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Diamond and Related Materials 10 Ž2001.


Chemisorption of O 2 and CO on the K-modified diamond

ž 100/ 2 = 1 surface

M.Z. Hossaina , T. Miki a , H. Okuyamaa , T. Arugaa , T. Tsuno b, N. Fujimori b,

T. Ando c , M. Nishijimad,U
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Uni¨ ersity, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Itami Research Laboratories, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., 1-1-1 Koyakita, Itami, Hyogo 664-0016, Japan
National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials (NIRIM), 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan
Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Uni¨ ersity, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan

Received 22 January 2001; accepted 4 April 2001


The adsorption of O 2 and CO molecules on the K-modified CŽ100. surface has been studied mainly by electron energy loss
spectroscopy ŽEELS. and additionally by thermal desorption spectroscopy ŽTDS. and low-energy electron diffraction ŽLEED. at
300 K. Although O 2 does not react with the clean CŽ100. surface, it readily reacts with the K-modified surface. The adsorbed
species are characterized by the two loss peaks at 150 and 214 meV. The 150 and 214-meV losses are ascribed to the C᎐O stretch
of the C᎐O᎐C Žether. and ) C⫽O Žcarbonyl. species which are formed by breaking both ␴ and ␲ bonds of a surface dimer,
respectively. In contrast to SiŽ100., substrate oxidation mainly occurs at the top layer of CŽ100.. The CO molecule also reacts with
the K-modified surface, while it does not react with the clean CŽ100. surface. The adsorbed species are characterized by the loss
peaks at 154 meV with a shoulder at 192 meV. The 154-meV loss is tentatively assigned to the C᎐O stretch of the ŽC 2 O 2 . 2y 2Kq
complex formed on the K-modified CŽ100. surface. The shoulder at 192 meV is ascribed to the C᎐O stretch of either
ŽC 4O4 . 2y 2Kq or ) C⫽O, in which the ␲ bond is largely perturbed by the K adatoms. 䊚 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights

PACS: 82.65.My; 34.50.Dy; 81.65.Mq

Keywords: Chemisorption; Diamond; Electron energy loss spectroscopy; Oxygen

1. Introduction on the solid surfaces. The alkali promotion effect on

the solid surface has been examined widely for a vari-
The effects of alkali metals on the physics and chem- ety of coadsorption systems. Most of the coadsorption
istry of the solid surface have attracted considerable studies have been performed on the metal and semi-
attention from both fundamental and technological conductor ŽSi, GaAs, etc.. surfaces, but no works have
points of view w1x. Alkali metals are known to promote been done on the diamond surface to our knowledge.
the reactivity or selectivity of many chemical reactions While electron orbitals of the diamond surface are
significantly localized and unreactive towards many gas
molecules, whether the alkali promotion effect on the
Corresponding author. Tel.: q81-75-753-3979; fax: q81-75-753- diamond surface is different from those on the metal
4000. and Si surfaces or not is fundamentally intriguing.
E-mail address: ŽM. Nishijima.. Furthermore, the alkali-modified diamond surface is

0925-9635r01r$ - see front matter 䊚 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 5 - 9 6 3 5 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 4 8 4 - 8
2050 M.Z. Hossain et al. r Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001) 2049᎐2056

