Feedback Classwork Air and Water

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After reading the booklet of copies “Air and Water” and the Power Point presentation
“Air and Water” in your online notebook, answer the following questions:

1. Some scientist have a sample of liquid that they think might be water. Explain the two
chemical tests they could conduct on the sample to determine whether is water and the
expected results of the tests in the sample contained water.

Water treatment process flow diagram
Water treatment is any process that improves the quality of water to
R 2. Taking into account the treatment of water supply stated in the information you just read.
Plotmake it more acceptable
to explain for
specific end rainwater
ENT a graphic organizer would treat
You can add diagrams and conduct an internet research if needed.
for human consumption.

reatment of *Sludge Coagulants Sludge

s of filtration
Raw Water Screening Coagulation Flocculation Sedimentation

Distribution Storage Disinfection Filtration

Cl2 Sludge

*sludge = Wet muddy solid/semisolid

Screening: Remove large solids like logs, branches and twigs, fishes…

Coagulation (addition of chemicals)- Flocculation (particle aggregation)- sedimentation

(settling of large flocs)


The process of separating suspended particles/ particulate matter from a liquid
by forcing the liquid through a filter media
Two Major Types (based on filter media)
1. Sand Filtration
ne, the treatment of
n terms of filtration

raw water Raw water Raw water


coarse sand

Mechanical Adsorption
Lodging of large particles Sticking to the filter media
water out

Chlorination is the process of adding chlorine to drinking water to
disinfect it and kill germs. Different processes can be used to achieve
safe levels of chlorine in drinking water. Chlorine is available as
compressed elemental gas, sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl) or
solid calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl) . While the chemicals could be

harmful in high doses, when they are added to water, they all mix in and
spread out, resulting in low levels that kill germs but are still safe to
drink . The water may now be slightly acidic; if so, it can be treated with

an alkali to ensure that it is neutral. The water is now safe to drink.

3. The air is a mixture of different gases. Nitrogen is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere.
State the approximate percentage of nitrogen in the Earth’s
atmosphere. __________________________

. The remaining 1% of air is composed of noble gases, mostly argon, and a small
amount of carbon dioxide.

4. Oxygen is the next most common gas in the atmosphere. Yusuf and Valerie were trying to
determine the percentage of the atmosphere made up by oxygen. They set up an investigation
as shown in the diagram.

a. What compound is formed when the copper reacts with oxygen?. Suggest why the copper
is heated.

b. Yusuf and Valerie completed the investigation three times. Use the gas syringe diagrams
to complete in the table below: a) the ‘Volume of gas in the syringe at the end’ and b)
calculate the volume of oxygen used up in each investigation.

Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Experiment 3

c. One of the investigations was stopped before the reaction had finished. Suggest which one and
explain you answer.


The decrease in volume should be around 21 cm3. This oxygen has been removed from the air
inside the cylinder as it has reacted with the copper (to form copper oxide). Therefore, the
volume decrease shows us the percentage of oxygen in the air.

5. Rusting is a problem for the manufacturers of steel garden furniture. Some scientists are trying
to decide which method of rust prevention is best for their product. The three options for rust
prevention that could be used are painting, coating in plastic or coating in another metal. Plan an
experiment to see which of these methods of rust prevention is most effective and explain why. You
can use diagrams, words or a graphic organizer. Remember to show your experiment step by step.

Iron (Fe) is one of the most widely used metals. Steel, an alloy of iron, is also used
extensively in industry and construction. Iron and steel are vulnerable to rusting due
to oxygen in the atmosphere. Rusting is the common name given to the process
of oxidation. Iron reacts with the oxygen and water in the air to form hydrated iron
oxide. The reaction between iron, oxygen and water is an example of corrosion. The
orange-red powder formed by rusting is hydrated iron(III) oxide.

iron + water + oxygen → hydrated iron(III) oxide

2Fe(s) + 2H2O(l) + O2(g) → Fe2O3.H2O(s)

Note that this equation is not balanced, because the number of water molecules in
hydrated iron oxide can vary.
Rusting is a problem as it reduces the tensile strength of the iron or steel. If allowed
to rust, objects will eventually disintegrate (Figure 1). The presence of salt increases
the rate of rusting.

The most common method used in rust prevention is to create a barrier between the
iron and oxygen in the atmosphere.

6. Carbon dioxide is a gas in the atmosphere that has been linked to global warming.

a. List three ways in which carbon dioxide is formed.

b. Methane is another gas which has been linked to global warming. Give the chemical and display
formulae (cross and dot diagram) for methane.

c. When methane is burned it produces carbon dioxide. Write the word equation for this reaction.

d. Explain how increasing levels of carbon dioxide and methane in the Earth’s atmosphere is leading
to climate change.


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