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Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM) Volume 13 Number 1 (2023)

Effect of Digital Literacy on Individual Work

Performance Among Practicing Lawyers in Malaysia

Ain Syahirah Abd Rahim1, Mohammad Fazli Baharuddin2, Abdurrahman Jalil3,

Zahari Mohd Amin4 and Fadhilnor Rahmad5
Bar Council Malaysia,
50050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
School of Information Science, College of Computing, Informatics and Media,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


Received Date: 10 January 2023

Acceptance Date: 3 March 2023
Published Date: 1 April 2023

Abstract. Working industry adapting the changes in working environment are

influenced by employee capabilities in adapting new situation especially involv-
ing the technology. Law practitioner’s fields are also affected from the change of
how the industry works. Work wise, this transition gives an impact to the perfor-
mance in term of facilities and evaluation of accurate legal materials. This study
investigated the effect of digital literacy on individual work performance among
practicing lawyers in Malaysia. The data was collected from 271 respondents
which were extracted into statistics testing using Statistical Package for the Social
Science (SPSS) and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling
(SmartPLS). The results revealed that the independent variables, namely tech-
nical skill, cognitive skill and social-emotional skill, influenced individual work
performance. This paper provides in depth discussion on significant relationship
between digital literacy and individual work performance among the practicing
lawyers in Malaysia.
Keywords: Digital literacy, individual work performance, practicing lawyers,
Malaysia, information management.

1 Introduction

Since the Industrial Revolution (IR), technology has evolved rapidly and will con-
tinue to expand and change accordingly. The rate of development is so rapid that new
technologies can become obsolete before the corresponding research is published
(Manderino & Castek, 2020). The advanced state of technology necessitates that or-
ganizations adopt and implement technology at every level so that employees can in-
crease their productivity and work ethic. Digital literacy is the comprehension of

Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM) Volume 13 Number 1 (2023)

technical methods and information, as well as the cognitive and emotional skills re-
quired to manipulate multi-formatted data using a computer (Bunyamin Ayhan, 2016).
Rich et al., (2010) revealed that digital literacy has an effect on the attitudes and conduct
of employees. Utilization of technology is widespread in the legal industry, where the
number of practises and services has evolved concurrently with the use of technology.
Numerous initiatives, such as virtual hearings, e-review, and online submissions,
demonstrate the legal industry's efforts to adapt to change (Habrat, 2020). The rapid
development of the technology shown the legal firms in Malaysia encounter challenges
in terms of dealing with documents, processing efficiency, case management, and mar-
keting Juriah and Shukriah, (2020). To understand the wholeness of digital literacy to-
wards individual work performance among practicing lawyers in Malaysia, this study
has been conducted based on research question raised as below:

Q1. What is the level of skill of practicing lawyers on digital literacy and individual
work performance?

Q2. How do the technical skills, cognitive skills, and socio-emotional skills affect
the individual work performance among practicing lawyers in Malaysia?

2 Literature Review

2.1 Individual Work Performance and Legal Professional

According to Malaysia legislation on Legal Profession Act 1967 [Act166], practic-

ing lawyers is an individual who qualified to practice the law in Malaysia by acquiring
a practicing certificate from a Malaysian Bar. The practitioners in Malaysia are gradu-
ates from the universities that approved by Legal Profession Qualifying Board (LPQB)
or passed the Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP) and Bar Professional Training Course
(BPC). In addition, practicing attorneys are required to update their professional li-
censes on an annual basis. In the field of practice, there are many different kinds of
disciplines. The areas of litigation, conveyancing, and corporate law constitute the ma-
jority of practice. In Malaysia, there are approximately 20,384 active lawyers who have
been granted the certificate, which allows them to work as partners, sole proprietors,
legal associates, or consultants in the legal industry.
Meanwhile, individual work performance is the ability of employees to perform ac-
cording to the task given that is parallel with organization goals and objectives. The
performance measures how well one individual fulfills his or her work requirements
(Agim & Azolo, 2019). Numerous publications demonstrate that digital literacy im-
proves individual work performance. Digital literacy has an impact in the creation and
implementation of new ideas, the reduction of the manual labor work, providing better
services to the user, improving satisfaction among the employees, and becoming sur-
vival skills for practicing lawyers to deal with issues in the digital era. (Abbas et al.,
2014; Agim & Azolo, 2019; Alkalai, 2004; Mohd Abas et al., 2019; Philosophy &
Itsekor, 2012).

