01 - The Living World

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The Living World

Question 1. Question 6.
Growth is not considered as a defining property of living How many of the following will show the growth or
beings because increase in mass?
a. It is difficult to observe or measure. Mountain, Boulders, sand mound, Dead organism, plants.
b. Not a single criterion for the measurement of growth. a. 3
c. Also observed in non-living b. 4
d. Cannot be tracked as growth is from inside c. 1
d. 2

Question 2.
Question 7.
Which of the given is not a defining property of living
organisms? What is correct with respect to Growth?
a. Increase in body mass is not a criterion for growth.
1. Growth b. Increase in body mass is not observed in non-living
2. Metabolism things.
c. Accumulation or increase in mass from inside is the
3. Cellular organization basis of growth in living beings.
4. Consciousness d. Growth is considered as defining property of living

Question 3.
Question 8.
Growth is a characteristic of----------.
a. Living systems Growth and reproduction are mutually exclusive events
b. Living organisms in
c. Non-living organisms 1. Bacteria and protista.
d. Both b and c
2. Protista and unicellular fungi.
3. Yeast and Paramoecium.
Question 4. 4. Higher plants and animals.
In------------- of higher animals and plants-------- and -----
-- are mutually------ events.
a. All, cell division, replacement, dependent Question 9.
b. Majority , growth, reproduction, exclusive
c. All, growth, cell division, dependent What is meant by the "species problem"?
d. Majority ,cell division, replacement, exclusive
(1) The exact definition of species is still controversial.
(2) The exact mechanisms of speciation is not known.
Question 5. (3) The number of species present is much more than
Select the correct combination: identified species.
a. Plants: limited cell division (4) The extinction of species is taking place at an
b. Animals: Cell division throughout life span in all type alarming rate.
of cells.
c. Unicellular organisms: Growth observation by
d. Living organisms: external growth

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Question 10. Question 14.
Match the following: Reproduction cannot be an all-inclusive defining
characteristic of living organism because of
p. Yeast 1. regeneration a. Asexual reproduction
q. Hydra 2. budding b. Non living organisms also replicate
c. Examples of worker bees
r. Protonema of mosses 3.Fragmentaion d. May occur in all type of living systems instead of
s. Filamentous Algae living organisms.

t. Planaria
u. Flat worms Question 15.
a. (p-2); (q-1); (r-2); (s-2); (t-1); (u-3) Which one of the following is common to multicellular
b. (p-3); (q-3); (r-2); (s-1); (t-1); (u-3) fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses?
c. (p-3); (q-1); (r-3); (s-2); (t-2); (u-1)
d. (p-2); (q-2); (r-3); (s-3); (t-1); (u-1) (1) Diplontic life cycle
(2) Members of kingdom-Plantae
(3) Mode of nutrition
Question 11.
(4) Multiplication by fragmentation
Increase in number can be-
a. Growth
b. Reproduction
c. Both a and b Question 16.
d. Accumulation Find out the wrong statement out-
a. Increase in mass and increase in number of individuals
are twin characteristics of growth.
Question 12. b. Growth, reproduction and ability to respond are the
only unique features of living organisms.
An attribute found in plants but not animals is c. a and b both
(1) Metabolism d. Metabolism, ability to self-replicate and self-organise
are the unique features of living organisms.
(2) Sexual reproduction
(3) Autotrophy
Question 17.
(4) Asexual reproduction
Consider the following two statements:
I. In the single-celled organisms, we are not very clear
Question 13. about the usage of the two terms – growth and
In --------- organisms, --------is synonymous with -------.
a. Unicellular, increase in mass and increase in number II. When it comes to unicellular organisms like bacteria,
b. Multicellular, increase in mass and increase in number unicellular algae or amoeba, reproduction is synonymous
c. Unicellular, Reproduction and growth with growth, i.e., increase in number of cells.
d. Multicellular, Reproduction and growth
1. Both I and II are true and II explains I
2. Both I and II are true but II does not explain I
3. I is true but II is false
4. Both I and II are false

