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! ! 7.2 The digestive system is made up of organs !

Class Discussion

7.2 The digestive system is made up of organs

How your digestive system works - Emma Bryce

How your digestive system works - Emma Bryce (Source: YouTube,

accessed on July 28, 2020)

Credit: The Digestive System by National Geographic/Tom Doolan


Question 1 (9 marks)

Label: Digestion takes a lot longer in adults than the 12 hours it takes in infants. Using information from the video:

1. Drag the organs into their proper places to complete the digestive tract. Note the average times that food takes to pass through each
section in adults.

2. Drag and drop the labels to identify the unnamed organs.

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Two types of digestion

Your body has two main ways of breaking down food to release nutrients:

physical digestion – slicing, grinding, mashing and churning to break substances into smaller pieces and mix them together

chemical digestion – using chemical reactions to convert substances into simpler chemicals that can be more easily absorbed by the

When you swallow your food, the muscles behind the food squeeze tight, and the muscles in front of the food relax. This forces the food to
move in a process called peristalsis.

Question 2 (6 marks) Saved

Classify: Drag the descriptions to identify where the digestive processes take place and whether they are physical or chemical.

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Food is physically and chemically broken down in the digestive tract but still has to pass through the walls of the tract to get into our bodies to
be transported to our cells. The cross-over of nutrients from the digestive tract into the body is called absorption.

Over 90% of absorption takes place in the small intestine. The nutrients, which are dissolved in water in the digestive tract, pass through the
intestine's lining and dissolve into the plasma of the blood, which is also mostly water. The blood then carries the nutrients to where they're

Question 3 (1 mark)

Match each of the key organs below with its role in the digestive system by drawing an arrow to the correct response.
(Add these key organs to your glossary of key terms)

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Check Your Learning 7.2 page 131

Questions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Extension: 7, 8

Question 4 (1 mark)

2. How does saliva make it easier to eat dry biscuits?

Saliva contains special enzymes that help digest the starches in your food

Words: 12

Question 5 (1 mark)

1. Draw in order, the organs of the digestive system that food moves through, from the mouth to the anus.

For this response, you may draw a labelled diagram of the digestive system and upload it in the space provided.

Click on the options below to add content to your answer.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Text Files and Canvas YouTube Vimeo Table Mind map Graph Audio

Question 6 (1 mark)

4. What is the difference between the digestive system and the digestive tract?

The digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal tract

Words: 10

Question 7 (1 mark)

5. Which organs are involved in digestion but do not have food pass through them?

Question 8 (1 mark)

6. Teeth would look very nice if they were all the same size and shape. What is the advantage of having different types of teeth in your mouth?

incisors are for cutting, tearing and holding food

K9 are for tearing and ripping food because there there the sharpest tooth
molar Are for holding and crushing food

Words: 28

Question 9 (1 mark)

7. Can you think of any tools that may work the same way as incisors, canines or molars?

Question 10 (1 mark)

8. What are villi? What is their function?

help in the absorption of nutrients by increasing the surface area for absorption

Words: 13

Question 11 (1 mark)

Take a moment to reflect on your learning by answering the following questions.

What would you like to explore further or

What is puzzling you or confusing you after
What has this lesson made you think about? learn more about after completing this
completing this lesson?

i don’t know Nothing Nothing

Question 12 (1 mark)

Self-assess: Check the learning goals for this lesson. Have you achieved them?



Total available marks: 25

! Hand in for marking

View other lessons in Topic 2: Ch 8 Surviving 2023:

! 7.1 Systems are made up of cells, tissu… !

7.2 The digestive system is made up of organs !

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