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Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Impact of Home Visitation to the Performance of Diffs Students

on their English Subject

A Special Problem

Presented to

Dr. Suzette. Q. Palla

Course Facilitator

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Course for

Special Problem



MILE Major in English Student

Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo



This chapter focuses on seven parts: (1) Background of the

study, (2) Theoretical Framework, (3) Conceptual Framework,

(4) Statement of the Problem, (5) Definition of Terms, (6)

Significance of the Study, and (7) Scope and Delimitation

Background of the Study

English is one of language that used to communicate in the

world as international language. According to Nunan in Cahyono
(2010: 91) English has become a tool for communication in
transportation, commerce, banking, tourism, process of
technology, diplomacy, and scientific research. The science
and technology are conveyed using English. In fact, there many
books containing the current science and technology written in
English only. To develop this science and technology English
is the mediator language. In Indonesia, English is important
subject taught at every level of education, from the first
grade of Elementary school through the third grade of Senior
High School and at the University in Indonesia as well.
Now days, to learn English language in the Philippines
needs a lot of attention in improving quality English
education especially in writing skill; to write better that
people need in future lives. With perfecting education
system, supplies such as book and various techniques. Not
government alone but also all section who is involve in
education takes part in order to make quality English language
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

In teaching and learning English, there are four skills that

should be mastered, they are: reading, speaking, writing and

In order to improve the education of culturally and

linguistically diverse students, it is fundamental that
teachers understand the relationship between pupils’ home
culture and school learning. The adjustment to a new language,
culture and way of life can be overwhelming for children, and
it is in the home that parents can provide meaningful
assistance and alternative perspectives (Lapp, Flood,
Tinajero, Lungen, & Nagel, 1996). Yet, unless the values
presented by parents are supported by schools, students may
sense disagreement between the home and school. Teachers may
recognize the importance of incorporating into the curriculum
the knowledge, interests, and experiences students bring into
the classroom, however, both children and their parents need
to participate in the process (Ladson-Billings, 1994; Lapp et.
al., 1996; McCaleb, 1997;Valdés, 1996). The capacity for
effective teaching in culturally and linguistically diverse
communities requires multiple opportunities for exposure to
the lives and points of views of children (Kailin, 1994;
Sleeter, 1992; Veléz-Ibañez-Greenberg, 1992). This exposure
includes a deep understanding of the teaching practices in the
children’s homes and communities.

As Cochran (1993) strongly argues, teacher education

programs should help preservice teachers take a look at the
contexts in which they will be working and comprehend the
communities from an insider perspective. He points out that we
need to find ways for preservice teachers to learn how to be
learners who confront and evaluate their personal assumptions,
understand the values and practices of families and
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

communities that are different from their own, and create

pedagogy that honors and respects those cultures. Unless the
knowledge presented in university courses is also experienced
in the context where it has its meaning, it will not likely
become pedagogical knowledge that preservice teachers will
draw upon in their practice (Murrell & Diez, 1997).

Every child’s home is an instructional setting where the

“main function is to transmit knowledge that enhances the
survival of its dependents” (Moll & Greenberg, 1990, p. 320).
Parents create social interactions for the exchange of
cultural knowledge, and we know that children learn best when
instruction incorporates and supports the ways of knowing of
the students. According to Vygostky (1978) the learning that
takes place in this social interaction creates a zone of
proximal development, the zone a child enters when he/she has
partially mastered a skill and can more fully master it with
the help of a more knowledgeable other. In order to provide
the support needed for the child to master the skill, one must
know the child. Home visits provide an opportunity for
preservice teachers to learn more about the child and “ways of
knowing” of the household.

Building on this knowledge and as an experienced

bilingual teacher, providing a developed year-long assignment
that was carried out across school year (1) Pedagogy for
Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students and (2)
Methods/ Strategies for 2nd Language Acquisition and Academic
Development for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse
Students, will surely equipped the students. (Claudia Peralta-
Nash, 2003) Indeed, home visits — a prerequisite before
starting the program — have shaped many of my beliefs about
the importance of parent involvement.
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Theoretical Framework

Home visitation has been changing the face of the education

system for quite some time. Today, it is an integral aspect,

and a popular tool, in this time of the pandemic.

