Eedited2 DLP For Grammatical Expressions - English 10

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Holy Cross College

Sta. Lucia, Sta. Ana, Pampanga

School Year 2023-2024
School of Arts, Sciences and Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

After an hour of discussion, 97% of the Grade 10 students are expected to do the following with a
95% level of success:
a. identify the grammatical expressions suitable to each pattern of idea development and their different
c. construct sentences using grammatical expressions; and
d. appreciate the importance and relevance of grammatical expressions in effective communication


a. Topic: Grammatical Expression and Their Different Functions
b. Reference:,,,,
c. Teaching Devices: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, television, instructional materials, chalk, and


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities:

Good morning, Grade 10 – St. Gabriel! Good morning, ma’am!

Before anything else, I’m requesting everyone to

please stand and let’s seek the guidance of our Lord
Jesus Christ.

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen. Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Cross Prayer to the Holy Cross

Grant our Lord and King that thy Holy Cross may Grant our Lord and King that thy Holy Cross may
always be our hope, our strength, and our confidence always be our hope, our strength, and our confidence
in life. That once at the hour of our death, it may be in life. That once at the hour of our death, it may be
the blessed sign of our eternal happiness. Amen. the blessed sign of our eternal happiness. Amen.

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen. Spirit. Amen.

Before you take your seat, please pick up the pieces (Students will pick up the pieces of paper or any
of paper or any litters under your chairs and kindly litters they will see under their chairs, and they will
arrange your chairs properly. arrange their chairs properly.)

Thank you, you may now take your seats.

Since everyone is settled, once again, a pleasant good

morning, Grade 10. Kindly greet your seatmates too. (Students will greet their seatmates.)

For the attendance, is there any absentee today? None, ma’am.

Wow! That’s great! Everybody will be a part of

another exciting day of learning. Is everybody ready? Yes, ma’am!

I want to ask first, how’s your day? Was it good? Yes, ma’am.

That’s good to know. So, are you all excited for the
discussion of our new topic today? Yes, ma’am!

Before we start, let me present you the policies and

guidelines so that we will be guided as we go along
with our discussion.
Always remember the word “ST. GABRIEL.”
 Stay focused and attentive in class
 Think critically and creatively in your work
 Give your best effort and learn from your
 Ask for permission before speaking or
leaving your seat (Students are quietly listening to the reminders and
 Be quiet, just listen carefully and follow the guidelines presented by the teacher.)
 Raise your hand if you have a question or
 Inspire others with your positive attitude
and actions
 Engage with the lesson and participate
 Learn new things and have fun

1. Review

Before proceeding with the next lesson, let us first

recall the previous topic we had last meeting.

Do you still remember what was it?

Yes, ma’am.
Then, what was the last topic all about?
Claims and its types, ma’am.
What have you learned about Claims?
A claim is like stating something is true or
expressing a belief.
Very good, Hazel.

And when we say Claims, it has its types. Actually,

there are three (3) different types of claims which Ma’am, claims of fact, claims of value, and claims of
are? Yes, Jessica? policy.

Exactly! You are amazing, Jessica.

Good to know that you can still remember the topic

we tackled yesterday.

2. Motivation

Before we proceed with our discussion, we will be

having a game or a brain teaser first to test on how
fast your mind is. Before I reveal the game, I will
group you into 4. (Students will be counting 1-4 to form a group)

Kindly go to your respective groupmates.

(Students will go to their respective groupmates)
So, are we settled with the groupings?

If so, I will give the instruction of the game, so listen Yes, ma’am.

The game is called “WORDLE.” As you can see on

the board, there are a bunch of letters that are inside
of colored boxes. If a letter is inside of a GREEN
box, it is placed in the right placement of it in the
word that we are looking for. If the letter is inside of (The students are carefully listening.)
a YELLOW box, it means that the letter is included
in the word that we are looking for but it is not in its
right placement. If the letter is inside of a GRAY
box, it means it is not included in the word that we
are looking for. You must guess the word until you
get the right word. Are we clear with the instruction?
Yes, ma’am.
I will you give you an example on how you will be
going to analyze and look for the correct answer
before we start.

(The teacher will give a sample round.)

Now, are you ready?

