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Geophysical investigation of groundwater potential, aquifer parameters, and

vulnerability: a case study of Enugu State College of Education (Technical)

Article in Modeling Earth Systems and Environment · September 2019

DOI: 10.1007/s40808-019-00595-x


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4 authors:

Bethrand Ekwundu Oguama Johnson Ibuot

Enugu State College of Education (Technical), Enugu University of Nigeria


Daniel Obiora Mfoniso Aka

University of Nigeria Federal University of Technology Ikot Abasi


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Geophysical investigation of groundwater
potential, aquifer parameters, and
vulnerability: a case study of Enugu State
College of Education (Technical)

Bethrand Ekwundu Oguama, Johnson

Cletus Ibuot, Daniel Nnaemeka Obiora
& Mfoniso Udofia Aka

Modeling Earth Systems and


ISSN 2363-6203
Volume 5
Number 3

Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2019)

DOI 10.1007/s40808-019-00595-x

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Author's personal copy
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133


Geophysical investigation of groundwater potential, aquifer

parameters, and vulnerability: a case study of Enugu State College
of Education (Technical)
Bethrand Ekwundu Oguama1 · Johnson Cletus Ibuot2 · Daniel Nnaemeka Obiora2 · Mfoniso Udofia Aka2

Received: 22 December 2018 / Accepted: 29 March 2019 / Published online: 8 April 2019
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

This study was carried out employing vertical electrical sounding (VES) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) with the
objective of evaluating the groundwater potential and vulnerability. The study involves a total of seven VES and three ERT
profiles employing Schlumberger and Wenner electrodes’ configuration, respectively. The data were analyzed both manually
and with WinResist and RES2DINV software packages. The results revealed the variation of resistivity across the study
area within the maximum current penetration. The aquifer resistivity and thickness range from 6.2 to 204.2 Ω m and 18.2 to
56.4 m, respectively. The estimated parameters (longitudinal conductance, transverse resistance, hydraulic conductivity, and
transmissivity) range: 0.003–0.02 Ω−1, 141.68–575.77 Ω m2, 2.71–70.45 m/day, and 49.23–3973.28 m2/day, respectively. It
was observed that the groundwater potential is good in the study area and the protective capacity determine from the estimated
longitudinal conductance showed poor protective capacity across the study area, indicating high vulnerability. The poor pro-
tective capacity renders the aquifer vulnerable to contamination and this is a major threat to groundwater in the study area.

Keywords Aquifer · VES · ERT · Longitudinal conductance · Transmissivity · Vulnerability

Introduction can lead to infiltration of surface contaminants into the

aquifer layers (Ibuot et al. 2017; George et al. 2016; Obiora
Groundwater is an important natural resources to man and its et al. 2015; Van Stempvoort et al. 2013) and groundwater
quality is essential for sustainable used of groundwater for quality and availability depends on the porosity and perme-
man’s consumption. Its location in the pores and crevices of ability of the host rocks. Delineation of subsurface formation
rocks and soils presents different challenges for quantifying depends on contrasting physical characteristics, which helps
and managing the groundwater compared to surface water. in delineating them from the surrounding rocks. Inadequacy
Groundwater is a basic necessity of life and can be exploited of quantitative understanding of the hydrogeological prob-
with greater ease and flexibility, but once contaminated can lems and hydraulic characteristics of the subsurface posed
lead to water-borne diseases and its inaccessibility can affect a serious issue to the environment and as such needs more
the human health and pose a serious problem to govern- research. The geological properties of a formation differ sig-
ment and the inhabitants of the area. Increase in population nificantly from place to place with lithological units and it
has equally led to increase in demand and exploitation of affects the ability of the hydrological unit to store groundwa-
groundwater. The deterioration of quality of groundwater ter. All these problems can be solved using proper geophysi-
may be caused by environmental or geologic factors which cal exploration techniques.
In hydrogeophysical investigations, there is close analogy
between the groundwater flow and electric current flow in
* Johnson Cletus Ibuot the aquifer. Groundwater and electric currents are known to flow from higher potential to lower potential site and their
Department of Physics Education, Enugu State College flow rates depend upon the potential gradient. The flow rate
of Education (Technical), Enugu, Nigeria of groundwater depends on the hydraulic conductivity/per-
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nigeria, meability of the formation, whereas electric current flow
Nsukka, Nigeria depends on the electrical conductivity of the formation.

