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The Corporation: Insights

Productivity the essences of how our world works nowadays. The endless demands of
us humans to supply our needs even though it is not just a necessity anymore it’s more of “a
want” for most of us. We can only see a dime of what is happening on our billion dollar
world, not enough man power to fuel the machines that runs our systems yet we neglect the
man and only value power.
Industrialization itself is not really bad it’s those stupid people who only see profits
and not the suffering of their small time employees and labourers. As our economic grows
lots of and lots of business companies emerges 150 years ago and now they are the leading
corporation that runs the world. Nike for example the shoes that we all love is made by
people whose from the third world country and because this people only needs money not to
starve they only get paid for like 6 cents. The people on high chairs never care if those people
needed more salary not just to get by but also to enjoy life but no they just value one thing
and that is profit. We are now squeezing the resources of our world yet it is not enough for
this corporations can’t get enough profits to satisfy their greed they always want more. In the
presentation it shows that factory workers most of the time gets hurt in processing their
products due to substandard equipment’s. Maximizing profits but not thinking about the
safety of its employees, typical scenario for big companies they will do whatever they want
because you can’t touch them there are what you call gods on earth. Gods that destroys nature
our planet right now is experiencing climate change, pollution, glacier melting rising the
water level, mining causing erosion all those things that poison our world little by little until
one day they will be nothing left but trails of human mistakes and regrets.
The corporation is like Godzilla “monsters that only wants to devour all of the
profits”. Just like the story of Doctor Frankenstein we created this corporation because of us
consumers they grow and grow and now its fully functioning capable of manipulating us they
can destroy us whenever they want. This company makes a lot of profits yet why is that so
many issues about their unsettling accounts, all of its profits cannot pay the bills? Why?
Because they just want to gain and gain more they let others to do the essential stuff unrelated
to them yet they also profited on it. The control of natural resources is in the hands of this
organization imagine in a certain country water the most basic need is so limited that people
cannot take it anymore that a civil war broke. Many people get injured and killed just for
water yet for most us we just wasted this precious resources every day. We live on unfair
world full of inequalities, cultural diversity and injustice and out of the billion people here on
earth 1% of this population or less care for this things and most of us including just live our
lives without caring. We engraved in our minds that even people are suffering on other part
of the world we can’t do anything it’ because we think that were on the same situation as
them but we are not we are fortunate here in the Philippines. So maybe instead of ignoring
world problems we should change ourselves first and do what is right for maybe this will be
not any help but at least we made a start in ourselves.
We can protest all we want and struggle but this tyrant organization will not be
affected for they have also facing this problems for a long time and most of them are
immune. The corporations even if we deny it is a member of our society that is like a jigsaw
puzzle and it’s the main piece. The weight of the grotesque part of this corporation is really
hideous yet we can’t deny the part that it also shaped the world now as we know it.

John Lovell M. Zerrudo


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