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Calculation Report □ Document No:

Internal Report □ Rev No:
Customer Report  Pages:4

Calculation of Overload Capability

Designed: Drawn:

Checked: Approved:

地址:中国辽宁省沈阳经济技术开发区 开发大路 32 号 邮编:110144

Add:No.32 Kaifa Blvd, Economic and Technological development Zone, Shenyang City. Liaoning
Province, China P.C.:110144
1 General
According to IEC60076-7 Loading guide for oil-immersed power

transformers,the hot-spot temperature is equal to the sum of the ambient

temperature, the top-oil temperature rise in the tank, and the temperature

difference between the hot-spot and top-oil in the tank.

The temperature increase to a level corresponding to a load factor of

K is given by:

 
1 + R  K 2 
 h ( t ) =  a +  oi +  or    −  oi   f1 ( t ) +  hi + Hg r K y −  hi   f 2 ( t ) (1)
  1+ R  

The function f1(t) describes the relative increase of the top-oil

temperature rise according to the unit of the steady-state value:

f1 ( t ) = 1 − e(
− t ) / ( k11  o )

The function f2(t) describes the relative increase of the hot-spot to

top-oil gradient according to the unit of the steady-state value .It models

the fact that it takes some time before the oil circulation has adapted its

speed to correspond to the increased load level:

f 2 ( t ) = k21  1 − e(
− t ) / ( k22  w )
) − (k 21 (
− 1)  1 − e(
− t ) / ( o / k22 )
) (3)


 h (t ) :Hot-spot temperature at time t, ℃;

 a :Ambient temperature, ℃;

 oi :Top-oil(in tank) temperature rise at start, K;

 or : Top-oil(in tank) temperature rise in steady state at rated losses,


R :Ratio of load losses at rated current to no-load losses;

K :Load factor(load current/rated current);

 hi :Hot-spot-to-top-oil(in tank)gradient at start, K;

H : Hot-spot factor;

g r :Average-winding-to-average-oil(in tank) temperature gradient at

rated current,K;

x :Oil exponent;

y : Winding exponent;

k11 : Thermal model constant;

k 21 : Thermal model constant;

k 22 : Thermal model constant;

 o : Average oil time constant,min;

 w : Winding time constant,min.

Table1-Recommended thermal characteristics for exponential equations


Medium and large power transformers

(see note)

(see note)

(see note)









Oil exponent x 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0

Winding exponent y 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.0

Constant k11 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0

Constant k21 1.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 1.45 1.3 1.0

Constant k22 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Time constant  o 180 210 210 150 150 90 90 90

Time constant w 4 10 10 7 7 7 7 7
NOTE: If a winding of an ON or OF-cooled transformer is zigzag-cooled,a radial spacer thickness
of less than 3 mm might cause a restricted oil circulation,i.e.a higher maximum value of the function
f2(t) than obtained by spacers ≥3 mm.

2 Overload Calculation
According to the results of the coil rated losses, by above

expressions, the transformer winding overloading can be calculated.

Table 2-Thermal characteristics of the transformer

Oil exponent x 0.8

Winding exponent y 1.3

Constant k11 0.5

Constant k21 2.0

Constant k22 2.0

Time constant o 150

Time constant w 7

Based on the thermal characteristics of table 2, we can draw the


With 1.5 times the rate current for shrot-time emergency over load at

40℃ ambient temperature, hot-spot temperature of the transformer is

less than 140℃. The temperature of overload meets the requirements of

technical agreements.

Figure 1-Normal loss of life

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