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Client Name : MARIA M. VICENTE
Design File : C:\Users\USER\Desktop\4 STOREY SCHOOL BUILDING\RCDC\F1.rcdx
Analysis File : C:\Users\USER\Desktop\4 STOREY SCHOOL
Analysis Last Modified : 23/01/2024 10:37:15 PM

1. A = Plan area of footing base in 'sqmm'
2. Ast (min) = Area of longitudinal reinforcement as per code in 'sqmm'
3. Ast Prv = Area of tensile reinforcement provided in 'sqmm'
4. Ast Rqd = Area of longitudinal reinforcement from bearing moment and minimum % steel
provided by user and as per code in 'sqmm'
5. Av = Area of shear reinforcement required in 'sqmm/m'
6. AvPrv = Area of shear reinforcement provided in 'sqmm/m'
7. A1 = Bearing area of footing at slope of 1:2 in 'sqmm'
8. A2 = C/s Area of column in 'sqmm'
9. B = Width of footing base in 'mm'
10. Beff = Effective width of footing in 'mm'
11. Boff = Footing offset along B in 'mm'
12. BoffB = Footing offset along B above column in plan in 'mm'
13. BoffT = Footing offset along B below column in planin 'mm'
14. B1 = Width of sloped footing at top in 'mm'
15. ColOff = Column offset in sloped footing in 'mm'
16. Cx = Width of column in 'mm'
17. Cy = Length of Column in 'mm'
18. D = Depth of footing in 'mm'
19. d = Effective Depth of footing in 'mm'
20. Dfd = Depth of founding layer in 'm'
21. Dw = Ground water level in 'm'
22. Ec = Modulus of elasticity of concrete in 'N/sqmm'
23. Es = Modulus of elasticity of steel in 'N/sqmm'
24. Foss = Safety factor against sliding
25. Fosu = Safety factor against uplift
26. Fst = Stress in steel in 'N/sqmm'
27. F'c = Characteristic strength of concrete in 'N/sqmm'
28. Icr = Moment of Inertia of concrete crack section in 'mm4'
29. L = Length of footing base in 'mm'
30. Leff = Effective length of footing in 'mm'
31. Loff = Footing offset along L in 'mm'
32. LoffL = Footing offset along L on left side of column in 'mm'
33. LoffR = Footing offset along L on right side of column in 'mm'
34. L1 = Length of sloped footing at top in 'mm'
35. Mcr = Cracking Moment
36. Mx = Bending Moment along column D in 'kNm'
37. Mex = Eccentricity moment along column D
38. Mxx = Total Bending Moment along column D (Mx + Mex)
39. My = Bending Moment along column B in 'kNm'
40. Mey = Eccentricity moment along column B
41. Myy = Total Bending Moment along column B (My + Mey)
42. Muy = Factored moment along column B in 'kNm'
43. Mux = Factored moment along column D in 'kNm'
44. Netdown = Net downward load in 'kN'
45. OB = Maximum permissible offset On bottom side Of column
46. OL = Maximum permissible offset On left side Of column
47. Or = Maximum permissible offset On right side Of column
48. OT = Maximum permissible offset On top side Of column

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49. P = Axial load For footing sizing In 'kN'

50. Pcr(axial) = Design pressure at the critical section in 'kN/sqm'
51. P1 = Soil pressure at corner 1 In 'kN/sqm'
52. P2 = Soil pressure at corner 2 'kN/sqm'
53. P3 = Soil pressure at corner 3 'kN/sqm'
54. P4 = Soil pressure at corner 4 'kN/sqm'
55. q = Surcharge Load In 'kN/sqm'
56. sp = Spacing Between bars at outer most layer In 'mm'
57. SPu = Upward Soil Pressure In 'kN/sqm'
58. SPuL = Upward Soil Pressure from left
59. SPuR = Upward Soil Pressure from right
60. SPuB = Upward Soil Pressure from bottom
61. SPuT = Upward Soil Pressure from top
62. Temp1 = Peak Hydration temperature In Degree
63. Temp2 = Seasonal Temperature Variations In Degree
64. Vs Capacity = Shear strength capacity Of provided shear reinforcement 'kN'
65. Vs = Nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement, in 'kN'
66. Vc = Nominal shear strength provided by concrete in 'kN'
67. Vu = Design shear force in 'kN'
68. Vus = Strength of shear reinforcement in 'kN'
69. Vx = Shear along major axis in 'kN'
70. Vy = Shear along minor axis in 'kN'
71. Waterpr = Upward water pressure in 'kN/sqm'
72. Waterup = Upward force due to water in 'kN/sqm'
73. WFoot = Add. Wt. due to difference in concrete and soil density in 'kN'
74. WFootc = Weight of footing and column with concrete density in 'kN'
75. WSoil = Weight of soil covering footing area in 'kN'
76. y = Neutral axis depth.
77. Zx = Section modulus of footing base along L in 'mm4'
78. Zy = Section modulus of footing base along B in 'mm4'
79. Φ = Strength reduction factor in shear
80. Φ1 = Strength reduction factor in concrete bearing
81. Φ1Pnb = Bearing strength of column in 'kN'