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Question 18. Question 21.
In how many organisms present below in the box in Read the statements carefully and select the correct
which reproduction is synonymous with growth? option:
A. Intrinsic increase in mass of body is defining
Amoeba, Yeast, Diatom, Mules, Spirogyra, Mangifera, property of living organisms.
Panthera, Datura and Gonyaulax
B. Reproduction is synonymous with growth in
1. 7 all the organisms
2. 5
3. 4 C. Reproduction is defining feature of all
4. 6 organisms
D. Isolated metabolic reactions in-vitro are living
Question 19.
How many of the following may not or cannot
reproduce? 1. A and B
Humans, Worker bees, Mules, Boulders, Fungi, 2. B and C
Protonema of mosses.
a. 4 3. A and D
b. 3 4. B and D
c. 1
d. 5

Question 22.
Question 20. The most obvious & complicated feature of all living
organisms is:
Select incorrect statements w.r.t. living beings
(1) The ability to sense their surroundings or
1 Growth cannot be taken as a defining property of living environment and respond to these environmental stimuli.
(2) Reproduction - sexual or asexual - for production of
2 Growth can be easily observed in vitro culture progeny of own kind.
3 Metabolic reactions cannot be demonstrated outside the (3) The ability to growth in size due to cell division.
body in cell-free system
(4) Presence of complex organs systems such as digestive
4 All organisms, from the prokaryotes to the most and nervous system.
complex eukaryotes can sense and respond to
environmental cues

Question 23.
What is wrong with respect to metabolism?
a. Chemical conversions or metabolic conversions are
constantly going on.
b. Metabolic reactions occur simultaneously.
c. The sum total of all the chemical reaction occurring on
the surface of our body is metabolism.
d. No non-living objects exhibit metabolism.

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Question 24. Question 27.
Living organisms exhibit distinctive characteristics to Choose the wrong statements w.r.t. distinguishing
differentiate from non-living objects. Which one of the characteristics of living beings
following statements can be considered as defining
property of living things? 1 In majority of higher, the growth and reproduction are
mutually exclusive events
1 Increase in body mass as a criterion for growth
2 Degrowth will occur when catabolism exceeds
2 Reproduction is synonymous with growth in unicellular anabolism
3 Isolated metabolic relations in-vitro are neither living
3 Ability of living organisms to sense their surroundings things nor living reactions
4 Metabolic sections that can be demonstrated outside the 4 Growth cannot be taken as a defining property of living
body in cell-free system only organisms if we take increase in body mass as a criterion
on growth

Question 25.
Question 28.
Mark the correct statements w.r.t. living organisms
Consider the following two statements:
1 Growth and cellular organisation are considered as
defining properties of living organisms I. Cellular organization of the body is the defining feature
of life forms.
2 Reproduction can be all inclusive defining
characteristic of living organisms II. Metabolic reactions cannot be demonstrated outside
the body in cell-free systems.
3 Living organisms are self reflecting, self regulating and
evolving interesting systems (1) Both I and II are true and II explains I
4 isolated metabolic reactions in vitro are living things (2) Both I and II are true but II does not explain I
(3) I is true but II is false
(4) Both I and II are false

Question 26.
What is incorrect statements- Question 29.
1. Organisms that can respond to stimuli are with a well Which of the following characters, are defining features
developed nervous system.. of all living organisms?
(A) Growth from inside
2. Generally growth and reproduction are mutually (B) Sexual reproduction
exclusive events in higher organism. (C) Metabolism
3. Mules and sterile worker bees do not reproduce. (D) Response to stimuli
(E) Cellular organisation
4. Metabolic reactions may take place in isolated cell-free
systems 1. Only (C), (D) and (E)
2. Only (A) and (B)
3. Only (B), (C) and (D)
4. All except (B)

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Question 30. Question 34.
Which one of the following aspects is an Which of the following is against the rules of ICBN?
exclusive characteristic of living things?
1. Increase in mass by accumulation of material 1. Hand written scientific names should be underlined.
both on surface as well as internally 2. Every species should have a generic name and a
2. Isolated metabolic reactions occur in vitro specific epithet.
3. Increase in mass from outside only
4. Perception of events happening in the 3. Scientific names are in Latin and should be italized.
environment and their memory 4. Generic and specific names should be written starting
with small letters.