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1124 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133

Since ions flow through the same paths as water, the elec- porous or permeable; however, the formation could yield
trical conductivity and hydraulic conductivity of aquifer water to boreholes if fractured.
are expected to be affected by similar variables. Therefore, Also found in the study area are the residual hills and
groundwater flow and current flow also can be considered dry valleys, which are related to the rock type or geologic
inter related with each other. formation underlying the area (Stow 2005). The escarpment
The application of geophysical methods has generally of Enugu is formed by the Ajali sandstone and the sandstone
proved very effective for groundwater study, water quality units of the Mamu Formation (Egesi 2017). The study area
assessment, evaluation of aquifer properties and geometry, is underlain by Enugu shale with Mamu Formation (lower
geoelectric parameters, and mapping of the depth to water Maastrichtian) found outcropping in areas that have mines
table (Hubbard and Rubin 2005; Aleke et al. 2018; Niwas like the Okpara and Onyeama mines. The Mamu Formation
and Singhal 1981; Soupious et al. 2007; George et al. 2015, is composed of shale and sandstone including Carbonaceous
2018; Obiora et al. 2015; Ibuot et al. 2019). Geophysics shale, sandy shale, mudstone, sandstone, and siltstone. The
provides the tools for studying the structure and composi- Formation is said to be coaliferous and is also fractured, and
tion of the earth’s interior making use of different physical the fractured nature makes it a potential aquifer repository.
properties depending on the method used. In groundwater The Mamu Formation provides the shaley impermeable base
exploration, electrical resistivity method is widely used, on which the waters of Ajali aquifer are trapped (Uzoije et al.
since it is cost effective and gives better results compare 2014). Surface water body that traverse the area emanates
to other geophysical methods (Zohdy et al. 1974). One of from the contact between the bottom of the Ajali Formation
the electrical properties that influence the naturally or arti- and the upper part of Mamu Formation at the foot of the
ficially generated electrical fields in the earth subsurface is scarp.
primarily the resistivity and it varies across the subsurface
depending on the lithology, and is influenced by the presence
of pores, water content, and quality of water. Quantitative
description of aquifer units is useful in groundwater study, Data acquisition and analysis
contamination migration modeling, and improving ground-
water model (Freeze and Cheery 1979; George et al. 2015). Seven vertical electrical soundings (VES) and three profiles
The electrical and hydraulic properties of the subsurface are of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) were carried out
influenced by the pores linking the formation particles, the across the study area, employing Schlumberger and Wenner
knowledge, and understanding of these properties gives idea electrode configurations. The coordinates of the location
about groundwater movement and the transmitting proper- points were recorded using the global positioning system
ties in the subsurface. The objective of this work is to deter- (GPS). The electrical resistivity survey was carried out using
mine and evaluate the geoelectric and hydraulic properties the IGIS resistivity meter with its accessories, which enabled
of the subsurface hydrogeologic units, which will provide the measurement of resistivity of the subsurface through cur-
information about the subsurface characteristics and vulner- rent injection into the ground. The transmitting and receiv-
ability, play important role in groundwater exploration and ing electrodes were the current and potential(electrodes,
management, and proffer solutions to the challenging water respectively. The half-current electrode spacing AB ranges
2 ( )
problems in the study area and its environs. from 1.0 to 500 m and half-potential electrode spacing MN 2
range from 0.25 to 20 m. The apparent resistivity for the
Schlumberger electrode array configuration used was esti-
Location and Geology of the study area mated using
𝜌a = K × Ra , (1)
The study area lies between latitudes 6°25′0″ and 6°29′0″N, where Ra is the apparent resistance measured and K is the
and longitudes 7°28′0″ and 7°32′0″E (Fig. 1a, b) in Enugu geometric factor which depends on the electrode configura-
State and falls within the Anambra sedimentary basin in tion used, and the geometric factor is given by
Nigeria. The area is characterized by two climatic seasons
� �2 � �2
(dry and wet seasons) and lies within the tropical rain for- ⎡ AB MN ⎤
⎢ − ⎥
est/Guinea savannah belt of Nigeria. The underlying Enugu 2 2
K =𝜋×⎢ ⎥. (2)
shale which is the source of the groundwater is usually faced ⎢ MN ⎥
with seasonal fluctuations with little or no supply during the ⎣ ⎦
dry seasons as a result of the poor hydrologic nature of the
shale (Aleke et al. 2016). The shale group is massive and In analyzing the data, it was first plotted on a bi-logarithmic
highly jointed with sets of vertical joints. It is not generally graph with apparent resistivity (𝜌a ) on the vertical axis, the

