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Healthy Snack Analysis


Research Questions and Reason

1. Who are the existing consumers of protein smoothies?

This question is important in order to better understand the current market for protein smoothies and
to identify potential target markets. Knowing who the current consumers are and what motivates them
to purchase protein smoothies can help inform the strategy for targeting new consumers.

2. What are the attitudes and perceptions of consumers towards protein smoothies?
This question is important in order to better understand the current attitudes and perceptions of
consumers towards protein smoothies. Knowing the attitudes and perceptions of consumers can help
inform the strategy for targeting new consumers and help shape the marketing message.

3. What are the most important factors in deciding to purchase a protein smoothie?
This question is important in order to identify the key motivators for purchasing protein smoothies.
Knowing the key motivators can help inform the strategy for targeting new consumers and help shape
the marketing message.

Research Definition and Problem

The purpose of this research is to identify potential target markets for protein smoothies. The research
will focus on understanding the current market for protein smoothies, identifying potential target
markets, and developing a strategy for targeting those markets. The research problem is to identify
potential target markets for protein smoothies and develop a strategy for targeting those markets.

Approach to Research

The research will use a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to collect and analyze
data. Qualitative methods such as focus groups and in-depth interviews will be used to explore the
attitudes and perceptions of current and potential consumers towards protein smoothies. Quantitative
methods such as surveys and market analysis will be used to understand the market for protein
smoothies and identify potential target markets.

Target Strategy Selection and Explanation

The target strategy for protein smoothies will be to focus on health-conscious consumers who are
looking for a convenient way to get more protein in their diets. The strategy will focus on highlighting
the health benefits of protein smoothies and the convenience of being able to get a healthy snack on
the go. The target market will be young adults aged 18-34, who are health-conscious and active. This
target market is ideal because they are likely to be open to trying new products and are more likely to
be looking for ways to get more protein in their diets.

The strategy will focus on using digital marketing, such as social media, to reach this target market.
Social media will be used to highlight the health benefits of protein smoothies and to showcase the
convenience of being able to get a healthy snack on the go. The strategy will also focus on influencer
marketing to reach this target market. Influencers who are already popular with this target market will
be used to spread the word about protein smoothies and to demonstrate how they can be used as a
convenient and healthy snack.

Select Segment and provide reasons

The target market for protein smoothies will be young adults aged 18-34, who are health-conscious
and active. This target market is ideal because they are likely to be open to trying new products and
are more likely to be looking for ways to get more protein in their diets. This target market is also
likely to be more engaged with digital marketing, such as social media, which can be used to reach
them. Additionally, this target market is likely to be more receptive to influencer marketing, which
can be used to spread the word about protein smoothies and demonstrate how they can be used as a
convenient and healthy snack.

Executive Summary – Target Market

The target market for protein smoothies will be young adults aged 18-34, who are health-conscious
and active. The strategy will focus on using digital marketing, such as social media, and influencer
marketing to reach this target market and highlight the health benefits of protein smoothies and the
convenience of being able to get a healthy snack on the go. This target market is ideal because they
are likely to be open to trying new products and are more likely to be looking for ways to get more
protein in their diets.
Part 4: Target Market, Consumer Behaviors and Marketing Strategies.
Customer Decision Making Process Implications:
The customer decision-making process is an important consideration when it comes to marketing a
protein smoothie (Bogue, Collins, & Troy, 2017). This process involves a customer’s recognition of a
need or problem, followed by research and comparison of potential solutions, purchase and post-
purchase evaluation. It is important for marketers to understand how this process works in order to
craft an effective marketing strategy for a protein smoothie.

For the recognition stage, marketers should focus on raising awareness of the benefits of a protein
smoothie and how it can help meet customer needs. This can be done through advertising, social
media, and even word-of-mouth. Additionally, providing free samples or discounts can help draw
customers in and encourage them to experience the product.

For the research and comparison stage, marketers should focus on providing detailed information
about the product’s benefits and nutritional values. This can be done through product packaging,
website information, and providing recipes that customers can use to make their own protein
smoothies (Banovic et al., 2018). Additionally, by comparing the product to other similar products,
marketers can demonstrate why their product is the best choice.

For the purchase stage, marketers should focus on making the process as easy and convenient as
possible for customers. This can be done by offering discounts or promotions, as well as providing
convenient ways for customers to purchase the product, such as through online orders or at local
stores. Additionally, providing a variety of payment options can make it easier for customers to
purchase the product.

For the post-purchase evaluation stage, marketers should focus on providing customers with
information about how to use the product, as well as offering customer support in case they have any
questions or concerns. Additionally, feedback from customers can be used to improve the product and
make it better meet customer needs.

One Situational Factor for Marketing Plan:

One important situational factor to consider when crafting a marketing plan for a protein smoothie is
the target market (Morgan et al., 2019). Knowing who the target market is and what their needs and
preferences are can help determine the best marketing strategies and tactics to use. For example, if the
target market is health-conscious individuals, then the marketing plan should focus on emphasizing
the health benefits of the product (Bogue, Collins, & Troy, 2017). On the other hand, if the target
market is athletes, then the marketing plan should focus on emphasizing the performance benefits of
the product.

Psychological Influence Importance to Marketing Plan: Psychological influences play an important

role when it comes to marketing a protein smoothie. Understanding how customers think and feel
about the product can help marketers craft an effective marketing plan. For example, marketers can
use color psychology to make the product more appealing and to highlight its key benefits.
Additionally, understanding the customer’s motivations for buying the product can help marketers
craft more effective marketing messages.

Social Influence Importance to Marketing Plan:

Social influence is also important when it comes to marketing a protein smoothie. Word-of-mouth is a
powerful marketing tool, and marketers should encourage customers to share their experiences with
the product with their friends and family. Additionally, social media can be used to engage with
customers and to encourage them to share their experiences with the product.
Digital Marketing Strategy/Approach on 4 Ps:
Digital marketing is a powerful tool for marketing a protein smoothie. An effective digital marketing
strategy should focus on the four Ps of marketing: product, price, promotion, and placement.

For product, digital marketing can be used to highlight the benefits of the product and to provide
detailed information about the product’s nutritional values. Additionally, digital marketing can be
used to provide recipes and other tips that customers can use to make their own protein smoothies.

For price, digital marketing can be used to highlight any discounts or promotions that are available for
the product. Additionally, digital marketing can be used to compare the product’s prices to those of
similar products.

For promotion, digital marketing can be used to raise awareness about the product and to encourage
customers to try it. This can be done through ads, social media posts, and other forms of digital

For placement, digital marketing can be used to make the product more available and accessible to
customers. This can be done by providing different ways for customers to purchase the product, such
as online orders or at local stores. Additionally, digital marketing can be used to provide customers
with convenient payment options.
Bogue, J., Collins, O., & Troy, A. J. (2017). Market analysis and concept development of functional
foods. In Developing new functional food and nutraceutical products (pp. 29-45). Academic Press.
Banovic, M., Arvola, A., Pennanen, K., Duta, D. E., Brückner-Gühmann, M., Lähteenmäki, L., &
Grunert, K. G. (2018). Foods with increased protein content: A qualitative study on European
consumer preferences and perceptions. Appetite, 125, 233-243.

Morgan, N. A., Whitler, K. A., Feng, H., & Chari, S. (2019). Research in marketing strategy. Journal of
the Academy of Marketing Science, 47, 4-29.

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