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Beyond just not having enough money, poverty is a multifaceted global or social issue. It has to do

with not having enough money to cover necessities like clothing, food, and housing. Although this

social issue is unbreakable, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) aims to break the

intergenerational cycle of poverty. The national government's Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

(4Ps) is a human development program that provides conditional cash payments to the poorest of

the poor to enhance social development. This study aims to analyze the Importance of the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) and its impact on Poverty in the society of Davao City

Keyword: Poverty, Pantawid, Pamilya, Pilipino, Program.



Poverty is a global issue that demands urgent attention and solutions. In Davao City, poverty

intersects with a range of socioeconomic challenges, including malnutrition, inadequate

healthcare, and susceptibility to natural disasters. In response, numerous governmental and

non-governmental initiatives have emerged to combat this prevalent issue. These programs

aim to uplift individuals living in poverty by offering financial support, housing, food,

employment opportunities, and improved access to education and healthcare.

Moreover, poverty has a severe impact in the Philippines, especially when it comes to

education. The limitations of poverty impede the aspirations of numerous impoverished

children who long for an education, depriving them of the chance to gain vital knowledge and

restricting their prospects for the future. In addition to creating a vicious cycle of misery, this
deprivation puts up significant barriers in the way of those in poverty finding steady work.

For those who are unable to access education, the unemployment rate is alarmingly high due

to a lack of opportunities and resources. With the goal of uplifting beneficiaries in Davao

City by providing essential financial support for their daily expenses, the Pantawid

Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) appears as a beacon of hope in response to this pressing


Furthermore, Davao City is still on the path to a better future as a result of initiatives like the

4Ps, which never wavered in their mission to provide their beneficiaries hope, equality, and

resilience. By bridging gaps and empowering disadvantaged people, this Pantawid Pamilyang

Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a transformative force in Davao City, which has lots of

beneficiaries. The 4Ps break the cycle of poverty by simultaneously addressing immediate

needs and accelerating the process of financial support. On the other hand, the program's

ongoing positive effects serve as evidence of the possibility of significant change that can

arise when communities come together to support one another.

Among these initiatives, the City Government of Davao has implemented various social

welfare projects, notably the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, known as 4Ps,

spearheaded by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (Fernandez & Olfindo,

2011). These programs have exhibited considerable success in enhancing the welfare and

social indicators of the impoverished. Originating in 2008, the Department of Social Welfare

and Development (DSWD) introduced the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program, 4Ps,

aiming to prioritize human capital development (Padilla, 2011). Such endeavors aim to

augment both the immediate income of the impoverished and their long-term human
capabilities (Son, H., 2008). The 4Ps program specifically aims to promote the economic and

social well-being of marginalized individuals and families, providing crucial resources and

assistance to the most vulnerable segments of the population.


The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), operates within the framework of Social

Capital Theory by Bourdieu. It capitalizes on the intangible resources inherent in community

networks to combat poverty. Social Capital Theory defines social capital as the set of norms,

values, and trust existing within a community (J. Field, 2016). In this context, the 4Ps

program fosters social relationships and cooperation among its beneficiaries, drawing on

these inherent social connections to facilitate poverty alleviation efforts. A. Dale and L.

Newman (2010) emphasize the program's reliance on a social network involving government

entities, community stakeholders, and beneficiaries. This network forms the backbone of the

4Ps, leveraging social connections to enhance program outcomes. These connections are vital

as they establish trust, encourage collaboration, and enable effective resource utilization

within communities.

Moreover, the program functions as a form of social protection and development mechanism,

utilizing the principles of Social Capital Theory to alleviate poverty. By strengthening the ties

between government agencies, community members, and beneficiaries, the 4Ps enhance

access to resources, educational opportunities, and healthcare services. The 4Ps program's

emphasis on building and leveraging social connections aligns with the fundamental tenets of

Social Capital Theory. It underscores the importance of these connections in improving

community welfare, empowering individuals, and ultimately, addressing poverty by creating

sustainable support networks and promoting collective action within communities.

The theoretical framework of multidimensional poverty is defined as a state in which people

do not satisfy the fundamental necessities of existence, showing a clear absence of capacity.

(Sabina Alkire and Foster 2011). The multidimensional framework of poverty provides a

comprehensive understanding of poverty, encompassing a range of factors beyond mere

income. First, it recognizes that poverty goes beyond a lack of income, including the lack of

material resources needed to meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and health care. Building

emphasis on individual capacity and autonomy with inclusion, this Human Development

Index (HDI) integrates measures of income, education, and life expectancy, and recognizes

the multidimensional nature of poverty. (UNDP, 2020).

Furthermore, the framework of the impact of social exclusion and marginalization on

structural factors such as unequal distribution of resources Alkirez Roche, and Seth (2012).

