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Running head: ANTI-AGING 1

Anti-aging: An Investigation into the Impact Exercise has on Aging



This study aims at exploring the role of exercising in delaying the aging process.

The study was majorly qualitative and the research methodology thus involved the use

of secondary sources of information to discuss the role of exercising in delaying the

aging process. The finds of the study were that when adults lose mass and muscle

function, their capacity to indulge in daily physical activities is reduced. Therefore,

physical exercises such as lifting weights and endurance exercises help to keep the

muscles of the body strong and enhance their mass thus preventing the loss of mass

that comes with old age.

Table of Contents
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................2

Introduction................................................................................................................... 2
Research Aim............................................................................................................... 3
Research Question.......................................................................................................3
Description of Research Questions..............................................................................3
Research Objectives.....................................................................................................3
SECTION 2: LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................5
Exercises can Delay Aging...........................................................................................5
Advantages and Disadvantages of Exercising to Delay Aging.....................................7
Other Anti-aging methods.............................................................................................9
SECTION 3: METHODOLOGY......................................................................................11
Introduction................................................................................................................. 11
Reason for Choosing Secondary Research Methodology..........................................11
Advantages of Secondary Research Methodology.....................................................12
Disadvantages of Secondary Research Methodology................................................12
Steps of the Methodology...........................................................................................13
Keywords to be Used in the Study..............................................................................13
SECTION 4: RESEARCH FINDINGS............................................................................15
Effect of Aging on Physical Fitness.............................................................................15
Aging Leads to Loss of Mass and Muscle Function................................................15
Aging leads to Frailty and Disability.........................................................................15
Aging Promotes Cardiorespiratory Fitness..............................................................16
Benefits of Intensive Physical Activity in Delaying the Aging Process........................16
Cardiorespiratory Fitness........................................................................................ 16
Mass and Muscle Function......................................................................................16
Benefit of Exercising in Reducing Frailty.................................................................17
SECTION 5: DISCUSSION............................................................................................18
Genomic Instability......................................................................................................18
Telomerase Activity.....................................................................................................18
Reducing Mitochondrial Dysfunction...........................................................................18
SECTION 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................21
Introduction................................................................................................................. 21
Conclusions Made...................................................................................................... 21

Recommendations for Future Research.....................................................................22




The greater health that is exhibited by older athletes and exercisers in

comparison to their sedentary counterparts implies that physical activity helps in

reversing or slowing down the aging process. Most office workers often choose to visit

the gym after work in the evening to engage in physical activity after being bound to

their desks all day long. For employees who live close to their workplaces, walking

home from work rather than using public or private transport means ensures a daily

dose of cardio. Regardless of the means of exercising, engaging in physical activities

consistently over the course of one’s lifetime is considered the best medicine when it

comes to slowing down the aging process and remaining healthy.

This topic warrants investigation to identify the specific benefits of exercising and

its role in delaying the aging process. Exercising is said to help in preventing the onset

of several diseases and alleviating or curing others to improve the quality of life. People

who exercise daily have the capacity to carry out daily tasks easily and efficiently

because most parts of their bodies are still in good condition. In the modern world,

people have been able to overcome problems related to inactivity because of the

efficiency of modern medicine in supporting lives. However, while the average life

expectancy has increased rapidly, the health span, which is the period of life spent free

from diseases, has not increased due to inactivity.

While some people labor under the illusion that they can attain anti-aging through

drugs and therapies, the harm that comes with such anti-aging drugs or surgeries leads

to poor health and increases our vulnerability to diseases. The best ways to give old

age security include maintaining a good diet plan and keeping fit through exercises.

This research thus aims at outlining the impact of exercising on the aging process.

Research Aim

To discuss the benefits of exercising and its role in delaying the aging process.

Research Question

(i) Can exercise delay aging?

(ii) Why do people choose exercises to achieve anti-aging?

(iii) Which other ways can delay the aging process aside from exercising?

Description of Research Questions

The first research question will help to identify the types of exercises that help to

delay the aging process. The study will thus delve into different exercises and their

target muscles in the body to ensure that they can broaden the knowledge of the

audience in the benefits of attending their local gyms. The second research question will

assess people’s attitudes and perspectives on aging and thus compared the

advantages and disadvantages of going to the gym. The research question would help

to discuss motivations for wanting to remain youthful and the degree of commitment to

exercises needed to remain young. The third research question would identify the other

ways that people can delay aging without necessarily going to the gym. The study will

identify some of the effects of anti-aging drugs and surgical processes of delaying the

aging process.

