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________________ NĂM HỌC ………………………….

ĐỀ THI THỬ SỐ 41 Môn: Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút
(không kể thời gian giao đề)

SECTION I: LISTENING (3.0 points) (You will hear twice for each part)
Part 1: Questions from 1 to 6. (1.2 points -0.2/ each)
Listen to a girl, called Teresa talking about going shopping with her sister. Choose the correct
answer from A, B or C for each of the following questions.
1. Teresa says when she goes clothes shopping with her sister Sabrina, she ________.
A. thinks the clothes she makes herself are better.
B. often buys clothes she doesn’t really like.
C. lets Sabrina choose some of her clothes for her.
2. Teresa and Sabrina went to the fashion store because ________.
A. they’d heard about it at school.
B. their mum wanted to do something nice for them.
C. they both felt they needed a new look.
3. Teresa says that when they first arrived, they ________.
A. had a kind of interview with the assistant.
B. looked at lots of clothes with the assistant.
C. told the assistant what sort of clothes they liked.
4. Teresa says that compared with her sister, she ________.
A. is a quieter person. B. wears smarter clothes. C. prefers brighter colours.
5. What clothes did the girls buy from the fashion store?
A. most of what the assistant showed them
B. only a few of their favourite items
C. things that were similar to their usual clothes
6. After their shopping trip, the girls ________.
A. changed back into their old clothes again.
B. bought a present for their mum.
C. had a special evening out.
Part 2: Questions from 6 to 15. (1.8 points - 0.2/ each)
Listen to the conversation between Angela and a man, asking about conference facilities at the
hotel. Fill in each blank space with no more than one word or number.

Flanders Conference Hotel

Customer Services Manager: Angela
Date available
• weekend beginning February 4th
Conference facilities
• the (7) Tesla room for talks
(projector and (8) microphone available)
• area for coffee and an (9) exhibition
• free (10) wifi throughout
• a standard buffet lunch costs $ 45 per head