Question 31.
The system of the naming of organisms was developed Question 35.
by Which of the following is the correct scientific name of
1. Robert Hooke wheat derived by binominal nomenclature?

2. Carolus Linnaeus (1) Triticum Vulgare

3. T. Schwann (2) Triticum aestivum

4. Ernst Mayr (3) Oryza sativa

(4) Zea mays

Question 32.
The total number and types of organisms on earth Question 36.
represents the Select the incorrect match w.r.t. the given taxonomic
1. Taxonomy categories of wheat.

2. Biodiversity 1. Genus - Triticum

3. Classification 2. Family - aestivum

4. Systematics 3. Order- Poales

4. Class - Monocotyledonae

Question 33.
ICBN stands for: Question 37.

(1) Indian Congress of Biological Names Systema Naturae is

a. Publication of Linnaeus
(2) International Code for Botanical Nomenclature b. Institute for classification studies
(3) International Congress of Biological Names c. Method to classify organisms
d. Evolutionary relationship studies
(4) Indian Code of Botanical NOmenclature

Question 38.
What is not true with respect to Systematics
a. Systematic arrangement of organisms
b. Derived from latin word systema
c. The study of relationships among different organisms
d. Does not account any kind of evolutionary
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Question 39. Question 44.
The processes which are not basic to taxonomy include? Name of the author is not written in which of the
a. Characterization following way?
b. Identification a. After the specific epithet
c. Observation b. In abbreviated form
d. Nomenclature c. At the end of Biological name
d. Written in italics

Question 40.
Question 45.
Classification is not associated with
a. Grouping into convenient categories Which of the following is wrong with respect to
b. Based on easily observable characters taxonomy?
c. Purpose is to study all the living organisms a. Process of classification
d. Writing scientific names in impressive and b. External and internal structure, structure of cell
understandable way. development process and ecological information is the
basis of modern taxonomic studies.
c. Characterisation, identification are the only basic
processes to taxonomy.
Question 41. d. Taxonomy is not something new.
The scientific term for biological classification categories
is the:
(1) Species Question 46.

(2) Taxon Identify the incorrect statement:

(3) Phylum (1) Biological names are generally in Latin and written in
italics. They are Latinised or derived from Latin
(4) Domain irrespective of their origin.
(2) The first word in a biological name represents the
genus while the second component denotes the specific
Question 42. epithet.
What is incorrect with respect to taxa? (3) Both the words in a biological name, when
a. Represents a category at different levels. handwritten, are separately underlined, or printed in
b. Human and Homo sapiens represents different taxa. italics to indicate their vernacular origin.
c. Mammals, Dogs and animals represent taxa at different
levels. (4) The first word denoting the genus starts with a capital
d. Taxa is a scientific term for category letter while the specific epithet starts with a small letter.

Question 43. Question 47.

48. Binomial Nomenclature is the system What do A, B and C represent in the given scientific
p. Given by Carolus Linnaeus name respectively?
q. Practiced by scientists of Botany only Mangifera Indica Linn
r. Provides a name with two components
s. Inconvenient than earlier naming systems C B A
How many of the statements are correct?
a. 2 1. Generic name, specific name and author's name
b. 3 2. Specific name, generic name and author's name
c. 4
d. 1 3. Author's name, specific name and generic name
4. Generic name, author's name and specific name

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Question 48. Question 52.
The earliest classifications were based on the ____ of All living organisms are linked to one another because
various organisms.
1. they have common genetic material of the same type
a. Morphology
b. Anatomy 2. they share common genetic material but to varying
c. Uses degrees
d. Habitat 3. all have common cellular organisation
4. All of the above

