ICA 1 - CH 4 - Training Design

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HRPD 708 – Training & Development

CHAPTER 4: Training Design – In-Class Assignment (ICA)

Assignment 1-In Class

Decision-Making Assignment

Training and Development

HRPD- 708 [001]

Submitted by Group 1:
Angelia Phillips (301315876)
Avni Ashwani Sharma (301307194)
Mayuri Sivanesan (300801641)
Patsy Enriquez Rodriguez (301295488)
Rhea Susan Verghese (301304653)

Submitted to:
Prof. Alyssa Muzaffar
HRPD 708 – Training & Development
CHAPTER 4: Training Design – In-Class Assignment (ICA)

You are the General Manager of a brand-new clothing store (similar to H&M, Zara, Aritzia).
Your store has a reputation for superior customer service. You have just hired a whole new staff
of 15 people whom you must train before the official opening of the store in 2 weeks. The
success of the store, therefore, relies on your ability as General Manager to train your employees

In class:
A. Write 2 – 3 training objectives for your training program.

1) Product Knowledge:

Staff will exhibit product knowledge in various categories, materials, and designs, by confidently
assisting customers and making personalized recommendations in-store, consistently achieving a
minimum 90% score in product knowledge assessments.

2) Point of Sale System:

Management will provide comprehensive training to the 15 newly hired employees on ensuring
precise transaction processing and adept handling of diverse payment methods by delivering
exceptional 90% customer retention in a simulated store environment, in order to maintain the
renowned reputation of excellence.

3) Teamwork and Collaboration

Promote teamwork and synergy within the new clothing store's 15 employees to achieve
customer satisfaction, revenue growth, and positive employee feedback, ultimately ensuring
excellent customer service and overall store success.

B. Determine the content of your training program. (Point form is accepted)

Product Knowledge:

Product Category Introduction:

● An overview of the many product categories accessible in the store, such as apparel,
footwear, and accessories, as well as an understanding of the essential features, benefits,
and variants within each category.

Materials and Fabrics:

● Comprehensive training on various garment materials and fabrics, including natural
fibres (e.g., cotton, silk, wool) and synthetic materials (e.g., polyester, nylon).
● Understanding the properties, maintenance instructions, and proper use of each
● Hands-on activities to familiarise students with various fabrics through touch and feel
HRPD 708 – Training & Development
CHAPTER 4: Training Design – In-Class Assignment (ICA)

Design Elements and Styles:

● Investigating numerous design elements seen in clothing, such as patterns, prints, colours,
and decorations.
● Understanding design principles such as balance, proportion, and harmony, as well as
their application in various styles.
● Examining popular fashion trends and keeping up with the most recent styles and

Point of Sale System:

Point-of-Sale (POS) System Training:

● Train employees on the store's POS system, including how to process transactions, apply
discounts, and manage refunds.
● Train personnel on how to accept various payment methods, such as cash, credit cards,
mobile payments, and gift cards.

Role-Playing Exercises:
● Run realistic retail scenarios to hone your transaction processing and money-handling
● Include scenarios like processing returns, dealing with wrong payments, and managing
consumer issues.

Customer Retention Strategies:

● Train employees on client retention methods such as personalized encounters, follow-up
communications, and loyalty programmes.
● Show employees how to assess consumer needs, establish rapport, and give a pleasant
shopping experience.

Teamwork and Collaboration:

Team Bonding and Trust Building:

● Team-building activities to enhance employee trust and camaraderie.
● Group talks and icebreaker exercises stimulate open discourse and friendship building.
● Fostering a good and inclusive workplace atmosphere.

Conflict Resolution and Problem-Solving:

● Conflict resolution strategies inside the team.
● Encouraging constructive comments and successfully addressing concerns.
● Problem-solving approaches for overcoming obstacles and achieving joint objectives.

Customer Service Excellence:

● Customer service best practices training.
● Customer service techniques for dealing with queries, complaints, and challenging
● The significance of personalized and attentive service in increasing client happiness.
HRPD 708 – Training & Development
CHAPTER 4: Training Design – In-Class Assignment (ICA)

C. How will you incorporate active practice and conditions of practice into your
training program? (Point form is accepted)

● Role-Playing
● Hands-on exercise
● Shadowing and Mentoring
● Cross Training opportunities
● Feedback and Reflection

D. How will you incorporate active learning and adaptive expertise into your training
program? (Point form is accepted)

● Take notes
● Teach someone else
● Peer Collaboration
● Interactive Training Session
● Feedback and Reflection

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