Research Objectives

(i) To establish the link between the delayed aging process and reduced

increased physical activity


(ii) To discuss the benefits of exercising in maintaining good health and delaying

the aging process

(iii) To discuss other anti-aging processes and techniques



Exercises can Delay Aging

According to Alonso (2019), aging is a complex process that is a time-dependent

process that results in the loss and deterioration of physical activities. The accumulation

of molecular and cellular damage across the lifespan of an individual would cause

problems of old age such as reduced mobility and instances of sickness. Accumulation

of molecular damage throughout one’s lifespan contributes greatly to the aging process

causing genomic instability that is characterized by biological, physical, and chemical

deterioration of body cells. The increase in genomic damage is associated with the

aging process and the body has to repair the damaged parts to slow down the aging

process (Alonso, 2019).

Hu (2019) claims that exercising plays a crucial role in the maintenance of

genomic stability and repairing of body mechanisms. Physical activity expedites and

augments the DNA repair process thus delaying the aging process and reducing the risk

of developing cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, increased physical activity has

been associated with the upregulation of protective proteins in the body thus

augmenting the DNA repair system. While exercising is linked to oxidative stress,

continuous exercising would lead to antioxidant activity and maintenance of the REDOX

balance. Aerobic exercises help in preventing the loss of body strength and muscle

mass by cutting off the damaging proteins that trigger a degradation of body cells

(Nascimento et al. 2019).

Professor Norman Lazarus from King’s College London studied 125 cyclists as

they engaged in physical activity (Duggal et al., 2018). Lazarus and his team realized

that some of the ultra-distance cyclists were in their 80s but still had an immune system

of a 20-year-old. Professor Janet Lord from the Institute of Inflammation and Aging

commented that the immune system of the human body declines at a rate of 2 to 3

percent after one turns 20 years old. The decline in immunity after turning 20 years old

is the reason why older adults are more vulnerable to contagions and diseases like

cancer. The cyclists boasting of the immune system of a twenty-year-old have thus

augmented their bodies’ protection against the diseases and given their old age security

(Duggal et al., 2018).

Duggal et al. (2018) assessed markers in the plasma for T-cells that help the

body to react to and fight new infections in the body. T-cells are usually generated in the

thymus that is a gland in the upper body. However, the thymus usually shrinks in

volume as one age meaning that the immune system is then compromised or reduced.

The researchers found out that the long-distance cyclists produced the same amount of

T-cells as younger adults in their 20s while adults with a sedentary lifestyle produced

very few T-cells. According to Duggal et al. (2018), being physically energetic in old age

would help individuals to respond well to immunization and remain safe against new

contagions and diseases.

Duggal et al. (2018) argue that adopting a sedentary lifestyle goes against

human evolution and biology because man has been designed to remain physically

active. One does not need to be an experienced athlete to gain the advantages of

exercising. Any kind of physical activity is welcome to shape positively. It is

recommended that people indulge in physical exercises for at least 3 days per week to

control weight and improve cardiovascular activity of the body thereby delaying the

aging process as one would have an immune system that rivals that of a 20-year-old.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Exercising to Delay Aging

Kulikov, Tregub, Osipov & Trukhanov (2019) claim that exercising is described

as any motion that works the muscles and needs the body to burn some calories. There

are several kinds of exercises that include swimming, jog sessions, hiking, and dancing

among others. The body’s hormones are thought of as signaling systems that function

as tiny traffic policemen. Hormones direct biochemical messages and thus regulate

everything from an individual’s sex drive to their metabolism rate and other physical

states like mood, sleep, and fertility. One of the most important hormones in the human

body cortisol, which is a steroid hormone that helps in regulating the blood sugar level,

monitoring metabolism, attenuating inflammation, and helping with the creation of

memories. Having high cortisol content in the body would lead to high fatty deposits in

the midsection of the body thus is the reason why most obese people have a protruding

tummy. However, when the human body is subjected to tension during physical activity,

cortisol would reduce excessive weight gain and reduce high blood pressure (Kulikov,

Tregub, Osipov & Trukhanov, 2019).