Question 49.
What is the basic requirement to place organism in Question 53.
various categories?
a. Knowledge of characters of an individual or group of Taxonomic hierarchy refers to
organisms (1) step-wise arrangement of all categories for
b. Knowledge of all identified species classification of plants and animals
c. Comparative analysis of all known species
d. All of above (2) a group of senior taxonomists, who decide the
nomenclature of plants and animals
(3) a list of botanists or zoologists, who have worked on
Question 50. taxonomy of a species or group
How many of the following are correct match ? (4) classification of a species based on fossil record
a. Biodiversity - Number and type of organisms present
on earth.
Question 54.
b. Nomenclature - Standardise the naming of living
organism Which of the following is matched incorrectly:
a. Mangifera: indica
c. Biological names - Generally in Latin and written in b. Panthera: tuberosum
Greek c. Solanum: melongena
d. Classification - Classified into different taxa d. Solanum: nigrum

1. Four
2. Three Question 55.
3. Two Taxonomic categories together makes-
4. One a. Criteria for Nomenclature
b. Taxonomic Hierarchy
c. Taxonomic domain
d. Criteria for Identification
Question 51.
Both the words in a biological name when handwritten
are underlined or printed in italics to indicate :- Question 56.

1. They are endangered As we go from species to kingdom-

a. The number of similarities gets reduced than previous
2. They are living taxon.
b. The number of similarities gets increased than
3. Their latin origin previous taxon.
4. Now they are extinct c. The number of dissimilarities gets reduced than
previous taxon.
d. None of the above

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Question 57. Question 62.
Step of classification does not represent- Which of the following set is not correct?
a. Rank a. Potato and Brinjal
b. Taxon b. Lion, leopard and cat
c. Space c. Tigris, pardus and leo
d. Unit of classification d. Nigrum and melongena

Question 58. Question 63.

The taxon which includes related species is Kingdom- Phylum- Class- Order-Family-Genus-Species
a. Categories of plants
(1) class b. Categories of animals
(2) order c. Both a and b
d. Categories of bacteria
(3) family
(4) genus
Question 64.
Cats come under Felis. Which taxon are we talking
Question 59. about?
Which one of the following animals is correctly matched a. Class
with its particular named taxonomic category? b. Order
1. Cuttlefish – Mollusca, a class c. Genus
d. Species
2. Humans – Primate, the family
3. Housefly – Musca, an order
Question 65.
4. Tiger – Tigris, the species
Which statements is incorrect w.r.t. genus?
1 Each genus may have one or more than one specific
Question 60. epithets
Genera are 2 It comprises a group of related species
a. An aggregate of different species
b. An aggregate of closely related species 3 It has more characters in common in comparison to
c. An aggregate of different organism of a single species species of other genera
d. An aggregate of closely related organisms of a single 4 Potato and brinjal belong to different genus

Question 61.
Question 66.
What does not hold true with Species?
a. Group of individual organisms Genus has
b. Having Fundamental similarities a. More common character possessing group of one
c. Having morphological differences species than other species
d. Each Genus has only one specific epithet b. More common character possessing group of species
than species of other genera
c. Less common character possessing group of species
than other phyla
d. Less common character possessing group of one
species than other species

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Question 67. Question 71.
Genus represents aggregate of closely related species. Taxa with least number of common characteristics are
Which of the following group of species does not belong
to same genus? 1. Felis and Panthera

1 Potato, Brinjal 2. Potato, Brinjal and Makoi

2 Brinjal, makoi 3. Polymoniales and Poales

3 Lion, Leopard 4. Arthropoda and Angiosperms

4 Potato, Sweet potato

Question 72.
Order…….. and primate comes under class…….
a. Carnivora, mammalia
Question 68. b. Diptera, Reptilia
c. Poals, Reptilia
Species are considered as :- d. Diptera, mammalia
(1) Real basic units of classification
(2) The lowest units of classification
Question 73.
(3) Artificial concept of human mind which cannot be
defined in absolute terms Felidae and canidae are included in the order-
a. Carnivora
(4) Real units of classification devised by taxonomists b. Primata
c. Diptera
d. Poals
Question 69.
The highest category in the taxonomic hierarchy is
Question 74.
1. Kingdom
Felidae does not have
2. Phylum a. Dogs
b. Cats
3. Class
c. Tiger
4. Species d. Leopard

Question 70. Question 75.