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Rooms will cost (11) $ 135 including breakfast.
Other facilities
• The hotel also has a spa and rooftop (12) pool
• There’s a free shuttle service to the (13) airport
• Wilby Street (quite near the (14) sea)
• near to restaurants and many (15) clubs
Part 1: Questions from 16 to 35. (3.0 points - 0.15/ each)
Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to best complete the following sentences.
16. Corporations have been donating more and more to ________.
A. the needy B. the need C. the needed people D. the needed
17. The play is very long but there are three ________.
A. intervals B. breaks C. rests D. naps
18. Going on this diet has really ________ me good. I’ve lost weight and I feel fantastic!
A. made B. taken C. done D. had
19. There is ________in my bedroom.
A. an old wooden square table B. a square wooden old table
C. a wooden old square table D. an old square wooden table
20. Mrs. Smith always likes someone to ________ her to the bus stop at night.
A. go B. company C. join D. accompany
21. The couple decided to ________some money every month for their retirement.
A. put off B. put aside C. take on D. take against
22. Money was short and people survived by ________ and saving.
A. scrimping B. scavenging C. scouring D. scrounging
23. Although he acts tough, ________.
A. his bark is worse than his bite B. he’s a tough nut to crack
C. he’s learned the hard way D. he isn’t up to scratch
24. When his manager went on a business trip, Mark stepped into the ________and chaired the
A. hole B. breach C. pool D. crack
25. ________in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.
A. Founding B. Founded C. Being founded D. It was founded
26. ________an emergency arise, call 113.
A. Should B. Can C. Does D. Will
27. After three days in the desert, his mind began to play ________on him.
A. games B. jokes C. tricks D. fun
28. It is very easy for the undereducated to be ________by slick-talking salesmen.
A. washed up B. heard from C. taken in D. turned over
29. The size and shape of a nail depend primarily on the function ______ intended.
A. which it is B. for which it C. which it is for D. for which is
30. The facilities of the older hospital are as good _______.
A. as or better than that of the new hospital B. as or better that the new hospital
C. as or better than those of the new hospital D. as or better than the new hospital
31. Hello. Is that 4578? Please put me ________ to the manager.
A. across B. up C. over D. through
put through nối máy với ai
32. A: “Do you know how old I am?” - B: “_______ .”
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A. Happy birthday B. I couldn’t help it C. Don’t mention it D. I haven’t a clue
33. By the end of this month I _______ at this school for two years.
A. have been studying B. will study
C. will have been studying D. will be studying
34. Please cut my hair _______ the style in this magazine.
A. the same length as B. the same long as C. the same length like D. the same long like
35. People of all countries are expected to ________the principles of the United Nations.
A. uphold B. inspect C. exaggerate D. integrate
- uphold (v) ủng hộ, tán thành, đỡ, chống, chống đỡ
- inspect (v) xem xét kỹ, kiểm tra, thanh tra
- exaggerate (v) thổi phồng, phóng đại, cường điệu
- integrate (v) hợp nhất
Part 2: Questions from 36 to 45. (2 points - 0.2/ each)
Use the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each sentence.
36. She was undoubtedly gifted: as a writer and as a painter. (doubt)
37. The illitaracy rate on the island is still unacceptably high. (accept)
38. They studied the geographical distribution of the disease. (distribute)
39. Most people agree that Christmas has become too commercialized. (commerce)
40. They told me the museum was open today but was obviously misinformed. (inform)
41. She found that it was difficult to handle children who misbehaved in class. (behave)
42. Paul’s hatred for the occupants grew much stronger when he learned about his (hate)
parents’ death.
43. The pottery we have found under the rocks is the most evident proof of human (prove)
existence on the island.
44. Disobedience at this school is severely punished, so remember to mind your (obey)
manners both during the lessons and outside the classroom.
45. The view that came into perspective was breathtaking. No wonder, they lingered (breath)
on the hill enchanted by the lush tropical forests and haze of moist air hanging above
their heads.
Part 3: Questions from 46 to 50. (1 point - 0.2/ each)
Each of the following sentences has an error. Find the errors and correct them.
46. She must have lose her way; otherwise, she would have arrived by now.  lost
47. Hardly had he entered the office than he realized that he had forgotten his wallet.  when
48. With its compound eyes, dragonflies can see moving insects approximately 18 feet away.  their
49. The president, with his wife and daughter, attend a press conference this afternoon. attends
50. Fertilize farmland is one of the biggest natural resources in the Central States. Fertilizing / to
Part 4: Questions from 51 to 55. (1 point - 0.2/ each)
Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition.
51. I sometimes drop in to see my grandparents on my way home from school.
52. Make sure to watch out for pick-pockets when you go to the market.
53. We set off at six in the morning on our drive to the Grand Canyon.
54. When I was staying in German last year, I picked up quite a lot of German.
55. There is just too much work to be done. We’ll have to take on some new employees.
drop in – ghé qua, thăm viếng
watch out for – look out for coi chừng
set off - khởi hành
picked up - thu lượm
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take on - tuyển dụng
Part 1. Questions 56 to 65 (2 points - 0.2/ each)
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.
We are inviting you to join us for a walk through the streets of London in order to solve a trail
of clues left by Professor Moriarty. This (56) ________ experience is inspired by popular Sherlock
Holmes novels; one of fiction’s most beloved characters. While (57) ________ the criminal
mastermind(n) người đứng sau Professor Moriarty, you will step experience (58) ________ dangers.
Be prepared to get yourself into (59) ________ by wearing a hat, coat and other Sherlock costumes.
You may get (60) ________ in a murder case or be gathering intelligence to find a missing person.
Whatever the mission is, you should try to (61) ________ it with Dr Watson’s help. The whole thing
looks (62) ________ simple but is quite complex in practice, so when you are (63) ________ a
situation, think about multiple ways it could (64) ________ in the end. You will need about 3–4
hours. It will start with a (65) ________ at the venue. All you need is to get a group of your friends
together and show up at the venue.
56. A. candid: thật thà, bộc trực B. authentic:xác thực , đáng tin cậy C.
unsettling D. immersive : sống động
57. A. tracking down(v) tìm thấy sau 1 cuộc tìm kiếm lâu dài B. bringing in C. covering
up D. holding up
58. A. undeniable B. unreasonable C. unrealistic D. unimaginable
59. A. character(v) đóng vai nhân vật B. disguise C. deception D. fantasy
60. A. captured out B. caught up (v) cuốn vào C. held up D. embarked upon
61. A. stay away from B. come up to C. get out of D. watch out for
62. A. visibly B. obviously C. actually D. deceptively: lùa dối, dối
63. A. confronted with: đương đầu B. brought in C. taken in D. put out

64. A. come up B. make out C. turn out D. give in

65. A. background B. briefing(n) lời chỉ dẫn C. discussion D.
Part 2. Questions 66 – 75 (2.0 points - 0.2/ each)
Read the passage below and choose the best answer to each question.
Colors and Emotions
Colors are one of the most exciting experiences in life. I love them, and they are just as
important to me as emotions are. Have you ever wondered how the two are so intimately related?
Color directly affects your emotions. Color both reflects the current state of your emotions,
and is something that you can use to improve or change your emotions. The color that you choose to
wear either refects your current state of being, or reflects the color or emotion that you need.
The colors that you wear affect you much more than they affect the people around you. Of
course thay also affect anyone who comes in contract with you, but you are the one saturated with the
color all day ! I even choose items around me based on their color. In the morning, I choose my
clothes based on the color or emotion that I need for the day. So you can consciously use color to
control the emotions that you are exposed to, which can help you to feel better.
Color, sound, and emotions are all vibrations. Emotions are literally energy in motion; they are
meant to move and flow. This is the reason that real feelings are the fastest way to get your energy in
motion. Also, flowing energy is exactly what creates healthy cells in your body. So, the fastest wau to

