Exhibit A SOW - Genset 150 Kva SRP Bangko - 061223 (Ref Quotation)

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(PERUSAHAAN) membutuhkan jasa pihak ke tiga (“COMPANY”) required The third party CONTRACTOR
Kontraktor untuk menyediakan 3 (tiga) unit to provide Three (3) unit Diesel Engine
Diesel Engine Generator min. 150 KVA dan 3 Generator min. 150 KVA and three (3) Fuel
(tiga) Fuel storage tank min. 3000-liter untuk 3 storage tank min. 3000 liters for three (3) pump unit
(tiga) unit pompa angguk dilapangan Bangko – in Bangko – Jambi field, ±200 km north of Jambi,
Jambi, ±200 km utara Jambi, Sumatera, Sumatera, Indonesia.

Kebutuhan generator yang akan digunakan pada The requirement of generator to be used at Bangko
blok Bangko adalah sebagai berikut: block are as follows:

➢ 3 (tiga) unit generator dibutuhkan di sumur ➢ 3 (three) unit generators are required at WP-1,
WP-1, WP-4, & WP-7 untuk penggunaan WP-4, & WP-7 well for use fixed in 31 days
selama durasi 31 hari. duration.

Periode kontrak adalah 31 hari dengan sistem Term of contract shall be for a period of 31 days,
pembayaran bulanan dalam rupiah dan with monthly payment system in rupiah and based on
berdasarkan timesheet yang telah disetujui a timesheet that has been approved by COMPANY’s
perwakilan PERUSAHAAN. representative.

Rental ini menggunakan system pembayaran This rental is using basis payment based on daily rate
berdasarkan rate per hari. Unit akan dibayarkan services. The unit will be paid when the unit is called
ketika unit di call out, jika unit tidak di call out, out. If the unit is not called out, the COMPANY will
PERUSAHAAN tidak akan membayar sewa not pay the rent of the generator.
generator tersebut.

Tarif sewa standby akan dibayar jika unit sudah di Standby rental rates will be paid if the unit has been
call out tetapi tidak dioperasikan oleh called out but is not operated by the COMPANY.

Jika unit generator mengalami kerusakan yang If the generator unit is damaged which results in
mengakibatkan matinya sumur maka shut-in well, the COMPANY is not charged a daily
PERUSAHAAN tidak dibebankan biaya sewa rental fee. If the CONTRACTOR performs routine
harian. Jika KONTRAKTOR melakukan perawatan generator maintenance (PM) which results in shut-in
rutin genset (PM) yang berdampak pada matinya well, the rental rate will be fifty percent (50%) of the
sumur maka besaran tarif sewa menjadi 50% daily rate.
(lima puluh persen) dari tarif harian.

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Lingkup kerja meliputi: The scope of work shall include:

a. Pengadaan dan pengawasan pemasangan dari a. Supply and supervise installation of

3 (tiga) unit generator min. 150 kva, 0.8 PF, generator; three (3) unit min. 150 kva, 0.8
continuous rate, 480 VAC, 60 Hz, 3 Phase PF, continuous rate, 480 VAC, 60 Hz, 3 Phase
diesel engine generator, silent type, mampu diesel engine generator, silet type, capable
mensupplai kelistrikan untuk pompa angguk DOL direct on line starting and continuous
25 HP. operation of 25 HP SRP motor.

b. Pengadaan dan pengawasan pemasangan dari b. Supply, and supervise installation of three (3)
3 (tiga) unit fuel tank storage min 3000-liter unit fuel storage tank min 3000 liters
termasuk filter, piping untuk koneksi dari fuel including filter, piping for connection of fuel
tank ke generator set sesuai dengan section 3 tank to generator set in accordance with
dari lingkup kerja ini. section 3 of this scope of work.

c. KONTRAKTOR bertanggung jawab untuk c. CONTRACTOR is responsible to mobilize

memobilisasi equipment ke Bangko dengan equipment to Bangko well demobilize
baik dan demobilisasi peralatan dari Bangko equipment from Bangko to CONTRACTOR’s
ke fasilitas KONTRAKTOR setelah akhir facility after termination of rental agreement.
periode kontrak.

d. Supply and supervise installation fuel filter,

d. Pasokan dan pengawasan saringan instalasi
fuel line between fuel storage tank and
bahan bakar, jalur pengisian bahan bakar
generator set.
antara tangki bahan bakar dan generator set.

e. Set generator control and protection devices

e. Mengatur alat kontrol dan proteksi generator
in accordance with manufacturer
sesuai dengan rekomendasi produsen dan
recommendation and commission rental
peralatan sewa.

