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A Secret Can’t Be Told

“I can’t be with him.” Those are the last words I said to I went to the kitchen and I saw Cali drinking water while
my friends after the game—the infamous truth or dare busy pointing the snacks in the cabinet. I crawled over
game. I left them. I can’t bear watching their horrified the divider and sneaked out at the back door. I saw the
faces while looking at me. I’m a secretive person and street lamps and I take out my camera to capture those
they are aware of it but when it comes directly to me, cinematic scenery. I always love taking pictures
OMG reaction will be printed to their face. somewhere, different locations. I like making memories
by capturing or filming moments. I’m searching a coffee
shop, I need refreshment. While I was busy searching a
“I almost spit the whole story. I bet they are wondering coffee someone caught my attention. I stopped and—
who my real crush is.” I slammed my face to the pillow feels like my world started falling apart.
and I regret what I did. It was so unfortunate for me. I’m
so childish. I always run away especially to those things I
can’t face easily because it was the only choice I had—to “No way.” I saw him…..with someone I know, my friend.
run away. She’s not just a friend, she’s my childhood friend. It
breaks my heart watching them. They looked so happy
together, so cute. I want to separate them but I can’t. I
“Pathetic.” I said to myself. I need to unwind. I changed can stare them for too long. I’m unhappy. They’re the
my clothes—pajama to usual gala outfits. I wore a main character and I’m just a side character. There’s one
chocolate brown colored sweater and a dark brown fitted thing I can do, walked out and letting go of my feelings.
high waist pants. I grabbed my white tote bag and wore a
disguise, a black cap. I put away my round glasses or tea
shades. I’m not wearing them so they will not notice me. I I started walking away from the “sweet scene” I saw,
can see but a blurry vision. when I heard a familiar voice. I started running away from
him. It’s too much. Why he’s calling me? Also, why they
are here too? This place is not really famous, this place is
only new. It’s a private beach. I hide to a—I stopped and
looked around the unfamiliar place. What is this place? I “This is very new.” He looked at me, thinking why I’m
face palmed, it was a pub. It’s not my first time entering a here. “I guess there’s something going on why you are
pub but I don’t like staying in the pub. I don’t have a here.” I chuckled.
choice….I don’t like seeing him around.

“Not really. I need to discover more about places that are

A security man blocked the entrance. not really my interest.” Woah, that’s a lame excuse. I
“No minors allowed.” Oh, gosh. Here we go again. I give
him my ID and he suspiciously looked at me. He squint
his eyes looking at my ID and back to me again.”
“I’m not buying that and plus you were not wearing your
glasses.” He chuckled and the waiter serve the foods. He
pour a drink on my glass. My mind tells me the theme of
“Pinagloloko mo ba ako bata?” I sighed and I grabbed my
the story about us—a classic romantic date. It’s so funny.
ID from him. Everytime, we always go to a bar, pub, or no
I shrugged about his assumptions.
minors allowed places. Ganito palagi ang eksena. When I
was about to exit the place, someone interrupted.
“How are you?” I was surprised of his question, that was
a common question but I feel some tension around for
“She’s 27. Let her in.” A man wearing a white long-
some reason. I drink and answered him.
sleeved rolled down to his elbow and a black pants
coming over us. He was from the inside and I make a
“bleh” reaction to the security man while entering the
“I’m fine. You?” I sliced the steak and when I was about
to eat the food his answer interrupted me. I looked at him.

“Sorry for that.” He immediately apologized as soon as I

“Still you.” His face remained serious until he laughed
walked in. I smiled to him. We sit to a two–table person
suddenly like a lunatic person. I was like “wtf” reaction.
and he ordered side dishes. I just chose a suitable drink
He’s pranking me again, he doesn’t change. He’s still an
for me. I’m not fond of hard liquors and never taste them.
immature. I shake my head and smiled to him.
“You are trying to be funny again and it’s lame.” I I closed my eyes trying to calm myself. I already
laughed. He stopped and I saw his reaction changed explained to him about a thing— “ex”. It’s not I’m worried
immediately, I saw pain in his eyes or it’s just blurry to about my reputation, it’s about him. He should stop
notice his eyes. saying those nonsense things. Yes, he’s my ex during
high school time. He’s not a serious ex because we only
spend together one month only. We always chatted, we
“It always lame for you.” I recognize a bit bitterness in his don’t have any dates. It’s like a puppy love story.
voice but he chuckled after. We talked about things in the
past especially our teenagers life. He’s my childhood
friend. He runs this pub. He’s successful. I sighed, feeling disappointed. He said a story–maker
words that makes me disappointed even more. “I wonder
why, why are you still single after our break up.” I faced
Suddenly my phone rang, I saw Cali’s name in the him confidently.
screen. I turned off my phone. I bit they knew that I went
out. I told him about going home, he requested to drive
me home but I declined his offer. He insisted. We are in “Indeed, you are a funny guy.” I mocked him.
the outside of his pub.

