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Instructor name: Ana Liongson-Agustin

1. A position paper is a type of professional writing that presents one's stand or viewpoint on a
particular issue.

a) Yes b) No

2. In choosing an issue, it should be current and relevant.

a) No b) Yes

c) Maybe

3. One of the essential points considered before writing a position paper

a) The writer's aim to join the popular view b) The writer's response or resolution to the

c) The writer's main goal

4. What is the main goal of the position paper?

a) To inform the readers b) To persuade the readers

c) To enjoy and chill the reader d) To entertain the readers

5. An issue or selecting an issue is a crucial component of a position paper.

a) Perhaps b) No

c) Yes

6. Facts are better than opinion in supporting arguments.

a) Maybe b) Yes

c) No
7. A position paper should cite a valid and reliable sources to establish credibility of your arguments.

a) Yes b) No

c) Perhaps

8. Which part of the position paper that the writer interprets and clearly states the issue and his

a) Introduction b) Conclusion

c) Body

9. Which part of the position paper that you have to restate your main points and provide suggested
course of action or possible solution?

a) Body b) Introduction

c) Conclusion

10. Which part of a position paper that contains paragraphs in which each paragraph shall contain
idea or concept supported by strong evidence and facts?

a) Introduction b) Conclusion

c) Body

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