f. Suplai dan menyimpan dilokasi yang disetujui, f. Supply and store at approved location,
KONTRAKTOR menyediakan tempat CONTRACTOR provided storage container for
penyimpanan untuk suku cadang, peralatan, parts, tools, material including lube oil for
bahan termasuk minyak pelumas untuk routine and unplanned maintenance.
perawatan rutin dan tidak terencana.

g. KONTRAKTOR bertanggung jawab untuk g. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for

menyediakan unit generator cadangan providing a backup generator unit
(Spesifikasi tahun 2019 atau lebih baru (Specification 2019 or Newer Min. 150
Min. 150 Kva), apabila ketika unit utama yang Kva), in case when the main operating unit is
sedang beroperasi mengalami kerusakan atau damaged or during the maintenance period,
dalam periode masa pemeliharaan, agar tidak so as not to interfere with the production of
mengganggu produksi sumuran. wells.

h. Jika unit yang dikirim tidak sama dengan h. If the unit delivered is not same with
spesifikasi PERUSAHAAN, PERUSAHAAN COMPANY specifications, COMPANY shall
berhak untuk membatalkan perjanjian reserve the right to cancel the agreement
tersebut dan jika perlu PERUSAHAAN berhak and if necessary, COMPANY shall reserve the

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menyewa unit dari Perusahaan lain jika right to rent unit form other companies if
KONTRAKTOR gagal menyediakan unit yang CONTACTOR fails to provide the required
dipersyaratkan, dan biaya tambahan yang unit, and any additional cost incurrent by
dikerluarkan oleh Perusahaan PERUSAHAAN COMPANY in doing so shall be for the
yang melakukannya adalah untuk akun account of CONTRACTOR.

i. Estimasi beban yang akan dipikul tiap engine i. Estimated load of each engine is ±30% -
adalah ±30% - 40% dari maksimum kapasitas 40% from maximum engine load capacity or
beban yang dapat diterima atau sekitar 30 - around 30 - 40 Kw.
40 Kw.
j. Selama pelaksanaan jasa, KONTRAKTOR j. During the performance of services, the
bertanggung jawab terhadap penyelesain CONTRACTOR is responsible for resolving
permasalahan dengan masyarakat setempat issues with the local community and local
dan pemerintah daerah, dimana semua biaya government, with all costs incurred being the
yang timbul menjadi tanggung jawab responsibility of the contractor.

2.2 Mobilisasi / Demobilisasi 2.2 Mobilization / Demobilization

Generator sewa akan beroperasi secepatnya. The rental generator shall be operational
Perusahaan berhak menangguhkan sementara ASAP.COMPANY shall have right to temporary
waktu atau sebagian peralatan yang suspend all of or part of equipment assigned to
ditugaskan ke jasa tersebut dengan the services by giving CONTRACTOR seven (7)
memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis tujuh (7) days advance written notice. COMPANY may
hari sebelumnya. PERUSAHAAN dapat resume the services by giving CONTRACTOR
melanjutkan layanan dengan memberikan fourteen (14) days advance written notice.
KONTRAKTOR pemberitahuan tertulis empat COMPANY also reserves the right to terminate
belas hari (14) sebelumnya. PERUSAHAAN this agreement by giving CONTRACTOR one (1)
juga berhak menghentikan perjanjian ini month advance written notice. CONTRACTOR
dengan memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis shall be responsible for mobilizing equipment to
terlebih dahulu kepada KONTRAKTOR satu (1) West Piano#1, #4, # 7 PAD. CONTRACTOR
bulan sebelumnya. KONTRAKTOR shall provide crane to lift the equipment from
bertanggung jawab untuk mobilisasi peralatan the truck on to the foundation. Lifting
ke West Piano #1, #4, #7 PAD. KONTRAKTOR instructions and lifting gear including certified
juga harus menyediakan derek untuk spreaders-bars, slings and shackles shall be
mengangkat peralatan dari truk ke pondasi. provide by the CONTRACTOR.
Instruksi pengangkat dan perlengkapan
pengangkat termasuk bar penyebar
bersertifikat, sling dan shackle harus
disediakan oleh KONTRAKTOR.

