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11/19/23, 8:55 PM Daytona Beach Campus Counseling

Daytona Beach Campus Counseling

The mission of the Counseling Center is to enhance the emotional well-being of ERAU students. We believe
that good mental health is a key part of overall health, and good health is essential to academic success! We
support students' academic experience by providing brief mental health counseling and consultation services
that help them identify barriers, improve coping, and achieve personal and academic goals.

Find out more...


Community Clinicians Faculty / Staff Guide International Suicide Hotline

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Managing Stress Screening Tools Services Brochure

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 Sleep Aids Sheet  Workshops/Groups

Telus Health

College life is challenging and can be stressful.

At some point during the college years, many students feel anxious, depressed, uncertain, confused, or overwhelmed. They may
seek help from friends, family members, significant others, but in some cases, help from a trained professional is beneficial.

The Counseling Center provides a calm, friendly and supportive environment for students to address any issue or concern.

DB Counseling Center: Teresa Michaelson 1/5
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 Welcome to all First Year Students

Dear incoming students; Welcome to the Eagle community!

You have started your college career! Most of you will be here for four years. For some, five. But no matter how long it takes
for you to earn your degree, this year is the most important.

Parents are no longer right down the hall. High school friends are scattered across the nation. Common hang out spots are
miles away, and you no longer have the comfort of your own bedroom. There is nothing familiar about your new routine and
you are now being asked to make independent decisions. For some of you this might be a relief, but it might also be
terrifying; maybe a little of both.

Classes won't be easy. Professors will not cater to you, and the workload will be tough. With an average of five classes, you'll
be responsible for multiple papers and projects throughout the semester, as well as group activities, nightly homework,
reading before classes, and routine quizzes. The work will pile up quickly, so stay on top of it from the very first week.

So, just a few suggestions to help you stay on top of things and to have a successful first year.
Go to class. Even if your professor doesn't take attendance, still go. If you don't understand the content, you'll be able to
ask your professor questions or stay after class for personal help. You might even find a new friend or a study group to
lean on when finals week begins to loom overhead. You're paying to go to this university, so why not use what you've
paid for?

Be a front-row student. Sit in the front row where there are fewer distractions. Participate in class discussions. Raise your
hand. Answer questions. Get to know your instructor and let them know you are invested in doing well academically.

Make friends. Talk to people in your hall and on campus. Find people outside of your major to hang out with and stay up
late with them occasionally. Even if you're not the most sociable individual, force yourself to operate outside of your
comfort zone every so often.

Stay active, eat healthy. Don’t make the mistake of eating whatever and whenever you want, lying in bed all day, and not
engaging in any physical activity. The more active you are and the healthier food you eat, the better you'll feel. Waking
up for those early classes will be easier, going out with your friends will feel less like a chore, and you'll remember more
when it comes to tests and exams.

Get involved in at least one school activity. It could be a club or organization, a community service group, a discipleship
group, or even an intramural sport. It'll force you out of your room and introduce you to new people, which is never a
bad thing. You will be able to include your involvement on your resume. Outside activities show work/life balance and
that you are well-rounded.

Don't search for your soulmate. First, the chances of you finding the person you'll marry in your first year of college are
slim, but they're even slimmer when both of you are stressed out from classes and social lives. This first year is the year
that you establish yourself as a college student, and it's perfectly okay to be alone during this time. Go ahead and date,
but just don’t make it your major focus.

And please, please get enough sleep. Sleep is vital to your health in college and in life. Staying up all night with new
friends can be enjoyable, but when you've failed your morning classes because you failed to show up enough times, or
when you fall asleep during the day and don't complete all of your work, you'll regret not sleeping enough. Your memory
will suffer, your physical health will suffer, and your mental health will suffer. Don't let that happen. Set yourself up for
success and sleep.