also attractive from the technological point of view. quadrupole mass spectrometer ŽQMS. for thermal de-
Alkali-modified CŽ100. has been found to reduce the sorption spectroscopy ŽTDS. and gas analysis. For EELS
substrate work function and exhibits negative electron measurements, a primary energy Ep of 6.7 eV, an
affinity ŽNEA. properties w2,3x. Therefore, the alkali- energy resolution of 14᎐16 meV Žfull-width at half-
modified CŽ100. surface has a potential to be used as a maximum, FWHM. and an incidence angle ␪ i of 60⬚
NEA device for photocathodes, secondary electron from the surface normal were used. All EELS spectra
emitters and cold cathode emitters. In order to fabri- were recorded in the specular mode at 300 K, i.e. the
cate the diamond-based device, it is important to eluci- reflection angle ␪ e Žs ␪ i . is 60⬚.
date the chemical reactivity of the alkali-modified The B-doped diamond film Žthickness: ; 2 ␮m. was
CŽ100. surface towards various gas molecules. epitaxially grown, using the microwave plasma-assisted
The recent development of the epitaxial-growth tech- chemical vapor deposition ŽCVD. method, on the Ž100.
nique for high quality diamond films has stimulated a surface of synthesized single-crystalline diamond
large number of investigations related to this material. w12,13x. Two of the present authors ŽTsuno and Fuji-
Among the low index faces, the best diamond homoepi- mori. showed, by scanning tunneling microscopy in air,
taxial growth occurs on the Ž100. surface w4᎐6x. As- that the CVD-grown surface has a Ž2 = 1. structure
grown CŽ100.2 = 1 surface is H-terminated. The clean w14x. The size of the substrate was 4 = 4 = 0.3 mm3. The
CŽ100.2 = 1 surface can be obtained by heating the CVD-grown diamond surface is H-terminated and,
sample at high temperature Ž; 1350 K.. The clean hence, the clean surface was prepared by heating the
CŽ100. surface is reconstructed into the 2 = 1 structure sample up to ; 1350 K by electron bombardment from
in which the adjacent surface C atoms are paired to the rear. The clean surface was checked by LEED and
form a symmetric dimer w7,8x. The surface dimer con- EELS. The sample temperature was measured by using
sists of both ␴ and ␲ bonds. The strong ␲ bond of the an alumel᎐chromel thermocouple attached to the sam-
C⫽C dimer on clean CŽ100. makes the surface unreac- ple edge.
tive towards many simple gas molecules, such as H 2 , K atoms were deposited at - 2 = 10y1 0 torr on the
O 2 , CO, CO 2 , N2 O, etc. w9x. Among the simple organic surface at 300 K using a well-outgassed chromate dis-
molecules, acetylene ŽC 2 H 2 . and ethylene ŽC 2 H 4 . do penser ŽSAES Getters . which was located 5 cm away
not react with the clean surface, whereas 1,3-butadiene from the sample surface. The K-modified CŽ100. sur-
ŽC 4 H 6 . reacts with the C⫽C dimer of the clean surface face was prepared by the deposition of K more than
through the Diels᎐Alder reaction mechanism w10,11x. one monolayer Ž1 ML. at room temperature followed
The alkali adsorption on the clean CŽ100. surface is by heating to 320 K to avoid any island formation.
expected to enhance the reactivity of the surface to- Comparing with the TDS spectra of K from KrCŽ100.2
wards various gas molecules. = 1 reported previously w3x, the K coverage of the
In the present work, we studied the O 2 and CO K-modified surface in the present study is assumed to
adsorption on the K-modified CŽ100. surface at 300 K. be a physical monolayer Ž1 ML.. All gases were intro-
Neither O 2 nor CO react with the clean Ž100.2 = 1 duced into the UHV chamber through a variable leak
surface. On K-modified CŽ100., O 2 is found to be valve. The amounts of gas exposures are given in l Ž1
dissociatively adsorbed, which is clearly indicated by l s 1 = 10y6 Torr s.. The Bayard᎐Alpert ŽB᎐A. gauge
the appearance of the 150 and 214-meV loss peaks. filament was turned off during the doses of O 2
The 150 and 214-meV losses are assigned to the C᎐O molecules.
stretch of C᎐O᎐C and ) C⫽O species, which are
formed by breaking both ␲ and ␴ bonds of the surface
dimers, respectively. CO is also found to be adsorbed 3. Results
on the K-modified surface, which is indicated by the
loss peaks at 154 meV with a shoulder at 192 meV. Fig. 1 shows the EELS spectra of Ža. the clean
Possible reaction mechanisms of O 2 and CO adsorp- C 100. 2 = 1 surface; Žb. the K-modified surface; and
tion on the K-modified CŽ100. surface are discussed. Žc᎐g. K-modified surface exposed to O 2 with increasing
exposure at 300 K. For the clean surface, a loss peak at
90 meV and a loss plateau at 120᎐180 meV are observed
2. Experimental which are the characteristics of the clean CŽ100.2 = 1
surface w9x. No loss peak related to the O 2 adsorption is
The experiments were carried out in an ultrahigh observed when the clean CŽ100.2 = 1 surface is ex-
vacuum ŽUHV. system with a base pressure of - 1 = posed to O 2 at 300 K Žnot shown.. When the clean
10y1 0 Torr. The vacuum chamber was equipped with a surface is exposed to 1 M of K, the loss peaks charac-
high resolution electron spectrometer for electron en- teristic of the clean surface disappear, instead a loss
ergy loss spectroscopy ŽEELS., an electron optics for continuum appears. The loss continuum is, perhaps,
low-energy electron diffraction ŽLEED., and a attributed to the metallic character of the K-saturated
M.Z. Hossain et al. r Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001) 2049᎐2056 2051