2.3 Pekerja 2.3 Personnel

KONTRAKTOR bertanggung jawab untuk CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to provide
menyediakan personil yang kompeten untuk qualified and competent personnel to work
bekerja sama dengan personil PERUSAHAAN together with COMPANY’s personnel initially
untuk segera menghubungkan dan hook up and commissioning the generator.
commissioning generator. Menyediakan Provide operators to operate generators twenty-
operator untuk mengoperasikan generator 24 four (24) hours/day, seven (7) days a week.
(dua puluh empat jam) sehari dalam 7 (tujuh) provide qualified and competent personnel as
hari dalam seminggu. Memberikan personil necessary to repair/maintain the rental
yang kompeten dan berkompeten yang equipment in good operating condition at all

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diperlukan untuk memperbaiki/ merawat times throughout the services. All related costs
peralatan sewa dalam kondisi operasi yang for maintenance shall be to CONTRACTOR’s
baik setiap saat sepanjang masa layanan. including meals, accommodations, and
Semua biaya pemeliharaan terkait adalah transportations.
untuk rekening KONTRAKTOR termasuk
makanan, akomodasi, dan transportasi.

2.4 KONTRAKTOR harus berkomitmen untuk 2.4 CONTRACTOR shall have commitment to support
mendukung PERUSAHAAN untuk mencapai COMPANY to achieve ZERO INCIDENT and
ZERO INCIDENT dan untuk memenuhi comply with all applicable rules and regulation,
dengan peraturan perusahaan, kebijakan dan policies, and guidelines related to safety,
petunjuk yang berhubungan dengan environment protection and security as well as
keselamatan, perlindungan dan keamanan CONTRACTOR. All workers must have received
lingkungan sebagaimana personil/Pekerja the 3rd covid vaccine, have a 3rd vaccine
yang disediakan oleh KONTRAKTOR. Seluruh certificate.
pekerja harus telah dilakukan vaksin covid ke
3 dan memiliki sertifikat vaksin tersebut.

2.4 Transportasi & Akomodasi 2.4 Transportation & Accommodation

KONTRAKTOR bertanggung jawab untuk CONTRACTOR shall be responsible to provide
menyediakan transportasi, akomodasi dan transportation, accommodation and meals for
makan untuk operator KONTRAKTOR dan CONTRACTOR’s operators and other assigned
personil lain yang ditugaskan saat melakukan personnel when performing the services.
pekerjaan. KONTRAKTOR bertanggung jawab CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for insurance
atas asuransi untuk peralatan sewa dan for rental equipment and personnel insurance
asuransi personalia untuk personil for CONTRACTOR’s personnel assigned to the
KONTRAKTOR yang ditugaskan ke layanan services.

2.5 Pemasangan 2.5 Installation

KONTRAKTOR bertanggung jawab untuk: CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for:
a. Pemasangan peralatan sewa termasuk a. Installation of the rental equipment including
pengaturan pada pondasi yang disediakan setting on to COMPANY provided concrete
oleh PERUSAHAAN. foundation.
b. Pemasangan grounding generator dan b. Installation of generator and control panel
panel control. grounding.
c. Memasang perangkat control dan proteksi c. Setting up control and protection devices in
sesuai dengan rekomendasi pabrik. accordance with manufacturer
d. Pemasangan tangki bahan bakar dan pipa d. Installation of fuel tank and piping to
bahan bakar ke generator termasuk generator skid including filter, regulator and
saringan, regulator dan aksesoris lainnya. other accessories.
e. Comissioning dan start up generator. e. Commissioning and start up generator.
f. Instalasi harus tunduk pada audit f. The installation shall be subject to a safety
keselamatan dan semua persyaratan harus audit and all requirements shall be resolved
diselesaikan dalam waktu 72 jam. within 72 hours.
Tanggung jawab perusahaan: Company shall responsible for:
a. Menyediakan pondasi beton/sleepers untuk a. Providing concrete foundation/sleepers for
pengaturan set generator dan tangki bahan setting of generators set and fuel storage
bakar. tank.

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2.6 Pengoperasian 2.6 Operations
KONTRAKTOR bertanggung jawab atas CONTRACTOR is responsible for operation and
pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan peralatan 24 maintenance of the equipment twenty-four (24)
(dua puluh empat) jam/ hari, 7 (tujuh) hari hour/day, seven (7) days a week. CONTRACTOR
seminggu. KONTRAKTOR melakukan tugas shall perform the following duties:
sebagai berikut :
a. Mengoperasikan peralatan seperti yang a. Operate equipment as instructed by
diinstruksikan oleh PERUSAHAAN dan COMPANY and in accordance with
sesuai dengan petunjuk pabrik. manufacturer instructions.
b. Pegawasan per jam dan pencatatan bahan b. Hourly monitoring and recording of fuel, oil,
bakar, minyak, tingkat pendingin, suhu coolant levels, engine temperature and
mesin dan beban generator. generator load.
c. Penambahan minyak pelumas, pendingin c. Add lube oil, top up coolant, change oil, fuel
atas, ganti oli, saringan bahan bakar dan and air filter.
udara. d. Provide routine maintenance in accordance
d. Memberikan perawatan rutin sesuai dengan with manufacturer instruction.
instruksi pabrik. e. Periodic visual inspection for abnormal
e. Inspeksi visual berkala untuk kondisi operating conditions.
operasi abnormal. f. Prompt reporting, faults, trip and warning
f. Pelaporan segera tentang masalah, alarm to CONTRACTOR and COMPANY.
kesalahan, perjalanan dan alarm peringatan
kepada KONTRAKTOR dan PERUSAHAAN. g. Prompt correction of reported problems
g. Koreksi segera atas masalah yang including reporting of low fuel level.
dilaporkan termasuk pelaporan tingkat
bahan bakar rendah h. Immediate repair of generator shutdown due
h. Perbaikan segera generator yang Shutdown to equipment fault or replacement with a
akibat kesalahan peralatan atau backup generator unit
penggantian dengan unit generator back