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Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133 1125

Fig. 1  a Geologic map and geologic cross section of Enugu showing the VES points. b Map of Enugu State showing the area of study (location

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1126 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133

Fig. 1  (continued)

( )
improve upon the manually interpreted data, the apparent
current electrodes separation AB
on the horizontal axis, and
2 resistivity obtained using Eq. 1 was then used as input param-
was smoothened to remove the effects of lateral inhomogenei- eter for the computer modeling involving the use of VES mod-
ties and quantitatively interpreted in terms of true resistivity eling software called WINRESIST which performed auto-
and thickness by a conventional manual curves and auxiliary mated approximation of initial resistivity model from the
charts (Orellana and Mooney 1966; Zohdy et al. 1974). To observed data using inversion technique, and the output was a

Author's personal copy
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133 1127

set of geoelectric curves. From the curves (Figs. 2 and 3), val- The transverse resistance was estimated from Eq. 4 as
ues of resistivity, depth, and thickness of each geoelectric lay-
ers were obtained (Table 1). Layer resistivity (ρ) and depth (h)
T = 𝜌h, (4)
are two parameters that characterized a geologic unit and are where 𝜌 and h are resistivity and thickness of each layer,
fundamentally important both in the interpretation and under- respectively. According to Barker et al. (2001), the ability
standing of the geoelectric models. The geoelectric parameters of the earth medium to retard and filter percolating fluid is
of the hydrogeologic units (resistivity and thickness) obtained a measure of its protective capacity, since the earth acts as
from the model curves were used in calculating the parameters a natural filter to percolating fluid. The values of longitudi-
for the horizontal, homogenous and isotropic layer which are nal conductance were used in classifying the aquifers units
together refer to as the Dar-Zarrouk parameters (Maillet 1947; based on its protective capacity (Henriet et al. 1979; Oladapo
Niwas and Singhal 1981). The Dar-Zarrouk parameters are the et al. 2004), such that areas with poor and weak longitudinal
longitudinal conductance and transverse resistance; other conductance values are vulnerable to contamination.
parameters are the hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity The hydraulic conductivity which describes the ease with
(Table 2). which groundwater moves through the pore spaces was esti-
The longitudinal conductance (S) which helps in determin- mated using Eq. 5 according to Heigold et al. (1979):
ing the protective capacity of each saturated units was esti- K = 386.40R−0.93283 , (5)
mated from the following equation:
where Rrw is the aquifer resistivity in Ω m, and this prop-
h erty (K) in m/day characterizes the dynamic behavior of an
S= . (3)
𝜌 aquifer to allow groundwater flow. It influences the yield

Fig. 2  Typical VES representa-

tive curves at VES 1

Table 1  Summary of result from geoelectric survey

VES stations Longitude (°E) Latitude (°N) Elevation (m) Resistivity (Ω m) Thickness (m) Depth (m)
⍴1 ⍴2 ⍴3 ⍴4 ⍴5 h1 h2 h3 h4 d1 d2 d3 d4