Fig. 1. EELS spectra in the specular mode of: Ža. the clean CŽ100. 2 = 1 surface; Žb. the clean surface exposed to 1 ML of K; and Žc᎐g.
K-modified surface exposed to O 2 with increasing exposure at 300 K. All spectra are normalized by the elastic peak intensities. The primary
energy Ep s 6.7 eV. The inset shows changes of the intensities of the 150 and 214-meV losses normalized by the elastic peak intensities with
increasing O 2 exposure.

surface w3x, and is produced when electrons at the of the EELS spectra of the K-modified CŽ100. surface
Fermi level are excited into the continuum of empty exposed to 182 l of O 2 at 300 K. It is observed that the
states w15x. No loss related to the C᎐K vibration is intensities of the 150 and 214-meV losses do not de-
observed due to the low vibrational energy. crease up to 700 K. The intensities of both losses
When the K-modified surface is exposed to 0.9 l O 2 , significantly decrease at 900 K. At 1000 K, a further
two intense loss peaks at 150 and 214 meV are clearly decrease in intensity is observed. At 1300 K, the loss
observed. No energy shifts of the loss peaks are peaks at 150 and 214 meV completely disappear and
observed with increasing coverage within the experi- the losses characteristic of the clean CŽ100.2 = 1 sur-
mental error of "12 meV. The appearance of the loss face reappear. These results indicate that the adsorbed
peaks due to O 2 exposure clearly indicates that O 2 species associated with the loss peaks are strongly
molecules react with the K-modified surface. Changes bonded with the substrate.
of the intensities of the 150 and 214-meV loss peaks It is noted that, after the O 2 adsorption and desorp-
with increasing O 2 exposure are shown in the inset of tion processes, the intensity of the 2 = 1 LEED pattern
Fig. 1. The intensity of the 214-meV loss increases with becomes weaker with high background. After three
increasing coverage tip to 32-l exposure. The intensity cycles of O 2 adsorption and desorption processes, the
of the 150-meV loss remains almost the same from 0.9 2 = 1 LEED pattern completely disappears. Hence,
to 182 l of exposure. It is noted that the absolute count getting a series of the TDS spectra requires many
rate of the elastic peak Ž1.7= 10 5 cps. drastically de- sample surfaces, which limits the detailed TDS mea-
creases Ž5.3= 10 3 cps. when the clean surface is modi- surements. These results are similar to those observed
fied by K exposure. When the K-modified surface is in the case of atomic oxygen adsorption and desorption
exposed to O 2 , the absolute count rate of the elastic processes on clean CŽ100. 2 = 1 w16x. In order to get
peak increases significantly Ž3.9= 10 4 cps for 0.9 l some information about the desorption products, TDS
exposure. compared with that of the K-modified sur- spectra of masses 28, 32 and 44 were recorded after the
face. K-modified surface exposed to 182 l of O 2 was heated
Fig. 2 shows the annealing temperature dependence to 1000 K. The results are shown in the inset of Fig. 2.
2052 M.Z. Hossain et al. r Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001) 2049᎐2056