Then we shall start.

(All of the students will participate.)
(After the game)

You are all awesome!

B. Lesson Proper:
1. Discussion

Our topic for today is all about, what?

Grammatical Expressions and Their Different
Exactly! Our lesson for today is about Grammatical Functions.
Signals or Expressions suitable to each Pattern of
Idea Development and Their Different Functions.

Before we start with our lesson proper, I want your

full attention from the start until the end of our
discussion. Eyes on me, ears on me. This is very
important topic and it’s matter especially it can
always be used in our daily lives as we communicate.
Understood, class?
Yes, ma’am.
Welcome to English World! It’s English o’clock!

(The teacher will present sentences with underlined


Philippines is considered a tourist destination.

Philippines is considered a tourist destination

because of its stunning views, warm beaches, and (The students will analyze the given examples.)
hospitable locals.

Mario likes reading books during morning.

Hannah likes reading fairytale stories like Cinderella, (The students will analyze the given examples.)
Snow White and Rapunzel.

Your turn to try this one.

Marcus believed in many religions, _____________
(Student’s answer may vary.)

Now, what is the function of grammatical expression

in a sentence? Yes, Adrian.

Grammatical expressions are writing devices that the

authors or writers used to produce a clear write up,
Okay, very good! ma’am.

Let us talk about with the Pattern of Idea

Development then we talk about Grammatical Signal
or Expression.
Pattern of Idea Development
- refers to the particular strategy writers
use to develop ideas.
Coherence – is a Latin word, meaning “to stick
together.” Which also means that is the logical bridge
between words, sentences, and paragraphs.
Grammatical signals or expressions are writing
devices that serve to maintain text coherence or unity
of ideas. They signal the relationship between new
sentence and the one before it.
Example: I have to call mom + It is late at night.
Let’s try to combine these two sentences using
grammatical signal or expression.

Try to guess what grammatical signal will suit for

these sentences. Yes, Khen. (Student’s answer may vary.)

Possible Answer: I have to call mom even though it

is late at night.
Another possible answer: I have to call mom because
it is late at night.
The meaning of the sentence changes depends on the
function of the grammatical signals or expressions
you use.

So, our today’s lesson focuses on grammatical

signals expressing the four categories which are:
 General to Particular
 Claim and Counterclaim
 Problem - Solution
 Cause – Effect

General to Particular
- It is a method of developing a
paragraph by moving from a broad
observation about a topic to specific
details in support of that topic.
- It is sometimes called as deductive
When you hear the word deductive method, what Ma’am, it is general to specific details.
does it mean? (Student’s answer may vary.)
Brilliant idea! Later on, we will find out what is the
exact meaning of deductive method.

Here are the other

Specific details
grammatical signals or
expressions that indicate a general to particular
pattern. Let us find out if what word signals fall in
each category.
The first one is Example or Illustration words. These
words connect a general idea to a particular instance
of this idea. These are the grammatical signals in this
 to illustrate, once, such as, specifically,
namely, like, in particular, including, for
instance, for example.
Let us have an example for this one:
- In this garden, you will see many types
of flowering plants, such as rose,
sunflower, orchid and daisy.
I will give you another example and then you will
complete the sentence example for me to know if you
are listening and if you can follow with our (The student will listen carefully.)
- Many diseases originally came from
animals, an example of these is
COVID-19 which has turned into a
pandemic this year.
As I said earlier after the next example, you will (Students will provide an example of general to
provide a sentence example of general to particular particular, their answers may vary.)
using grammatical expression or illustration word.

Wow! Great job! Possible answer of student; During the pandemic, I

discovered more hobbies, specifically gardening and
The next one is addition word. It is used to signal watching animes.
addition of ideas or information. These are the
grammatical signals or expressions:
 in addition, another, and, first, second, then,
finally, also, too, furthermore, likewise,
let us have an example for this one also:
- I miss doing my favorite outside
activities like biking, travelling, and
Shanelle, kindly come in front and underline the
grammatical signal word used in this sentence. (Student underlined the word “and”)

Very good, Shanelle!