According to Kang & Ahn (2019), the stress derived from trying to balance work

and life has led to struggles with weight. However, regular exercise would help to

protect the body against excessive gaining of weight that puts pressure on the body’s

organs such as the heart. Exercising leads to a boost in dopamine and endorphins that

alleviate stress in the body and decreases cortisol levels. An individual’s mental state

would improve because of the endorphins boost that helps to produce positive feelings

while reducing the perception of pain. Exercising helps to further reduce symptoms of

people who suffer anxiety thus helping to distract from their fears.

Scolese, Abi Rached & De Liberal (2019) claim that exercising helps to delay

aging by strengthening the body’s muscles and bones. When combined with good

protein intake, physical activities help in stimulating muscle building in the same manner

that lifting weights do. Indulging in physical exercises thus helps to secrete hormones

that encourage muscles’ capacity to take up amino acids thus augmenting their growth

while reducing their breakdown. As individuals age, they tend to lose muscle and mass

function thus leading to injuries and even sometimes disability. Indulging in frequent

physical activities is instrumental in attenuating muscle loss and maintains an

individual’s strength as they age. Physical exercises help in building bone density when

one is still young thus preventing conditions like osteoporosis later in life.

According to Kang & Ahn (2019), exercising also helps to keep the body looking

young by improving skin health. The skin is usually affected by a high level of oxidative

stress in the body thus causing wrinkles that give the appearance of old age. Oxidative

stress happens when the antioxidant defense system of the body cannot be able to

restore the damaged tissues and cells that are caused by free radicals. The internal

structure of cells can thus be damaged leading to deteriorating skin. While intensive

exercising and exhaustive physical activity lead to high levels of oxidative stress, regular

and moderate exercising increases the body’s secretion of natural antioxidants thus

helping to protect the cells.

According to Scolese, Abi Rached & De Liberal (2019), exercising is important

because it helps in maintaining brain health and memory by improving blood flow to the

brain that further nourishes it with oxygen. Additionally, physical activities also lead to

the secretion of hormones that further promote the development of brain cells. Towards

old age, one starts experiencing a shrinkage in brain mass especially in the frontal lobe

and hippocampus, which are the areas more tangled in higher cognitive functions.

Exercising regularly would thus cause the hippocampus and frontal lobe areas that are

crucial for memories and learning to expand. Therefore, exercising would preempt the

changes to the brain that are associated with old age and keep it functioning properly.

Other Anti-aging methods

Duggal et al. (2018) claim the delay in the aging process can also be achieved

through anti-aging treatments that are intended to minimize the appearance of wrinkles

and sagging skin. The anti-aging treatments are usually performed on the parts of the

body that exhibit the earliest signs of aging such as the face, neck, and hands.

Depending on the extent of the signs of aging, the treatment options may range from

over-the-counter anti-aging products like creams to Botox injections and invasive

surgical procedures lie having a facelift. Every anti-aging option comes with a set of

risks, which is why it is crucial to have an in-depth discussion with a dermatologist and

anti-aging specialist before undertaking any kind of treatment.

Alonso (2019) claims that anti-aging treatments are usually recommended for

people who are prone to wrinkles and sagging skin. The use of anti-aging creams is

often common among females who care much about their beauty and appearance

compared to men. The ingredients of anti-aging cream include retinol, which is a

derivative of vitamin A and helps in reducing wrinkles while unclogging one’s pores

thereby improving the texture of the skin and hyaluronic acid that absorbs water from

the air to moisturize the skin. Despite their quick reaction to help delay the aging

process, the use of anti-aging creams is dangerous because it leads to skin irritation,

sensitivity to sunlight, dryness of the skin, and allergic reactions. There is also a risk of

having excessive bleeding due to the invasive nature of some of the anti-aging

techniques such as Botox injections.

