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How to marry someone without them knowing

Chapter 1 “Fictional Character”

“What are your plans?” he asked.

I looked at him while munching the chocolate cookies. Then, I sipped the vanilla shake as my
eyes wandered around to the customers inside the café. We’re in the backyard of the café, I like
this area because it’s breathtaking and less people. Mostly, private person or celebrities came to
this area. Guess what? We’re exceptional.
“Are you listening?” I nodded.
I leaned the chair and meet his alluring green eyes. He’s so handsome. He glared at me as he
caught me staring at his pretty eyes, I playfully smiled. He slowly caressed his blonde hair as if
he was stressed about something or to me.
“I still have a crush on you, even you’re a gay,” I said, and he acts like his ready to vomit.
“Stop talking nonsense, Vague. You’re stressing me out,” he held his temple, trying to calm
himself. He’s calling my name wrong again.
It’s true I have a crush on him since I got to know him in the studio. He’s so handsome, an ideal
boyfriend type. Fun fact, he’s not taken.
“Let’s get this straight, okay, Mademoiselle?” I nodded for a response.
“Where are you going after the contract? Do you have any plans or still not?” I pouted. He
knows me well that I’m undecided on plans. He’s so concerned.
I don’t like thinking ‘future plans’ yet because it sounds so annoying to hear, it’s a kind a
sensitive topic. Don’t get me wrong, I have plans but not yet composed. I want to arrange it with
a peaceful mind.
“Hmmm, none?” I said as if I’m not sure.
“Seriously?” he looked at me like a child, not sure answering the assignment.
I sighed and looked at him with a frown face mouthing “order vanilla shake again”. He rolled his
eyes and I chuckled; his reactions are so feminine but built like a masculine figure. I really don’t
want to talk about future plans. I don’t want myself to sound rude towards him. I have high
respect to him but I don’t need advice from anyone especially him or from my close friends. I
want to be blown by the wind where it leads to no destination. I want unexpected moments. I
don’t want expectations or plans anymore. I hope he gets it, even if I don’t want to speak about.
But he’s really concerned about me.
“Do we have schedules today?” I diverted his attention to another topic. He sighed and nodded.
He picked up his phone and we saw several missed calls coming from our director. I checked my
phone and there were no missed calls; it must have been personal to him. I chuckled like a villain
and he glared at me. I know.

“You’re like an anime character, thinking of some villainous ideas,” he said, and flashes a
familiar chibi character from his phone.

“It’s Anya. I must be so cute,” I dreamily said while blinking my eyes.

“Too much for that, Mademoiselle. Let’s go back and don’t act like that again; you’re an adult
not a teenager,” he said.
I raised my right eyebrow and smirked. “I may have been an adult, but I looked like a teenager.”
Even the first time we met, he mistook me as a teenager and labeled me as the newest model for
their company. But I declined being a model and I chose to become a photographer instead, even
the director wants me to become their model.
“Alright, I’m afraid you'll fall for my cuteness,” he walked, leading our way inside the café. I
saw the owner of the café and we waved our hands to her, she immediately went to us. She’s
busy working on her own café, even though she had so many workers already. I like her style.
“It’s too early to go out,” she pouted. I carefully arranged the remaining strands of her hair that
bothered her vision and I saw how she blushed, she’s so cute. She’s small compared to me and I
can freely touch her head.
“Let’s have a coffee date when I’m back,” she looked at me, shocked. She hugged me tightly and
whispered to my ear saying, “that’s a promise.” I smiled and she went back to the customers
while smiling. I saw him smirk while looking at the owner of the café.
“She’s charming isn’t she?”
“I don’t think so,” he replied.
As soon as we went outside, someone bumped at my back and I immediately balance my body,
not falling out. I saw some books scattered in the ground, so we helped the lady who’s panicking
to pick up the books. I think she’s urgent on something while saying sorry to me. As she finished
picking the books, she immediately ran and entered a bookstore.
“I think she’s returning the books on the deadline,” he commented, and I shrugged. As I stepped
out I saw a white bookmark under my boots, and I picked it up to read it has the name of a
fictional character. She left it, when I was about to walk towards the bookstore. A familiar voice
called us and we immediately turned our backs. We saw three familiar figures inside the car, one
looking at us weirdly sitting in the passenger seat, one busy taking pictures of us sitting in the
backseat, and a driver looking at us annoyed. We went inside the car and sat in the backseat and
drove immediately, he’s driving like were in racing competition. We’re glad that we were
immune to his driving skills. Well, he’s a racer, actually. He parked the car after less than 5
minutes of driving and entered the building.
“Are you going to steal my crush?” She directly said to me with no filter, and clinked to my right
arm, she’s being so close to me. I don’t have any problems at all because she’s my close friend.
She’s the one who's seated in the passenger seat, looking at us weirdly. She has a huge crush on
Psalm Schmidt like I do. Our gay friend.
“He’s asking about my plans after the contract.” I replied, and I saw her pout, she’s been
emotional about the contract too.
“He’s so concerned about you. I envy you,” she muttered.