Code References:
NSCP C101 - 2015
Sr.No. Item Clause / Table
1. Ptmax : 407.3.3.1, 408.3.3.1, 409.3.3.1
2. Ptmin : 407.6.1.1 & 408.6.1.1/407.7.2.3
3. Vc : 422.6.5
4. Av : 422.5.10.5 & 422.6.7
5. Max Stirrup Spacing : 409.7.6.2 & 410.7.6.5
6. Vs : 422.5.1.2
7. fs,perm : 424.3.2.1
8. fc,perm : 422.
9. Wcr : Eq 1-2 ( ACI 224R-01)

: NSCP C101 - 2015
Footing No : FC1
( 600
: C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C35,C36,C37,C38,C39,C40,C41,C42,C43,C44,C45,C46,C47,C48 mm X
600 mm)
: 179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206

: C25

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Steel Grade : Fy420
: 40 mm
Dfd : 4m
Dw : 1m

Density of
= 18 kN/cum
Bearing = 200 kN/sqm
Bearing = 272 kN/sqm
Permissible = 33 %
Increase for
Permissible = 33 %
Increase for
Live Load = 0 %
Permissible = 30 %
area of loss
of contact

Cross : Maximum pressure


Footing Type : Pad

Footing Size (L x B x D) : 3250mm X 3250mm X 450mm
Without considering Effect of Water Table
Footing Self Wt., F1 = 118.83 kN
Soil Weight, S1 = 651.94 kN
Total Weight, W1 = F1 + S1
= 770.77 kN
Considering Effect of Water Table
Footing Self Wt., F2 = 71.3 kN
Soil Weight, S2 = 391.78 kN
Weight of Water (Submerged column), Wc = 9.18 kN
Total Weight, W2 = F2 + S2 - Wc
= 453.89 kN
Offset Along L (Loff) = 1325 mm
Offset Along B (Boff) = 1325 mm

Check For Maximum Soil Pressure:

Critical Column No = C6
Critical Analysis Load Combination = 3
Critical Load Combination = [1] : (LOAD 1: DL) +(LOAD 2: LL)
Pcomb = 2015.68 kN
P = Pcomb + W1
P = 2786.45 kN
Mx = 7.57 kNm
My = -24.66 kNm
P/A = 263.81 kN/sqm

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Mx/Zx = 1.32 kN/sqm

My/Zy = -4.31 kN/sqm
Maximum Soil Pressure = 269.44 kN/sqm
Allowable Soil Pressure = (1 X 200) + 72 kN/sqm
= 272 kN/sqm

Check For Minimum Soil Pressure:

Critical Column No = C48
Critical Analysis Load Combination = 5
Critical Load Combination = [3] : 0.6 (LOAD 1: DL)
Pcomb = 539.45 kN
P = Pcomb + W2 x 0.6
P = 811.79 kN
Mx = 3.4 kNm
My = 6.42 kNm
P/A = 76.86 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 0.59 kN/sqm
My/Zy = 1.12 kN/sqm
Minimum Soil Pressure = 75.14 kN/sqm
> 0

Design For Bending:

Bottom Reinforcement Along L:
Critical Column No = C6
Critical Analysis Load Combination = 3
Critical Load Combination = [5] : (LOAD 1: DL) +(LOAD 2: LL)
Pu = 2015.68 kN
Mux = 7.57 kNm
Muy = -24.66 kNm
P/A = 190.83 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.32 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -4.31 kN/sqm