These tips don't even begin to cover all of the points of this first year. But this is the year you are building the foundation to
your educational career. If you start off on the right foot, then it'll be much easier for you to stay on top of your education for
each subsequent year. If you don’t invest in your academics you can wind up on academic warning, probation, or worse yet,

Make good friends. Make memories. Work hard. You can do this! Be an Eagle that soars! 2/5
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 24-Hour Emergency Assistance

Free, confidential 24/7 support services:

Campus Safety: 386-226-SAFE (7233)

Crisis Hotline: 988
Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386
Veterans Crisis Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) Press 1
Disaster Distress Helpline: 800-985-5990
Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
Rape Crisis Hotline: 800-503-7621
TELUS Student Support (can be downloaded to smartphone, laptop or tablet from the Apple Store, Google Play or Android): Talk,
text/chat services are free to students and are confidential.

 Immediate Help

If you or someone you know is suffering from a psychological or emotional crisis, immediate help is the best solution. Read below
for the best options to get immediate help or information.

Is this a crisis?
An emergency might involve:

Extreme emotional distress

Thoughts and/or plans to hurt yourself or someone else
Engaging in a behavior which is high risk and/or life threatening
If you have been assaulted — physically or sexually

During business hours:

To be seen for an emergency appointment during business hours:

Call our office at 386-226-6035 or come by. Be sure to inform the front desk personnel that you are experiencing a crisis and
can't wait another day to talk to a counselor.
Call Campus Safety at 386-226-6480 to bring you to the Counseling Center, if necessary.

24/7 assistance:
Campus Safety: 386-226-SAFE (7233)
Crisis Hotline: 988
Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233
Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386
Veterans Crisis Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433) Press 1
Disaster Distress Helpline: 800-985-5990
Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
Rape Crisis Hotline: 800-503-7621
TELUS Student Support ((can be downloaded to smartphone, laptop or tablet from the Apple Store, Google Play or Android): Talk,
text/chat services are free to students and are confidential.

 How to Make an Appointment 3/5
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​Counseling can take a number of forms. The decision about which type of service may be appropriate is based on many factors,
including your current concerns and needs, your counseling history, scheduling considerations, and availability of resources. Our
goal in this process is to find the best way to attend to your concerns in the most effective and efficient way. The Counseling Center
works within a brief therapy model. In-person and virtual services are available to those residing in the State of Florida at the time
of service.

If you are interested in making an appointment, want to learn more about our confidentiality policy or have additional questions,
stop by the Wellness Complex or call 386-226-6035.

Common Mental Health Issues

Students seek services at CAPS for a variety of concerns, including:
Panic Attacks
Family Concerns
Relationship Problems with Friends or Romantic Partners
Procrastinations/Work Blocks/Loss of Motivation
Impact of Oppression/Microaggressions
Academic Difficulties
Adjustment to College or Homesickness
Loss of Significant Other
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Alcohol/Substance Abuse
Low Self Confidence/Self Esteem/Shyness
Eating/Appetite Concerns
Sleep Problems
Suicidal Feelings/Behavior

 What is Brief Counseling?

The counseling process is aimed at helping you resolve personal difficulties and acquire the skills, attitudes, coping, and knowledge
necessary to succeed in the college environment and create a satisfying and productive life. During this time of new challenges and
significant changes, counseling can assist you with the adjustment and personal growth necessary to cope with the competing
demands of school, family, work, and social pressures. Most students only need a few sessions to get back on track.

If you are needing more individual therapy sessions beyond this brief model, we will help you connect with a community provider
for longer term or ongoing care. Your therapist will take many factors into consideration to decide what the best next step is for

Our staff is comprised of licensed therapists who provide a confidential environment in which you may explore and resolve issues
of concern.

 Records and Waivers

Records Request
Upon request for a summary of a counseling record, the ERAU Counseling Center will make every reasonable attempt to provide
a written summary within thirty (30) days after receipt of a completed ERAU Release of Information.

Upon request for the release of a counseling record, the ERAU Counseling Center will make every reasonable attempt to provide a
copy within thirty (30) days after receipt of a completed ERAU Release of Information. 4/5
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We kindly request 24-hour notice to prepare UHC-SR waivers. Waiver requests with less than 24-hour notice will be processed as
time permits.

 Telus Health


 State of Florida regarding Minors and Mental Health Care

Contact Us Visit our Counseling Center YouTube Channel

Wellness Center Complex

Bldg. 502

Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m .- 5 p.m. 5/5

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