the loss peaks at 150 and 214 meV similar to those

shown in Fig. 1c᎐g appear. These observations suggest
that K atoms simply adsorb on the OrCŽ100. and
thereby screen the C᎐O vibrational losses at 300 K.
The adsorbed K may partly desorb at 500 K and the
losses related to the C᎐O vibration appear. Thus, the
structures of KrOrCŽ100. and O 2rKrCŽ100. at 300 K
are not the same.
Fig. 3 shows the EELS spectra of Ža. the clean
CŽ100. 2 = 1 surface; Žb. the K-modified surface; and
Žc,d. K-modified surface exposed to CO at 300 K.
Unlike O 2 exposure, the absolute count rate of the
elastic peak does not increase due to CO exposure to
the K-modified surface. Hence, the signal-to-noise ratio
in the spectra for the CO-exposed surface is low. When
the K-modified surface is exposed to CO, a loss peak at
154 meV with a shoulder at ; 192 meV is clearly
Fig. 4 shows the annealing-temperature-dependent
EELS spectra of the K-modified CŽ100. surface ex-
posed to 15 l of CO. It is observed that the intensity of
the loss peak at 154 meV with the shoulder at 192 meV
does not decrease at 500 K. When the surface is heated
to 900 K, the 154-meV loss with the shoulder at 192
Fig. 2. EELS spectra in the specular mode of the K-modified surface meV almost disappears. Comparing with the EELS
exposed to 182 l of O 2 at 300 K and of the same surface with spectra in Fig. 2, it is obvious that chemisorbed species
increasing heating temperature. The primary energy Ep s 6.7 eV.
The inset shows the TDS spectra of masses 32, 44, 28 and 39. The
formed by O 2 and CO exposures to the K-modified
spectra corresponding to the masses 32, 44 and 28 are recorded after surface are not the same. Unlike the case of the O 2
the K-modified surface exposed to 182 l of O 2 is heated to 1000 K. adsorption᎐desorption processes, the LEED patterns
The spectra corresponding to the mass 39 is recorded after the show the 2 = 1 structure even after several cycles of
K-modified surface is exposed to 30 l of O 2 at 300 K Žheating rate: 8 CO adsoption and desorption processes. An attempt
has been made to measure the desorption products by

These indicate that adsorbed oxygen desorbs as CO

Žmass 28. at ; 1030 K. Desorption of CO from the
oxygenated CŽ100. surface is in agreement with the
previous studies w16᎐20x. The origin of the minor CO 2
Žmass 44. desorption peak at 1030 K is not known at
the present stage. The uppermost curve in the inset
shows the TDS spectrum of K Žmass 39. from the
K-modified surface exposed to 30 l of O 2 at 300 K. Two
K desorption peaks are observed at 760 and 860 K. The
desorption peaks at 760 and 860 K may be related to
the ␣ and ␤ peaks of the K-modified surface observed
at 400 and 525 K in the previous study on K-modified
CŽ100., respectively w3x. These results suggest that K is
highly stabilized due to the coadsorbed O species.
In addition to O 2 exposure to the K-modified CŽ100.
surface wO 2rKrCŽ100.x, we also briefly studied the K
adsorption on the OrCŽ100. surface wKrOrCŽ100.x.
The OrCŽ100. surface was produced by atomic O
exposure to the clean CŽ100. surface w16x. For the
KrOrCŽ100., the loss peaks characteristic of the
Fig. 3. EELS spectra in the specular mode of: Ža. the clean CŽ100.
OrCŽ100. surface Ždiscussed later. are not observed 2 = 1 surface; Žb. clean surface exposed to 1 ML of K; and Žc,d.
and a spectrum similar to that shown in Fig. 1b appears K-modified surface exposed to CO with increasing exposure at 300 K.
at 300 K. When the KrOrCŽ100. is heated to 500 K, The primary energy Ep s 6.7 eV.
M.Z. Hossain et al. r Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001) 2049᎐2056 2053