Polymoniales have families like Solanaceae and Choose the correct from the followings:-
convolvulaceae mainly based on the ------------.
1. Mangifera, is a name of species
a. Floral characters
b. Aestivation 2. Polymoniales, is a name of family
c. Leaf shape.
d. Root system 3. Dicotyledonae, is a name of division
4. Triticum, is a name of genus

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Question 76. Question 79.
Match column I with column II for housefly Families are characterised
classification and select the correct option using the a. On the basis of vegetative features
codes given below: b. On the basis of reproductive features
c. Both a and b
Column Column d. On the basis of morphological features.
A. Family1. Diptera
B. Order2. Arthropoda Question 80.
C. Class 3. Muscidae
Higher the category……. is the …...of determining the
D. Phylum4. Insecta
relationship to other taxa at the same level.
a. Lesser, difficulty
b. Greater, difficulty
Codes: c. More, ease
d. Lesser, ways
(1) 3 1 4 2
(2) 3 2 4 1 Question 81.
(3) 4 3 2 1 Which of the following statements about classification is
not true?
(4) 4 2 1 3 I. Members of a family are less similar than members of
an included genus.
II. An order has more members than the number of
Question 77. members in an included genus.
III. Families have more members than phyla.
Select the correct sequence of taxonomic categories IV. The number of species in a taxon depends on their
of Mango in ascending order relative degree of similarity.
1. Mangifera → Anacardiaceae → Dicotyledonae 1. Only III
→ Sapindales → Angiospermae. 2. Only IV
3. Only IV
2. Mangifera → Anacardiaceae → Sapindales 4. Only I
→ Dicotyledonae → Angiospermae.
3. Angiospermae → Dicotyledonae → Sapindales
→ Anacardiaceae → Mangifera. Question 82.
4. Angiospermae → Sapindales → Anacardiaceae What is incorrect for taxonomic hierarchy?
→ Dicotyledonae → Mangifera.
1 There are 7 obligate and more than 21 intermediate

Question 78. 2 Higher the category, fewer the number of organism

The family of Mangifera indica is 3 Lower the category, more the number of common
a. Anacardiaceae features
b. Sapindales 4 Greatest similarity in structure is found in between
c. Poals members of a species
d. Muscidae

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Question 83. Question 86.
Which of the following taxonomic categories contains Which of the following taxonomic categories are
organisms least similar to one another? correctly matched to their standard termination of names
with respect to biological classification of plants?
1. Class
2. Genus I Division: - phyta
II Class: - opsida
3. Family
III Order: - ales
4. Species IV Family: - idae

(1) I, II, IV
Question 84. (2) I, II, III
Identify the correct match: (3) II, III, IV
a. Felis: canidae
(4) I, II, III, IV
b. Datura: Solanaceae
c. Petunia: Leguminoceae
d. Dogs: Felidae
Question 87.
Order and higher taxon are identified on the basis of-
Question 85. a. Similarities in characters
b. Dissimilarities in characters
Match each item in Column I with one item in Column II
c. Aggregates of characters
regarding taxonomic categories of humans and chose
d. Both a and c
your answer from the codes given below:
Column I Column II
I. Family 1. Primatata Question 88.
II. Order 2. Hominidae
Which of the following ‘suffixes’ used for units of
III. Class 3. Chordata
classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of
IV. Phylum 4. Mammalia
Codes: 1. — Ales
I II III IV 2. - Onae
1. 1 2 3 4 3. — Aceae
2. 2 1 4 3 4. - Ae
3. 2 1 3 4
4. 1 2 4 3 Question 89.
Which of the following less general in characters as
compared to genus : -
1. Species
2. Division
3. Class
4. Family

