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Brawl & Melee Weapons


Name Material Check Time Examples

Fist Weapon 10 / 0 Average (dd) 4 hours Brass knuckles, punch
mechanics or Survival dagger
Blunt Weapon 5/0 Easy (d) Mechanics 6 hours Club, staff
or Survival
Shield 10 / 0 Average (dd) 8 hours Buckler, riot shield
Mechanics or Survival
Bladed Weapon 10 / 0 Average (dd) 16 hours Axe, knife, sword
Mechanics or Survival
Vibro-weapon 200 / 3 Hard (ddd) 1 day (24 Vibro-axe, vibroknife,
Mechanics hours) vibrosword
Powered Melee 400 / 4 Daunting (dddd) 2 days (48 Electrostaff, force pike
Weapon Mechanics hours)


Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Special Hands

Fist Brawl +1 4 Engaged 1 0 Disorient One-
Weapon 3 handed
Blunt Melee +2 5 Engaged 3 1 Disorient One-
Weapon 2 handed
Shield Melee +0 5 Engaged 1 4 Defensiv One-
e1 handed
Bladed Melee +1 3 Engaged 2 1 - One-
Weapon handed
Vibro- Melee +1 2 Engaged 2 3 Pierce 2, One-
weapon Vicious 1 handed
Powered Melee +2 3 Engaged 3 5 Stun 3 One-
Melee handed
Spending Results
result Description
A a or x Practice Makes Perfect: B on next check made w/ same skill before end of
Two-Handed: +1 damage, +2 encumbrance, requires 2 hands to wield (can
only be selected once)
Lightweight: -1 encumbrance (min 1)
Knockdown Quality: gains Knockdown quality (can only be selected once)
aa or x Lessons Learned: reduce character's next crafting check by 1
Defensive Quality: gains Defensive 1 quality (or increase its Defensive by
1, max 5)
Customizable: +1 hard point (can only be selected once)
Pierce Quality: gains Pierce 1 quality (or increase Pierce by 1)
Vicious Quality: gains Vicious 1 quality (or increase Vicious quality by 1,
max 5)
Stun Quality: gains Stun 1 quality (or increase Stun quality by 1)
O aaa or x Efficient Construction: retains supplies worth 50% of item's Material Price
(can only be selected once)
Ensnare Quality: gains Ensnare 1 quality (or increase Ensnare by 1)
Deflection Quality: gains Deflection 1 quality (or increase Deflection by 1,
max 3)
Destructive: +1 damage (can only be selected once).
aaaa or x Accurate Quality: gains Accurate 1 quality (or increase Accurate by 1, max
Lethal: -1 critical rating, min 1 (can only be selected once)
Sunder Quality: gains Sunder quality (can only be selected once)
Schematic: create schematic that permanently reduces difficulty of creating
weapons of this template by 1 (min of Simple (-))
Concussive Quality: gains Concussive 1 quality (can only be selected once)
xx Integral Attachment: add +1 hard point, then install 1 applicable weapon
attachment that requires ⇐1 hard point. No check is required to obtain
attachment, and cost is 0 credits.
T t or y Exhausting Effort: characters suffers 3 strain after Step 3: Construction
Heavy: +1 weapon encumbrance
tt or y Cumbersome Quality: gains Cumbersome 1 quality (or increase
Cumbersome by 1)
Hard to Modify: increase difficulty of checks to mod attachments by 1
ttt or y Wear and Tear: crafting tools damaged 1 step
Difficult to Repair: increase difficulty of checks to repair this weapon by 1
Inaccurate Quality: gains Inaccurate 1 quality (or increase Inaccurate by 1)

tttt or y Brittle: on result of y from a combat check using this weapon, it becomes
damaged one level
yy Hidden Flaw: at some point in future, GM may flip Destiny Point to have
weapon fracture or break (counts as suffering major damage, becomes
unusable). Once weapon repaired, this flaw is removed.
Ranged Weapons
Name Check Time Examples
Simple Projectile Average (dd) Mechanics Bow, sling, blowgun,
10 / 0 4 hours
Weapon or Survival javelin
Solid Projectile Slugthrower, pistol,
50 / 2 Average (dd) Mechanics 8 hours
Weapon flechette pistol
Solid Projectile
125 / 2 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 8 hours Slugthrower rifle, rail gun
Energy Pistol 200 / 3 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 12 hours Blaster pistol
Energy Rifle 450 / 4 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 12 hours Blaster rifle
Heavy Energy Daunting (dddd) 1 day (24 Heavy blaster rifle,
(R) 1,000 / 6
Rifle Mechanics hours) disruptor rifle
Daunting (dddd) Missile launcher, torpedo
Missile Launcher (R) 4,000 / 7 16 hours
Mechanics launcher
Missile (R) 100 / 3 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 4 hours Missile, micro-torpedo
Frag grenade, stun
Grenade 35 / 4 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 2 hours
Anti-personnel mine, ion
Mine (R) 425 / 5 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 4 hours


Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Special

Projectile 4 5 Short 3 0 Limited Ammo 1
Solid Projectile Ranged
4 5 Short 1 0 -
Pistol (Light)
Solid Projectile Ranged
7 5 Medium 5 1 Cumbersome 2
Rifle (Heavy)
Energy Pistol 6 3 Medium 1 3 -
Energy Rifle 9 3 Long 4 4 -
Heavy Energy
Gunnery 10 3 Long 6 4 Cumbersome 3
Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Special
Gunnery - - - - - Uses profile of loaded missile
Blast 10, Breach 1, Cumbersome
Missile Gunnery 20 2 Extreme 7 4 3, Guided 3, Prepare 1, Limited
Ammo 1
Grenade 8 4 Short 1 0 Blast 6, Limited Ammo 1
Mine Mechanics 12 3 Engaged 3 0 Blast 4, Limited Ammo 1