Anti-aging can also be achieved by transplanting the telomerase gene into adults

as tested on mice that were injected with the telomerase enzyme and managed to attain

an increased lifespan of 24 percent (Hu, 2019). Taking food rich in telomerase would

help to delay the aging process. Some of the foodstuffs that are rich in telomerase

include citrus fruits, apples, carrots, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

Additionally, green tea has also been shown to be rich in anti-oxidants and would thus

improve the health of the skin. Moreover, the aging process can also be delayed by

reducing calorie intake to alleviate obesity and other age-related diseases (Alonso,




This study was mostly qualitative and aimed at exploring the role of exercising in

delaying the aging process and people’s motivations for staying young. The research

methodology thus involved the use of secondary sources of information to discuss the

role of exercising in delaying the aging process. The researcher conducted a review of

existing literature to identify already published studies that conducted experiments on

the advantages of exercising as a way of delaying anti-aging compared to other

techniques such as Botox injections, applying anti-aging creams, and restricting calorie

intake. The review of literature was done using a keyword search to identify peer-

reviewed sources that would be best for the study. Every keyword was well defined and

then used to probe into databases and online libraries to identify the best sources to be

used for discussing the effect of exercising om aging process and the advantage that it

has over the other anti-aging techniques like Botox injections, application of anti-aging

creams, and restricting calorie intake.

Reason for Choosing Secondary Research Methodology

The researcher resorted to the use of secondary research methodology because

a primary research methodology would involve monitoring participants for a prolonged

period of time. The aging process is gradual meaning that the role of exercising in

delaying the aging process would have to be monitored over a prolonged period. Due to

time constraints, the researcher could not use the primary research method that would

involve committing to monitoring a select number of participants over a given period of

time. Additionally, the primary research method would prove to be more expensive

making secondary research methodology ideal.

Advantages of Secondary Research Methodology

The first advantage of secondary research methodology is that it is time-saving

because the researcher would simply surf the internet to identify the best sources to use

for writing the study. The secondary research methodology would thus help to reduce

the many hours that would be spent collecting data and monitoring participants.

Additionally, the internet has also reduced the many hours that would be spent

physically looking for data.

The second advantage is that secondary research methodology is cost-effective

because the researcher would not spend much funds organizing a survey process or

monitoring the participants. The researcher would simply use online databases such as

Google Scholar and EBCO Host to identify the best sources for use. Thirdly, secondary

research methodology helps to generate new insights from the past analyses that have

been done. The researcher would re-analyze the data for a deeper understanding of

the topic of study. The researcher would thus be able to come up with new conclusions

and thus confirm previous results.

Disadvantages of Secondary Research Methodology

To begin with, data collected by primary means is subject to inefficiencies and

inaccuracies. The data that one collects using primary means is usually accurate

because the researcher has a concrete idea in mind. This means that while secondary

data sources may offer the researcher extensive information, the quantity of information

may not be synonymous with appropriateness because the data has been gathered to

answer a dissimilar research objective. Additionally, the data may have been collected

many years back and thus not relevant to changing circumstances. The second

disadvantage is the lack of authority over the value of information and data. The primary

researcher may have been biased thus affecting the credibility of the secondary

research. While the peer review sites may guarantee the quality of the data, it may not

always be the case because the primary researcher had his or her own objectives and

goal in mind.

Steps of the Methodology

The secondary research methodology was highly structured and involved a 4-

step process for collecting the resources to be used in the research. The study was

designed in a way that the secondary sources would give insight into the future direction

of using exercises to delay the aging process. The 1 st step in the secondary research

methodology involved identifying appropriate keywords to be used in the search

process. The string of keywords was then input in online libraries and databases to be

used. The keywords were either combined or pared down to find the best sources for

use in the study. The 1st entry of the keywords into the databases was used to

determine whether there were sufficient peer-reviewed sources to be used. The

subsequent steps then involved a modification of the keywords to exclude sources that

are not relevant for the study. Manual refinement was then done to identify the best

sources for use in the study.


Keywords to be used in the Study

The first set of keywords that were used in the search for peer-reviewed

materials include ‘the role of exercises in delaying the aging process’ and ‘methods of

delaying the aging process’. The researcher used Google Scholar, EBSCO Host, and

SAGE Publications to identify the best sources for use. The researcher also used the

exclusion and inclusion words ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ to manually refine the results obtained

thus narrowing down to the best sources for use. The selection of the peer-reviewed

materials to be used was predicated on the reputation of the publishing company.