As we entered the conference room, we saw lots of unfamiliar faces. I think they’re the new
photographers. We sat down on the other side beside the director and the meeting started. At this
company, we only have 5 years of contract of being a photographer, but we can renew our
contract if we want to work here again. The director introduced the 20 new photographers and he
create new rules which made us confused.
“The seniors are counted 10, and I will assign two members to each one of you,” he declared.
“By the way, they will be the ones choosing their senior,” he added, and leaves the room as he
will attend another meeting with other companies. This is new, this is why he called us all
seniors. Last week, we’ve been to some European countries with partners. I tagged along with
Psalm because he’s the closest one to me among the other seniors. In short, he’s a travel buddy.
I saw them choosing the other seniors. I saw August circled around four juniors, he awkwardly
smiled at them. He’s the one in the backseat that took a picture of us a while ago. He’s the
friendliest among the seniors. I saw Harlow she already had members and they went outside,
maybe to tour them around. Harlow is the girl who talked to me a while ago about Psalm. When
I diverted my gaze to the other side, I saw Rufus looking at me. He immediately turned his head
to the other side and saw a pair went on him. Rufus is the racer, our driver, when we are having
team travel.
I turned my side and saw Psalm busy talking to the girls. He’s a magnet. He didn’t publicly
announce his true gender and I respect his decision. No one knows aside from me. I saw a pair
looking at me, they were hesitant to approach me. So, I smiled. I saw a glimpse of happiness in
their eyes and they introduced themselves.
“Hi, Ms. Vogue Vion Armani. I’m Charlie and this is Charles,” she said.
“Are you twins?” I asked, and they looked similar. I think they are fraternal twins.
“No, Ms. Vogue. It’s the first time, we’ve met. I’m Charlie De Mevius.”
“I’m Charles Laurent.” I thought they were twins, if I’m a writer I could tell they were the lost
twins. I told them about the other rules that the director didn’t mention in the meeting. I told
them about the travels and meeting other photographers from the other companies. I led them to
our main office and introduced them to my other senior members by their pictures.
“Do you have any questions?” I asked. I saw Charlie looked hesitant to throw a question but she
eventually said to me with a shy voice.
“Some members told us, you’re strict,” It’s not new anymore, they always said that to me even
the director. I want to clarify something.
“Well, I’m serious when it comes to work. It’s a professional work and we are not just ordinary
photographers, we are elite/celebrity photographers. I’m serious but not a strict one, there’s a
difference between the two of them,” I explained.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Vogue,” she said and patter her head.
“Actually, you’re my idol,” Charles blurted out some words which is nice to hear.