Spending Results
Practice Makes Perfect: B on next check character makes w/ same skill
before end of session
Ion Quality: gains Ion quality (can only be selected once)
A a or x
Lightweight: -1 weapon encumbrance (min 1)
Disorient Quality: gains Disorient quality (or increase Disorient by 1)
Expanded Magazine: if weapon has Limited Ammo quality, increase by 1
Lessons Learned: reduce difficulty of character's next crafting check by 1
Customizable: increase hard points by 1 (can only be selected once)
Increased Range: increase range by 1 range band (max Extreme; can only be
aa or x selected once)
Knockdown Quality: gains Knockdown quality (can only selected once)
Vicious Quality: gains Vicious 1 quality (or increase Vicious by 1, max 5)
Stun Setting: gains Stun setting quality (can only be selected once)
Efficient Construction: retains supplies worth 50% of item's Material Price
(can only be selected once)
Destructive: +1 damage (can only be selected once)
O aaa or x
Ensnare Quality: gains Ensnare 1 quality (or increase Ensnare by 1)
Stun Quality: gains Stun 3 quality (or increase Stun by 1)
Pierce Quality: gains Pierce 1 quality (or increase Pierce by 1)
Auto-Fire Quality: gains Auto-fire quality (can only be selected once)
Burn Quality: gains Burn 1 quality (or increase Burn by 1)
Lethal: -1 critical rating, min 1 (can only be selected once)
aaaa or x
Accurate Quality: gains Accurate 1 quality (or increase Accurate by 1, max 3)
Schematic: create schematic that permanently reduces difficulty of creating
weapons of this template by 1 (min of Simple (-))
Blast Quality: gains Blast 5 (or increase Blast by 2)
Concussive Quality: gains Concussive 1 (can only be selected once)
Integral Attachment: add +1 hard point, then install 1 applicable weapon
attachment that requires ⇐1 hard point. No check is required to obtain
attachment, and cost is 0 credits.
Exhausting Effort: characters suffers 3 strain after Step 3: Construction
Heavy: +1 weapon encumbrance
T t or y
Cumbersome Quality: gains Cumbersome 1 quality (or increase
Cumbersome by 1)
Expensive: cost to repair future damage is doubled (can only be selected once)
tt or y Hard to Modify: increase difficulty of checks to mod attachments by 1
Difficult to Repair: increase difficulty of checks to repair by 1
Wear and Tear: crafting tools are damaged one step
Prepare Quality: gains Prepare 1 quality (or increase Prepare by 1)
Ammunition-Inefficient: during conflict, GM may make weapon run out of
ttt or y
ammo by spending , in addition to standard spending of y discussed in rules
(can only be selected once)
Inaccurate Quality: gains Inaccurate 1 (or increase Inaccurate by 1)
Limited Ammo Quality: gains Limited Ammo 3 quality (or decrease Limited
tttt or y Ammo by 1, min 1)
Slow-Firing Quality: gains Slow-Firing 1 (or increase Slow-Firing by 1)
Dangerously Volatile: GM may spend y from any combat check made w/
yy weapon to have it explode; weapon is destroyed, and holder + each engaged
character suffers 10 damage (can only by selected once)


Name Check Time Profile
Price / Rarity
Reinforced Average (dd) Mechanics 6 +1 soak, +0 defense, 1
25 / 0
Clothing or Survival hours enc., 0 hard points
12 +2 soak, +0 defense, 2
Light Armor 250 / 0 Average (dd) Mechanics
hours enc., 0 hard points
Customizable 16 +1 soak, +0 defense, 4
500 / 4 Average (dd) Mechanics
Armor s hours enc., 4 hard points
24 +1 soak, +1 defense, 2
Deflective Armor 500 / 5 Average (dd) Mechanics
hours enc., 1 hard point
48 +2 soak, +0 defense, 4
Combat Armor 1250 / 4 Hard (ddd) Mechanics
hours enc., 3 hard points
Daunting (dddd) 72 +2 soak, +1 defense, 6
Segmented Armor (R) 2,500 / 6
Mechanics hours enc., 4 hard points
Augmentative Formidable (ddddd) 120 +2 soak, +2 defense, 6
(R) 4,500 / 8
Armor Mechanics hours enc., 6 hard points
Spending Results

