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SACE Stage 2 Psychology

Summative Assessment Task

Student Name: House:

Assessment Name: Assessment Type: Weighting

The Psychology of Learning Skills and Applications Task 10%

Topic Test

Purpose of Assessment:

The Psychology of Learning topic test allows students to:

 Develop and apply knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts in diverse contexts.
 Evaluate ethical practices, procedures, and results, and analyse evidence to formulate and justify conclusions.
 Communicate knowledge and understanding of psychological concepts, using appropriate terms, conventions, and

Description of Assessment:

1. The Psychology of Learning topic test consists of short answer questions and 1 extended response question.
2. During the reading time it is advised you plan out your answers on the scribble paper provided, however you may also
start writing in the test straight away.
3. Clear, well-expressed answers are required. If you need more space to extend/redo any of your answers, you may use the
back page to do this. Make sure you clearly indicate the number and part of the question you are extending/reattempting.
4. Approved dictionaries and calculators may be used.

Assessment Conditions:

 You will have 90 minutes plus reading time to complete the test. The test will be done under teacher supervision during
your allocated double lesson.


Knowledge and Application
Teacher Comments:

Overall Grade: Overall Mark:

The Psychology of Learning Test
Performance Standards Assessed
Knowledge and Application
A Demonstrates deep and broad knowledge and understanding of a range of
psychological concepts.

Applies psychological concepts highly effectively in diverse contexts.

Communicates knowledge and understanding of psychology coherently, with

highly effective use of appropriate terms, conventions, and representations.

B Demonstrates some depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of a

range of psychological concepts.

Applies psychological concepts mostly effectively in diverse contexts.

Communicates knowledge and understanding of psychology mostly coherently,

with effective use of appropriate terms, conventions, and representations.

C Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of a general range of psychological


Applies psychological concepts generally effectively in diverse contexts.

Communicates knowledge and understanding of psychology generally

effectively, using some appropriate terms, conventions, and representations.

D Demonstrates some basic knowledge and partial understanding of psychological


Applies some psychological concepts.

Communicates basic psychological information, using some appropriate terms,

conventions, and/or representations.

E Demonstrates limited recognition and awareness of psychological concepts.

Attempts to apply psychological concepts.

Attempts to communicate information about psychology.

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