“Me too,” Charlie stated. She opened her phone and my picture revealed, she made it to a
wallpaper. It was a photoshoot along with my other senior members but the picture was being
cropped. It was a photoshoot for monthly cover magazine which it has profiles on us.
After our meeting, I went out the building and the members went back to their homes to rest and
the new photographers started with minor jobs. I went to the library I miss reading books and I
miss hanging out this place. I miss the ambiance. Actually, this is my favorite place. This library
has a classic style, instead of modern lights it has shaded chandelier and classic wall lights in
each shelves. It contains old books and different languages not just genres. I went to my favorite
spot which it has one table and one chair which made think this is a private area. I’ve been here
for months but I already love this library for years. As I started searching a book to read, I saw a
familiar girl whose busy typing in her laptop. I immediately went to her and grabbed the
bookmark on my Proenza Schouler beige suit jacket.
“Excuse me, you left this bookmark,” I said and she looked at me and gasped.
“Omg, I’m so sorry what happened this morning. I was on emergency and my books need to be
put on the store. I’m really sorry, ma’am,” she explained. She fixed her glasses and looked at me
with a worry face.
“No, it’s okay. Here’s your bookmark, you must be an author,” she nodded for response. When I
was ready to go back in the shelves, a paper caught my attention and she noticed it.
“Oh, this is a fun contract to fictional character for my readers,” she chuckled while fixing her
hoodie sleeves. I read the contract, it’s quite fascinating married to some fictional character. Out
of my mind, I grabbed the paper and sign the contract. It got me stopped when the name of the
fictional character is the same name in the bookmark I picked, which is odd. I saw her eyes
sparkled like she got an idea.
“Omg, you’re a perfect character of my new story.”
“Wait, it doesn’t have a story yet, that fictional character name?”
“Not yet, I’m still looking for the partner and you, you are suited for him,” she silently shrieked
as if it is real partner for me.
I looked at her, she looked like she’s thinking some scenes in her head. I went back to the
shelves and read a book, after 2 hours of reading I went back the book where it belongs and
when I put the book, a vintage paper fell on the floor and it has creased. I picked it up. Should I
opened it? It has no stamps or any words and because of curiosity I opened it….wait is this a
riddle? Why someone put a riddle in this shelve, I think this is a game.
In boxing I am square
On your finger I am round
I’m inside every tree
I am also a bell’s sound.
(Find me in the deepest.)
I guess this is too easy for me. As fond of reading riddles as a child I can say this level of riddle
is simple. The answer is ring and the last words it says, find me in the deepest? What does it
mean? I started grabbing the books where the paper fell and found a silver box. I paused, it made
my heart beat faster. What’s this feeling? I slowly opened the silver box and found an olive leaf
wedding ring. Omg, it must be someone’s property. I fell my phone vibrated, it was Harlow

“Where are you?” she said.

“Just come here in the North,” she hanged up.
I immediately arranged the books and went on my way. I saw Harlow talking to the unfamiliar
man inside the restaurant. Is this a new set up again? I don’t like this idea. When I was about to
turned around, my phone vibrated.
“Just once please,” she pleaded. I sighed and walked towards to them. I sat across the man she’s
inviting and the man greeted me.
“You must be Vogue, the famous celebrity photographer. You are so gorgeous in personal,” he
complimented and I smiled for response.
“I’m Greer Ashton, pleasure to meet you.”
We ordered some food and talked for about 30 minutes only because Greer has appointed to do.
He’s an engineer. I already know Greer because he’s one of the cousins of Harlow. He’s the only
Ashton cousins I didn’t meet before when I attend Harlow’s birthday. I think she begged his
cousin to go here. Harlow is such a spoiled person.
“Harlow, I want to tell you something,” she looked at me with a shocked face.
“Are you….gay?”
“What the….what kind of thought is that,” she chuckled.
“Let be serious, shall we?” she nodded. But before I uttered some words she stopped and held
the pocket of my suit jacket. She grabbed the thing inside and gasped, before she shouted I shut
her mouth. He held my wrist and said, “I am calm down. Let me breathe, okay.”
I thought I returned the ring in the library, I must put it back there. He or she must be finding it
now. She slowly opened the silver box and silently screamed.
“Why you didn’t tell me you’re engaged,” What? What did she just say? I’m engaged? She
looked at me teary-eyed and says sorry what she have done earlier about meeting her cousin to
“I thought you’re gay or don’t interested in love,” What the….if I’m a menace person I already
said bad words to her.
“By the way, I already know about Psalm,” I looked at her and pouted and mouthed ‘sorry’.
“Why you didn’t tell me?” I asked.
“I recently just know it, last month that’s it. But what about yours, you keep it a secret that
you’re already engaged. You’re so mean,” she pouted even more.
“So, what’s his name?” she added.
“Loux Vernon Le Coultre Dasault,” I said the fictional character name, it’s a made up name from
the author who accidentally bumped me. I know they will searched it and tell me I’m just joking.
Well, it’s a great prank actually. Harlow thinks for a second, I’m feeling she thinks it’s a book
character name. I can’t wait her reaction.
“Hey, why are you silent?” she ignored me and got her phone, I think she’s searching. I think she
doesn’t buy the name, it sounds very fiction.
“OMG!!!” she shrieked and I held her to calm herself, some customers looking at us.
“You are engaged to a billionaire,” she whispered. What billionaire she just said?
“Are you crazy?” I responded.
“Of course I’m not. I keep remembering the Dassault name, I heard it to my father’s business
partners. The name evokes wealth,” she keep pinching my arms. I don’t know what he’s saying.
She’s saying some nonsense. “Let me check something,” she added. I tried myself calm down
not to believe what she just said.
“You’re in his profile! Let me read for you, Loux Vernon Le Coultre Dasault engaged to Vogue
Vion Armani. OMG, I’m gonna die, my heart is so happy. This is so overwhelming,” she
bubbling words I didn’t know. I think she’s reading some fan fiction account. It’s a fictional
character, it can’t be real.
“It’s not real, his not real.” I swear he’s not real, he’s a made character from the author I know.
She raised her brow and she handed my phone, “Oh, really? Check this. You’re just in denial or
secretive,” I read every word I saw in the screen. I check the website, it’s not a fan profile. It’s a
verified source. I felt the coldness in my body, this can’t be happening. I think I’m just tired. I
need to go home.
“Where are you going?” Harlow asked when she noticed I’m standing.
“I need to rest,” I answered.
Harlow take me home with so many questions and I couldn’t barely answering it because I was
too occupied. I think I’m very tired that’s why, I’m thinking so many things. As I entered my
bedroom, I immediately fall down.