Result Description
Practice Makes Perfect: B on next check made w/ same skill before end of
A a or x Lightweight: -1 armor encumbrance (min 1)
Sealable: Eligible to have Vacuum Sealed attachment applied to it (can only
be selected once)
Lessons Learned: reduce difficulty of character's next crafting check by 1
Extra Melee Defense: +1 melee defense (can only be selected once)
aa or x Special Embellishment: wearer adds automatic a to checks for one of
following skills: Charm, Coercion, Negotiation, Leadership, Resilience, or
Stealth (can only be selected once)
Efficient Construction retains supplies worth 50% of item's Material Price
(can only be selected once)
O aaa or x
Extra Ranged Defense: +1 ranged defense (can only be selected once)
Extra Hard Point: +1 hard point on armor (max 2 additional)
Extra Soak: +1 soak (can only be selected once)
Duplicate: create 1 additional/identical set of armor (all
qualities/improvements/flaws of first) at no extra cost
aaaa or x
Armor Schematic: create schematic that permanently reduces difficulty of
creating armor of this template by 1 (min of Simple (-)) (can only be selected
Integral Attachment: +1 hard point to armor, install one applicable armor
attachment requiring ⇐1 hard point; no check is required to obtain
attachment, and it costs 0 credits
Exhausting Effort: character suffers 3 strain after Step 3: Construction
Heavy: +1 armor encumbrance
T t or y
Poor Fit: Donning/removing armor requires 1 additional action (can only be
selected once)
Complex: increase difficulty of repair checks by 1
Difficult to Customize: increase difficulty of checks to modify attachments
by 1
tt or y
Restrictive: wearer of armor adds automatic t to checks for one of the
following skills: Athletics, Coordination, Perception, Skulduggery, or
Vigilance (can only be selected once)
Wear and Tear: crafting tools are damaged one step
ttt or y Fragile: whenever armor becomes damaged, damage always counts as
moderate damage unless it would be worse (can only be selected once)
Expensive: cost to repair armor is doubled (can only be selected once)
tttt or y Supply Shortage: crafter cannot finish armor until credits spent on supplies
equal to 25% of original Material Price
Unexpected Flaw: at some future point, GM may spend Destiny Point to
yy cause armor to fail; armor will count as suffering major damage & become
unusable. Once repaired, this flaw is removed. (can only be selected once)
Vehicles and Starships
When building a vehicle or starship, the crafter must first construct the 3 core components: Frame,
Engine, Hull. For each core component, the crafter must choose a template, acquire the materials,
and perform the listed checks over the time specified.
At the GM's discretion, a PC could replace one or more core components of an existing craft, using
the existing vehicle's profile as the frame, and replaces the engine and/or hull with appropriate
attachments, replacing the listed elements of the craft as usual. The Assembly check uses the
difficulty, time, and additional costs dictated by the craft's silhouette. A character may replace an
existing engine to add two HP, replace an existing hull to add 3 HP. Some craft are too precisely
built to be customized in this way - the GM is the final arbiter of what may be replaced.

Frame Templates / Profiles

The skeleton of a starship/vehicle. It is treated as an inoperable ship/vehicle until specific
attachments are added during Step 4: Assembly. The frame provides the craft's baseline parameters.

Name Sil HT Sensor Crew Enc. Passengers HP
Speeder Bike 2 3 15 m Close One pilot 1 0 6
Landspeeder 2 6 20 m Close One pilot 2 2 8
Airspeeder 2 5 100 km Close One pilot 5 2 8
Walker 3 15 - Close One pilot 2 0 9
Starfighter 3 8 * Close One pilot 2 0 7
Freighter 4 35 * Close Pilot, Co-pilot 100 4 10
Shuttle 4 25 * Short Pilot, Co-pilot 50 10 10
100 Officers, Pilots, and
Corvette 5 45 * Medium 500 200 12
500 Officers, Pilots, and
Frigate 6 80 * Long 1,000 250 15
Heavy 2,000 Officers, Pilots, and
7 95 * Long 5,000 200 16
Cruiser Crew
30,000 Officers, Pilots, and
Destroyer 8 125 * Long 10,000 5,000 17
60,000+ administrators,
Space Station 8 150 - Long 100,000 40,000 50
technicians, and labourers
Name Price/Rarity Check Time
Speeder Bike 250/1 dd 12 hours
Landspeeder 500/2 dd 24 hours
Airspeeder 1,000/2 ddd 24 hours
Walker 5,000/3 ddd 72 hours
Starfighter 10,000/4 ddd 72 hours
Freighter 50,000/3 ddd 240 hours
Shuttle 75,000/3 ddd 240 hours
Corvette 500,000/4 dddd 480 hours
Frigate (R) 1,000,000/4 dddd 480 hours
1,200 hours
Heavy Cruiser (R) 2,500,000/5 dddd
(50 days)
1,200 hours
Destroyer (R) 10,000,000/6 ddddd
(50 days)
2,400 hours
Space Station 50,000,000/5 ddddd
(100 days)

Space station: when the engines are set on the station, speed remains zero
no matter the engine type (other attributes from the engine apply as
Max Speed by Silhouette: 0=3, 1=4, 2=5, 3=6, 4=4, 5-7=3, 8+=2 (these speeds trump other factors
that otherwise indicate higher speeds).

Spending Results when Crafting Frames

Result Effect
Lessons Learned: The character learns something valuable, and gains B on
the next check the character makes with the same skill before the end of the
A a
Larger Scope: Increase the craft's silhoutte by one (once only).
Extra Hard Point: Add one HP to the craft (once only).
Integrated Improvement: Increase or decrease the crew or passenger capacity
by half, rounded up (once only).
Reinforced Construction: Increase the craft's HT by one.
Hard Work Recognized: The frame catches the attention of high-ranking
Engineers; increase the crafter's Duty by 2.
Efficient Construction: A significant portion of the material is
O aaa
unused/reclaimable - the character retains supplies worth 50% of the Price
needed to craft the item (once only).
Elegant Design: Reduce the craft's silhouette by 1 (once only).
Result Effect
Too Big to Hurt: Add the Massive 1 special rule to the craft or increase the
value of this rule by one (once only).
X Schematic: Create a schematic that permanently reduces the difficulty of
x creating frames of this template by one (to a minimum of Simple: -).
Modifiable: Reduce the difficulty of checks to modify attachments on this
vehicle by one (to a minimum of Easy: d ).
t This is a Tough One: Upon Completing Step 4: Assembly, the character
suffers 5 strain.
Difficult to Integrate: When a character attempts Step 4: Assembly using this
T tt
core component, upgrade the difficulty of the Mechanics check once.
ttt Difficult to Repair: Increase the Difficulty of checks to repair this craft once.
Faulty Wiring: The GM may spend tttor y that a character generates
y on a Piloting check with this craft to have it suffer the “Major System Failure”
Crit result.

Installing an Engine adds modifiers to the frame and is necessary for operation.