Deff = 402 mm
Beff = 3250 mm
SPu = 196.47 kN/sqm
Mu = SPu X B X Loff X Loff / 2
= 560.5 kNm
Ast Rqd = 3797.67 sqmm
Ast (min) = 2632.5 sqmm
Ast Prv (Distributed Across Total Width) = 12 - #25 @ 300
= 5890.44 sqmm

Top Steel Along L:

Ast Prv (Distributed Across Total Width) = 12 - #25 @ 300 c/c
= 5890.44 sqmm

Bottom Reinforcement Along B:

Critical Column No = C6
Critical Analysis Load Combination = 3
Critical Load Combination = [5] : (LOAD 1: DL) +(LOAD 2: LL)
Pu = 2015.68 kN
Mux = 7.57 kNm
Muy = -24.66 kNm
P/A = 190.83 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.32 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -4.31 kN/sqm

Deff = 386 mm
Leff = 3250 mm

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SPu = 196.47 kN/sqm

Mu = SPu X L X Boff X Boff / 2
= 560.5 kNm
Ast Rqd = 3965.34 sqmm
Ast (min) = 2632.5 sqmm
Ast Prv (Distributed Across Total Length) = 12 - #25 @ 300
= 5890.44 sqmm

Top Steel Along B:

Ast Prv (Distributed Across Total Length) = 12 - #25 @ 300 c/c
= 5890.44 sqmm
Design For Shear:
One Way Shear Along L:
Critical Section @ d from Column Face
= 402 mm
Critical Column No = C6
Critical Analysis Load Combination = 3
Critical Load Combination = [5] : (LOAD 1: DL) +(LOAD 2: LL)
Pu = 2015.68 kN
Mux = 7.57 kNm
Muy = -24.66 kNm
P/A = 190.83 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.32 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -4.31 kN/sqm

Deff = 402 mm
Beff = 3250 mm
SPu = 196.47 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Loff - d) X B
= 589.35 kN
φVc = 832.32 kN
Vu < φVc

One Way Shear Along B:

Critical Section @ d from Column Face

= 386 mm
Critical Column No = C6
Critical Analysis Load Combination = 3
Critical Load Combination = [5] : (LOAD 1: DL) +(LOAD 2: LL)
Pu = 2015.68 kN
Mux = 7.57 kNm
Muy = -24.66 kNm
P/A = 190.83 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.32 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -4.31 kN/sqm

Deff = 386 mm
Leff = 3250 mm
SPu = 196.47 kN/sqm
Vu = SPu X (Boff - d) X L
= 599.57 kN
φVc = 803.26 kN
Vu < φVc

Design For Punching Shear:

Critical Section @ d/2 from Column Face
= 197 mm

Critical Column No = C6

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Critical Analysis Load Combination = 3

Critical Load Combination = [5] : (LOAD 1: DL) +(LOAD 2: LL)
Pu = 2015.68 kN
Mux = 7.57 kNm
Muy = -24.66 kNm
P/A = 190.83 kN/sqm
Mx/Zx = 1.32 kN/sqm
My/Zy = -4.31 kN/sqm

Deff = 394 mm
Leff = 994 mm
Beff = 994 mm
Punching Perimeter = 3976 mm
Punching Area = 1566544 sqmm
SPu = Max Pressure
= 196.47 kN/sqm
Vu = { SPu [ (L x B)- (Leff x Beff)]}
= 1881.08 kN
φVn = 2937.27 kN
φVc = 1938.6 kN
No Shear Reinforcement
Vu < φVc

Load Transfer Check For Load Transfer From Column To Footing

Critical Column No = C6
Critical Analysis Load Combination = 3
Critical Load Combination = [5] : (LOAD 1: DL) +(LOAD 2: LL)
Pu = 2015.68 kN
A2 = 0.36 sqm
A1 = 5.76 sqm
Base Area = 10.56 sqm
A1 < Base Area
Modification Factor = SquareRoot(A1/A2) < = 2
SquareRoot(A1/A2) = 4
Thus, Modification Factor = 2
Φ1 = 0.65
Φ1Pnb = Φ1 X 0.85 X Fck X Modification Factor X Column Area
= 9945 kN
Φ1Pnb > Pu, Hence Safe.

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