Gender inequality, political instability, and environmental issues are also central to this

approach, addressing the structural drivers of poverty Kabeer (2005). Recognize fully the

enormous challenges that marginalized groups face as a result of multi-layered

discrimination. To prevent this, it recommends holistic interventions spanning education,

health, social security, infrastructure, capacity building, and inclusive economic development.

This comprehensive approach enables policymakers and organizations to develop targeted

interventions to address the interconnected dimensions of poverty faced by individuals and



This study aims to explain the factors and the related effects that may contribute to the

effectiveness of the 4Ps in the Davao City area. Moreover, this sought to answer the

following questions:

1. How has the 4Ps program contributed to reducing poverty levels within Davao City?

2. How has the program influenced access to education, healthcare, employment

opportunities, and other essential services among beneficiaries?

3. In what ways has the 4Ps program enhanced the living standards and overall well-being of

participating households?


Studying poverty is significant for several reasons, as studying poverty is crucial for

improving the well-being of individuals and communities. As researchers, we chose to study

poverty to learn more about how the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program improves their

standard of living. This research was made to provide crucial information and knowledge to

the beneficiaries of the study such as:

Marginalize individuals - this study provides them with information, benefits, and risks of the

4Ps program.


Davao City, located in the southern part of the Philippines, is the country's third-largest city in terms

of population. Despite its economic growth and development, poverty remains a significant

challenge in the city. According to the latest data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), as of

2018, the poverty incidence in Davao City is 17.3%, which is slightly lower than the national average

of 21.6%. The poverty situation in Davao City is characterized by high levels of income inequality,
inadequate access to basic services, and limited opportunities for social and economic mobility. The

city's poverty incidence is highest in the urban poor communities, particularly in the areas of

Barangay 16, Barangay 18, and Barangay 21. These communities are characterized by overcrowded

housing, poor sanitation, and limited access to basic services such as water, electricity, and


The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a government-led conditional cash

transfer program aimed at reducing poverty and promoting human capital development

among poor households. The program provides cash grants to beneficiary households,

conditional on their children's regular attendance in school and regular check-ups at health

centers. The program also provides additional benefits such as nutrition supplements and

livelihood assistance.

The importance of the 4Ps program in addressing poverty in Davao City is multifold. Firstly,

the program provides a safety net for poor households, enabling them to meet their basic

needs and invest in their children's education and health. This, in turn, promotes social and

economic mobility, as children who receive education and healthcare are better equipped to

secure better-paying jobs and break the cycle of poverty. Secondly, the program promotes

behavioral change and social transformation by encouraging beneficiary households to

prioritize education and healthcare for their children.

This, in turn, leads to improved health outcomes, reduced dropout rates, and increased

enrollment in school. Thirdly, the program promotes local economic development by

providing livelihood assistance to beneficiary households. This, in turn, leads to increased

income and improved economic opportunities for poor households, reducing their
vulnerability to poverty. Finally, the program promotes social cohesion and community

development by fostering partnerships between the government, civil society organizations,

and the private sector. This, in turn, leads to improved service delivery, increased

accountability, and enhanced social and economic development.


This chapter presents a review of local and foreign literature and studies related to the present study.

Various policies and interventions have been implemented locally and internationally to reduce

poverty. One of the most popular programs in the Philippines is the Pantawid Pamilyang Filipino

Program (4Ps). The program aims to reduce poverty by providing guaranteed income to eligible

households. This review of related literature examines national and international research to

demonstrate the importance of the 4Ps for poverty reduction, with special emphasis on its impact on

urban Davao. Several regional studies have analyzed the impact of Davao City’s 4Ps. Catubig (2015).

This study provides valuable insights into the specific situation of Davao City and contributes to

understanding the importance of the 4Ps for poverty reduction in the area.

Another piece of literature that is related to our study is entitled Overcoming Extreme Poverty in

India: Lessons Learnt from SKS. Currently, the percentage of Indians living in multidimensional

poverty, as measured by the National Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) developed by NITI

Aayog, is 14.96%. India's rural areas had a multidimensional poverty rate of 19.28% while the

poverty rate in cities was 5.27%. Now, the research study of Huda (2010), talks about overcoming

extreme poverty in India. In his research study, he mentioned that the Ultra Poor Program (UPP) is a

cutting-edge strategy for reducing poverty that Swayam Krishi Sangam (SKS), a renowned

microfinance organization in India, has implemented. Moreover, the key to ending the cycle of

poverty, according to SKS, is generating income, but the poorest people stand too vulnerable, too risk-

avoidant, and lacking the entrepreneurial skills to take advantage of a microloan. Therefore, to assist
them in "graduating" out of extreme poverty, SKS provides highly monitored people with productive

assets, a cash allowance, a savings plan, and health services for eighteen months.