Now, it is your turn to try this…

Ice cream flavors _________ chocolate, vanilla,
strawberry, and mango are my favorites during
summer season. The appropriate grammatical
expression is? (Student’s answer may vary.)
That was so great!
Another example. The earth is composed of three
layers _____________________________________.
Complete the given example using grammatical
(Student’s answer may vary)
Wow! What an amazing idea.

So, do you have any questions or clarifications about

general to particular pattern? If none, let us now
proceed with Claim and Counterclaim. Let us
differentiate the two terms.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word

claim? Ma’am, a claim tells what you think is true about a

Great! How about counterclaim?

Amazing! A counterclaim is an opposing claim, ma’am.

Claim – is a statement or declaration of a beliefs, or

Counterclaim – it is a statement that provides an
opposing or different belief, stance, or opinion.
- Are also provable and supportable by
reasons and evidence
Reasons and evidence are important in this because
they support and explain the validity of an argument.
In your own perspective, what will be the possible
grammatical expression can be used for claim and
Let us check if your answers are correct. (Student’s answer may vary.)

These are the examples of grammatical signals or

expressions that can be used for claims,
counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.

Signal words for claim, kindly read.

agree, claim, conclude, discuss, illustrate, observe,
say, show, suggest, support, think, state, propose,
present, point out, explain.
Signal words for counterclaim, kindly read.
Argue, refute, disagree, oppose, contradict, however,
but, in contrast, otherwise, not withstanding, in (Students will read grammatical expressions for
opposition, nevertheless, on the other hand, although, claim, counterclaim, and evidence presented on the
but when you look at the facts tv screen.)
Signal words for citing evidence, kindly read.
According to, evidence shows, based on the data the
study reveals, (the author) claims.

A sentence example for claim and counterclaim:

- Many claim that one need not to go to
college to be successful. The student will encircle the claim.
- While it is true to some, many will
agree to the notion that college
education results in better employment. The student will box the counterclaim.
- According to the National center for
Education Statistics, 73 percent of
young adults with a bachelor’s degree The student will put an arrow on the evidence.
worked full time, a year-round in 2014,
compared to 65 percent of young adult
high school graduates. The student will put a double arrow the reason in the
- Therefore, it can be said that college sentence example.
education is a pre-requisite to attain
success in life.

Kindly encircle the claim, box the counterclaim, put

a single arrow on the evidence, and double arrow for
Overall, the student will encircle the claim, box the
counterclaim, put a single arrow on the evidence, and
double arrow the reason.
That was so good!
(The teacher will explain the said example.)

The third category is Problem-Solution and let us

differentiate the two concepts.
Problem – is a condition that is unwelcome or
harmful and that needs to be resolved or overcome.
Solution – is an action or a means that is intended to
resolve or address a problem.
- It answers the questions: what is the
problem? and, what is a possible
These are the grammatical signals or expressions in
this category: (Teacher will give the appropriate
signal words or grammatical expression for this
Read and study the example.
- Since pollution has an impact on
modern living standards, a key solution (Students will read and study the examples.)
is increased recycling waste of

(Teacher will ask question about the said example.) (Student’s answers may vary.)

The last category is Cause and Effect. Maybe, some

of you are familiar with this. Let us start by defining
the terms.
Cause – it states why something happens.
Effect – states the result or outcome.
Cause – Effect – is a pattern of idea development that
discusses either the reason for an occurrence or
predicts consequences of an occurrence.
- It answers the questions: why did this
happen? and, what were the results of a
particular event?
These are the grammatical signals or expressions in
this category: (Teacher will give the appropriate
signal words or grammatical expression for this
Let us have examples for better understanding.
- Ezekiel studied hard for his English
exam. As a result, he got a perfect
score. (Student’s answer may vary.)
(Teacher will ask question about the said example.)

Another example – Margaret is losing interest in her

academic activities ________ there is no one
motivating her. What would be the appropriate
grammatical expression should we use? (Student’s answer may vary.)

We are done discussing the grammatical signals or

expression suitable to each pattern of idea
development and their different functions. Now, do
you have any questions, suggestions, clarifications or
queries about grammatical expressions and their None, ma’am.
different functions?

C. Generalization

If none, what have you learned about grammatical Ma’am, grammatical signals or expressions are
signal or expressions? words that maintain the coherence of ideas.