VES 1 7.4997 6.4583 189 101.2 515.4 42.3 6.2 8.9 1.4 4.1 27.8 56.4 1.4 5.6 33.4 89.8
VES 2 7.5008 6.4487 193 161.2 346.5 98.0 88.3 3.3 1.4 2.9 5.2 40.4 1.4 4.3 9.5 49.9
VES 3 7.5014 6.4585 194 442.9 551.5 201.6 204.2 17.7 1.3 2.9 15.7 18.2 1.3 4.2 19.9 38.1
VES 4 7.4978 6.4573 193 227.0 252.9 76.5 45.0 5.1 1.9 6.3 41.3 18.2 1.9 8.2 49.6 67.8
VES 5 7.4998 6.5182 189 101.8 499.5 41.4 9.3 – 1.5 4.4 23.2 – 1.5 5.9 29.1 –
VES 6 7.5017 6.4583 194 214.7 673.1 195.8 121.9 23.5 1.6 5.3 31.2 49.8 1.6 5.3 36.2 87.6
VES 7 7.4576 6.5076 191 192.5 318.1 57.2 16.9 – 1.5 6.4 40.8 – 1.3 12.6 48.7 –

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1128 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133

of wells and velocity of contaminant spread (Aleke et al.

2018). In addition, the transmissivity of the aquifer units




was described using Eq. 6 and gives the relationship between
hydraulic conductivity and thickness. This parameter is
Elevation (m)
necessary, as it gives the extent of pore-water flow per day
(George et al. 2018):

Tr = Kh. (6)
The electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) imaging was
Transverse resist- Hydraulic conduc- Transmissivity

carried out utilizing Wenner electrodes configuration and

Tr ((m2/day)

the apparent resistivity was computed using the following

𝜌a = 2𝜋aR, (7)
where a is the electrodes spacing, and R is the measured
tivity K (m/day)

field resistance.
The computed apparent resistivity was processed using
the RES2DINV software package and this gives three pro-

files of resistivity imaging of the subsurface.

ance T (Ω m2)

Results and discussion


The analysis of VES data revealed layers of the subsurface

resistivity, depth, and thickness penetrated within the maxi-
Aquifer thick- Longitudinal con-
ductance S (Ω−1)

mum current penetration (Table 1). Four-to-five geoelectric

layers characterized with high- and low-resistivity values at
various depths and locations were delineated. The resistivity

of the first layer ranges from 101.2 to 442.9 Ω m, with the

depth and thickness ranging from 1.3 to 1.9 m, respectively.
This layer enhances percolation of fluid into the underlying
ness ha (m)

geologic units. Underlain the first layer is a medium-resistive

Table 2  Computed aquifer parameters from measured resistivity and thickness

layer with resistivity ranging from 252.9 to 673.1 Ω m and


layer thickness ranging from 2.9 to 6.4 m and depth range of

4.2–12 6 m. This layer contains medium conductive geoma-
tivity 𝜌a (Ω m)
Aquifer resis-

terials compared to layer 1 and according to the resistivity

values is practically non-corrosive (Oladapo et al. 2004).

The third layer has resistivity values ranging from 41.4 to

201.6 Ω m, while the thickness and depth range from 5.2 to
41.3 m and 9.5 to 49.6 m, respectively. Underlain the third
Latitude (°N)

layer are low-resistive layers (layers 4 and 5), the fourth layer
resistivity ranges from 6.2 to 204.2 Ω m with relatively high

thickness and depth ranging from 18.2 to 56 4 m and 38.1

to 89.8 m, respectively, except at VES 5, where the depth
and thickness are undefined within the maximum current
Longitude (°E)

electrode separation. The fifth layer (VES 1, 2, 3, 4, and

6) has resistivity ranging from 3.3 to 23. 5 Ω m with thick-

ness and depth undefined. The result shows that resistivity

values decrease with depths, and this indicates the presence
of highly conductive geomaterials, which may be attributed
VES Stations

to the Carbonaceous shale of the Mamu Formation. Layers

4 and 5 are highly corrosive than the overlain layers which

may be classified as strongly to moderately corrosive layers

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Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133 1129

