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a DPA TES INSPECTION & TEST PLAN ‘DOC. NO; QAIERIMECHTT147 4 RITES ISSUE No: 01 RITES LTD. BODY SIDE PAGE NO: 1 of 5 (QA DIVISION ARRANGEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE:08.08,2023 ) (FOR BOGIE OPEN WAGON TYPE BOXNHL) | APPROVED BY:GMAIER~ go Case No.: Book No: ‘Sat No: 1+ Specification Drawing : ROSO Drg, No. WO.090345.05 Alt-6 & IRS Mus/O7 2. Date of Inspection 3. Place of Inspection, 4. Size of lot | 5. Size of Sample 6. Document Verification: b) Interne ©) Calibration record of gauges, measuring instruments & test equipments, 4d) Type Test, any 7. Tests/Checks (to be witnessed/conducted by inspector )~ a) Internal/ External test certificate for raw material (IRS M-44/97) inspectionitest and dimensional check report. AllBody End Plate Joints should be vertical Fabricated members to be reasonably straight & distortion to be corrected, may be obtained & verifed regarding Sequence followed by fabricator) No,| Parameter | Value Specifies Observations Remarks It shall be free from visible surface defects, bend, dent & all edges & aa corners to be grounded. a Weld size shall be as per drawing & ‘eviewed/veriied welding shall be uniform and free (@) | visual from welding defects (Suitable dectaration (b) | Dimensional [As per RDSO Drg. No. WD-09034-8-05 Alt (Body Side Arrangement) (For Bogie Open Wagon Type ( 'BOXNHL (MBS)) Tolerance for —_untoleranced imensions shall be as perlS:2102 Part Dimension sheet enclosed Prepared by hacked wp Forwarded by: ead RITES LTD (QA DIVISION) ITRITES INSPECTION & TEST PLAN BODY SIDE ARRANGEMENT (FOR BOGIE OPEN WAGON TYPE BOXNHL) DOG. NO: QAERIMECHIT-747 QISSUE NO: 01 PAGE NO: 2 of 5 EFFECTIVE DATE:08.08.2023 APPROVED BY:GM-IIER = - No.| Parameter | Value Specified Observations Remarks ‘As per IRS M-04/97 SheotiPlate 4,8 mm thick Test Method- Taddle Analysis] Product Analysis | Either by the Tolerance methods specified i (ASTM A480) in relevant parts of (e) | Materia %@ 0.03max. |%C +0.005 ASTM A240 oF by ) hin 0.81018 |%Mn 10.04 any other Co y position | e4Si 1.00 max. | %Si +0.05, established scr 108-125 | %cr 40.15 instrumental! %Ni 1.50max, | Ni +0.07 ' chemical method, %P 0.03max. | %P 0.005 \ %S 0.03max. |%S 40.005 | ' %Ti 0.75max. | %Ti +005 a — Test method- As per IRS M.44/07 . As per IS:1608 Topsite Test. ' Test to be carried UTS- 50 ka/mm? (min.) cout length wise & 0.2% Proof Stress - 35 to A5kgimm? cross wise {% Elongation -25 % (min) (on a gauge length of 50mm) [Test method (a) | Brvsical | enaFest AS per roperties : “The test specimen shall withstand ASTM Az40 being bend at ambient temperature in any direction through 180° around (Test to be a former of Dia. equivalent o sheet Canied gut thickness without cracking on rom the outside ofthe bent portion product wherever possible For others i = TC to be- reviewed.) CRF Section shall GRE Section spor Og. No be erenapeciad WO-0 806 6 on WD-09034-5-05 & 05, y RDSO (d) | Section Material shall conform to Copy of RDSO IC & IRS Meaai97 Invoice to be veriod with proper accountal endorsement (with Red int) Tarpaulin Cleat shallbe as per Chock She y | Tarpaulin Cleat | Dg No, WintL-2726, Do : (©) | (item No.2) | (Round 16 mm) Prepare oy eH Chee Technic Ct KS = ITRITES RITES LTD |” (QA DIVISION) BODY SIDE ARRANGEMENT INSPECTION & TEST PLAN (FOR BOGIE OPEN WAGON TYPE BOXNHL) ] DOG. NO: GATERIMECHIT-747 | aissue No: 01 | PAGE NO: 3 of 5 EFFECTIVE DATE:08.08.2023 APPROVED