a. PERUSAHAAN bertanggung jawab untuk a. THE COMPANY is responsible for providing
penyediaan bahan bakar diesel unit Generator diesel fuel for Generator units.


a. Tahun pembuatan minimum adalah tahun a. Year of manufacture unit minimum year
2019 atau terbaru untuk WP#07, WP#01, 2019 or newer for unit in WP#07,
WP#04 dan unit cadangan. WP#01, WP#04 and back up unit
b. Semua peralatan harus dirancang untuk b. All equipment shall be designed for
keperluan industry, dibangun, dipasokdan industrial use, built, supplied and
dipelihara sesuai standar untuk maintained to standard to provide high
menyediakan layanan keandalan tinggi reliability service over the term of the
selama jangka waktu sewa dengan rental period. As a minimum equipment
ketentuan: shall be:
- Cocok untuk operasi terus menerus. - Suitable for continues operation
- Ketersediaan keseluruhan sistem harus - Availability of the entire system shall be
99,9%, diukur dalam periode 30-hari. 99.9%, measured over any 30-day
- Generator harus cocok untuk operasi period.
diluar ruangan di atmosfir berangin dan - Generator shall be suitable for

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berdebu, hujan deras, kelembaban tinggi operations outdoors in an atmosphere
dan suhu sekitar 40 derajat, tipe silent. of windblown dust, driving rain, high
humidity and ambient temperature up
to 40 deg.C, silent type.
- Cocok untuk pemasangan pada - Suitable for installation on concrete
beton/cor sleepers.
- Dilakukan pemeliharaan dengan baik - Well maintained with a documented
dan terdokumentasi. service history.

4.2 Diesel Engine Generator 4.2 Diesel Engine Generator

Unit generator harus dirancang dan dibangun Generator unit shall be designed and
untuk operasi terus menerus (24jam/hari, 7 constructed for continuous operation
hari / minggu) untuk periode antara interval (24hrs/day, 7 days/week) for periods
servis sampai kapasitas pengenalnya. Pabrikan between service intervals up to its rated
mesin yang dapat diterima adalah: Caterpillar, capacity. Acceptable engine manufactures
MTU, Cummins. Unit generator mesin diesel are: Caterpillar, MTU, and Cummins. Diesel
minimal memiliki beberapa fitur berikut: generator unit shall as a minimum have the
following features:
a. Stand alone, silenced type, skid mounted a. Stand alone, silenced type, skid
diesel engine driven generator, 480V, 3 mounted diesel engine driven generator,
phase, 60 Hz, 1800 RPM, 0.8 PF, min 150 480V, 3 phase, 60 Hz, 1800 RPM, 0.8
Kva. PF, min 150 Kva.
b. Continuous rated 40degC ambient b. Continuous rated 40degC ambient
temperatures. temperatures.
c. Weather protection enclosure. c. Weather protection enclosure.
d. Generator enclosure Drip Proof IP-22. d. Generator enclosure Drip Proof IP-22.
e. Air filter. e. Air filter
f. Oil filter. f. Oil filter
g. Fuel filter with differential pressure gauge. g. Fuel filter with differential pressure
h. Steel braided flexible hose for all fuel lines. h. Steel braided flexible hose for all fuel
i. Electric starter. i. Electric starter.
j. Starting/control power batteries. j. Starting/control power batteries.
k. Engine gauge and alarm panel. k. Engine gauge and alarm panel.
l. Control panel and AVR. l. Control panel and AVR.
m. Main circuit breaker for diesel genset. m. Main circuit breaker for diesel genset.
n. Additional circuit breaker for lighting. n. Additional circuit breaker for lighting.
o. Electrical metering for; voltage (all o. Electrical metering for; voltage (all
phases), frequency, current (all phases) phases), frequency, current (all phases)
and power factor or Kw (may be installed and power factor or Kw (may be
in switchgear). installed in switchgear).
p. Exhaust and silencer. p. Exhaust and silencer
q. Spark arrestor. q. Spark arrestor
r. Emergency stop pushbutton and fuel shut- r. Emergency stop pushbutton and fuel
off solenoid. shut-off solenoid.
s. Grounding system with min.5 ohms s. Grounding system with min.5 ohms
resistance. resistance.