respectively w21,22x. Studies on the adsorption of water

on CŽ100. by multiple-internal-reflection spectroscopy
have assigned the observed peaks at 155 and 149 meV
to the ether-type C᎐O᎐C structure w23x. Theoretical
calculations on the monolayer O on CŽ100. have shown
multiple peaks at 145᎐155 meV, which are assigned to
the C᎐O stretching mode of the surface ether species
w24x. A recent study on the atomic O adsorption on the
clean CŽ100.2 = 1 surface by EELS has shown the loss
peaks at 113, 150, 215 and 261 meV w16x. The 113 and
215-meV losses are assigned to the bending and
stretching modes of the ) C⫽O species Žon-top O.
which is formed by the dimer ␲ and ␴ bond breaking,
respectively. The 150-meV loss is attributed to the
C᎐O᎐C species, which is also formed by the dimer
bond breaking. The 261-meV loss indicates the exis-
tence of minority O atoms almost triple bonded to the
substrate defect sites.
Since K atoms are highly reactive in nature, one
might think of ascribing the observed losses to peroxide
andror superoxide species formed on the K-modified
CŽ100. surface by the O 2 dose. According to the in-
frared studies of K oxides in the Ar matrix, the K᎐O
Fig. 4. EELS spectra in the specular mode of the K-modified surface stretching mode is observed at 38᎐62 meV depending
exposed to 15 l of CO at 300 K and of the same surface with on the valency of O 2 w25x. The O᎐O stretching energy
increasing heating temperature. The spectra were recorded at 300 K. is observed at 98᎐116 meV for the peroxide ŽK 2 O 2 .
The primary energy Ep s 6.7 eV. The inset shows the TDS spectra of species w26x. For the superoxide ŽKO 2 . species, the
K from: Ži. the K-modified surface; and Žii. K-modified surface
exposed to 15 l of CO at 300 K Žheating rate: 8 Krs..
O᎐O stretching energy is observed at 137 meV w25x.
The observed loss peaks at 150 and 214 meV in the
present study are obviously out of these ranges and can
TDS. Unfortunately, no clear CO desorption peak was be related with the oxide species associated with the
observed due to the simultaneous CO desorption from substrate. No additional loss peak related with the
the sample holder. TDS spectra of K from the K-mod- peroxide or superoxide species is observed in Figs. 1
ified surface were recorded before and after CO expo- and 2. These observations are similar to the study on
sure. The results are shown in the inset of Fig. 4. The the K-promoted oxidation of the SiŽ100. surface at 300
spectra Ži. and Žii. show the TDS spectra of K from the K w27x. For K-modified SiŽ100. Ž1 ML of K., it is found
K-modified surface w3x and the K-modified surface ex- due to O 2 doses at 300 K, that oxidation of the Si
posed to CO at 300 K, respectively. It is observed that substrate takes place and K-oxides are not formed.
the K desorption edge is shifted by ; 70 K towards The 150 and 214-meV losses in the present study are
higher temperature by CO exposure. This observation very similar in energy with those observed for the
suggests that the adsorbed K is stabilized by the coad-
atomic O adsorption on clean CŽ100. w16x. Hence, the
sorbed CO molecules.
150 and 214-meV losses are assigned to the C᎐O
stretching energy of the C᎐O᎐C and ) C⫽O species,
respectively, which are formed by breaking the ␲ and
4. Discussion ␴ bonds of the surface dimer. A schematic view of the
oxidized surface is shown in Fig. 5. The bending mode
4.1. O2 exposure to the K-modified C(100) surface of the ) C⫽O species has not been observed on the
K-modified CŽ100.. Formation of the ) C⫽O and
In order to assign the observed losses, first we briefly C᎐O᎐C species on the K-modified CŽ100. surface sug-
discuss several studies concerning the vibrational spec- gests that O 2 molecules dissociatively adsorb on the
tra of the oxidized CŽ100. surface. Investigations of surface. On the K-modified SiŽ100., the Si᎐O᎐Si species
acid-treated diamond powder by the infrared technique are most favorably formed and the oxidation is found
have shown peaks at 212᎐220 and 136᎐155 meV, which to be extended up to a few monolayers of the SiŽ100.
have been assigned to the stretching mode of the surface which is indicated by the significant shift of the
surface carbonyl Ž) C⫽O. and ether ŽC᎐O᎐C. species, Si᎐O stretch energy with increasing O 2 exposure w27x.
2054 M.Z. Hossain et al. r Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001) 2049᎐2056

the initial stage of the oxidation of H-terminated CŽ100.

