FILE 20211204 183141 FILE 20211203 203648 Speaking-2021

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Speaking Practice

Sep 2021
Speaking Part 1
Examiner – Student
- Personal information
- Hometown/ Country/ city
- Study/ Work
- Daily activities/ Weekend activities/ Leisure activities
- The past: Yesterday/ last week/ last weekend
- The future
- Hobbies:
- Transport:
Speaking Part 1
Answer the questions:
- Speak full sentences:
What’s your name? – My name’s Thuy
Where do you come from? – I come/ am from Hanoi.
- Give extra information/explanation
Do you work or are you a student?
+ I’m a student at Vietnam National University of Agriculture. I study Land
Management/ Veterinarian…
- Be polite.
I’m sorry. Can you say that again?/ Could you repeat that?
Speaking Part 1
1. What’s your name/ first name? – My name’s Thuy
2.What’s your surname/last name? – My surname is Nguyen
3. How do you spell it/ your surname? – N-G-U-Y-E-N
4. Where do you come from?
5. Where do you live?
6. Do you study or work?/ What subject do you study?/ What’s your major?
7. Do you study English at school?/
Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?
8. What do you enjoy doing in your free time/ at weekend?
9. What do you do at weekend/ everyday?
10. What did you do yesterday …/ last weekend?
11. What’s your favourite season? Why?
12. Do you like listening to music? What kind of music do you like?
13. Do you like to read? What kind of books do you like?
1. What’s your name/ first name? – My name’s Bai
2. What’s your surname/last name? – My surname is Ngo
3. How do you spell it/ your surname? – N-G-O
4. Where do you come from?
5. Do you study or work?/ What subject do you study?/ What’s your major?
6. Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?
7. Where do you live?
8. What do you enjoy doing in your free time/ at weekend?
9. What do you do at weekend/ everyday?
10. What did you do yesterday …/ last weekend?
11. What’s your favourite season? Why?
12. Do you like listening to music? What kind of music do you like?
1. What’s your name/ first name? – My name’s Bai
2. What’s your surname/last name? – My surname is Ngo
3. How do you spell it/ your surname? – N-G-O
4. Where do you come from?
I am from Thanh Hoa province. It’s a big and beautiful city. It’s located in NORTH / the middle/ SOUTH of Vietnam. It’s
about 100km from HN. It’s famous for…
I am from Hai Phong which is located in the north of Vietnam. It’s a big and beautiful city. It’s about 100km from HN.
5. Do you study or work?/ What subject do you study?/ What’s your major?
I’m a student at VN National University of agriculture. I study crop sciences (veterinarians/ I ‘m the 4 th year student in
the department of accounting/ IT).
- Do you study English at school/ college?/ Do you have English lessons?
- Yes. I like English/ it’s my favorite subject but I is a difficult language to learn./ Yes. I used to have 3 lessons a week,
but now I don’t.
6. Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?
- Yes/ Of course. I think English is useful for me in the future but It is a difficult language to learn/
- Yes/ Of course. It will help me to get a good job if I speak English well.
7. Where do you live?
I live in a small flat in HN, the capital of VN./ because my university is there.
I live in a big house with my family. Although it is not in the city center, it is peaceful.
• 8. Hobbies: What do you enjoy doing in your free time/ at weekend?
• I like doing sports, my favourite sport is badminton. I often play it with
my friends.
• I also enjoy listening to music. I like SON Tung _MTP/ pop music
• I really love dancing…
9. What do you do at weekend/ everyday?
- At weekend I get up late in the morning, I have breakfast and I go
out with my friends…
- Every day, I get up at 6, I go to school. I have lunch at 12. In the
afternoon, I do my homework,….., I go to bed at 10 pm.
10. What did you do yesterday …/ last weekend?
- Yesterday I went shopping with my mother. I bought some food
and drinks such as meat, beef…. I aslo bought a new dress/ a pair
of shoes.
- I was at home, I watched TV and then I went out with my friends.
11. What’s your favourite season? Why?
My favourite season is summer because I don’t go to school, and
I can go swimming with my friends.
My favourite season is spring. In spring, the weather is warm, I
enjoy the Tet holiday with my family.l
12. Do you like listening to music? What kind of music do you
• Yes, I like music very much. I’m interested in Pop music. My
favourite song is Rainy girl./ My favourite singer is My Tam.
Speaking Part 2
1. Giving suggestions:
I think S + should bring/ take/ buy + N.
Why don’t S + V?
- Asking opinions:
What do you think about + V-ing/ N?
What about + N? / How about + N?
2. Agreement:
- I think so./ I agree with you/ That’s a good idea/ that’s ok.
3. Disagreement
I don’t think so/ I don’t agree with you/ It’s not a good idea… + Giải thích

4. Conclusion:
- What is the best things they should bring?
I think they should buy some snacks.
OK. That’s all right/ I agree with you.
A. I think they should bring some salad. Do you think so?
B. A/ D + Explanation. Suggestion?
C. A/ D + Explanation. Suggestion/ asking for opinion?
What do you think it is the best?/ What is the best things they
should bring?
I think they should + V..
Situation 1
• You imagine that you are going to spend your holiday at a relative’s
house. You want to do something to help her. Talk together about
different things you could do and decide which would be the best.
Clean the floor Cook the meals
Make foods

Iron the clothes

Wash the dishes

Empty the rubbish bin

Make the bed

Wash the car
Situation 2
• A schoolboy is going to move to another country because his parents
are change their job. His classmates want to give him something for
present. Talk together about different things they could give him and
decide which would be the best.
A pair of shoes/ trainers A racket