Effect of Digital Literacy on Individual Work Performance Among Practicing Lawyers in Ma-

2.2 Digital Literacy

Digital literacy can be defined as comprehension of technical methods, information,

and the ability to manipulate multi-formatting data by using a computer with cognitive
and emotional skills (Bunyamin Ayhan, 2016). Meanwhile, Phuapan et al. (2015); Rah-
man et al. (2020) highlighted several of the landscape of digital literacy, including the
ability to understand information presented in multiple formats, as well as the ability to
manipulate software in digital devices, all of which involve cognitive, motor, sociolog-
ical, and emotional processes in order to function in digital environments. As listed, the
review will focus on three skills that are related with digital literacy namely, technical
skill, cognitive skill and social-emotional skill.
Technical skills in this context can be portrayed as the ability to deliver tasks through
a digital platform with a technical and operational skillset that enables the person who
possesses the attribute to manipulate their knowledge in using hardware and software
in the correct manner with minimal instruction (Ng, 2012). In other words, technical
skills are abilities to deliver tasks. The skills set obtained influences the way of thinking,
decision-making process, and creativity and creates flexibility to manipulate the skills
suitable for their use (Alkalai, 2004; Calvani et al., 2008; Porat et al., 2018).
Cognitive skills in digital literacy are the abilities to think critically in searching,
evaluating and creating a cycle of digital information handling (Baharuddin et al.,
2021). In addition to this, decision-making is required in order to select or choose a
platform, software, or tools with which to do a task. The cognitive abilities cover the
aspect of selecting the platform for managing digital information as well as their con-
cerns in legal and ethical contexts (Ng, 2012; Vodă et al., 2022). Calvani et al., (2008)
stated that the multidimensional attribute is part of cognitive skills in digital literacy
which is the ability to read, select, interpret and evaluate data and information by taking
into account their reliability. Eshet (2012) evaluatesd performance in the digital envi-
ronment based on the utilisation of cognitive abilities. The cognitive ability was able to
provide an accurate representation of the performance of the employers in the digital
setting. The favorable outcome is was due to the contribution of competent educators
and software experts who provided useful guidelines. Manovich, (2013) mentioned one
of the cognitive tools of digital literacy is visualization.
Furthermore, the social-emotional facets of interacting with others, working to-
gether, and accomplishing day-to-day chores through the use of an online platform were
covered by socio-emotional skills (Ng, 2012). This could be accomplished by adhering
to ethical standards when using a digital platform in order to prevent misunderstand-
ings, keep personal information as confidential as is reasonably possible, and react in
an appropriate manner when dealing with any problems that may arise on the digital
platform. (Agim & Azolo, 2019; Ng, 2012). The rapid growth of internet communica-
tion causes the socio-emotional skill to be important in handling digital content as
quoted by Eshet (2012). These abilities are necessary to maintain a successful commu-
nication presence in cyberspace. According to Manovich (2013), the various kinds of
information platforms will each provide their own unique expressions and representa-
tions, each of which will have an emotional impact on the user.

Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM) Volume 13 Number 1 (2023)

3 Theoretical Framework

Models from Calvani et al. (2008), Ng (2012), and Santoso et al. (2019) has been
adapted and adopted for this study to discover the effect of digital literacy on the indi-
vidual work performance among practicing lawyers in Malaysia. There are three poten-
tial independent variables that can be used to indicate digital literacy. These variables
are technical, cognitive, and socio-emotional skill. Individual work performance is the
variable that would serve as the dependent variable among practicing lawyers. Three
hypotheses have been determined for this study which are:

H1: Technical skill has a positive relationship with work performance among practic-
ing lawyers.
H2: Cognitive skill has a positive relationship with work performance among practic-
ing lawyers.
H3: Social-Emotional skill has a positive relationship with work performance among
practicing lawyers.

The proposed framework depicted in Figure 1 shows the technicial skill, cognitive
skill and social-emotional skill, hypothesised to impact on individual work perfor-

Figure 1: Theoretical Framework

4 Methodology

This study was conducted in quantitative nature and the survey research was used as
a technique to collect data. This study performed evaluation on a population of 20,384,
with a minimum sample size of 269 respondents among practicing lawyers in Malaysia.