BY:GMIER Ss. ne | Parameter Value Specified = Observations Remarks, Prashad Label 0 | Holder tem) Shall be as per Dig Nos WIML-11 Check Shes Doc. No. (g) |Marking If & as specified in P.O. (Not specified in Drg,) Manufactarer Nameviitials, Month & year of manufacture for traceability otherwise. Namo & Signature of IE 7 Sampling shall be dono according 1 1S:2800 - 2000 Pr | sng'e sampling plan (norma) untoss mentionod IL Incase, a quality plan is mentioned in he Purchase Order, Inspecting Engineer shall also take the same into consideration dunng inspection and mention the same i inspes rent craaseg/speciicaon ‘tes! sample for a parveulat specifiad test parameter iil, Incase purchase order mentions 2 iv. Wactual size/shape of the product dint perms cutsng o! ton Rocords then that willbe applicable eee a bond. ele. then MTCLab TC foe tho same shal be taken into consideration, subject to tosting of those specified paramoters wtwch is’are feasible (x terms of 3 .ze/shape of samplo piwcoltest spocimen Intended for respective lests) and the same shal be mentioned in Inspection Records/Roport Important: Dornot undertake inspecton elsewhere oth ‘Stamp/st Use check sheet for recording observations Nemaons| Purchaser/Ciient. ‘Cross check original PO (Exthor in physical form or onlvie) 1g than the place of inspection mentioned in PO. ity montioned in call etter. Donot undertake inspecton f quanta offered is tess than quant Dovot inspect part quantty uniess provided in PO or authorized by clent plate oMered it after drawing sampies f° lab/n-house testing and before leaving the site, eaeeest any ambiguiy in POSpeciicatorDrawing/QAP/Techncal Spec. annexed with PO, the same a case of Jougnt wo the novce of vendor as well as CM for seeking necessary clanfication from Checked rea OF Tn. Uae ae Pieper fe Me Lye . a wo 9 Sy TDN BR Legh ehapoou3 3/40 esmeubig 9 oweN FUETZOTTSI 19d se aq joys, suossuowiip paouesojoqun 10} aouese}04, ‘EIOOP (281209 x99, 9 281209) exptet | Suidos.yppiu apis reworpuers | gt pis Kpog uaeMI99 a2Ue3sIC > Fardoo aypprur apis Te eaeeer ‘apis Kpog uaoaag aauersig | ot Faysenb FaTnG ve WOTPUES ar e6e apis Apog uaamvag aaueisig | 2000 | s9109 10) s9)0H woomneq aouersia | OF ZI 591 Tauoyins Aems00qjo pin | 6 ! seosr| audopainpww apisjossommra | 8 : “Rap Balog scor/szo-e | dosyoaea wea iosseinonys | S80+/520- “Rp Budep doz so ssp | 9 SEO aieidjossaupma | s (E-/09) vet 8566 vaausepisspoa | | ZFOSL x EF HIVE Buwwedo.soog | € varee women | @ ¥F 24001 waua7 101 | 1 - - a ‘i SOoUEIO|OL 7 = syseWOY, a a . e o uuo!suaunig seyoweieg ON woReAISGO joads [s INSWSONVURY SGIS AGB (ww ut) SNOISNSWIG :A@ GaAOUddY (HNXO8 (Noisiaia vo) sauva 3AWLOaSI3 AdAL NODVM NadO 31908 HOS) ‘al sain $40 ON 39Vd LNJW3ONVUUV GNF AGOS * 30Is Ado 7 piF Nya 1551 8 NOMOSdSNI SPLIEL a NWI Sa 8D (UHL fa pay2049 310 eunjeubig 9 eweN ana) fa paredare (osse09 Asa 9 81209) FHEGZOTTST sad se ag j}eys!suoIsuoUUIp peouEsa}o}UN Jo} @9Ue1eIOL TORS soz cet exaayog 201 | ct i j aT SpS KT OT | zs019 |, uidoo aypprw apis puz souones07 | oF : TupAG Toy IS WOT 2#918 | suidooajppiu apis st souones01 | St R309 zis use | Suidoo aippruwapis oy Suissoud | $1 1224 $5013 Aem00p JO UOREO SOOUBIOIOL WI syewoy 7 i e e : uoisuawig sayowesed on OER pamoods 1S :Ag GaAOUdd¥ OHNXO8: (woistwiavo) saa 3AUOaS43 dAL NOOWM NadO 31908 HOS) G17 Sains INAWAONVARV ONS AGODBAAISAGOG | CZ Tay gy BON ee arenes IL LH Lg Nvid ISSL # NOWOSASN abt deck ea

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