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• Why do you hate ____ so much?

Werewolf: Whose scent makes your mouth

BEFORE PLAY … (then, to another player) Why are you Intimacy and Friendship water?
so into ____? Ghost: Whose misery attracts you like a
Introduce yourselves and find out • (once per PC ) "Why does _____ remind moth to a flame?
everyone’s experience with the supernatural • Why do you have a crush on ____?
you that you are a monster?" Witch: Who survived one of your hexes
romance genre. Ask what’s one thing that’s • Who does (student in last question) have
a crush on?
• "How do you remind ______ that they are unscathed?
really important or interesting to them about human?" Chosen: So how did you save ____'s life?
these stories. Make a note, and try and bring • Why are you good friends with (answer to Do they know you did it?
last question)? (ask somebody who didn't
• What does ______ talk to you about that
up some of that stuff during the game. Ghoul: So who is the most delicious of your
s/he doesn't talk to anyone else about?
answer the first question) fellow students, when it comes to satisfying
• Who did you see _____ making out with • What does _______ do that really gets on
your nerves? your Hunger?
behind the bleachers last week?
Infernal: Why is your Dark Patron so
• interested in ______?
During the Backstory section, take a note of • What does _____ smell like? Do you like
Events Vampire:
• (if feed on humans) So who's the student
interesting tensions between characters.
• (once for each player) What's the hottest • When you passed out stone drunk at the you've been feeding on, lately? And what's
Run one scene for each of the characters thing about the guy with blue hair? last rager, who do you think rooted the name of their friend who is getting
based on something interesting from their (Demand different answers from each. If through your pockets and stole your shit? worried about how they're so pale and
Strings questions (each of these scenes is anyone tries to play the 'not into guys' What did they steal? tired all the time?
set on the same night or day). card, ask "What is it about the guy with • Who hosted the last big party? Which of • (if feed on animals) So that one night you
blue hair that gets you all confused their parents did you make out with? couldn't find any strays or vermin... who's
Then cut to the next morning, at school. whenever you find yourself looking at him, • Who tried to kill you? Why? the student whose pet did you ate? And
then?" instead... Or just say "It's probably • How did _____ humiliate you? what did you do with the body?
supernatural mind control or something. • What's the name of that student who was
• What did you do that hurt ___ most?
Yeah, that's the ticket. So, when you're able to resist your hypnotizing gaze? And
HOMEROOM under the influence of what is obviously
said powers, what's the hottest thing about
• How has ____ changed kind of
dramatically in the past few days?
what were you trying to get them to do
when you found this out?
Draw the chart, and ask everyone: him?") • Where are___________'s parents?
• Who does ____ remind you of from a
• Where do you sit? • Who's the kid with the knife? century ago?
• Who sits next to [the PC to their left]? "What's the name of the only
What's [that person’s] deal? Gossip and Reputation [gay|black|poor|foreign] kid in class?"
• What’s [that person] think of (another • What does _____ get away with that
• Why does the student next to you go to
the school nurse's office so often?
nobody else does, and why? After filling up all but three or so seats of the
• Who does the teacher seem to pay the
• Why did you and ________ get expelled most attention to, and why? classroom, say "So how did this dude die a
from your last school? few months ago? Right, and what's the
• "What Nickname did you give ___that
• What rumor did you hear about ____ that name of the girl who died three weeks ago?
has to be false? What's the official story about her death?"
• "So, there's this kid who's nickname is
Ask a question from each category. • Why did _____ miss so much school last
Blades. Yeah, I know, right? But literally Then, “And why do you think [this guy] isn’t
Ask a mix of whatever questions feel right. year?
everyone calls him that, even the teacher. at school today?"
Create classmates who have hooks into the • Who's the principal's daughter? What's her How’d he get that nickname to stick?"
PCs’ issues. reputation?
Try to build a chronology and understanding • Who is the new kid? What's the one thing
of the supporting characters (classmates,
parents) as you go.
you know about them? Skins and Supernatural
• Which girl had the abortion?
Write down questions you’re interested in Who did she say was the father? Fae: So what promise to you did ____
finding out the answers to. Later, frame Who's really the father? break? Wy haven't you punished them, yet?
scenes based on these. Serpentine: So why do your grandparents
• _____ refused to be shamed by gossip
saying they had an STI Who’d they have want to meet ____? PLAY TO FIND OUT
to hurt to change the dialog around STIs Selkie: Why does _____ remind you of the
Sex and Love at [school]? sea?
Mortal: So what's the name of that one
• "What's the name of the class drug
• Remind me - who is it that you were student who has been making googly eyes
dealer? And who wants to sleep with
sleeping with? And why did you guys at your one true love?
break it off?

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