Fig. 3  Typical VES representa-

tive curves at VES 2

Fig. 5  Contour map showing the variation of resistivity in layer 2

Fig. 4  Contour map showing the variation of resistivity in layer 1

except in VES 2 and 6, where layer 4 is slightly corrosive

(Oladapo et al. 2004). The aquifer resistivity ranges from 6.2
to 204.2 Ω m with thickness range of 18.2–56.4 m. The vari-
ation of resistivity in this layer may be related to shape, size,
density, porosity, and pore size of the aquifer geomaterials.
It can be inferred that the aquifer units are strongly corrosive
at VES 1, moderately corrosive at VES 6 and 7, slightly cor-
rosive at VES 2 and 4, and non-corrosive at VES 3. This on
the average indicates contaminated hydrogeological units
which may be due to the presence of corrosive materials.
Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7 show contour maps displaying
the variation of resistivity values of layers 1, 2, 3, and 4,
respectively, and the uneven distribution of resistivity across Fig. 6  Contour map showing the variation of resistivity in layer 3
the layers may be attributed to the heterogeneity of the

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1130 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133

Fig. 7  Contour map showing the variation of resistivity in layer 4 Fig. 9  Contour map showing the variation of aquifer thickness

Table 3  Modified longitudinal Longitudinal Protective

conductance/protective capacity conductance capacity
rating (Henriet 1979; Oladapo (mho) rating
et al. 2004)
> 10 Excellent
5–10 Very good
0.7–4.9 Good
0.2–0.69 Moderate
0.1–0.19 Weak
< 0.1 Poor

layer increases from northeast to southwest. This shows

that the study area has good groundwater potential, since
Fig. 8  Contour map showing the variation of aquifer resistivity
the relatively thick aquifer can store and transmit water.
The Dar-Zarrouk parameters, hydraulic conductivity,
formations (Ebong et al. 2014; George et al. 2015). In Fig. 4, and transmissivity were estimated from the geoelectric
high resistivity is observed at the northern and southeastern parameters (Table 2). The longitudinal conductance (S)
parts of the study area, while in Fig. 5, it decreases towards was estimated from the first layer parameters (resistivity
the southwestern part. Figures 6 and 7 show similar trend as and thickness) to assess its protective capacity, and the
the resistivity increases towards the eastern part of the study values of S range from 0.0029 to 0.0147 Ω−1. The longi-
area. The variation of resistivity in these layers indicates the tudinal conductance was used as protective capacity rating
inhomogeneity in the subsurface geomaterials. according to Henriet (1979) and Oladapo et al. (2004).
Figure 8 shows the variation of aquifer resistivity, as Based on the assigned numerical values (Table 3), all VES
it decreases towards the southeastern part of the study points have poor protective capacity which is an indication
area. The distribution of water in the pores of rocks due that the hydrogeological units of the study area are vulner-
to the structural and textural characteristics of the aquifer able to surface contaminants. This is a reflection of the
units may affect the resistivity values. It can be inferred sensitivity of groundwater quality to the imposed contami-
that the southeastern part has high resistivity, but in gen- nant load (Wijesekara et al. 2014; Ibuot et al. 2017). The
eral, the greater part of the study area has low resistivity high vulnerability may also be attributed to the absence
which implies high conductivity and can be interpreted of clay in the overlying layers, thus increasing the perme-
to be saturated with surface contaminants and coaliferous ability of the layer. The contour map (Fig. 10) shows the
deposits. The poor quality of groundwater thus posed a variation of longitudinal conductance, and it is generally
serious threat to human health. Figure 9 shows the distri- poor across the study area.
bution of aquifer thickness, and the relatively thick aquifer