Effect of Digital Literacy on Individual Work Performance Among Practicing Lawyers in Ma-
The questionnaires were developed according to research questions and the theoretical
framework. It was a close-ended question using 5 Likert Scale that enables the respond-
ent to select any options provided by the researchers. These techniques assisted the
researcher to collect quantitative data systematically so that the data were consistent
and clear for analysis (Roopa & Rani, 2012). A total of 400 questionnaires had been
distributed. A total of 271 (67.75%) responses which achieved the confidence of 90%
had been received by the researcher as the outcome of the distribution. All the data were
extracted into statistical tests performed on two platforms known as Statistical Package
for the Social Science (SPSS) and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling
(SmartPLS). SPSS provides functions to help the researcher to construct complex sta-
tistics which more focusing on management and data construction for social science.
Meanwhile, SmartPLS provides functions to test internal consistency and convergent
validity in reflective assessment model.

5 Results and Discussion

5.1 Common Method Bias (CMB)

Harman's single factor score is frequently employed to assess common method bias
(CMB). For this study, all items from all the constructs studied were entered for analysis
and constrained to only a single factor. The results suggest that the single factor ex-
plained only 34% which is less than the benchmark value of 50% of the total variance,
therefore indicating that CMB is not a likely contaminant of the research.

5.2 Demographic Analysis

Out of 271 respondents who returned the survey, 138 (50.9%) of them are male,
while the rest is 133 (49.1%) females. Meanwhile, the survey differentiated the group
by their ages, showing the most responsive group was the group aged 24-34 years old
(38.7%), followed by those aged 35-45 (26.6%), 46-56 (18.8%), 57-67 (11.4%), and
over 67 (4.4%). Most respondent had been practicing about 6-10 years (n=82: 30.3%).
In addition, in the status of practice among respondent was led by legal associates
(n=105: 38.7%), followed by partnership (n=78: 28.8%), Sole Proprietor (n=60:
22.1%), others (n=21: 7.7%), and consultants (n=7: 2.6%).

5.3 Descriptive Analysis

The purpose of descriptive statistics is to organize data, which will be presented in

detail supported by the graphic chart. Each value from the data collection would be
calculated to the values of mean. Respondents were asked to indicate their opinion on
the technical skill, cognitive skill, social-emotional skill and individual work perfor-
mance as measured by using a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree)

Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM) Volume 13 Number 1 (2023)

to 5 (strongly agree). The result shows that each dimension produced scales in a range
of neutral to strongly agree as described in table 1.

Table 1: Descriptive analysis of constructs

Descriptive Profile Mean

Technical Skills (TS) 3.96
Cognitive Skills (CS) 4.33
Socio-Emotional Skills (SES) 4.40
Individual Work Performance (IWP) 4.54

5.4 Measurement Model Assessment

The results enable the evaluation of internal consistency and indicator reliability of
the measurement model used for theoretical constructs. From the analysis of the load-
ings, it is shown that the value for CR (0.841 to 0.918) are acceptable values (0.7 ≥).
The same goes for the AVE (0.507 to 0.667) values which present the acceptable value
between 0.5 and 0.7. The results shown in Table 2 suggest that all of these criteria are
met, thus suggesting that converging validity of the measurement model can be pre-

Table 2: Factor Loading, Composite Reliability and Average Variance Extracted

Construct Items Outer Loading CR AVE

Cognitive CS1 0.800 0.870 0.575
CS2 0.692
CS3 0.669
CS4 0.830
CS5 0.785
Social-Emotional SES1 0.762 0.841 0.514
SES2 0.855
SES3 0.816
SES4 0.688
SES5 0.767
Technical TS1 0.661 0.908 0.667
TS2 0.878
TS3 0.852
TS4 0.873

Effect of Digital Literacy on Individual Work Performance Among Practicing Lawyers in Ma-
TS5 0.799
Individual Work Per- WP1 0.636 0.918 0.507
WP2 0.683
WP3 0.652
WP4 0.824
WP5 0.649
WP6 0.690
WP7 0.625
WP8 0.788
WP9 0.755
WP10 0.753
WP11 0.746

5.5 Structural Model Assessment

Three hypotheses were developed to answer the research questions. During the struc-
tural analysis of the model, all hypotheses were tested. Based on table 3, the entire
hypotheses in this study are supported.