Search Results

Step 1 Keywords 26,800

1. The role of exercises in delaying the aging

process and methods of delaying the aging


Step 2 Inclusion Words 8,074

Exercises attenuate old age AND methods of

delaying the aging process

Step 3 Removing irrelevant subject areas 1,123

Step 4 Manual refinement of results 443



Effect of Aging on Physical Fitness

Aging Leads to Loss of Mass and Muscle Function

Muscle mass often begins to decline after one turns 30 years of age and by 80

years of age, one is expected to lose about 40 percent of his her muscle mass ( Dutra &

Correa, 2019). The loss in mass and muscle function is described as the biggest

contributor to the aging process whereby one becomes frail. When adults lose mass

and muscle function, their capacity to indulge in daily physical activities is reduced.

Additionally, people in old age also experience a limited endurance in strenuous

actions. Therefore, people are motivated to preserve their youthful nature by remaining

physically active and attending the gym. 11 to 50 percent of individuals over the age of

80 years tend to suffer sarcopenia, which is the loss of mass and muscle function

(Travers, Romero-Ortuno, Bailey & Cooney, 2019).

Aging leads to Frailty and Disability

Old age leads to diminished cardiovascular and muscle fitness, which is typically

referred to as frailty (Poorjavad, Moghadam & Ansari, 2019). As people get older, they

tend to experience reduced grip strength and reduced speed of walking. For older

adults with lower levels of physical activity, there would be low energy and higher

instances of physical exhaustion. Moreover, old age comes with unintentional weight

loss. Frailty affects about 20 to 30 percent of adults over the age of 75 years. Frailty

leads to disability whereby the older frail adult would depend on others for daily tasks

and chores. There are no drugs that can be used to lessen the age-related

deteriorations of physical fitness because no drug can help to target all the muscle

functions at once. Rather than drugs, physical exercises have a multi-system anti-aging

effect on the body and help to improve physical fitness from the brainpower to lung

function (Andrieieva et al., 2019).

Aging Promotes Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Having optimum oxygen in-take and high aerobic capacity is described as the

major indicator of cardiorespiratory fitness (Chan, Deng, Wu & Yan, 2019). For older

adults, the average maximal aerobic capacity VO 2 plummets with decreasing physical

activity. Aging body muscles tend to have a lower capacity to use oxygen due to

reduced muscle mass, oxidative capacity, and density of body capillaries. Therefore,

with increasing age, cardiorespiratory fitness also reduces (Wang et al., 2019).

Benefits of Intensive Physical Activity in Delaying the Aging Process

Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Regular exercising with a moderate intensity of VO 2 such as cycling, swimming,

and even walking, help to attenuate the age-related deteriorations in regard to

cardiorespiratory fitness (Sanchis-Gomar et al., 2014). Aerobic exercises help to

prevent cardiovascular diseases and keep the heart strong. Exercising regularly would

help to keep increase blood flow to the rest of the body thus improving oxygen

circulation to the rest of the body. Moreover, exercising also helps to decrease insulin

resistance to prevent instances of diabetes while lessening the risk of dysfunction

brought about by aging (Lajqi, Stojiljkovic & Wetzker, 2019).

Mass and Muscle Function

Physical exercises such as lifting weights and endurance exercises help to keep

the muscles of the body strong and enhance their mass thus preventing the loss of

mass that comes with old age (Travers, Romero-Ortuno, Bailey & Cooney, 2019).

Weight lifting also helps to improve strength in the body of older adults. Lifting weights

with or taking part in resistance training would help to improve muscle function and

prevent disability. Resistance training helps to improve stability by enhancing the

muscular strength of the lower body. Having high stability thus reduces the risk of falling

for adults between the age of 50 to 75 years (Lajqi, Stojiljkovic & Wetzker, 2019).

The Benefit of Exercising in Reducing Frailty

To reduce frailty in adults, the combination of weight lifting, resistance training,

and aerobic exercises like cycling help to prevent an early onset of frailty (Poorjavad,

Moghadam & Ansari, 2019). It is important to start exercising early on because the

frailty status of an older adult determines the level of exercises that they may be able to

perform. Fall-preventive exercises and group exercises tend to reduce fall risk for adults

over the age of 65 years. Older men and women can improve their leg muscle strength

by up to 220 percent after a strenuous 10-week training program (Dutra & Correa,



Genomic Instability

To begin with, up to a 5-month regular exercise program can be able to prevent

mitochondrial DNA instability thus reducing instances of premature mortality in old age

adults. During the aging process, an oxidative damage would occur in one’s DNA thus

enhancing the effects of the aging process. Resistance exercises would help to

decrease the damage that is experienced in old people by improving the repair of

damaged mitochondrial DNA (Lajqi, Stojiljkovic & Wetzker, 2019).