Researcher will attempt to explain the impacts of home

visitation on the class performance of Diffs students on their

English class from basic components: Home visitation, Class or

Students’ Performance.

Home visitation

Erika Gaylor, PhD, Donna Spiker, PhD, discussed that Home

visitation is a type of service-delivery model that can be
used to provide many different kinds of interventions to
target participants.1 Home visiting programs can vary widely in
their goals, clients, providers, activities, schedules and
administrative structure. They share some common elements,
however. Home visiting programs provide structured services:

1. in a home setting;
2. from a trained service provider;
3. in order to alter the knowledge, beliefs
and/or behaviour of children, caregivers or others in
the caregiving environment and to provide parenting

Home visits are structured in some way to provide

consistency across participants, providers, and visits and to
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

link program practices with intended outcomes. A visit

protocol, a formal curriculum, an individualized service plan,
and/or a specific theoretical framework can be the basis for
activities that take place during home visits. Services are
delivered in the living space of the participating family and
within their ongoing daily routines and activities. The
providers may be credentialed or certified professionals,
paraprofessionals, or volunteers, but typically they have
received some form of training in the methods and topical
content of the program so that they are able to act as a
source of expertise for caregivers.3

Finally, home visiting programs are attempting to achieve

some change on the part of participating families—in their
understanding (beliefs about child-rearing, knowledge of child
development), and/or actions (their manner of interacting with
their child or structuring the environment)—or on the part of
the child (change in rate of development, health status,
etc.). Home visiting also may be used as a way to provide case
management, make referrals to existing community services, or
bring information to parents or caregivers to support their
ability to provide a positive home environment for their
children.4 Erika Gaylor, PhD, Donna Spiker, PhD

Students’ Performance
Most of the teachers stated that home visits have an
affirmative influence on the academic performance of students
because the focus or motivation of well-behaved students is
much better than others. A respondent reflected that

Ilhan, Ozfidan, & Yilmaz ….” Overall, students whose

homes were visited by the teachers are more successful and
well behaved than others.
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Teacher home visits also help to build a strong

relationship among teachers, students, and parents. There are
definite academic results brought by parental involvement in
the educational development of the student from early
childhood, adolescence and beyond (Lin & Bates, 2010). This
strong communication, according to comments of respondents,
increases the academic achievement of students. One
respondent stated, “the students felt more comfortable with
the teacher–student relationship once the home visit was
conducted,” and “I was able to witness an increase in
classroom participation, as the student had more confidence to
participate once they knew their teacher personally.” Another
respondent stated, “Our relationship was different in that
they [the student] felt special and knew I cared about them.”
This respondent continued, “I did my home visits early in the
school year, so I could not compare before and after in terms
of student academic performance.”

These theories are important for this study because the

concepts offer a mechanism for how home visitation affects the

performance of the Diffs students on their English class.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Class Performance of Diffs

students on their English
Home Visitation
a. Submission
b. Recitation
c. Attendance
d. Attentiveness
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Figure 1. The conceptual framework showing the independent

and dependent variable of the research respectively.

Definition of Terms

Attentiveness. It is the action of paying close attention to

something. (Oxford Dictionary, 2020) In this study,

Attentiveness is one of the variables to be observed and

measured in students for their Class Performance.

Attendance. It is the person or number of persons attending

something. (Merriam Webster, 2020) In this study, Attendance

is one of the variables to be observed and measured in

students for their class performance.


Class Performance. It is basically referred to as activities

in which students are required to perform in front of their

peers. (English Teaching 101 Author, 2020) In this study,

Class Performance pertains to the measurement of students’

performance in taking calculus subject of Academic Year

2020-2021, Second Semester.

Impact. It is a powerful effect that something, especially

something new, has on a situation or person. (Cambridge

Dictionary, 2020) In this study, Impact refers to the effect

of implementing online class to the students.

Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Recitation. It is a reciting or repeating of something from

memory, especially formally or publicly, and an oral

response by a pupil or pupils to a teacher on a prepared

lesson. (Dictionary, 2020) In this study, Recitation is

served as a variable to be observed and measured in students

for their Class Performance.

Specialization. It is a particular area of work, study or

business which somebody spends more time on than in other

areas. (Oxford Dictionary, 2020) In this study,

Specialization refers to the sub-specialization of STEM

strand mentioned as STEM – EITA and STEM – NMPL.

Students. It is the one who attends school. (Merriam Webster

Dictionary, 2020) In this study, Students served as the

subject to be tested.

Submission. It is the action of presenting a proposal,

application, or another document for consideration or

judgment. (Oxford, 2020) In this study, Submission is served

as a variable to be observed and measured in students for

their Class Performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the significance of home

visitation in the performance of students of Diffs on their
English subject.
More specifically this study aims to answer the following
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

1. What is the level of English performance of the Diffs

students as a:
a. Whole
b. Grade level
2. IS their significant difference on the effect of home
visitation on the English performance of Diffs students
as a:
a. Whole
b. Grade level

There is no significant difference in the performance of
Diffs students on their English subject affected by home
visitation when respondents are classified according to: as a
whole and as to grade level.

Chapter III
This chapter is divided into seven parts: Research
Design, Locale of the Study, Respondents/Subject of the Study,
Sample Size, Sampling Techniques, Research Instrument, Data
Gathering Procedures.
Part 1, Research Design, presents the research design used in
the study.
Part 2, Locale of the Study, states the place/site of the
Part 3, Respondents/Subject of the Study, presents the
characteristic and the population of the respondents.
Part 4, Sample Size, indicate the sample size and how it is
determined in the study.
Part 5, Sampling Techniques, discusses the procedures used to
collect data for the study.
Part 6, Research Instrument, discusses how the data gathering
instrument is formulated and discusses how the instrument is
validated to ensure the validity of the instrument.
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Part 7, Data Gathering Procedures, presents the detailed

procedures on how the desired data are gathered.

Research Design
Quantitative research will be used in the study.
Quantitative research methods are basically applied to the
collection of data that is structured and which could be
presented numerically (Matthew & Ross 2010).
This study will describe the impact of home visitation to
the performance of Diffs students specifically on their
performance in English subject.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in the Municipality of
Dingle, Iloilo in the academic year 2020-21. The data will be
gathered in the Diffs students living in several
municipalities: Dingle, Pototan, Passi, Dumarao, Leganes and

Respondents/Subject of the Study

The respondents of the study will be seventy-nine (79)
Diffs students on four grade levels: Grade 7- twenty (20),
Grade 8- nineteen (19), Grade 9- twenty-nine (29), Grade 10-
eleven (11).

Sample Size
The researcher chosen the respondents from Grade 7-10
for the academic year 2020-21.
The table below indicates the distribution of the respondents:
Distribution of Respondents
Category N Percentage
Entire Group 79
A. Grade 7 20 25.32
B. Grade 8 19 24.05
C. Grade 9 29 36.71
D. Grade 10 11 13.94
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Sampling Techniques
The respondents were purposively chosen by the
researcher. Purposive sampling is a type of sampling wherein
the investigator uses a specific purpose in selecting a
sample. (David 2002).

Research Instrument
An adapted questionnaire-checklist to gather data on
determining student’s performance in their English subject
affected by home visitation. Part I was about the profile of
the respondents which includes name, age, address. On the
other hand, Part II consisted of questions to determine the
level of class performance of the Diffs students in terms of
submission, recitation, and attendance. Furthermore, Part III
were to determine the level of impact of home visitation on
the English class performance of the Diffs students in terms
of submission, recitation, and attendance.

Data Gathering Procedures.

After the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, the

permit to conduct the study will be secured from the office of

the our Principal to request approval and permission in

conducting the study. Upon having the permit and approval from

the Principal to conduct the study. After that, questionnaires

will be given to each respondent to be filled up/answered.

The researchers will explain the purpose of the study to the

Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

respondents and will make sure each respondent corresponds to

the predefined criteria.