and the formation of the ) C⫽O structure becomes
easier as the O coverage is increased w28x. It is noted
that the EELS intensities of the C᎐O᎐C and ) C⫽O
species formed by atomic O exposure on the clean
CŽ100. surface at 300 K increase simultaneously with
exposure w16x.
With the experimental resolution used here, the C᎐O
stretch energies Ž150 and 214 meV. observed in the
present study are similar to those Ž150 and 215 meV.
observed for oxygenated CŽ100.. This apparently sug-
gests that the C᎐O bond strength, compared with the
oxygenated CŽ100., is not largely affected by the K
adatoms. It is difficult to understand this, as there is no
theoretical work on the electronic states involved in the
bonding of O and K with CŽ100. at the present stage. It
may be related to the contribution of the polarized
covalent bond in the bonding of alkali metal with the
substrate w33x. In the present study, the O atoms are
strongly bonded to the substrate C atoms and ulti-
mately desorb as CO at ; 1000 K. Hence, the strong
Fig. 5. Schematic structural models of: Ža. the K-modified CŽ100. C᎐O bond strength largely dominates over the K᎐O
surface exposed to O 2 molecules; and Žb. possible products formed interaction and the K-oxides are not formed w34x.
by the CO exposure to the K-modified CŽ100. surface. The average of While O 2 molecules do not react with the clean
˚ . and metallic Ž2.35 A
ionic Ž1.33 A ˚ . radii of K was considered in Ža..
CŽ100. surface, the dissociative chemisorption of O 2 on
the K-modified surface implies that K adatoms play a
In the present study, oxidation seems to occur only at crucial role in the dissociation of the O 2 molecules.
the top layer of the CŽ100. surface. The role of adsorbed K in the dissociation of O 2
Although the crystal structure of silicon is similar to molecules can be explained by the alkali promotion
that of diamond, the difference in the structural effect.
parameters, electronic states, etc. seems to result in the A large number of studies related to the alkali pro-
different oxidation process. A recent periodic density motion effect have been done by various experimental
functional calculation on the oxidation of H-terminated techniques on both metal and semiconductor surfaces
CŽ100. reveals that insertion of an O atom into the w1x. The alkali promotion effect is generally explained
second layer distorts the crystal structure markedly and by the large decrease in the work function of both
the process is endothermic w28x. In contrast to the metal and semiconductor surfaces due to the
diamond, previous experiments and calculations re- alkali᎐metal adsorption. The lowering of the substrate
vealed that an O atom can be easily inserted into the work function enhances the electron flow into the
backbone of the SiŽ100. surface w29᎐31x. anti-bonding molecular orbitals of the gas molecules
Although two losses Ž150 and 214 meV. appear si- w35,36x. In our recent study, it was observed that the
multaneously, changes of the peak intensities of the work function of clean CŽ100.2 = 1 also drastically de-
150 and 214-meV losses with O 2 exposure Žinset of Fig. creases Ž3.25 eV. when 1 ML of K is adsorbed on the
1. suggest that the formation of the C᎐O᎐C species is surface w3x. At 1 ML K coverage, the CŽ100. surface
energetically more favorable than that of the ) C⫽O becomes metallic with the vacuum level lying 2.2 eV
species at 300 K. above the Fermi level. Thus, the electron flow into the
The desorption peaks corresponding to the C᎐O᎐C 2 ␲U anti-bonding orbital of molecular O 2 is highly
and ) C⫽O species have not been observed separately facilitated on the K-pre-adsorbed surface resulting in
Žinset of Fig. 2.. The single desorption peak may be the dissociation of O 2 molecules.
explained by considering that the desorption process
proceeds through a single transition state, e.g. the 4.2. CO on the K-modified C(100) surface
conversion between the ether and carbonyl species
occurs prior to the desorption or that the adsorption The ŽK q CO. coadsorption system has been exten-
energy difference per O atom between the two species sively investigated on various transition metal surfaces
is small, as calculated by Whitten et al. w32x. Recent w1x. Many studies have shown that coadsorbed K atoms
calculations on the oxidation of H-terminated CŽ100. enhance the metal᎐CO bonding, weaken the C᎐O
predicts that the ether species are priorily formed at bonding and promote the CO dissociation. Vibrational
M.Z. Hossain et al. r Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001) 2049᎐2056 2055

