Prueba Diagnóstica Inglés A1

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Prueba diagnóstica –Inglés A1

I.-Match the word with the meaning. (2 points).


1.-Grandparents (5) Hija 

2.-Aunt (3) Tío 
3.-Uncle (4) Hijo 
4.-Son (6) Madre 
5.-Daughter (7) Padre 
6.-Mother (2) Tía 
7.-Father (1) Abuelos 

II.- Fill the gap according to the question word. (4 points). *Wh questions (who, where, when,
what, why)

1. A: _Who_ is she? B: She is my sister 

2. A: _What_ is your name? B: My name is Francisco. 
3. A: _Why_ are you running? B: Because I am late 

III. Choose the correct alternative (4 points).

1. Sara and Lile _practices_German on Mondays. × En el caso de las terceras

personas singulares (he,
she, it) el verbo incluye
a) Practices b) Practice c) Practiced
la “s” que indica que la
conjugación es en
tercera persona.
2. Esteban _watch_ TV every night with his father ×

a) Watched b) Watch c) Watches

3. When they had to go, everybody __thanked__ Melissa for the party. 

a) said b) thanked c) sung


4. Messi _will_ play tomorrow for the Leagues Cup. 

a) likes b) used to c) will

IV.- Read the following text and answer the questions. (5 points).

The Mouse

Rob saw a little mouse while he was playing outside with his mom and his dad. He could see
that the little mouse was gray and with a long tail. After a few minutes Rob went to his house
for some fruits and saw the mouse again. First, the mouse ate cheese and crackers. Then, he
wanted to play, so at the end, the little mouse ran away, but before he said "goodbye" to Rob.

a) What did Rob see? ______A mouse_______ 

b) Describe the mouse _Gray and with a long tail_

c) What did the mouse want to do after he ate? __________________×

d) What happened at the end? _Little mouse ran away 

V. Write a brief paragraph about something you like to do. You can talk about anything you like
(5 points)

I like go to the gym everyday El verbo go debe ir en

infinitivo (to go) o
because I feel peace when I am work out
también puede ir en
gerundio (going).
I like to go to the gym everyday
El verbo work en
because I feel peace when I am working out
gerundio (working)

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