experiences to address
 The following is the problem to be answered for the quiz. learners’ gender, needs,
State the null and alternative hypotheses. strengths, interests, and
Manuel B. Guiñez Sr. National High School is the biggest experiences. (Students are not
high school in the Municipality of Banaybanay with a just immersed in group activities
population of roughly 3500 students coming from different but also in the individual task to
locations. The school’s Mathematics Department wants to promote self-direction in
investigate if the performance of students in Mathematics learning)
 Objective 9:
Designed, selected, organized,
and used diagnostic, formative,
shows a drop over the years. Based on the previous and summative assessment
records, the average grade of a student in Mathematics is strategies consistent with
85. curriculum requirements.
(Formative assessment through
an individual quiz)

 Objective 6:
Used differentiated,
developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to address
learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests, and
 The teacher will display on the screen the following as the students’
J. Additional activities (Differentiated instruction are
 Think of any real-life situations in your locality. Choose
for application or implemented, which means that
remediation one scenario in which you can formulate null and
it is not only inside the classroom
alternative hypotheses and identify which type of test is
where learning ends, however,
being described. Note that you must construct a
learners are given task that
paragraph to describe your chosen situation.
allows them to explore real-world
situations by applying the
necessary concepts they have

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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