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Chapter 7:

Creativity Matters:
Writing Feature
1. How to End the
Feature Articles
2. Writing Titles of
Feature Stories
3. Tips for Beginning
Feature Writers
4. Feature Writing
Contest Tips

Presentation Title
How to End “If you start with a bang, you won’t end with a
the Feature whimper.”

- T.S. Eliot

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How to End the Feature Article?
❑ Summarize the key points of the story. You may mention the main point of the article for
the first time based on previous discussions.
Ex. Lorita’s message is simple. We, the hope of the future, must prepare our glasses to
catch each single precious drop of knowledge.
❑ Straightforward question. This is effective in challenging the readers and making them
think through the story.
Ex. Would you let COC and DOTA take away your child’s future? Think again.
❑ Offer solutions and recommendations. This style may help the readers make informed
Ex. Amidst the boisterous of recycles and jeepney, it is never wrong to give ourselves some
time to relax.

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How to End the Feature Article?
❑ Forecast or predict. You may end your feature story by showing a good understanding of
the arguments and the implications of current situation to the future. This conclusion
offers inferences on the future based on the foregoing arguments.
Ex. With the scarcity of water that we are facing, there will come a time that included in the
list of imported products are barrels of potable water.

❑ Appropriate quotations. They are effective in dramatizing the main points raised by the
Ex. Indeed, in Batanes, honesty is still the best policy.

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Writing Titles of
Feature Stories

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Writing Titles of Feature Stories
1. You may use a one-word title. Just make sure that it capsulizes
the theme or the subject of your feature story.
2. You may use a brief question.
Example: Where are the clowns?

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Writing Titles of Feature Stories
3. You may use a contrasting phrase
Example: Brusko Pink

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Writing Titles of Feature Stories
4. You may use a description with alliteration.
Example: Love. Love. Love

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Writing Titles of Feature Stories
5. You may use one brief sentence.
Example: After a decade, he paid the tree

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Tips for Beginning
Feature Writers

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Tips for Beginning Feature Writers
1. Limit to 500 words or less.
2. Use facts and statistics when appropriate.
3. Use appropriate quotes.
4. Consider your audience.
5. Consider the medium the feature will appear on.

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Feature Writing
Contest Tips

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Feature Writing Contest Tips
1. Know your judge.
2. Show, do not tell.
Example: Instead of writing:
She is truly fat.
You can write:
She always wears her XL shirt and fears to use the weighing scale.
3. Use sounds (onomatopoeia). Your readers want to hear what you are hearing. Your
readers want to experience what you want them to experience.
Example: Tok…tok…tok… every knee is trembling as Mrs. Panaginip comes in the room.
4. Use personification. Make your characters or your subject move.
Example: Death opened its jaw and swallowed my dog.

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Feature Writing Contest Tips
5. Use comparison. Sometimes, using comparison causes your reader to appreciate your
effort in helping him comprehend the idea.
Example: The place be more scorching than in Hades’ lair.

6. Compose your feature story so as to radiate a positive energy to the judges.

7. Avoid using highbrow language; otherwise, you will not be communicating effectively.

8. Remember to highlight and to establish a connection between the beginning and ending
paragraphs of your feature article.

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Sample Feature

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Sample Feature Articles

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Sample Feature Articles

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