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4.3 Kabel 4.3 Cable
Kabel dari generator skid dan untuk load Cable from generator skid and to load shall
kelistrikan harus memiliki beberapa fitur have the following features as a minimum:
sebagai berikut:
a. Stranded conductors. a. Stranded conductors.
b. Min. 4 core x 35 mm2 for generator to b. Min. 4 core x 35 mm2 for generator to
load (Panjang kabel sesuai kebutuhan load (Cable length according to company
Perusahaan). requirements).
c. 1000 V rated insulation. c. 1000 V rated insulation.
d. PVC insulated and sheathed armored, type d. PVC insulated and sheathed armored,
NYFGbY. type NYFGbY.
e. Installed complete with cable glands and e. Installed complete with cable glands and
tinned, solders less, compression lugs. tinned, solders less, compression lugs.
f. New and unused, free of splices and f. New and unused, free of splices and
repairs. repairs.
g. Kabel terminasi untuk pompa angguk g. Termination of cable at load end (SRP
motor only).

4.4 Tanki bahan bakar dan pipa 4.4 Fuel tank and Piping
Tanki bahan bakar dan pipa distribusi wajib Fuel tank and distribution piping shall as a
memiliki spesifikasi: minimum have the following features :
a. Skid mounted, metal walled, stand-alone a. Skid mounted, metal walled, stand-alone
atmospheric tank. atmospheric tank.
b. Man-way/inspection hatch. b. Man-way/inspection hatch.
c. Drain valve. c. Drain valve.
d. Fill connection. d. Fill connection.
e. Vent, gooseneck with bird screen, vented e. Vent, gooseneck with bird screen, vented
to min. 3 meter above grade. to min. 3 meter above grade.
f. Supply nozzle with isolation valve. f. Supply nozzle with isolation valve.
g. Carbon or stainless-steel piping between g. Carbon or stainless-steel piping between
tank and generator skid. tank and generator skid.
h. Lighting protection system for fuel tank. h. Lighting protection system for fuel tank.
i. Flexible steel braided connection to engine i. Flexible steel braided connection to
fuel filter connection point. engine fuel filter connection point.
j. Individual manual isolation valve at each j. Individual manual isolation valve at each
skid generator connection point. skid generator connection point.
k. Grounding strap for bonding to filing truck. k. Grounding strap for bonding to filing
l. Fuel tank shall have minimum capacity truck.
3,000 liters (30 days operation at load of l. Fuel tank shall have minimum capacity
25 HP motor). 3,000 liters (30 days operation at load of
25 HP motor).


PERUSAHAAN akan membayar biaya jasa sewa COMPANY will pay rental services cost as per
per aktual jumlah bulan layanan yang dilakukan. actual number of months of performed services.
Sistem pembayaran bulanan dalam rupiah dan Monthly payment system in rupiah and based on
berdasarkan timesheet yang telah disetujui timesheet that has been approved by the

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6.1 Lokasi Operasional: Operasi di daratan di 6.1 Operation area: Land operation in Bangko
Bangko dan Jabung Block, Provinsi Jambi, and Jabung Block, Jambi province, Sumatera,
Sumatera, Indonesia. Indonesia.
6.2 Operasional Lapangan: Lokasi PERUSAHAAN 6.2 Operation Site: COMPANY’s designated
lapangan di Bangko dan Jabung blok locations in Bangko dan Jabung Block where
dimana PERUSAHAAN melaksanakan COMPANY shall conduct its operations.
6.3 Lokasi kantor PERUSAHAAN: Jambi dan 6.3 COMPANY’s office: Jambi dan Jakarta,
Jakarta, Indonesia. Indonesia.
6.4 Estimasi tanggal mulai: 28 Desember, 6.4 Estimated Commencement date: December
2023 28, 2023.
6.5 Lokasi Basis Pengiriman / Pengiriman Ulang 6.5 Location of COMPANY’s Delivery/Redelivery
ke PERUSAHAAN: Lapangan blok Bangko Base: Bangko Block


Generator wajib dikirim per-bagian agar sesuai Generator shall be delivered in stage to suit the
dengan instalasi pompa ESP: following ESP installation:

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