energies of CO coadsorbed with K on various metals observed using EELS on the K-adsorbed Cu Ž110.
have been reported to be as low as 174 meV on Pt surface by Lackey et al. w43x. They reported that CO
Ž111. w37x, 174 meV on RuŽ100. w38x and 175 meV on exposed to Cu Ž110. covered with 1 ML K shows the
NiŽ100. w39x surfaces. Molecular orbitals of gas phase C᎐O stretch energy at 151 and 195 meV, which may be
CO are considered to explain the observed losses for associated with the C᎐O bond order of approximately
CO adsorption on the K-modified surface w1x. The 1.2 and 1.7, respectively w44x. By comparison with the
highest occupied state of CO is the 5␴ orbital and the infrared spectra of solid salts of alkali metals and C᎐O,
lowest unoccupied state is the 2 ␲U anti-bonding or- Lackey et al. suggested the formation of adsorbate
bital. According to the traditional Blyholder model, the complex containing polymeric CO anions of the form
CO molecules can bind through the donation of elec- ŽC qOq . 2y with q s 2 or 4 wFig. 5b Žii,iii.x.
trons in the 5␴ orbital to the substrate, and also The loss energies observed in the present study are
through the back-donation of electrons from the sub- very close to those observed for the COrKrCuŽ110.
strate to the empty 2 ␲U orbital w40x. If back-donation system w43x. Thus, it is expected that a similar kind of
to the 2 ␲U anti-bonding orbital is large, a CO structure complex is formed by CO exposure to the K-modified
similar to the organic carbonyl with the double bond CŽ100. surface. The inorganic chemistry of alkali met-
between C and O can be formed. The lowering of the als has been extensively studied and it is now accepted
vibrational energy Ž174 meV. of adsorbed CO on the that, under favorable conditions, sodium and potassium
K-modified surface is largely explained by filling of the can react with CO to give salts of the general formula
2 ␲U anti-bonding orbital where the bond order be- mentioned above. At 1 ML K coverage on CŽ100.
comes less than 2 w41x. It is noted that the C᎐O stretch Žwithout CO., it is found that the adsorbed K is nearly
energies of the gas phase and carbonyl CO are 266 and neutral in the charge state w3x. From this point of view,
; 212 meV, respectively w42x. the formation of the CO᎐K complex on the KrCŽ100.
The loss energy at 154 meV observed in the present surface is likely. Thus, we suggest that the 154-meV
study is much lower than that observed on the metal loss is due to the C᎐O stretch of the ŽC 2 O 2 . 2y 2Kq
surfaces mentioned above. Possible explanations for complex formed on the K-modified surface. The
such a low C᎐O stretch energy are: Ži. the CO molecule shoulder at 192 meV can be ascribed to the C᎐O
completely dissociates into C and O atoms upon ad- stretch of either the ŽC 4 O4 . 2y 2Kq complex or ) C s O
sorption; Žii. the CO molecule forms a CO᎐K complex species where the ␲ bond is perturbed by the K
or CŽ100. ᎐CO᎐K complex in which the C᎐O bond is adatoms as observed on metal surfaces.
largely perturbed by the adsorbed K. If CO molecules
completely dissociate into C and O atoms, then O
atoms would react with the dimers underneath, result- 5. Conclusion
ing in the formation of the ) C⫽O and C᎐O᎐C species
as we observed in the case of O 2 adsorption ŽFig. 1.. Chemisorption of the O 2 and CO molecules on the
However, no loss peak at 215 meV is observed in Fig. 4, K-modified CŽ100. surface has been studied by EELS,
as well as no degradation of the LEED pattern is TDS and LEED at 300 K. The important results are
observed even after several cycles of CO adsoption and summarized as follows:
desorption processes. Hence, the possibility of the dis-
sociation of CO molecules into C and O atoms can be 1. Although O 2 does not react with the clean CŽ100.
ruled out. surface, it readily reacts with the K-modified sur-
Since the ␲ bond which is formed by the overlap of face at 300 K. Two different chemisorbed species
two dangling orbitals of the clean CŽ100. surface is are observed which are characterized by the loss
largely perturbed by the adsorbed K, it is likely that peaks at 150 and 214 meV. The loss peaks at 150
CO molecule reacts with the dimer to form a bridging and 214 meV are ascribed to the C᎐O stretch of
) C⫽O species as shown in Fig. 5b Ži.. Depending on C᎐O᎐C Žether. and ) C⫽O Žcarbonyl. species,
the strength of the interaction of the ) C⫽O species which are formed by breaking both ␴ and ␲ bonds
with K-adatoms, the C⫽O bond can be weakened or a of the surface dimer, respectively.
complex like C᎐OyKq might be formed. It is noted, 2. The K atoms are active essentially in the dissocia-
however, that in order to form the COyKq, the C has tion of the O 2 molecules, but not in the CŽ100. ᎐O
to be three-coordinated with the substrate, which seems bond. The large decrease of the work function of
unlikely on the CŽ100. surface where the electron or- CŽ100. due to the K adsorption Ž3.2 eV at 1 ML K.
bital is significantly localized and highly directional. In facilitates the electron transfer to the 2 ␲U anti-
the complex like ) C᎐OyKq, the C᎐O stretch energy bonding orbitals of O 2 resulting in the dissociative
is expected to be approximately 136 meV, as observed adsorption of O 2 molecules. In contrast to the
in the CH 3 ᎐O᎐K complex w1x. SiŽ100., the K-induced oxidation occurs mainly at
The lowest vibrational energy of coadsorbed CO is the top layer of CŽ100..
2056 M.Z. Hossain et al. r Diamond and Related Materials 10 (2001) 2049᎐2056

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