Table 3: Results of Path Analysis and Outcome

Relationship Decision



H1 Technical skill 0.545 0.544 0.069 7.933 0.00 Supported

has a positive rela- 0
tionship with work
performance among
practicing lawyers.
H2 Cognitive skill 0.288 0.293 0.083 3.469 0.00 Supported
has a positive rela- 0
tionship with work
performance among
practicing lawyers.
H3 Social-Emotional -0.113 -0.114 0.064 1.777 0.03 Supported
skill has a positive re- 8
lationship with work

Journal of Information and Knowledge Management (JIKM) Volume 13 Number 1 (2023)

performance among
practicing lawyers.

There are several studies that achieve the same results which are from (Abbas et al.,
2014; Agim & Azolo, 2019; Alkalai, 2004; Mohd Abas et al., 2019; Philosophy &
Itsekor, 2012). Thus, the result of the findings might relate to the demographic where
majority (65.3%) of the respondents are from the category of young generation (24-45
years old). Barczentewicz, (2021) determines that the old practitioners have the risk of
losing their research skills due to the digital era revolution.
On the other hand, there are numbers of literature that suggest several ways for legal
practitioners to improve their digital literacy in preparation for the future way of digital
working culture (Feigenson et al., 2011; McLachlan & Webley, 2021). This need was
mentioned in the literature for the lawyer to learn digital visualization. Digital visuali-
zation is the process of manipulating digital tools to present data and information into
something that is presentable, concise, and attractive. This is something that will change
the legal culture in trying its best to maintain or perhaps generate new meaning under
the rule of law in the digital age. This is proven by Azad and Zablith (2021) on how
digital visualization brings and aids the frontlines to understand the information better
with the representation of video or image that construct the information. The same goes
for education institutions, especially scholars. To cope with the low visual literacy in
scholarly activity, there is a need to understand visual resources. This means that the
process of digital visualisation needs to be exposed and educated to scholar. Visualiza-
tion is a scholarly activity which rich in opportunities to create knowledge in future
(Jessop, 2008)
Besides, the digital literacies can be improved among any professional who has been
supported by the authorities to learn digital literacies by taking training, attending the
workshop or other activities that encouraged the employee willingness in acquiring dig-
ital literacies. For example, an initiative which is highlighted by Okeji et al. (2020)
when the Nigeria Ministry of Education sponsors the training for their own staff to
encourage them to have digital literacy skills. This concept is supported by (Interna-
tional Bar Association., 2012) that workshops and training activities for legal practi-
tioners will give a good impact on law leaders in cyberspace.
Next, digital literacies increase individual work performance by improving facilities.
Legal practitioners already burdened with the actual work in the legal sector, thus it
will become more difficult if they need to maintain all the legal resources by them-
selves. Therefore, the support from the technology facilitates the work of the lawyers.
Law firms that implement cloud computing and electronic document and records man-
agement system are investing in third parties to maintain the internal data of the infor-
mation. Hence, the lawyers can get their information without the need to be concerned
about how to sustain the materials. They can focus on their own literacy development
(Galloway, 2017)
Some legal practitioner’s mindset that assumes digital literacy is unnecessary for
them as they do not have many legal documents for law and legislation in the digital
format. To encourage the utilization of digital literacies, there are initiatives from dif-
ferent countries to create digital information regarding legislation and cases which can

Effect of Digital Literacy on Individual Work Performance Among Practicing Lawyers in Ma-
be accessed freely like Indiankanoon and CmmonLii (Galloway, 2017). In Malaysia,
the government starts the initiatives by providing the legislation fully accessible under
Attorney General Chamber administrations. With wider accessibility, the legal profes-
sional has more reason to use the digital format instead of physically doing the legal

6 Conclusions

The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between digital literacy
and individual work performance among practicing lawyers in Malaysia. Based on the
model by previous studies, the theoretical framework has been developed to conduct
this study which is based on three hypotheses. The study setting is quantitative with
non-probability sampling which uses a survey as a research technique. The data re-
ceived from 271 respondents and all responses have been recorded. The data collected
are analyzed using two assessment models which are measurement models and struc-
tural models. Based on the result of the data analysis, all hypotheses are supported.


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