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Question 90. Question 94.
Which arrangement is in correct ascending order: First step of taxonomy is
1. Species < genus < order < family
2. Genus < species < family < order 1 Classification
3. Order < family < genus < species 2 Nomenclature
4. Species < genus < family < order
3 Identification
4 Characterisation
Question 91.
Mark the incorrect one (w.r.t. taxonomic key)
1. Based on contrasting characters
Question 95.
2. Generally analytical in nature
Practical purpose of taxonomy or classification :
3. Each statement is called couplet 1. Facilitate the identification of unknown species
4. used for identification of plants or animals 2. Explain the origin of organisms
3. To know the evolutionary history
4. Identification of medicinal plants

Question 92. Question 96.

Animals, dogs and mammals represent The term ‘systematics’ refers to
1. identification and study of organ systems
1. Taxa at different levels
2. identification and preservation of plants and animals
2. Taxonomic hierarchy
3. diversity of kinds of organisms and their relationship
3. Taxa at equivalent level
4. study of habitats of organisms and their classification
4. Categories at equivalent level

Question 97.
Biosystematics aims at : -
Question 93.
(1) The classification of organisms based on broad
Study of diversity of organisms and evolutionary morphological characters
relationship amongst them on the basis of all possible
characters is called as (2) Delimiting various taxa of organism and establishing
their relationships
1 Taxonomy
(3) The classification of organisms based on their
2 Systematics evolutionary history and establishing their phylogeny on
3 Alpha-taxonomy the totality of various parameters from all fields of
4 Phylogeny
(4) Identification and arrangement of organisms on the
basis of cytological characteristics

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Question 98. Question 101.
The Indian Botanical Garden and the National Botanical The contrasting characteristics generally in a pair used
Research Institute are located respectively at: for identification of animals in Taxonomic Key are
referred to as :
(1) Pune and Howrah
1. Lead
(2) Howrah and Lucknow
2. Couplet
(3) Darjeeling and Lucknow
3. Doublet
(4) Shimla and Dehradun
4. Alternate

Question 99.
Question 102.
Select correct match between Column I and II
Column I Column II The label of a herbarium sheet does not carry information
a. As quick referral system (i) Monograph on
in taxonomical studies
(1) date of collection
b. Collection of preserved (ii) Herbaria
plants and animals (2) name of collector

c. Index to the plant species (iii) Museum (3) local names

found in a particular area (4) height of the plant
d. Complete information of (iv) Flora
any one taxon
1. a(iv), b(iii), c(ii), d(i)
2. a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv)
3. a(iii), b(ii), c(iv), d(i)
4. a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)

Question 100.
Biologists have established certain procedures and
techniques to store and preserve the information as well
as specimens. Amongst these which one has collection of
both preserved plant and animal specimens?
1 Zoological parks
2 Herbarium
3 Museum
4 Botanical gardens

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Question 103. Question 105.
Match the items given in Column I with those in Column Taxonomic key is one of the taxonomic tools in the
II and select the correct option given below- identification and classification of plants and animals. It
is used in the preparation of
Column I Column II 1. monograph
2. flora
i. It is a place having a collection of 3. Both 1. and 2.
a. Herbarium
preserved plants and animals.
4. None of these
ii. A list that enumerates methodically
all the species found in an area with
b. Key
brief description aiding

iii. Is a place where dried and pressed

c. Museum plant specimens mounted on sheets is

iv. A booklet containing a list of

characters and their alternates which
d. Catalogue
are helpful in identification of various

1. a-I b-iv c-iii d-ii

2. a-iii b-ii c-I d-iv
3. a-ii b-iv c-iii d-i
4. a-iii b-iv c-i d-ii

Question 104.
Select correct combination of the statements regarding
the taxonomical aids.
A. Herbaria serve as quick referral systems in
taxonomical studies.
B. Keys are generally analytical in nature.
C. Manuals provide the index to the plant species
found in a particular area.
D. Museums have collections of preserved animal
specimens only, for study and reference.
1. A, B, C
2. B, D
3. A, B
4. A, C

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