After the gathering of questionnaires, the results will be

tallied, interpreted, and be subjected to statistical data


Statistical Tools
The data gathered will be subjected to proper statistical
tools which include Mean, Pearson’s Product Momentum
Correlation and ANOVA.

Mean is a measure of central tendency of a probability

distribution along median and mode, also referred to as an
expected value (CFI, 2020). It is used to measure the extent
of impact of home visitation on the performance Diffs
students on their English subject.

Pearson’s Product Momentum Correlation is a measure of

linear correlation between two sets of data. It is the
covariance of two variables, divided by the product of their
standard deviations (Laerd Statistics, 2018). It used to
measure the the significant relationship between the level of
impact of home visitation and English performance of Diffs

ANOVA is a collection of statistical models and their

associated estimation procedures (such as the "variation"
among and between groups) used to analyze the differences
among means. (Ronald Fisher, 1921) . It is used to test the
significant difference of the level of impact of home
visitation on the English performance between the Grade 7, 8,
9, and 10 group.
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Impact of Home Visitation to the Performance of Diffs Students
on their English Subject

PART I: Respondent’s Profile

Direction: Kindly fill in or check (√) the needed

information. Please answer honestly and sincerely and do
not leave item/s unanswered.

Name: _____________________________________ (Optional)

Address: _________________________________

Mother: _________________________________
Occupation: _________________________________

Father: _________________________________
Occupation: _________________________________
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

PART II: Level of Class Performance of Diffs learners

in English

General Direction: Indicate your level of class

performance by checking the appropriate column and by
using the scale below.
Scale & Description:
5 – Excellent | 4 – Very Good | 3 – Good | 2
– Fair | 1 – Poor

Excelle Very Good Fair Poor

Class Performance nt Good
(3) (2) (1)
(5) (4)
1. Submission of activities
and given tasks in English
on time.
2. Submission of all
activities and given task
in English
3. Make use of my time wisely
and able to accomplish all
activities in English.
4. Attends classes on time.
5. Attends classes with no
6. Active participation in
English discussions.
7. Recitation in the class,
ask questions for
8. Focuses and attentively
listens during the whole
duration of the class.
9. Submission of quizzes with
scores at least the
passing grade.
10.Submission of exams with
scores at least the
passing grade.
Scale Description
Scale Description
Excellent The learner passes the activities in 2 and more
days advance of submission
Excellent The learner has submitted all the
Very Good The learner passes the activities on the day activities
before submission Very Good The learner lacks 1-2 activities
Good The learner passes the activities on the same Good The learner lacks 3-4 activities
day of submission Fair The learner lacks 5-6 activities
Fair The learner passes the activities 1-2 days after Poor The learner lacks 7 and above
the submission date activities
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Scale Description Scale Description

Excellent The learner was never late Excellent The learner has no absences
Very Good The learner has 1-2 lates Very Good The learner has 1-2 absences
Good The learner has 3-4 lates Good The learner has 3-4 absences
Fair The learner has 5-6 lates Fair The learner has 5-6 absences
Poor The learner has 7 and Poor The learner has 7 and above
above lates absences

PART III: Impact of Home Visitation to the Performance of

Diffs Students on their English Subject

General Direction: Indicate the level of impact of

online learning to your class performance by checking
the appropriate column and by using the scale below.
Scale Description
5 Positive
4 Slightly Positive
3 Undecided
2 Slightly Negative
1 Negative

Slight Un- Slight

Positi Negati
Online Learning’s Impact ly decide ly
ve ve
on… Positi d Negati
(5) (1)
ve (4) (3) ve (2)
1. My capability of
submitting activities
and assignments
within the given
2. My time management in
doing activities
3. My daily attendance
on zoom meetings
(internet connection,
electricity, etc.)
4. My capability of
Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

being on time in the

online class
5. My participation
during online classes
6. My ability to answer
the questions
7. How I recite on
8. My attention span
within the whole
duration of the class
9. My understanding with
the lessons in English
10. My academic
performance in English
as a whole

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