In addition to local cases, foreign research has also examined the importance of conditional cash

transfer policies in reducing poverty. Alkire and Foster (2011) conducted a study on census and

multidimensional poverty that provides a global perspective on the impact of these programs. This

study demonstrates the efficacy and importance of the conditional grant program, which can inform

the discussion about the importance of the 4Ps in Davao. In addition, the United Nations Development

Program (UNDP) issues annual Human Development Reports which provide detailed assessments of

world poverty and development indicators These reports can shed light on the global situation and the

importance of poverty reduction programs such as the 4Ps is important.

Examining local and international studies, this review of relevant literature aims to provide a

comprehensive understanding of the importance of the 4Ps framework in poverty reduction.


The set of norms, values, and trust that exist within a community is defined as social capital

according to the Theory of Social Capital. In this context, the 4Ps program encourages social

relationships and cooperation among its beneficiaries, relying on these innate social

connections to support efforts to alleviate poverty.

The Conceptual Framework which shows the connection of variables of the study.

The independent variable is poverty and the dependent variable is the 4ps

Dependent Variable Independent Variable

Definition of terms

1. Poverty- the lack of, or the inability to achieve a socially acceptable standard of living.

2.Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps)- is a version of a cash transfer program here in

the Philippines under the Department of Social Welfare and Development Program that aims

to eradicate extreme poverty in the Philippines by investing in health and education

3.The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)- government agency

mandated to develop, implement,and coordinate socialprotection and poverty-reduction

solutions for and with the poor and vulnerable.


Addressing poverty often requires multifaceted solutions to create sustainable change.

Government assistance plays a crucial role in addressing and alleviating poverty. It helps

create a social safety net by providing financial aid, food assistance, healthcare, and

education support to those in need. This 4Ps program aims to reduce the impact of economic

disparities, promote equal opportunities, and enhance the overall quality of life for

individuals and families facing financial challenges. Government assistance encompasses

various programs and policies designed to support individuals and communities in need. This

can include financial aid, food assistance, housing support, healthcare programs, education

grants, and more. The goal is to enhance the well-being of citizens, particularly those facing

economic challenges or other hardships.

Moreover, the 4Ps program, also known as the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, has

made a significant impact and contribution to reducing poverty levels in Davao City. Through

its conditional cash transfer system, the program provides financial assignments to the most

eligible and vulnerable households, particularly those in low-income communities. This

program helps to alleviate the financial burdens and difficulties faced by these household

beneficiaries and enables them to meet their basic needs, such as shelter, food, healthcare,

and education. By addressing those immediate needs, the program helps families get out of

poverty and aims to improve their overall well-being

Furthermore, the Pantawid Pamilya program has great effects on child health, education, and

employment since the program provides free child healthcare services and free vaccinations

and vitamins for toddlers. Also, the programs help decrease the rate of child labor of children

rages from aged 10-14 by 90% this indicates that children are not dropping out of school due

to financial concerns. In education, the program has a more pronounced impact on older

children, likely attributed to an extension of age coverage and higher grants for high school

students. School enrollment for children aged 12-17 increases, along with positive outcomes

such as age-appropriate enrollment in junior high school and lower dropout rates. Lastly it

increases the employment rates by helping the beneficiaries get a job which lifted 31.1% of

poor households in the Philippines out of poverty and decreased the national poverty gap

measure by 52.5%.


In conclusion, this study serves as a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted dynamics

of poverty, the pivotal role of the 4Ps program, and the theoretical frameworks that underpin

its success. The findings are poised to contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discourse
on poverty reduction and community development, both in Davao City and beyond. In

essence, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program not only provides immediate relief to

struggling households but also functions as a catalyst for sustainable change. Its impact

transcends individual beneficiaries, creating a positive domino effect that addresses poverty

at its roots and contributes to the broader well-being and development of the community.


Alkire, S., & Foster, J. (2011). Counting and multidimensional poverty measurement. J Public Econ,
95(7), 476-487.

Alkire, S., Roche, J. M., & Seth, S. (2011). Multidimensional Poverty Index 2011: Brief
Methodological Note. (Publication by the Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative - OPHI)

Catubig, M. C. L., Dollery, B. B., & Villano, R. A. (2015). Journal of Emerging Trends in
Economics and Management Sciences, 6(7), 311-318.

Dale, L., & Newman, L. (2010). A Dale, L Newman Community development journal 45 (1),
5-21, 2010.

Field, J. (2016). Retrieved from

Huda, K. (2010). Overcoming Extreme Poverty in India: Lessons Learnt from SKS. Institute of
Development Studies, p. 31-41.

International Labour Organization (ILO). (Reports and publications by ILO)

Kabeer, N. (2005). Gender equality and women's empowerment: A critical analysis of the third
Millennium Development Goal. Gender & Development, 13(1), 13-24.

The World Bank. (2018). World Development Report. (Annual reports by The World Bank)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). (2020). Human Development Report. (Annual
reports by UNDP)

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