Lincoln Oasan - Homework 1

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Homework: 1.

0 Intro Comm Tech/Pioneer of Digital Communication

Answer the following questions:

Responde las siguientes preguntas:

1. Why is Claude Shannon considered the father of the digital age?

1. ¿Por qué se considera a Claude Shannon el padre de la era digital?

- Claude Shannon is known as the "father of the digital age" because of his
seminal contributions to information theory, which established the basis for
modern computing and digital communication.

2. Explain Claude Shannon’s Information Theory.

2. Explique la teoría de la información de Claude Shannon.

- Midway through the 20th century, Claude Shannon established his Information
Theory, which quantifies information, introduces ideas like entropy and
redundancy, and offers a framework for effective data transmission and storage.

3. Review the video and explain in your own words your understanding of
(You may choose to draw a picture or insert one to assist your explanation)
3. Revisa el video y explica con tus propias palabras tu comprensión de la entropía.
(Puede optar por hacer un dibujo o insertar uno para ayudar en su explicación)
- Entropy, in a broader sense, is a measure of disorder or randomness in a system. In

information theory, it quantifies the unpredictability or uncertainty of data, with high

entropy indicating more randomness and less predictability.

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