“Unbelievable.” He smirked.
“Lee, I can go home alone.” I put a smile. I don’t want him
to go with me. I don’t like the idea sticking with him
around for too long because in his mind it will developed “Yep, you are a funny guy. She dated many
a misunderstanding. I don’t like…. guys………..... including me.” Someone interrupted our
conversation. I looked at him, hiding my shocking face.
He hold my waist, attempted to get closer with him. My
He cut me off. “Bakit, dahil ba worried ka sa reputation heart was beating loudly, this is the man I saw from the
mo dahil kasama mo ex mo?” He blurted out some words “sweet scene”. I’m speechless. Lee looked at him
that I expected to hear. He always do this with his exes shocked because he knew this guy. They used to be
and I don’t like it.
bestfriends but they suddenly went apart for some
reason, I don’t know.
“Are you okay?” I nodded. “You’re cool.” He shyly turned
around. I saw his cute smile. Then, he looked to me
seriously like he wants to say something. I waited for few
“Plus, he only dated guys based on her standard that
means I’m her standard.” He added and smiled at me.

“You were invited to my cousin’s wedding.” I looked

“Where are your glasses?” He whispered to my ear. I
confused. Cousin’s wedding? “I want you to be my
can’t…..speak because of him. He’s way too closer. He
partner.” He added.
chuckled which makes him even look cuter.

“What? Are you joking?” Is he going to cheat and go with

We are walking through the beach houses. He even
me? I’m very confused and he asked me to go with him?
knew where our beach house located. He gave his coat
because of cold air. I’m immune to cold but I’m acting like
I feel coldness around. What the heck happens to me? I
“Don’t you the news spreading around here, that a couple
hate you—love.
was engaged today. Ash proposed to Polly.” Wait, what?
That was them from the “sweet scene”?! Polly is my
childhood friend and I…..thought it was him with Polly. He
looked at me very confused.

“I thought you—” He cut me off. He realized what my

mind is…..right now. He pulled me closer. I can smell his
favorite perfume. He chuckled.

I can hear the sound of the waves, as well as the beating

sound of my heart. He went closer to me and looked at “I’m inlove with someone else….long time ago. I thought I
me like an innocent child. will never had a chance but then I discover we have
mutual feelings, we’re both denial at first and…until
now?” He chuckled. He kiss my forehead slowly and
“I wish I’m the next one to be engaged. Goodnight, Jack
hugged me tightly.
Frost. I love you.” He turned around and walked away. I
held his coat tightly, overloading the words he said to me.
I still can’t get over. It was like the very first night.
“Wear your glasses always, so you can recognize people
from afar. You just experienced a heartbreaking scene a
while ago. I saw pain in your eyes while I’m calling you,
“Liv Wisteria Linus, why are you not picking our calls?
you just ran away. Don’t worry, I will never hurt you.” He
Where have you been? Who’s that guy?” Cali bombarded
said with assurance.
me several questions.

“Let’s go, it’s getting colder.” I nod with an answer.

“Wait, the guy you were with. Is he the Japanese
classmate way back from college?” Cassian said while
squinting her eyes.
He held my hand like he doesn’t want to let go. I almost
near in our beach house when I heard my friends, calling
me. I give his coat but he declined it.
“OMG, Don’t tell me that was your crush?” Cypress yelled
like cheering for something.
“You need it, I don’t want you get sick because of me.” I
handed his coat but he put it back to me again.
“Guys, calm down.” They looked at me. I signal them to
follow me, they follow me like they are little ducklings. I
told them about the details except some privacy between
“I live in cold areas. Cold never bother me anyway.” I
us–the Japanese crush. He was my secret that can’t be
told many years ago. Finally, I made it.

“Okay, Elsa.’’ I jokingly said. He hugged me again. I feel

like he doesn’t want me to let go from his sight.

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