A guitar

A laptop

A camera

A smart watch
A. I think they should buy him a racket so that he can do sports in his free time.
B. I don’t think so because he doesn’t like playing racket sports, he like football. What about giving
him a guitar?
A. I’m not sure because he can’t play it. How about a camera?
B. That’s a good idea. He can take photos with it.
A. What do you think about a smart watch?
B. I don’t agree with you because he has one so it is not necessary to give him.
A. I agree with you. Why don’t they buy him a laptop?
B. I don’t think that because a laptop is very expensive. What do you think about giving him a pair of
A. That’s all right, he can use them every day. So what is the best thing to give him for a present?
B. I think they should buy him a pair of shoes, they are much cheaper than a camera.
A. I agree with you.
1. What is in the picture?
- 2 people: mother and son
2. What are they doing?
- mother: washing dishes
- son: cooking, helping his mother
3. Where are they?
- In the kitchen
- In the center: tomatoes,
vegetable, pepper,…
1. Overview: What/ Who can you see? What are they doing?
Where are they?
2. Describing people? Appearance
- S + be + Adj (young, old, thin, tall, short…)
- S + has + ….. hair and ….. eyes
- What are they wearing/ doing?
3. Background: Other things
Prepositions: On the right/ left; At the top/ bottom; on the top right/ left;
on the bottom right/ left; in front of; behind; next to…
4. Opinions:
What do you think about the picture?
In the picture, I can see two people: a
mother and her son in the kitchen. The
mother is washing dishes while her son is
helping her cook the meal.
The mother is tall and slim. She has short
black hair. She is wearing a pink T-shirt.
The boy has short hair. He’s wearing a
striped shirt.
In the middle of the picture, we can see a
lot of vegetables and tomatoes. Maybe,
they are making a salad.
Through the picture, I think the mother
and her son seem to be happy because
both of them are smiling.
In the picture I can see a girl cleaning the house/ moping the floor.
She’s beautiful. She’s tall and she has blond hair. She wearing white
shoes. She’s wearing blue jeans and blue shirt. She’s wearing yellow
gloves. Maybe she’s very happy / exciting because she’s smiling.
At the back/ Behind her, there is a sofa on the left of the cabinet. I can
see a tree and a clock on the cabinet too. I think the house is new
because the equipment look clean and bright.
• Looking at the picture, I see a woman ironing a blue shirt,
• She is thin and tall and she has long blonde hair. She is wearing
a black and white vertical sweater. She looks very tired because
she seems to be pregnant.
• Behind her there are many beautiful flowers by the window.
And I think she's upset because her husband isn't helping her
with this.
• In this picture I can see a woman ironing clothes in the room.
• She is about 30 years old and she is pregnant. She is tall. She
has long blonde curly hair. She is wearing a black and white
sweater/ T-shirt.
• Behind her there are 3 flower pots by the window that look very
• The girl seems to be quite interested in her work.
Pic 2
• In this picture I can see a man washing dishes in the kitchen.
• He has blonde hair. He is wearing a grey T-shirt, and blue jeans.
• On the right of the picture there is a sink with many bowls. On
his left there is a cupboard for cooking utensils and spices.
• He looks tired because he has a lot of things to wash.
• Looking at the picture, I can see a man washing dishes in the
• He is tall. He has a brown short hair. He is wearing a grey t-shirt
with jeans.
• On the left of picture there are many bowls and chopsticks.
• Maybe, he was very tired and bored because his wife couldn't
help him
Part 4
The pictures show people doing things at home. Now I’d like you to talk
together about what things you do at home and when you do them.
• What:
Mope the floor (lau sàn nhà), iron clothes (là quần áo), wash dishes (rửa
bát), cook/make the meals (nấu ăn), wash a car (rửa xe), make the beds (dọn
• When:
In the morning/ afternoon/evening,
After school/ work/ homework…
Before leaving home/ going to bed…
Speaking Part 4: Housework
A. What things do you have to do at home?
B. Well, I usually cook the meals. How about you?
A. Oh, I like/ have to mope the floor. Do you have to iron clothes?
B. Yes, sometimes, when I go to the party with my friend. Do you ever wash
the dishes?
A. Yes. I often wash the dishes after the meals/ dinner. What about you?
B. No, I don’t have to wash the dishes because my younger sister do it.
Do you make your bed?
A. Yes, of course. I always make my bed after getting up in the morning. And
B. I don’t, because I sometimes have the cleaner to do it.
• In the picture I can see a bed between 2 lamps. Above the bed, there
is a picture on the wall. Opposite the bed, I can see a TV and a shelf.
And there is (a vase of) flowers on the shelf…
• I think it is in the evening because it is dark outside and the lamps and
lights are on.
People in the bedroom
• The pictures show people in the bedroom. Now I’d like you to talk
together about what things you have in your bedroom now and what
things want to you have next time.
• what things do you have in your bedroom?
• I have some photos of my family members because I like to see them when I miss
them. How about you?
• I have a clock to wake me up in the morning. And I have some photos of my idols
too. Do you have idol pictures in your bedroom?
• Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. What things to you want to have in your bedroom next
• Well. I like to listen to music so I want to have a CD player. What about you?
• I like to have a big teddy bear/ a new TV because I like to watch films before going
to bed.
• I also want to have a book shelf because I like to read books before going to bed.

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