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Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133 1131

from 49.23 to 3973.23 m2/day. The transmissivity across the

study area indicates high-to-moderate groundwater poten-
tial, VES 1, 6, and 7 with transmissivity values greater than
500 m2/day indicate high groundwater potential, while oth-
ers indicate moderate groundwater potential (Offodile 1983).
Figure 12 shows a contour map, showing the distribution of
aquifer transmissivity, with the highest transmissivity in the
southeastern part. This zone with high transmissivity may be
identified as zones with the highest water-bearing potential.
Figure 13 shows electrical resistivity tomography (ERT)
for profiles 1, 2, and 3 which are inverted models of the
subsurface resistivity. The models show clearly the vertical
and horizontal variations of the subsurface resistivity with
Fig. 10  Contour map showing the variation of longitudinal conduct- depth and delineated the zones with high- and low-resistivity
ance values across the study area. Profiles 1 and 3 show high
resistivity in the top layers than the deeper layers and this
extends to depth of over 15 m, which is a reflection of the
Transverse resistance has values ranging from 152.70 VES result (Table 1). The general low electrical resistivity
to 575.77 Ω m2. values observed at deeper layers across the study area can
The hydraulic conductivity (K) measures the material’s be attributed to the coal-bearing Mamu formation which
capability to transmit groundwater to wells/boreholes. The greatly contributes to the poor groundwater quality of the
values of K range 2.71–70.45 m/day, indicating the vari- area (Egesi 2017).
ability of K in the study area, which may affect the infiltra-
tion rate. The contour map (Fig. 11) shows the variation of
K with its highest values observed in the northwestern and Conclusion
southeastern regions. The variations may be due to symp-
tomatic of the inhomogeneity of facies change and varia- VES and 2D electrical imaging were employed in this
tion in grain sizes. Hydraulic conductivity affects the rate at study to investigate the groundwater potential and vulner-
which groundwater flow under a given hydraulic gradient, ability in the study area. The information from the data
and the contour map could aid in predicting groundwater analysis and interpretation help in evaluating the sub-
flow direction from zone having high hydraulic conductivity surface for groundwater potential and vulnerability. The
(Al-Khafaji and Al-Dabbagh 2016). Transmissivity is con- results show that the aquiferous layers are highly conduc-
trolled by the thickness of the specific layer and the presence tive. This indicates the presence of low-resistive mate-
of fine/clay particles (Utom et al. 2012). The values range rials which may be attributed to the coal deposits. The
thin layers with high-resistivity values overlie the lowly

Fig. 11  Contour map showing the distribution of hydraulic conduc-

tivity Fig. 12  Contour map showing the variation of aquifer transmissivity

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1132 Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133

Fig. 13  Inverted resistivity–depth model profiles 1, 2, and 3ERT

resistive layers and the low-resistive layers which are rela- variations of the geoelectric and Dar-Zarrouk parameters,
tively thick are the aquiferous zones. The estimated param- and also, the ERT profiles show the vertical and horizontal
eters are necessary, assessing the aquifer characteristics in variation of the subsurface geomaterials. The observed
areas, where borehole information are not available. The variations may be due to the inhomogeneity of the subsur-
longitudinal conductance was estimated and used to assess face materials. The findings indicate that the groundwater
the vulnerability of the study area, from which the study in the study area is affected by coal-loaded contaminants
area was classified as having poor protective capacity and and there will be no significant change in the surrounding
this renders the aquifer layers vulnerable to contamina- environment. The result from this study will provide useful
tion. In addition, the values of hydraulic conductivity and information which can serve as a guide to government and
transmissivity were estimated. The study area was clas- individuals in their exploitation for groundwater resources
sified, as having good groundwater potential based on and management, and also provide relevant tools for future
the transmissivity values. The contour maps display the research work.

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Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2019) 5:1123–1133 1133

Acknowledgements Authors are grateful to the Tertiary Education of hydrolithofacies in the coastal dumpsite of AkwaIbom
Trust Fund (TETFUND), who financed the project through research State, Southern Nigeria. Water Sci Technol Water Supply
grant. 17(6):1626–1637
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ernment Area of Enugu state, southeastern Nigeria. J Afr Earth
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