Detailed Lesson Plan

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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

- Identify what is force and its types.

- Develop awareness on how forces affect daily lives
- Physically illustrate the concepts the concepts of balanced and unbalanced forces
through hands-on activities

II. Subject Matter: Force

1. Process skills:
Communicating, Observing, Classifying
2. Integration:
A. References:
B. Materials: Two toy cars, table, books

III. Instructional Procedures

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings

Good morning class! How’s We are all good Ma’am.

your day?

Oh that’s good to hear.

2. Checking of attendance

Who is absent today? None Ma’am.

Very good!

B. Developmental Activities

1. Drill
Okay class, now can you read all Yes Ma’am.
these words?

Very good! Now every please

read all together.

Read science words:

Force, motion, balance, exert. Force, motion, balance, exert.

2. Review

Before we proceed to our discussion, Ma’am it is about energy.

who can recall our past lesson?

Very good!

And what is energy? It is gvckjsdfsdvjixh kzcskdfhslvndv

C. Motivation

Do you want to play a game? Yes Ma’am!

That’s good to hear! The game

you will going to play is named
“Make me, Flight Me”. So here is
the rules I will group you into
two. You need to create an
airplane from this paper and you
need to make it fly and reach the
target line. Once the first
member is finish it’s the turn of
the second member. You need to
do it in 2 minutes.

Is it clear? Yes Ma’am!

Okay now, what did you do so We make a beautiful airplane Ma’am so

the airplane will reach the line? it will reach the target line.

Very good! Another? We use our strength Ma’am!

Very good!

D. Presentation of new lesson:

Based on the activity, what do
you think is our lesson for today? Ma’am, our lesson for today is about
Very good!

I will discuss our new lesson

which is force. But I will give first
an activity.


I will group you into two. Each

group will have a leader and a
reporter who will represent each
Just a reminder that when you
are having an activity, you need
to work silently, to avoid
disturbing other groups okay?

For Group 1 Yes, Ma’am!

Place an equal number of books
on both sides of the table next to
each car. Observe and discuss
how the remains in place,
emphasizing that the forces are

For Group 2
Place an equal number of books
on both sides of the table next to
each car. Remove weights from
one side creating an imbalance.
Observe and discuss how the car
moves, highlighting that
unbalanced force cause motion.

I will give you just one minute to

finish. And once you’re done you
may present it in front. Okay?
Yes, Ma’am!
( Reporting of output)

Do you know what is force?
Yes, Ma’am! Force is can cause
Very good! an object to move.

What are the two types of Force? There are two types of force
which is the balanced and
unbalanced force.
Very good!

Balanced force- force on both

sides are the same. Maintaining
its balance.

While, in unbalanced force- there

is a change in direction because
one force is stronger than the

Can you give me an example of

balanced force? Like in seesaw Ma’am.

Very good!

How about example of

unbalanced force?
Ma’am it is like winning the game, other
Very good thinking! groups will loss. So it is not balanced.
Can you give another one
example? It is like tug of war, the other side wins

Very good!


To have a deeper understanding

about our topic, I will give you
another activity. I will group you
into two groups. Do you
Yes, Ma’am!
Group 1

Write 10 sentences that show

forces. The scenarios must be
seen in our daily life.

Group 2.
Make a short roleplay about the
works of people in the
community. Just choose 2 kinds
of works of the folks.

After that, have a short insight of

what you have done.


What have you learned from our


We learned that force can cause

motion. And the two types of it, which
Very good! is the balanced and unbalanced.


Answer these questions orally.

1. What is force?
2. Give the two types of force. Can an object to move.
3. Tell if it is belongs to Balanced and unbalanced force.
balanced force or Not:

Book on a table
Balanced force
Sitting on a chair
Balanced force
Falling object
Unbalanced force
IV. Evaluation

1. When two forces acting on an object are equal in size but opposite in direction, it is called:

a) Balanced force

b) Unbalanced force

c) Neutral force

d) None of the above

2. Which of the following is an example of a balanced force?

a) Pushing a heavy rock uphill

b) Tug of war with equally strong teams

c) Riding a bike downhill

d) Kicking a soccer ball

3. What happens to an object when unbalanced forces act upon it?

a) It remains at rest

b) It moves at a constant speed

c) It changes its direction

d) It accelerates or decelerates

4. Which force allows objects to float in water?

a) Gravity

b) Friction

c) Buoyant force

d) Magnetic force.

5. When a car accelerates, the forces acting on it are:

a) Balanced

b) Unbalanced

c) Neutral
d) None of the above

V. Assignment

Write a reflection on what you have learned about force. Write it in ½ sheet of paper.

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