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Mary and the CaterpillarMary had a flower garden.

She visits it
every day after school. She cleans the flower beds every
weekend. Oh, how she loved her garden. One day, Mary
noticed that the leaves of the gumamela were eaten. She
found a caterpillar in one of the leaves. She was about to
destroy it but it looked so small and harmless that she decided
to leave it there. She watched the caterpillar eat the leaves.
After a few more days, Mary didn’t find the caterpillar anymore.
She found it in a rolled leaf. Perhaps, it grew tired of eating
and now wants to sleep. The following week, Mary looked for
the caterpillar in the rolled leaf. It wasn’t there. She thought it
died. Then, she saw a beautiful yellow butterfly. “Could it be
that this butterfly was the caterpillar?”, Mary wondered.

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