Name Base Modifiers Mod Options
Speed 1; Defense 0/0/0/0; 3 “Increase Speed by 1” (max 6) mods; 3
Single Ion Coil 2
SS 3 x silhouette “Increase SS by silhouette” mods
2 “Increase Speed by 2” (max 6) mods, 2
Electron Baffled Speed 2; Defense 0/0/0/2;
“Increase SS by silhouette” mods; 2 4
Engine SS 5 x silhouette
“Increase aft defense” mods
1 “Increase Speed by 1” (max 6) mod; 5
Speed 1; Defense 1/0/0/0;
Ion Turbine Engine “Increase SS by silhouette” mods; 2 3
SS 10 x silhouette
“Increase fore defense by 1” mods
Speed 3; Defense 1/0/0/0; 2 “Increase speed by 1” (max 6) mods; 2
Fusial Thrust Engine 3
SS 4 x silhouette “Increase aft defense by 1” mods
Speed 4; Cannot be 2 “Increase speed by 1” (max 6) mods; 1
High-Performance mounted on starships; “Increase SS by silhouette” mod; 1
Repulsor Cluster Defense 0/0/0/0; SS 2 x “Increase fore defense by 1” mod; 1
silhouette “Increase aft defense by 1” mod
2 “Increase speed by 1” (max 6) mods; 1
Speed 4; Defense 0/0/0/0; “Increase SS by silhouette” mod; 1
Ion Drive Array 4
SS 2 x silhouette “Increase fore defense by 1” mod; 1
“Increase aft defense by 1” mod
Name Price/Rarity Check Time
Single Ion Coil 500/2 d 24 hours
Electron Baffled Engine 1,000/3 dd 48 hours
Ion Turbine Engine 2,000/3 dd 48 hours
Fusial Thrust Engine 2,500/4 ddd 60 hours
120 hours (5
High-Performance Repulsor Cluster 3,000/4 ddd
120 hours (5
Ion Drive Array 5,250/5 dddd

Hyperdrive Modules
Hyperdrives are treated as a starship attachment.
Price/Rarity: 3,000/3 (Class 8); 6,000/4 (Class 4)
Base Modifiers: Add one primary hyperdrive and astromech droid socket (starfighters only)
Mod Options: 4 x “Reduce primary hypedrive rating by 1 (min 0.5)” mods; 1 “Add Class 14
backup hyperdrive rating by 1” mod.
Hard Points Required: 1

Spending Results when Crafting Engines

Result Effect
Lessons Learned: The character learns something valuable, gains B on the next
A a or x
mechanics check the character makes this session.
Enhanced Output: Increase the craft's speed by 1 (max 6)
aa or x
Fine-Tuned Circuits: Increase the craft's SS by 1
Efficient Construction: Materials are unused or reclaimed from the process;
retain supplies worth 50% of the Material Price needed to craft the item (once
O aaa or x Enhanced Power to Deflectors: Increase each vehicle defense zone's rating by 1
or one zone's defense rating by 2 (once only)
Easy to Repair: Reduce the difficulty of checks to repair Crits this craft suffers
by 1 (min Simple - )
Fine-Tuned: Remove b from Piloting checks caused by navigation hazards
x x and difficult terrain (only once)
X Schematic: Create a schematic that permanently reduces the difficulty of
creating engines of this template by 1 (min Simple - )
t This is a Tough One: Upon completing Step 4: Assembly, the character suffers 5
Difficult to Integrate: When a character attempts Step 4: Assembly using this
core component, upgrade the difficulty of the Mechanics check once.
T tt
Treacherous to Repair:Upgrade the difficulty of checks to repair Crits this craft
is suffering once (only once)
Result Effect
Unreliable Output: GM may spend ttt or y that the pilot generates on a
ttt Piloting check with this craft to have it suffer the “Power Fluctuations” Crit result
(only once)
Prone to Failure: GM may spend y that a character generates on a Piloting
check with this craft to have it suffer the “Engines Down” crit result (only once)
Fuel Hog: Whenever this vehicle suffers 1 or more system strain, it suffers that
amount plus 1 instead.

Profiles, Templates
Name Base Modifiers Mod Options HP
1 “Increase armor by 1” mod; 1 “Increase aft
Sleek Carapace Armor: 0; Handling: +2 defense by 1” mod; 1 “Increase Handling by 2
1” mod
Armor: 1; Handling: -2; 2 “Increase Armor by 1” mods; 10 “Increase
Expanded-Capacity +25 Encumbrance Encumbrance Capacity by silhouette” mods;
Holds Capacity, +25 Passenger 8 “Increase Passenger Capacity by
Capacity silhouette” mods
2 “Increase armor by 1” mods; 1 “Increase
Lightly Armored Encumbrance Capacity by silhouette” mod; 2
Armor: 1; Handling: -1 3
Hull “Increase Passenger Capacity by silhouette”
mods; 1 “Increase Handling by 1” mod
2 “Increase Armor by 1” mods; 1 “Increase
Deflective Plating Armor: 2; Handling: -2 Fore Defense by 1” mod; 1 “Increase Hull 4
Trauma Threshold by silhouette” mod
3 “Increase Armor by 1” mods; 1 special rule
Combat Plating Armor: 3; Handling: -3 - “Massive +1” mod; 2 “Increase Hull 5
Trauma Threshold by silhouette” mods

Name Price/Rarity Check Time

24h per
Sleek Carapace 450/3 dd
24h per
Expanded-Capacity Holds 500/2 dd
48h per
Lightly Armored Hull 500/4 dd
72h per
Deflective Plating 700/5 ddd
96h per
Combat Plating 1,500/7 ddd
Spending Results when Crafting Hulls

Result Effect
Lessons Learned: Gain B no next Mechanics check before the end of the
A a
Cargo Pods: Increase encumbrance capacity by its silhouette. If a freighter,
increase encumbrance by 2xSilh ( x = 4x Silh)
Extra Hard Point: Add one HP (once only)
Layered Plating: Armor +1 (select # of times = to silhouette)
Efficient Construction: Reclaim\unused material - retain 50% of the price
O aaa needed to craft the hull (once only)
Maneuvering Fins: Increase Handling by 1 (max +3)
Integrated System: Add +1 HP, then install one applicable vehicle
attachment for free that requires 1 or less HP. No check required.
x Schematic: Permanently reduce the difficulty of creating hulls of this
template by 1 (minimum Simple - )
Too Tough to Hurt: Special rule - Massive +1 (only once per vehicle)
This is a Tough One: After Step 4: Assembly, character suffers 5 strain.