Chapter 2

I slowly sipped my green tea while looking at the flowers of my garden. I wake up early in the
morning, as a morning person I really like listening bird chirps and watching the sunrise. I
stopped the recording of my camera. After daydreaming the view of my garden, I changed my
pajamas to casual style. I’m wearing a white sweater and a denim pants, partnered by a white
rubber shoes. I got my tote bag as I put my necessities inside including the silver box.
I did searched the profile of the ‘fictional character’, it is real. Why the author put a real name to
her story? Did she do it on purpose or just a coincidence? A big question in my mind right now,
why I am engaged to that person? How’s that possible? This is so weird. In the profile, it has no
pictures of Mr. Dassault. It’s a big problem. I need to find the girl, the author, I met yesterday. I
wish, it doesn’t spread in the social media sites. I don’t like to link to someone especially this
kind of situation.
I went to the library again but I saw a close template in the door. It’s weird they never closed
their library even holidays. When I turned my back I saw the girl again, the author, she’s walking
the other street. I immediately crossed when the signal put green light. I saw her entering a
bookstore and I followed her. I saw her talking to the owner, as she diverted her gazed on my
side, she smiled. After the conversation between the two of them, she went on me and greeted a
good morning.
“Let’s talk,” I directly said to her and she nodded with no hesitation. She followed me and we
went inside the Pierre café where Psalm and I went yesterday. I ordered chocolate cake and a
caramel shake.
“You told me that ‘Loux Vernon Le Coultre Dasault’ is a fictional name,” I asked. She nodded
as she clipped her hair in her ear.
“Why did you asked?” she asked with confusion.
“He’s real,” I stated and she raised her eyebrow if I talk something magical.
“No way, I got his name on a magazine. Why is there’s something wrong?” I nodded. I couldn’t
hide it to her. I searched the profile and handed the profile got.
“OMG, this can’t be real,” she said while covering her mouth. “You gotta be kidding,” she
“What kind of magazine did you found his name?” she paused while holding her head and I
heard her groaned.
“I-I don’t remember. I f-forgot,” she replied and I saw the troubled reaction on her face. I hold
my temple not be stressed out. What should I do? I saw the waiter placed our snacks, he looked
at me like he wants to tell something. He looked outside and I followed his action. I saw a bunch
of reporters outside the café arguing to go inside but the waiters stopped them. What’s with the
commotion? I saw the owner of the café came rushing towards me.
“Vion, you must get out of here,” she said. I looked puzzled and I got a hint. No way.
“Vion, explain to me in other time. Right now, I want you to be safe somewhere else,” she
grabbed my wrist. I looked the author, she mouthed “I’m gonna stay”. We went to the exit door
where her mini garden located and opened the gate. I saw another street and less people walking
“Collins, let meet up tonight. I will explained everything,” I stated. She looked at me and show a
forced smile, her eyes started watering then she hugged me.
“It’s alright, I know this will come,” I looked at her she’s crying even she’s smiling. “Actually,
it’s pretty bad when you fell pain inside. I know this is a trial and I’ve been prepared,” she
slowly wiped her tears and create a genuine smile. I’m worried about her.
“Don’t get me that face or else I will steal you. Nah, just kidding,” she laughed. She’s very
straightforward that’s what I like her. “Just promise me, grant my wish,” she added.
She’s talking the coffee date that I promised yesterday. I wanna tell her the truth but she’s
making words that I couldn’t reply. Also, I’m struck because of her sudden confession. I’m
aware of her feelings and I couldn’t believe she’s gonna say this things to me. She lightly
pushing me outside.
“I will explain everything once I’m back,” she smiled.
“How I wish,” she replied. She turned around. I heard her sobs. I wish I can comfort her right
now. I heard commotion the other side and instantly walked to a crowded people to blend in. I
hope they will not suspect me. I feel my phone vibrated, Psalm is calling. I saw missed calls
coming from my team. I noticed some black cars following me. It’s a dead end entering a
