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NAME: Quishpe Jefferson DATE: 24/01/2022



CURSO: Second
TEMA COMÚN: Impact of Covid-19 on the safe return to face to face classes
Impacto del Covid - 19 en el retorno seguro a clases presenciales
OBJETIVO: Protect the health of educational community of students, teachers,
administrative personal and parents to return of safety manner at high
school, through diffusion of information and accomplishment of
recommendation of biosecurity; to prevent the contagious of COVID-19.
Also share feelings, emotions, inquires and necessities through debates.
Proteger la salud de la comunidad educativa de las /los estudiantes,
plantel docente, personal administrativo y las familias, mediante la
promoción, difusión de información y cumplimiento de las
recomendaciones de bioseguridad, para prevenir el contagio del COVID -
19. Además, compartir sentimientos, emociones, inquietudes y
necesidades en tiempos de pandemia a través del debate.


1. Relaciona
2. I.EFL.4.3.1 en
Learners can employ
el ámbito a range–ofHow
económico. strategies and interpret and affect
does unemployment use appropriate verbalstudents
parents when and return
presential communication
classes? features to communicate in familiar contexts.
Johanna Cajamarca ESTUDIANTE
2. ¿Cómo
I.EFL. 4.7.1 Learners
afecta can identify
el desempleo enthe
losmain ideade
padres and some al
familia details in short
retorno spoken
a clases audio texts set in familiar
 In when
my the message
opinion is delivered
I think slowly and
entire families thatthere
haveis other contextual
suffered support.
the impact of Learners can usehave
the pandemic
other classmate’s contribution in class as models for their own.
found it very difficult to return to face-to-face classes since, on the one hand, they fear
3. I.EFL.4.16.1 Learners can use and make simple learning resources, both online and in print in order to
contagion from their children in the classroom, and, on the other hand, the economic
compare and contrast information.
situation of the majority of families makes it difficult for students to return to class with the
Learners can choose appropriate resources and critically evaluate the information in these resources.
materials, uniforms required for classes
3. Compara: What changes politics and social affected the return presential classes in the actuality?
Indicate if that have relation that occurred in the first world war?
EJERCICIO cambios -políticos y sociales afectaron al retorno a clases presenciales en la actualidad? Indica
si tiene relación a lo ocurrido a la primera guerra mundial.
1. Relaciona
 In my Howopinion
did theI various
think in pandemics influence
terms of political societyit in
changes, the be
could First World
the Warofinpresident
change relation tothat
the current Covid-19
occurred in thepandemic
midst ofthat we are going
the pandemic, through?
which changed many things in terms of the
influyeron las diversas pandemias
of the country and inenterms
la sociedad
of socialenchanges,
la primera theguerra mundialthing
most notable en could
relaciónbea lathat
in allpandemia
families theyCOVID-19 quesomething,
have lost estamos atravesando?
relatives, friends, acquaintances which has
 In my opinion I thinkaffected
emotionally like any people,
pandemic, thethese
fact ofbring
losingwith them death,
a person from onesadness,
momentamong other
to another
things, which consequently affects people, society, unlike now in times
It is related to the First World War since in this one there were many deceased, which of the First World War,
it shouldaffected
have been bothmuch harderand
politically forsocially.
the pandemic and a war to take place at the same time In
any pandemic there is always going to be a hard blow to the morale of society, either because
their relatives
4. Relaciona die isoryour
: What there are fewtoeconomic
reaction receivingresources.
information on biosecurity protocols corresponding
Covid-19 for the return presential classes?
¿Cuál es su reacción al recibir información de protocolos de bioseguridad correspondiente al COVID-
19 para el retorno a clases presenciales?
 In my opinion I think it is news that makes me happy in a certain way since I will be able to
return to the classrooms to socialize, meet people among other things, but on the other

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