Telomerase Activity

Telomeres are described as complex protein structures that help in protecting the

credibility of DNA structures thus preventing the loss of chromosomal DNA during

cellular division (Travers, Romero-Ortuno, Bailey & Cooney, 2019). During the aging

process, the length of telomere would decrease until a minimal length thereby

precluding any form of cell division for muscle growth. The enzyme telomerase helps to

promote the lengthening of the telomere thus promoting cell and muscle growth.

Increased telomere shortening has always been linked to aging. However, regular

exercise has been linked to telomere lengthening thus promoting cell growth and

reduced mass and muscle function loss (Dutra & Correa, 2019).

Reducing Mitochondrial Dysfunction

As one ages, there is accumulated damage on the mitochondria that are involved

in energy production (Travers, Romero-Ortuno, Bailey & Cooney, 2019). The cumulative

damage on mitochondria increases with age and leads to reduced energy in the body.

During exercise, the body experiences mitochondrial rejuvenation thus promoting

energy production in the body. Resistance training thus helps to improve muscle

strength and attenuate the aging mitochondrial dysfunction (Dutra & Correa, 2019).

The advantages of regular exercises are such that improved cardiovascular

activity and muscle strength is usually witnessed in the human body (Sanchis-Gomar et

al., 2014). Frequent moderate to vigorous exercises about 450 minutes per wee help to

keep the body healthy. The human body responds well to physical exercises that have a

big effect on the expression of the genome. While other methods of reducing or

delaying the aging process such as Botox injections and application of anti-aging

creams may alleviate the physical signs of aging, they do not help to keep the body

healthy. Such methods of slowing down the aging process may lead to improve skin

health and youthful appearances but fail to curb the other effects of old age such as

reduced brain function, frailty, loss of mass and muscle function, and high risk of falling.

Taking part in physical exercises helps to promote a multi-system level of good health

such as good lung function, muscle function, good metabolism, and cardiovascular

function (Dutra & Correa, 2019).


Physical exercises cannot reverse the aging process but can help in attenuating

the debilitating effects that come with old age such as loss of muscle function and frailty

(Poorjavad, Moghadam & Ansari, 2019). Most of the prevalent age-related chronic

diseases such as cardiovascular disease are usually conditions of physiology and thus

require physiological interventions to heal. Physical exercises are thus the best answer

to some of the common conditions experienced in old age and the masses should be

incentivized to begin committing t their local gyms rather than opting for anti-aging drugs

that have extensive effects on the body such as irritation and allergic reactions (Dutra &

Correa, 2019).



The study aimed at exploring the role of exercising in delaying the aging process

and people’s motivations for staying young. The study was mostly qualitative and the

research methodology thus involved the use of secondary sources of information to

discuss the role of exercising in delaying the aging process. The researcher conducted

a review of existing literature to identify already published studies that conducted

experiments on the advantages of exercising as a way of delaying anti-aging compared

to other techniques such as Botox injections, applying anti-aging creams, and restricting

calorie intake. The secondary research methodology was highly structured and involved

a 4-step process for collecting the resources to be used in the research.

Conclusions Made

When adults lose mass and muscle function, their capacity to indulge in daily

physical activities is reduced. Old age leads to diminished cardiovascular and muscle

fitness, which is typically referred to as frailty. Additionally, for older adults, the average

maximal aerobic capacity VO2 plummets with decreasing physical activity. Regular

exercising with a moderate intensity of VO 2 such as cycling, swimming, and even

walking, help to attenuate the age-related deteriorations in regard to cardiorespiratory

fitness. Physical exercises such as lifting weights and endurance exercises help to keep

the muscles of the body strong and enhance their mass thus preventing the loss of

mass that comes with old age. Additionally, it is important to start exercising early on

because the frailty status of an older adult determines the level of exercises that they

may be able to perform.

Recommendations for Future Research

This study mostly focused on the role of physical exercises in attenuating the

aging process. Future research studies should thus evaluate the effects of non-physical

means of attenuating the aging process in detail. Additionally future research studies

should also determine the average life expectancy that comes with physical exercises

compared to non-physical interventions.



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