building where it leads no other route to escape. I’m aware in this kind of scenario because my
cousin experienced this when she married a celebrity, a famous singer. When I was about to
turned to other way, someone grabbed me behind.
“It’s me Rufus, act natural,” I looked at him as his eyes wander around in the street. I think he
noticed something. “Are you okay, are you not hurt?” I nodded. I never seen his other side
except right now. He’s worried and he gently hold my wrist.
“How did you know I’m here?” I asked. He suddenly popped up as if he knows my location. We
started walking and get inside his car.
“Harlow tracked your location and Psalm is currently meeting the director about your issue,” he
said and started driving. I saw black cars is tailing on us, they’re still on alert.
“Why would the director is meeting Psalm instead of me? I don’t understand. I should be the one
facing the issue not Psalm. I know his my partner but it’s not right,” I blurted out. I know Psalm
always stand up for me but not like this…this is something else.
“The director wants to kick you,” he said not looking at me. My hunch is right, this is something
else I’m talking about. Our company labeled good reputation not until this issue that directly
linked to me. I been silent the whole time as we reached the building. I realized the black cars are
no longer following us and no reporters outside the building. The director is good handling in
this kind of things.
I went to the director’s office and there’s no Psalm’s presence. He looked at me with a
disappointment, he leaned forward on his table as I remained standing in front of him.
“You’re fired,” he directly said. I couldn’t believe he said that easily. I didn’t even started yet.
He chose to fire me without my explanation. All of them chose to neglect my explanation, they
never asked my side. It’s not easy to put in this situation. It’s kinda painful to bear. I’m
controlling my emotions while facing him with confidence. Well, I’m good at this.
“Even you are being fired right now, you still have the confidence. I must praise you,” he
clapped. Sarcasm never fades him since he knew me and Psalm being close together. We’re in a
good terms since I started working here until his jealousy couldn’t hide it anymore. I know him
too well but I chose to be silent in order to protect his reputation. “Are you sure, you don’t to
explain?” he added.
“I’m already fired, what’s the use of my explanation?” I mocked. His eyebrow raised.
“Watch your words, Ms. Armani,” he shouted and pointed me with his fore finger.
“Who are you to threaten me? You are no longer my superior,” I fired back. He belittled me
because our position is somewhat faraway. He’s very arrogant. This is the first time I see his true
colors. Jealousy leads to a person not understandable and obsessive.
“This is the last time we see each other,” he smirked and sat down his chair.
“I don’t think so,” I replied and turned my back. I heard the breaking of the glass as I closed the
I saw the seniors looking at me as I entered our office. I saw my things are already packed. Who
did this? I looked around I noticed Psalm is missing.
“Psalm packed your things,” Dashiell said, one of the senior members. Psalm did this? I felt pain
in my chest as I touched my things. This is the first time I felt so much pain especially it’s from a
close friend. Didn’t Psalm object the director’s decision? I felt a bit of betrayal. As I walked
outside the building, I saw Rufus standing beside his car. He went on me and got the things in
my hand.
“Are you done talking to Psalm?” he asked as we both entered the car.
“I don’t know where he is,” I answered. Rufus looked confused while looking at me. He tried
calling Psalm but he’s not answering. I felt my phone vibrated it was Harlow calling and I heard
her crying.
“Is it true, you’re fired? Tell me, it’s just all prank.” How I wish.
“It’s true,” I replied and I heard again a loud cry, what a crybaby.
We talked not less than 5 minutes because my phone filled lots of notifications, some pages
tagged and mentioned me about the issue. Some fashion pages headlines are also about the issue.
I’ve been engaged to someone I don’t even know and some articles posted different faces of men
that describes Mr. Dassault. Rufus lured again the black cars and I’m thankful that the location of