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be healthy is to be open to your real feelings. Alternately, the fastest way to create disease is to inhibit
your emotions.
66. What is the main edea of the passage?
A. Colorful clothes can change your mood
B. Emotions and colors are closely related to each other.
C. Colors can help you become healthy.
D. Colors are one of the most exciting.
67. Which of the following can be affected by color?
A. Your need for thrills B. your friend's feelings
C. your appetite D. your mood
68. Who is more influenced by colors you wear?
A. The people around you are more influenced
B. neither A nor C
C. You are more influenced
D. Both A and C
69. According to the passage, what do color, sound, and emotion all have in common?
A. They all affect the cells of the body B. They are all forms of motion
C. They are all related to health D. none of the above
70. According to this passage, what creates disease?
A. wearing the color black B. exposing yourself to bright colors
C. being open to your emotions D. ignoring your emotions
71. The term "intimately" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. clearly B. closely C. obviously D. simply
72. The term "they" in paragraph 3 refers to
A. emotions B. people C. colors D. none of the above
73. Why does the author mention that color and emotions are both vibrations?
A. to show how color can affect energy levels in the body.
B. Because they both affect how we feel.
C. to prove the relationship between emotions and color.
D. Because vibrations make you healthy.
74. The phrase "saturated with" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. bored with B. in need of C. covered with D. lacking in
75. What is the purpose of the passage?
A. to persuade the reader that colors can influence emotions and give a person more energy
B. to show that colors are important for a healthy life
C. to give an objective account of how colors affect emotions
D. to prove the relationship between color and emotion
Part 3: Questions 76 – 85. (2.0 points- 0.2/ each).
Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap.
In April 2002, Erich Ritter, a shark expert, was carrying (76) out research in the Bahamas
when part of his leg was bitten off by an adult shark that was pursuing a large fish. (77) There was
nothing unusual about the incident, (78) except for the fact that Ritter had claimed to know how to
prevent sharks from attacking him. He believed that sharks could sense fear, and that this triggers the
attack response. Dr Ritter, a yoga expert, had learnt (78) how to lower his heart rate, believing that
this could fool the sharks and they would (80) not see him as prey. When he was attacked, he was
actually standing bare-legged in water, surrounded by pieces of fish which had (81) been thrown into
the water to attract sharks. (82) Other shark experts were unsurprised by the incident. They felt that
something like this was bound to happen. He had been risking his life for years because of his
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theories, although they had (83) already been proved. At the time of the attack, Dr Ritter was (84)
being filmed by a TV crew, so the whole horrific incident was recorded. A documentary called
Anatomy of a Shark Bitewas made a year (85) later. This showed footage of the attack as well as Dr
Ritter diving with sharks again for the first time since he had been bitten.
Part 1: Questions 86 – 95. (1 point- 0.2/ each)
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it.
86. It is known that colourful T-shirts were popular during the 1960s.
 Colourful T-shirts are known to have been popular during the 1960s.
87. It was wrong of you to be rude to Judy last night.
 I’d rather you hadn’t been rude to Judy last night.
88. Someone has suggested the resignation of the minister.
 It has been suggested that the minister should resign.
 It has been someone that suggested the resignation of the minister.
89. She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.
 However hard she works, she never seems to succeed.
90. I never thought that I would win a prize
 It had never crossed my mind that I’d win a prize.
91. You should make an effort to get out and about more.
 It's high time you got out and about more.
 It's high time for you to get out and about more.
92. A new flu vaccine has been on trial since the beginning of the year.
 They have been trying out a new flu vaccine since the beginning of the year.
 They have been testing a new flu vaccine since the beginning of the year.
 They have tested a new flu vaccine since the beginning of the year.
93. The only thing that kept us out of prison was the way he spoke the local dialect.
 But for his command of the local dialect, we could have been put into prison / jail.
 But for his command of the local dialect, we would have been in prison.
94. She never seems to succeed even though she works hard
 Hard as/ though she works, she never seems to succeed.
95. When she got to the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
 On her arrival at the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
 On her arriving at the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
 On her getting at the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
Part 2: Questions 96 – 105. (1 point - 0.2/ each)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given.
96. My father is not feeling well these days. (weather)
 My father is feeling (a bit) under the weather these days.
 My father is under the weather these days.
97. Don’t run away with the idea that this job is easy. (conclusion)
 Don’t come / jump to/draw a conclusion that this job is easy.
98. His choice always followed what his wife decided. (step)
 His choice was always in step with what his wife decided.
be in step with - having ideas or actions that are like those of other people
99. I was made responsible for foreign sales. (charge)
 They put me in charge of foreign sales.
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100. I know I can convince Dave that I'm right about this matter. (bring)
 I know I can bring Dave round to my way of thinking on this matter.
bring s.o round to – talk s.o into doing sth – convince – persuade
101. You must never mention this to him. (no)
 Under no circumstances must you mention this to him.
102. I've forgotten that commentator's name but he's very well-known. (whose)
 That commentator, whose name I’ve forgot/ forgotten, is very well – known.
103. Martin cannot go any higher in his career. (pinnacle)
 Martin has reached the pinnacle of his career.
104. If I was left alone, I would finish the job quickly. (interrupting)
 If you hadn’t kept interrupting/ stopped interrupting me, I would finish the job quickly.
105. George has been unemployed for two years now. (out)
 George has been out of work for two years now.

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