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Logical Fallacies
Total questions: 36
Worksheet time: 18mins
Instructor name: Mr. Ben Boruff

1. I guess I should buy my 12-year-old daughter an iPhone. Everyone at her new school has one,
and I want her to fit in with the other kids.

a) Slippery Slope b) Either/ Or

c) Bandwagon d) Appeal to False Authority

2. Charlie: I think we should put more money into schools. Quality public education is so important.

Bob: So you’re saying we should cut military spending and spend it instead on more spiral
notebooks and crayons? I guess you want our country to be a weak, defenseless target for

a) Straw Man b) Ad Hominem

c) Faulty Cause d) Hasty Generalization

3. My opponent raises a good point, but can we really trust him? I mean, he moved to this town only
two years ago and everyone knows that his wife left him.

a) Ad Hominem b) Slippery Slope

c) Bandwagon d) Sentimental Appeal

4. Oh, please. What would you know about labor laws? You don’t even have a job.

a) Hasty Generalization b) Appeal to emotion

c) Ad Hominem d) Fear
5. If I don’t take this AP class, then I won’t do well on the exam. If I don’t do well on the AP
exam, then I can’t get into a good college. If I can’t get into a good college, then I’ll never get
a good job. If I can’t get a good job, then I’m going to have to live in my parents’ basement
forever. Guess I’ll sign up for the AP class.

a) Fear b) Hasty Generalization

c) Slippery Slope d) False Cause

6. You need to go to the party with me; otherwise, you’ll just be bored at home.

a) appeal to ignorance b) hasty generalization

c) post hoc d) false dichotomy

e) tu quoque

7. I know the professor said the Bridges of Madison County was smarmy trash and lacked any
artistic worth. But I still think he's wrong. After all, it was on the best-seller list for over 100 weeks.

a) Fear b) Red Herring

c) Bandwagon Argument d) Begging the Question

8. An ad hominem attack

a) is a very effective debate strategy b) is an attack on the person, not the


c) goes after a person's argument. d) is always against a popular idea.

9. Teacher: If I let you go to the bathroom pretty soon everybody will want to go to the bathroom.
This is an example of

a) An Ad Hominem attack b) The Slippery Slope Fallacy

c) The Bandwagon Fallacy d) Argument from Authority

10. "Good morning! Have you gotten over the grouchy mood you were in?"

a) Loaded question b) Ad hominem

c) False dilemma d) False analogy

11. "The mind is like a knife, cutting through difficult problems. But just as too much cutting dulls a
knife, so too much education dulls the mind."

a) Circular reasoning b) Equivocation

c) False analogy d) False dilemma

12. "The two courses I took at UF were not very interesting. I don't think its a good university."

a) Ad hominem b) False dilemma

c) Hasty generalization d) Ciruclar reasoning

13. A driver with a New York license plate cuts you off in traffic. You decide that all New York drivers
are terrible drivers.

a) hasty generalization b) either-or fallacy

c) stereotyping d) false cause and effect

14. What is a logical fallacy?

a) An argument that contains a non-statement b) An argument that contains mistake in


c) An argument with a premise and a


15. Why is this a logical fallacy? "All elephants are big. Some boys are big. Therefore some boys are

a) It says A is true and B is true so A+B must be b) It says the two things always happen
true. together.

c) It only gives two choices to a larger d) It oversimplifies.


McDonald's Hamburgers, over 99 billion served.

a) Bandwagon b) Post Hoc

c) False Cause d) Red Herring

17. I am voting for Smith for President because the rest of my family is voting for him.

a) Appeal to False Authority b) Straw Man

c) Bandwagon Appeal d) Hasty Generalization

18. You should never gamble. Once you start gambling you find it hard to stop. Soon you are
spending all your money on gambling, and eventually you will turn to crime to support your

a) Hasty generalization b) Ad hominem

c) Slippery Slope d) Red herring

19. An ad hominem attack

a) is a very effective debate strategy b) is an attack on the person, not the


c) goes after a person's argument. d) is always against a popular idea.

20. Match the definition with the fallacy: "inference based on little to no evidence/stereotyping"

a) Straw Man b) Hasty Generalization

c) Non-Sequitur d) Red Herring

21. Match the definition with the fallacy: "if you allow x to happen, then y will happen"

a) Ad Hominem b) Slippery Slope

c) Bandwagon d) Fallacy

22. Match the definition with the fallacy: "going with the crowd/argues that because everyone else
believes something it must be true"

a) Slippery Slope b) Red Herring

c) Bandwagon d) Ad Hominem

23. Match the definition with the fallacy: "attacking the character of the person instead of the idea"

a) Ad Hominem b) Red Herring

c) Slippery Slope d) Straw Man


Select the fallacy being used.

a) false analogy b) hasty generalization

c) bandwagon d) either/or


Select the fallacy being used.

a) hasty generalization b) false analogy

c) bandwagon d) either/or

Select the fallacy being used.

a) either/or b) hasty generalization

c) false analogy d) bandwagon


Select the fallacy being used.

a) either/or b) hasty generalization

c) bandwagon d) false analogy


Select the fallacy being used.

a) false analogy b) hasty generalization

c) either/or d) bandwagon


Select the fallacy being used.

a) hasty generalization b) false analogy

c) bandwagon d) either/or

Select the fallacy being used.

a) either/or b) bandwagon

c) hasty generalization d) false analogy

31. “Your coach’s policy is that no one can be a starter on game day if they miss practice. So, if
you miss basketball practice today, you won’t be a starter in Friday’s game. Then you won’t
be the first freshman to start on the Varsity basketball team at our school.”

a) Band Wagon b) Slippery Slope

c) Hasty Generalization d) Ad Hominem

32. "All people from Crete are liars."

a) Appeal to Ignorance b) False Dilemma

c) Ad Hominem d) Strawman argument

33. "The Senator thinks we can solve all our ecological problems by driving a Prius."

a) Appeal to Ignorance b) Ad Hominem

c) Strawman Argument d) False Dilemma

34. "If you miss practice, it means you were probably goofing off. People who goof off drop out of
school and end up penniless."

a) Slippery Slope Fallacy b) Circular Argument

c) Hasty Generalization d) Red Herring Fallacy

35. "People nowadays only vote with their emotions instead of their brains."

a) Hasty Generalization b) Circular Argument

c) Red Herring Fallacy d) Slippery Slope Fallacy

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