Difficult to Integrate: Upgrade the difficulty of the Mechanics check once

T tt
for Step 4: Assembly.
Tight Quarters: Add b to all checks except Piloting and Gunnery made
while aboard this vehicle (once only).
Loose Plating: GM may spend yy that the pilot generates on a Piloting
check with this craft to suffer the “Destabilized” Crit.

Assembling Vehicles and Starships

Frame Silh Mech. Check Time Additional Resources Needed

0-1 dd 24h -
2 ddd 48h 1,000 credits
3 ddd 120h 10,000 credits
4 dddd 240h 25,000 credits and a team of 5+
5-6 dddd 1,200h 100,000 credits, team of 100+
2,000,000 credits, team of
7-9 ddddd 2,400h
Spending Results on Assembly

Result Effect
Lessons Learned: gain B on the next mechanics check the character makes before
the end of the session
Improved Safety Features: Whenever a character in this vehicle would suffer
A a wounds or strain from a Crit the vehicle suffers, as a result of working on the
vehicle, or other similar occurrences, the character suffers 2 fewer wounds or strain
to a minimum of 1. This does not apply to strain or wounds suffered voluntarily
(only once).
Customized Controls: Choose a pilot; that character adds B to Piloting checks
made with this craft (once only)
Under Budget: Retain 25% of the credit cost from the Additional Resources Needed
column (can choose twice)
Distinctive Style: Crew of the craft add B to Charm, Coercion, and Negotiation
checks made in the presence of the vessel (only once).
O aaa
Ahead of Schedule: Reduce the time required for Assembly by 25% (minimum of
one hour)
Masterful Construction: If this craft suffers the “Vaporized” Crit or otherwise be
instantaneously destroyed, it suffers the “Breaking Up” Crit instead.
Assembly Plans: The crafter fashions a detailed manual covering how the item was
assembled, including tips learned in the effort. This permanently reduces the
difficulty of assembling starships and vehicles of this silhouette by one (minimum
Simple - )
This is a Tough One: Upon completing Assembly, the character suffers 5 strain

Finicky Interface: Increase the difficulty of checks to modify attachments to this

craft by one (once only)
T tt
Doesn't Look Like Much: Decrease the price that any buyer is willing to pay for
this craft by 50% (once only)
Complex Construction: Increase the difficulty of checks to repair this craft once
(once only)
ttt Specialized: The crafter chooses one environment of operation (space, low
atmosphere, high atmosphere, etc); Outside this environment, the pilot adds b to
Piloting checks made with this vehicle (once only).
Defective Seals: GM may spend yy generated on a piloting check to have it
suffer “Major Hull Breach” crit (once only).
Templates & Profiles
Name Price / Check Time Effect Examples
Choose a General skill; Climbing gear,
tool allows characters to datapad, hand
Simple Easy (d) 2 makes checks w/ the scanner,
50 / 1 4
Tool Mechanics hours skill. At GM's discretion, emergency
this tool counts as the medpac, toolkit,
right tool for the job slicer gear
Bacta tank,
Average Choose a General skill.
Specialist 10 scanner dish,
400 / 4 (dd) 8 Add automatic to checks
Tool hours table saw,
Mechanics w/ that skill.
welding gear
Hard Choose a General skill. Microscope,
Precision 16
150 / 3 (ddd) 5 Remove bb from thermal cloak,
Instrument hours
Mechanics checks w/ that skill scanner goggles

Spending Results

Lightweight: -1 gadget encumbrance (min 1)

A a or x Practice Makes Perfect: B on next check made w/ same skill before the end
of session
Compact: If gadget of encumbrance ⇐3, add b to checks others make to find
aa or x on wearer's person (max bbb)
Lessons Learned: reduce difficulty of next crafting check by 1
Efficient Construction: retains supplies worth 50% of original Material Price
(can only be selected once)
O aaa or x
Safety Features: add automatic to checks w/ the General skill chosen for this
tool (can only be selected once)
Inbuilt Weapon: choose a weapon of ⇐2 encumbrance that character posses
aaaa or x & build into gadget; add b to checks to determine that the gadget contains a
weapon (can only be selected once)
Supreme Craftsmanship: Choose a General skill; upgrade checks made w/
xx that skill w/ this tool once
Exhausting Effort: character suffers 3 strain after Step 3: Construction
T t or y
Heavy: +1 gadget encumbrance
Difficult to Repair: increase difficulty of repair checks on this gadget by 1
tt or y Delicate: GM may spend tt or y from any check w/ this gadget to have it
become damaged one step (can only be selected once)
Unpresentable: decrease base price others are willing to pay for this item by
ttt or y
50% (can only be selected once)
Fragile: whenever item would damage one step, it's damaged 2 steps instead
tttt or y
(can only be selected once)
yy Faulty: when used for a check, upgrade difficulty of the check once


Additional Rules
Cybernetics must be installed to provide the listed benefits.
A full medical facility can usually install cybernetics without a check. However, in other less-than-
ideal circumstances, a PC might need to make a check.
Installing a cybernetic requires at least basic med supplies (such as emergency medpac). The
character must spend 6 hours & make a Hard (ddd) Medicine check. Increase the difficulty
twice if the character is operating on themself. On success, the cybernetic is attached & functional.
On failure, the cybernetic doesn't take & suffers minor damage. GM may spend to inflict 3 strain or
1 wound on the patient, and may spend y to have the patient suffers a Critical Injury from the
botched surgery.

