3.3.9 Practice - Complete Your Assignment (Practice)

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9 Practice: Complete Your Assignment Practice

English 11 Honors Sem 1 Name: Clara Bui
Date: Dec 14th, 2023

Evaluate one of the speeches you heard about a plan to erect a statue honoring the
pioneers. Choose the speech you disagree with, and write a two- or three-paragraph
rebuttal in the form of a letter to the editor.

Your assignment should include the following elements:

• A two- or three-paragraph letter to the editor explaining your disagreement with

one of the speeches you read

• A precise claim related to the statue of the pioneers

• A fair and well-developed response to a counterclaim

You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one.
If you haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now.

Ask yourself these questions as you revise:

• Did I take a clear position on the issue?

• Did I introduce a counterclaim that shows my understanding of my opponent's


• Did I respond to that argument fairly and thoroughly?

• Did I consider my opponent's knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible
biases as I developed my ideas?

Dear Editor:

I am writing to voice my disapproval of the speech in support of Proposition 17,

which calls for the construction of a bronze statue honoring the pioneers on the
lawn of the state capitol. The plan oversimplifies history and ignores the negative
effects of westward expansion, especially on Native American communities, even as
the congressman praises the bravery and labor of those who journeyed westward.

The Congressman's specific argument is around the monument's function as a

memorial to the bravery of those who went forth to establish new lives in the West.
My worry, though, is that these settlers are being praised selectively while the
sufferings that Native American tribes have endured are not being fairly
acknowledged. The planned monument runs the potential of becoming a biased
representation that upholds a false historical narrative.

It is understood that, as the congressman correctly states, sacrifices are frequently

required in order to overcome obstacles. The answer to this counterargument,
however, ignores the significance of the pain and devastation that indigenous
populations have to endure. Any historical narrative must include stories of
individuals overcoming obstacles, but it is important to discuss the enormous
impact that these obstacles had on certain groups of people.

Instead of serving as honoring memorial, the planned monument would

unintentionally come to represent the erasing of Native American communities that
suffered severe losses as a result of westward migration. While acknowledging the
importance of honoring history, we also need to be careful to provide a fair tale that
includes both the victories and the tragedies of our country's past.
Use this rubric to determine how well you're meeting the criteria for the assignment.
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3.3.9 Practice: Complete Your Assignment

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