my home is private. Rufus suggested to stay longer but I told him not to.
“I can’t handle myself,” I assured to him.
“I can’t guarantee that,” he hesitated.
“Please,” he sighed and left my home.
I went to my closet and started packing my clothes. I can’t no longer stay here especially there
are strangers following me around. While I was busy packing my clothes, my phone vibrated. I
saw Psalm’s name. I immediately answered.
“Psalm, where are…,” he cut me off.
“I’m cutting ties with you,”
“Psalm, is everything alright?”
“Yes, let me tell you something. I was the one who ordered to fire you,” I don’t believe him.
There’s something wrong with him. He’s not the Psalm I know, he’s concerned about me.
“Why?” I held up to stop the tears to fall as I crumpled the sheet in my bed.
“Nothing, for fun. Isn’t that great?” he laughed as if we’re on a Disneyland.
“Not a good excuse,” I replied. “Are you mad at me because I’m engaged?” I added. I almost
broke my voice. Psalm, I want to tell you everything but I can’t assume things that you want to
hear it. No one asked about how I feel, including you. If I explained to you right now, I’ll be
labeled defensive or secretive because of the attitude you feel at this moment.
“Of course not. I want you to get lost,” Hearing from those words from your close friend is worst
like someone stabbed you a knife in the chest.
“You’ll always been this secretive type of person. I hope we will not meet again,” he hanged up.
I started crying. All the emotions I held up a while ago and now, burst together. I don’t believe
him, he never said those kind of words to me….never. Why is this happening to me right now? I
never felt this kind of heartache.
I woke up with a bad headache and I’m glad my eyes are not puffy. I rented my house to my
neighbor, gladly she accepted it. I told her that I will go back anytime and we bid farewell. I
went to the airport. I want go somewhere that no one knows where am going. I wore a Proenza
Schouler black double-breasted crepe blazer paired a frankie shop high-waist darted trousers and
black heels. As I’m going inside the plane, three flight attendants approached me.
“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am. We’re here to assist you,” one of the flight attendant said. Assist?
This is new to hear.
“I don’t need assistant,” I responded. I slowly saw their lips forming a genuine smile but forced.
Something smells fishy but I need to remain composed as they will think I didn’t notice their
“As a celebrity ma’am, we offer our gratitude to serve you,” she replied. I saw suspicious people
walking around in our side while talking to his earpiece. He may look civilian to other people
around but not my eyes.
“Okay, but I need to go in the comfort room first.” I said and started walking. I felt their presence
following me but slowly, they’re cautious. I’m disadvantaged because I don’t know how to fight
with combat skills but I know make a plan. I learned some strategies from my father. He’s a
retired secret agent that’s explain why.
I entered the comfort room, it’s empty. I open my suitcase and got my black bag pack. Yes, it’s a
fake suitcase I brought, the real one is already in the plane. I heard footsteps enter the room, they
opened the cubicles individually and I prepared my smoke bomb and wear the full mask. They’re
coming and as they kicked my door, I throw the smoke bomb and the smoke scattered in the
room. I went out and run towards the plan, as I turned my way someone grabbed me. He’s scent
is different. I saw the flight attendants and the suspicious man running inside the plane. They
think I went inside, I turned my way to the man who grabbed me. He didn’t stab me or kill me,
he just smiled like a child.
“Who are you?” I speak. “What do you want from me?” I added. He seems nice but looks can be
deceiving. I saw his eyes sparkled like a puppy.
“I’m your cousin-in-law, it’s so nice to meet you.” He answered. “But first we need to get out of
here, it’s too dangerous for you. I’m so proud of you that you able to lured the enemies. Damn,
my cousin is so lucky.” We started walking while he’s grabbing my wrist.
“I think you guess it now, why I’m your cousin-in-law.” He giggled and a limousine driving
towards us, the driver nodded to him. “By the way, I already got your suitcase.” One thing I can
describe to him is bubbly. I remained silent in the entire time while he’s busy talking random