Templates & Profiles

Name Price / Check Time Effect Examples
Prosthetic Hard (ddd) 12 replace functionality of lost Prosthetic limb
1,000 / 3
Replacement Mechanics hours limb or organ or organ
Replaces arm or leg; +1
Daunting 2 days Enhanced arm,
Cybernetic Brawn or Agility; can only
5,000 / 5 (dddd) (48 leg, or other
Appendage benefit from 1 cyberarm & 1
Mechanics hours) limb
cyberleg this way
Daunting 2 days Brain implant,
Cybernetic Provides 1 rank in a chosen
1,500 / 6 (dddd) (48 enhanced
Implant General skill
Mechanics hours) senses
Spending Results

Practice Makes Perfect: B to next check made w/ same skill before end of
A a or x
Integrated Tool: Choose a General skill; allows a character to makes checks
w/ the skill; at GM's discretion, this tool counts as the right tool for the job.
aa or x
Unobtrusive: Add b to checks to determine that the character has the
cybernetic installed
Tailored: if built for a specific being, does not require a check to be installed
O aaa or x
in that being
Inbuilt Weapon: Choose a weapon ⇐2 encumbrance that the character
aaaa or x possesses to built into cybernetic; add b to checks to determine the
cybernetic conceals the weapon (can only be selected once)
Ion-Shielded: does not shut down when affected by weapons w/ the Ion
xx quality
T t or y Exhausting Effort: character suffers 3 strain after Step 3: Construction
tt or y Difficult to Install: increase difficulty of any check to install this by 1
ttt or y Wear and Tear: crafting tools are damaged one step
Severe Feedback: when making a check using the cybernetic, character
suffers 1 strain

Additional Rules
Droid crafting follows the first 3 crafting steps per normal. After Step 3: Construction in completed
successfully, the PC is left with a lifeless chassis. The character may proceed to Step 4: Program
Directives at any point to finish the droid.

Step 4: Program Directives

This step is required to add actual intelligence to the lifeless chassis. The character chooses one of
the Droid Directive Templates and makes the listed check over the amount of time required.
If the character fails, the only thing lost is the time. Step 4 may be attempted again at the next
available opportunity.
If the character succeeds, the droid is brought online after the number of hours listed; every on the
check beyond the first reduces the time by 2 hours (to a minimum of 1). The droid is then an NPC
possessing the characteristics & attributes detailed in its Chassis Template & Directive Template.
Spending a, x,t, and y from the Directive Programming check follows the guidelines in the
Spending Droid Programming Results table; as with Step 3, the player first spends a& x , then
the GM spends t& y.
Chassis Templates

Name Material Price / Rarity Check Time

600 / 2 Average (dd) Mechanics 1 day (24 hours)

1 1 1 1 1 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Présence
Monotask Chassis
Soak Wounds Ranged / Melee
2 3 0/0

Abilities: Droid (doesn't need to eat/breath/drink, survive in

vacuum/underwater, immune to poisons/toxins), Silhouette 0
3,500 / 3 Average (dd) Mechanics 2 days (48 hours)

3 1 2 1 1 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Présence
Labor Chassis
Soak Wounds Ranged / Melee
4 7 0/0

Abilities: Droid (doesn't need to eat/breath/drink, survive in

vacuum/underwater, immune to poisons/toxins), Silhouette 1
(R) 3,250 / 4 Hard (ddd) Mechanics 2 days (48 hours)

2 2 1 1 1 1
Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Présence
Combat Chassis
Soak Wounds Ranged / Melee
4 4 0/0

Abilities: Droid (doesn't need to eat/breath/drink, survive in

vacuum/underwater, immune to poisons/toxins), Silhouette 1
Name Material Price / Rarity Check Time
Daunting (dddd)
4,500 / 3 3 days (56 hours)

1 1 2 2 2 2

Specialist Chassis Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Présence

Soak Wounds Ranged / Melee

3 11 0/0

Abilities: Droid (doesn't need to eat/breath/drink, survive in

vacuum/underwater, immune to poisons/toxins), Silhouette 1
Formidable (ddddd)
(R) 32,500 / 7 10 days (240 hours)

4 3 3 3 1 1
Advanced Combat Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Présence
Soak Wounds Ranged / Melee Strain
7 19 1/0 10

Abilities: Droid (doesn't need to eat/breath/drink, survive in

vacuum/underwater, immune to poisons/toxins), Silhouette 1

Spending Droid Chassis Results

Result Description
Practice Makes Perfect: B to next check w/ same skill before end of
A a or x Reinforced Chassis: +1 droid wound threshold
Unobtrusive: gain 1 rank of Indistinguishable talent (can only be selected
Lessons Learned: reduce difficulty of character's next crafting check by 1
aa or x Deflective Carapace: +1 melee defense (max 2)
Narrow Profile: +1 ranged defense (max 2)
Armor Plating: +1 soak (can only be selected once)
Unusual Size: +1 or -1 silhouette, min 0 (can only be selected once)
O aaa or x
Modular Hardware: choose 1 cybernetic implant; droid is already installed
w/ it at no additional cost (can only be selected once)
aaaa or x Chassis Schematic: create schematic that permanently reduces difficulty of
creating droids of this template by 1 (min of Simple (-))
Result Description
Superior Hardware: +1 to any 1 droid characteristic (max 6)
Doppelganger: build 1 additional/identical droid as part of construction
xx process
Exhausting Effort: character suffers 3 strain after finishing Step 3:
T t or y
Specialized Hardware: b to droid skill checks for which it has no rank in
applicable skill
Difficult to Customize: increase difficulty of checks to install cybernetics
tt or y
by 1
ttt or y Wear and Tear: crafting tools suffer one step of damage
Delicate Mechanisms: increase difficulty of repair checks by 1
Erratic Power Core: once per session, GM may spend yfrom any droid
tttt or y
check to have it shut down until end of encounter (can only be selected
Volatile Power Core: when droid suffers Critical Injury, +50 to result. If
yy result kills droid, it explodes & each engaged character takes 10 damage
(can only be selected once)