Very good! Next, what are the four categories of

grammatical signals/expressions? General to Particular
Claim and Counterclaim
Problem – Solution
Cause – Effect

Amazing! Can you give me one example for general

to particular, claim and counterclaim, problem-
solution, and cause-effect? (Student’s answer may vary.)

Excellent! You are such an amazing students!

VALUING: How do you feel about using

grammatical signals or expressions to communicate
your ideas more effectively?
(Student’s answer may vary.)
Do you think grammatical expressions are important
to know and understand their usage in a sentence or
(Student’s answer may vary.)
Class, just keep in mind that a grammatical signals or
expressions are very important because they are used
to lead you into direction of writer’s thought. Signal
words help the readers follow where the idea of a
writer is going without being puzzled or without
having a difficulty.

You are all a star to me, class! Give yourselves a

round of applause. (The students will clap their hands together.)

We’ll now proceed to our activity.

D. Practice Exercise
I. Analyze the following sentences. Write
GENGEN if the underlined part of the
sentence expresses general thought
while PARTY if the phrase states
particular thought.
___________1. Filipinos inside their homes can still
shop through online shopping sites. Now, a baker can
find materials and ingredients for baking through
sites such as Tiktok shop, Lazada and Shopee.
___________2. In this time of the pandemic,
individuals find ways to seek income even in
quarantine. First obvious example is online selling. (The students will answer the practice exercise based
___________3. Online sellers have sold a lot of on what they have learned from the discussion.)
products to online customers. For example, different
foods such as mini donuts, palabok, leche flan, even
breads are sold.
II. Underline the part of the sentence
expressing the problem. Meanwhile,
encircle the phrase stating solution.
4. Other students have no access to the internet.
Primarily, modular-based learning is an option
for them.
5. President Marcos said that face-to-face
learning in schools is not an option unless a
vaccine is already available. As a solution,
schools can only use modules or online for
6. I spilled my milk during lunch, so I used
paper towels to clean it up. (The students will answer the practice exercise based
7. Pollution has an impact on modern living on what they have learned from the discussion.)
standards, a key solution is increased recycling
of waste products.
8. The water supply in the village is
contaminated and unsafe. The way out is to
install a water purification system that can filter
out the impurities and bacteria.
III. Underline the part of the sentence
expressing claim. Meanwhile, double
underline the phrase stating
counterclaim. Encircle the
grammatical expression being used.
9. I will be safer with a cellphone because I
can call 911. Apparently believe that you (The students will answer the practice exercise based
can’t dial 911 if you’re trembling in danger. on what they have learned from the discussion.)
10. Daniel is not a friendly person; he claims
that he can survive alone. According to
Elden Benge “life without friends is death
without witness.”

Directions: Use the appropriate grammatical signal or expression to show a cause-and-effect
pattern of an idea. You may choose from the words inside the box.

due to accordingly as a result

since this is how because

1. They cannot go to the cinema ______________ it is too late.

Answer: because

2. She made one big mistake. ______________, she lost her job.

Answer: as a result

3. ____________ you asked nicely, I will let you use my phone.

Answer: since

4. He did not complain to the police, ___________, the police take no action.

Answer: accordingly

5. ____________ the bad weather, the match was cancelled.

Answer: due to

II. Connect the statements in column A with the statements in column B to show a
problem-solution pattern of an idea. Identify the grammatical signal or expression found
in each statement by writing your answer on the space before the number.

___ 6. Marcus missed the bus, a. so she called my dad to bring her the extra set.

____7. My mom locked her keys in the car, b. therefore, they asked their parents to turn the heat up

____8. Since my family was late for the movies, c. he bought lunch

____9. Because Izaac forgot his lunch at home, d. we had to wait for a later show

___10. Children got cold under the blankets of their bed, e. as a result, her mom had to drive her to school


6. E
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. B


I. Describe the picture expressing a problem-solution and cause-effect pattern of an idea. Do not
forget to use grammatical signals or expressions to make the idea comprehensible.



Holy Cross College

Sta. Ana, Pampanga

December 04, 2023

9:20-10:40 am
10 – St. Gabriel

Submitted by:

De Jesus, Alliah D.

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