things that I’m not familiar with. I have no choice but to be with them, my situation is risky right
now. I can’t travel alone. I needed to call my parents and I want to ask something but I can’t I’m
“We’re here, cousin.” I saw a private plane. He grabbed my suitcase and we entered the plane,
it’s empty. I sat down near the window seat and I saw him sat across.
“By the way, I didn’t introduced yet my name. I’m Keanu Luigi Dassault, just call me cousin for
short.” He winked. Suddenly, he got a call from someone. He picked it up.
“Cousin, she’s safe. We’re heading now,” he said. The plane lifted off. I saw the city lights
below. I went away again, in the nth time. I don’t have a temporary location since I was a child
since my older brother was abducted. It supposed to be me.
I woke up when someone tapped my shoulder and I saw Keanu. “We’re here, he said.” As we
went out the plane, my eyes wandered around. We landed to a private backyard and saw a big
mansion, its look like a modern palace. I saw butlers in a distance and they approached us. I
followed silently until we reach the main door.
“Too bad, my cousin is not here yet.” he pouted. “I need to do some other works, see you
tomorrow cousin.” he waved as he walked away. He entered a black car and drove away. I saw
the maids waiting for me enter. As I entered inside, golds flickering around. It’s has a classic
style but modernized. I suddenly remembered the library, it has the same atmospheric feeling.
One of the maid approached me, she leads me to the rooms. The scent of the mansion sends
nostalgic memory because I was once living in a big mansion when the abduction of my brother
happened. Parents left me to a big mansion with unfamiliar faces around.
We entered one of the bed rooms, it’s big. “If you need help young lady, call us.” I smiled for
response and she went outside. I survey the closet area, it has already women clothes and it has
the same size of me. Clothes, jewelries, shoes and other women things are being present in this
room. I checked every corners of the room and other things if there are CCTVs around, it has
none. Father taught me about this incase I’m staying in a hotel or condominium. It’s explain why
in my previous location, I stayed to a house.
As I done cleaning myself, I picked a black velvet night gown. It has no pajamas available. A
knock on the door I heard, “Young lady, your dinner is ready.” I went outside and walking
downstairs, one of the maids leads the way to the dining area. It has lots of foods but I’m the
only one to eat. I called the maids to join me but they shake their heads for saying no. I think, its
rules that made them declined.
After eating, I wandered around in the living room. It’s quite spacious, there are no portraits but
it has lots of paintings hanging around with a frame of gold. Paintings are fascinating to be fond
of. I walked closer to the paintings and observed the little details. I stopped walking when I
noticed one of the paintings looked familiar to me, an olive leaf ring. It’s the same ring I found in
the library, it’s odd that they are same. Rings with this design are rare because it’s a self-design
ring. It’s just a coincidence? I think so because I found this ring to the library but unidentified
I need to find the owner of the ring or put back to the library, after I fix my problem here. I need
to get out of here as soon as possible because I can’t stay with a man that I don’t know his
existence. Father taught me to be clever and trust no one.
When I was about to turned my way I saw a knife darted in the wall where I stand closer. I didn’t
noticed it. I turned my side and saw a man wearing a white long-sleeved and a black pants. I
noticed his hand are drawn to blood. I felt his cold gazed piercing to me even I can’t see his face.
I remained composed and not showing any emotions. I saw his forehead knotted as he realized
something, I saw his eyes widened and touch his temple as he done something wrong. He walked
away and left me, he went upstairs.
“Who is he,” I whispered. I can’t recognize his face because he’s hiding in the faded shadow,
only his clothes are visible and the blood flowing to his hands. I think he’s somewhat the keeper
of this mansion. I went back to my room and sleep.

“What?! Wrong girl? What did you say?! Are you kidding me?”

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