Droid Directive Templates

Name Check Time
Easy (d) Computers 8 hours
Directives Skills: 2 ranks in any one General skill. If droid is a minion, add this skill to its
group skills instead
Average (dd) Computers 16 hours
Combat Skills: 1 rank in 3 different combat skills (if a minion, add to group skills instead)
Directives Talents: Body Guard 1 (once per round, may perform Body Guard maneuver:
suffer 1 strain to upgrade difficulty of all combat checks against one engaged ally
until start of droid's next turn)
Hard (ddd) Computers 1 day (24 hours)
Translation Skills: 1 rank in 3 different Knowledge skills, Charm 1. If a minion, add these
Directives skills to its group skills instead.
Talents: Convincing Demeanor 1 (remove b from Deception & Skulduggery
checks), Kill with Kindness 1 (remove from Charm & Leadership checks)
Hard (ddd) Computers 1 day (24 hours)
Repair Skills: Computers 1, Mechanics 2. If a minion, add these to group skills instead.
Directives Talents: Gearhead 1 (remove b from Mechanics checks), Solid Repairs 1 (when
repairing hull trauma w/ a Mechanics check, repair 1 additional hull trauma)
Navigation Hard (ddd) Computers 3 days (72 hours)
Skills: Astrogation 2, Computers 1, Piloting (Space) 1. If a minion, add these to
group skills instead.
Talents: Galaxy Mapper 1 (remove b from Astrogation checks;Astrogation
checks take50% less time),Technical Aptitude 1(computer-related tasks
Name Check Time
take25%less time)
Daunting (dddd) Computers 3 days (72 hours)
Skills: Knowledge (Xenology) 1, Medicine 2. If minion, add to group skills
Healing instead.
Directives Talents: Bacta Specialist 1 (patients under droid's supervision heal 1 additional
wound each time they heal a wound), Surgeon 1 (when healing wounds w/
Medicine check, heal 1 additional wound)
Formidable (ddddd) Computers 7 days (168 hours)
Nemesis: If its chassis doesn't already make it a nemesis NPC, become a nemesis;
Elimination gains strain threshold equal to wound threshold.
Directives Skills: 4 ranks in each of 3 different Combat skills, Cool 2, Knowledge
(Xenology) 1, Mechanics 2, Stealth 2.
Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade difficulty of all combat check against this target
twice), Lethal Blows 3 (+30 to any Critical Injury rolls made against opponents.

Spending Droid Programming Results

Result Description
Random Positive Quirk: +1 randomly selected positive personality trait from
Droid Personality Traits (can only be selected once)
A a or x
Archival Functions: add 1 new Knowledge skill to droid at rank 1 (if minion,
add to group skills instead) (can only be selected once)
Adaptive Programming: +1 rank to any skill droid possesses; cannot be
applied to minion droids
Broad Utility: add 1 new General skill to droid at rank 1 (if minion, add to
aa or x
group skills instead) (can only be selected once)
Positive Quirk: +1 positive personality trait of crafter invention or choice from
Droid Personality Traits (can only be selected once)
Defensive Programming: add 1 new Combat skill to droid at rank 1 (if
minion, add to group skills instead) (can only be selected once)
O aaa or x
Behavioral Optimization: +1 rank to any ranked talent droid posses (can only
be selected once)
Program Pattern: create program that permanently reduces difficulty by 1 of
programming droids w/ this directive (min Simple [-])
“Eccentric”: add 1 randomly selected negative personality traid from Droid
T t or y
Personality Traits (can only be selected once)
Poor Listening Skills: bb to checks to give this droid orders (can only be
tt or y
selected once)
Negative Quirk: add 1 negative personality trait of GM's invention or choice
from Droid Personality Traits (can only be selected once)
ttt or y
Limited Programming: droid upgrades difficulty of skill checks for which it
has no ranks once
Unknown Flaw: add one secret negative personality trait of GM's invention or
yy choice from Droid Personality Traits; GM is responsible for how – if ever –
trait comes into play.
Droid Personality Traits

d100 Positive Trait Negative Trait

Loyal: puts creator's needs above its own,
Cowardly: sets survival as top priority, and
1 - 10 and always looks for ways to help -
shies away from any potential danger
whether asked or not
Resourceful: adapts to problems quickly,
Overly Literal: fails to grasp nuances of
11 - 20 and doesn't get trapped in its own overly
language beyond its direct meaning
narrow programming
Patient: unlike organic beings, droids are Arrogant: whether it believes itself to have
theoretically immortal if properly been built better than other droids or it
21 - 30 maintained. Thus, a droid can have a believes that droids are intrinsically superior
capacity for patience that even the most to more temporary life forms, this droid has a
long-lived organic beings lack. high opinion of its own abilities
Enthusiastic: has a boundless capacity to Impulsive: has a boundless capacity to see
31 - 40 see opportunities, and frequently points opportunities, and it usually acts on them
them out without warning
Ruthless: might be spiteful, or might just see
Compassionate: very caring, and seeks
41 - 50 emotion as inefficient, but this droid destroys
to nurture the best in those around it
anything that gets in its way
Efficient: abhors waste, and does Lazy: droids are built to fulfill certain
51 - 60 everything in the most timely and precise purposes, but this droid isn't particularly
manner it can muster interested in doing so if it can avoid it
Abrasive: dealing w/ this droid is
Well-Mannered: always maintains
extraordinarily frustrating. Whether it answers
61 - 70 perfect etiquette, even when dealing w/
w/ sarcasm or not at all, its words and actions
individuals it does not particularly like
are always barbed.
Pessimistic: Apparent doom lurks around
Cheerful: a good attitude is the first step
71 - 80 every corner for this droid, and it expresses
to success (or so says this droid, anyway)
this belief at every opportunity
Reliable: always comes through for its Unhinged: the only certainty w/ this droid is
81 - 90
creator or friends that its decisions can't be predicted
The GM invents or chooses one positive The player invents or chooses one negative
91 - 95
personality trait personality trait
The player invents or choose one positive The GM invents or choose one negative
96 - 100 personality trait and then rolls again on personality trait and then rolls again on this
this table table
Spending Results Engineering

result Description
A a or x Reduce to Essentials: The character salvages useful parts from the item the
character is working on, bypassing extraneous couplings or finding elements of
value amid debris nearby. For each a result spent this way, the Engineer
recovers 25 cred its' worth of parts.
Inspiring Solution: The character's current work leads to insight into the next
project. Add B to the next Engineering-focused skill check the character makes
during this encounter.
aa or x Exception al Perform ance: The character wrings extraordinary performance
from the item being worked upon. If the item generate B or removes b. It
instead generates BB or removes bb instead.
Efficient Modifications: The character makes some key tune-ups to personal
tools or to the subject of a current project. Add automatic a to the next
Mechanics check the character makes during this session or to the next check
made to use this item during the current session.
O aaa or x Efficient Power Usage: The character improves a weapon to better utilize its
power source. If the character was making the check to repair or maintain an
energy-based weapon (including a vehicle's weapons), that weapon cannot run
out of ammunition for the remainder of the session.
Insightful Planning: The character is able to draw on past and present
experiences to plan for the future. She may cake any number of safter the first
on the current check. remove them from the current check results, and add that
number of automatic a to a single Engineering-focused skill check later in the
same encounter.
x Surpass Limitations: Adjustments to piece or technology allow the character to
get it temporarily working at a level beyond its normal specifications. Before
making subsequent check with this item during the current session, or
the character may add subtract I from any of the item's characteristics. such as
increasing the damage by one or reducing the critical rating by one. This can
also be used to modify a range by one band or change a vehicle's handling by
one. After the check is re solved, the improvement is lost.
Reverse Engineering: After working on the item, vehicle, ship, the character's
comprehension of its technology becomes deep enough to rebuild it even better.
The device has its number hard points increased by one. This of cannot be
selected more than once per item.
T t or y Some Assembly Required: The character's efforts require more work than
anticipated. consuming further resources or time. The character must spend a
maneuver (if in structured time). increase the time required to complete the task
by 25% (if in narrative time), or use up to 10 credits in parts or salvage ..
Unconsidered Variables: When making a check to acquire information. such as
a Compute rs check to draw on a database or archive, or a Knowledge check of
any kind, the character fails to consider an important variable in the
search. The GM may choose a single check the character makes when acting on
the acquired information in the future and add bto that pool.
tt or y Temporary Overload: The character's efforts to repair or use an item cause it to
become unpleasant to operate. At the end of the encounter, when a character
using or carrying this item recovers stra in the amount the character recovers is
reduced by 2.
Hit a Glitch: Something in the recent operation of an item causes it to begin
operating erratically. For the remainder of the encounter, add automatic tto all
checks made to use or operate that item.
ttt or y Equipment Failure: A power surge, torn cou pling, or other failure causes the
character's tools to short out and fail. The GM selects one item or device the
character is using. This item ceases to function entirely for the duration ncounter
of the or narrative scene, starting after the end of the character's current turn (or
after the results of the current check take place in narrative time). This result
norma1y only affects small items, such as dataspikes, fusioncutters, and
hydrospanners. but the GM can spend tor yor to affect larger items.
Erroneous Calculations: The character makes a crucial error in planning that
causes trouble later on. The GM may add bb to a related or relevant
Engineering-focused check the character makes later in the session.
y Too Good a Job: All ied Alliance personnel are quite envious of the character's
(successful check) success in her engineer endeavors, and upon realizing who she is grow
uncooperative and disagreeable. Unti l the end of the encou nter. add automatic
tt to all social checks the character associated with this effort makes with
allied characters outside of the character's immediate circle .
Is It Supposed to Do That ?: The effort seems to succeed, but new problems
arose that are undetectable until later use or access. For the rest of the encoun
ter, any failed checks that involve use of this item inflict 2 strain on the
y Loss of Confidence: Whatever the character was hoping to accomplish ends in
(failed check) disaster as skills and ressources fail spectacularly. Any tools or equipment used
as part of the check are lost, and the terrible experience mean difficulty of any
similar checks is upgraded once until the end of the encounter due to the
character's self-doubt.
Droid Gone Bad: The effort to repair a droid goes quite poorly, and buried deep
in its programming, it wil l always remember the terrible experience. This could
also occur when a droid witnesses a frightening failure the character makes
concerning other droids. The GM can have this droid surreptitiously sabotage
efforts the PCs make, such as by adding automatic y to checks where
applicable. or otherwise (and perhaps unconsciously) attempting to inflict as
much pain and stress on the PCs as was inflicted on it.

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