Bahasa Terpadu (Bahasa Dan Sastra Jerman) - 4

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Bahasa Terpadu (Bahasa dan Sastra Jerman) - 4

SOAL NOMOR 1 pilihan_ganda

Lesen Sie den Dialog! (Bacalah dialog berikut!)

Was ist richtig ? ( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!)

● Sag mal, was hast du in den Ferien vor ?

◘ Ich möchte nach Lombok fahren.

● Lombok ist wunderbar. Die Strände sind schön.

◘ Ja, stundenlang am Strand liegen ist mein Traumurlaub.

● ....!

Sonst wird dein Haut verbrennen.

◘ Ok,

A. Vergiss nicht deine Sonnencreme

B. Vergiss nicht dein Badeanzung

C. Nimm Medikamente

D. Nimm deine Reisepass mit

E. Bring mal dein Regenschirm


SOAL NOMOR 2 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Gift cards become more popular during recent years. For example, in one season of holiday, sales reach $19 billion in United
Stated and seem to grow more in the following season due to their convenience in the side of consumers and retailers. It
has some advantages and disadvantages.

In retailer’s side, gift cards bring them some bene ts. Selling gift card can be in simply selling product. When the cards are
sold, they will get bene t. Additionally, gift card tends to be a matter of image and trend which means it is not strictly
in uenced by the functionality. Since gift card is the trend, the sales will increase signi cantly.

However, there is potential disadvantages in the side of consumers. For example, iTunes gift cards apply process in the way
of completing the shopping. They need do one step to another steps in processing the shopping. Likely, most of the steps
apply time and date of validity or expiration. When certain step loose that validating date, the gift cards may be in risk. The
gift card can be rejected to redeem. Again, in retailer’s side, producing card its self is costly. It means that there is additional
cost which retailers have to pay.

In whatever thing, we need to be wise. If we can use that gift card effectively, the disadvantages can be reduced.

Adopted from:

The following statements are based on the text above. Decide whether the statements are True or False!

A. The writer does not express his stance explicitly whether gift cards are bene cial or not.

B. The writer believes that the disadvantages of gift cards can be reduced under strict supervision

C. The writer believes that the effectiveness of gift card uses depends on the wisdom of the users

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 3 pilihan_ganda_l1

Pramoedya Ananta Toer, also spelled Pramudya Ananta Tur, (born February 20, 1925, Blora, Java, Dutch East Indies [now in
Indonesia]—died April 30, 2006, Jakarta, Indonesia), Javanese novelist and short-story writer, the preeminent prose writer
of Post-Independence of Indonesia.
Pramoedya, the son of a school teacher, went to Jakarta while a teenager and worked as a typist there under the Japanese
occupation during World War II. In 1945, at the end of the war, when Indonesia declared its independence and revolted
against renewed Dutch colonial rule, he joined the nationalists, working in radio and producing an Indonesian-language
magazine before he was arrested by the Dutch authorities in 1947. He wrote his rst
published novel, Perburuan (1950; The Fugitive), during a two-year term in a Dutch prison camp (1947–49). That work
describes the ight of an anti-Japanese rebel back to his home in Java.

After Indonesian independence was recognized by the Netherlands in 1949, Pramoedya produced a stream of novels and
short stories that established his reputation. The novel Keluarga Gerilja (1950; “Guerrilla Family”) chronicles the tragic
consequences of divided political sympathies in a Javanese family during the Indonesian Revolution against Dutch rule,
while Mereka Jang Dilumpuhkan (1951; “The Paralyzed”) depicts the odd assortment of inmates. Pramoedya became
acquainted with the Dutch prison camp. The short stories collected in Subuh (1950; “Dawn”) and Pertjikan Revolusi (1950;
“Sparks of Revolution”) are set during the Indonesian Revolution, while those in Tjerita dari Blora (1952; “Tales of Bora”)
depict Javanese provincial life in the period of Dutch rule. The sketches in Tjerita dari Djakarta (1957; “Tales of Jakarta”)
examine the strains and injustices Pramoedya perceived within Indonesian society after independence had been achieved. In
these early works Pramoedya evolved a rich prose style that incorporated Javanese everyday speech and images from
classical Javanese culture.

By the late 1950s Pramoedya had become sympathetic toward the Indonesian Communist Party, and after 1958 he
abandoned ction for essays and cultural criticism that re ect a left-wing viewpoint. By 1962 he had become closely
aligned with communist-sponsored cultural groups. As a result, he was jailed by the army in the course of its bloody
suppression of a communist coup in 1965. During his imprisonment he wrote a series of four historical novels that
further enhanced his reputation. Two of these, Bumi Manusia (1980; This Earth of Mankind) and Anak Semua
Bangsa (1980; Child of All Nations), met with great critical and popular acclaim in Indonesia after their publication, but the
government subsequently banned them from circulation, and the last two volumes of the tetralogy, Jejak
Langkah (1985; Footsteps) and Rumah Kaca (1988; House of Glass), had to be published abroad. These late works
comprehensively depict Javanese society under Dutch colonial rule in the early 20th century. In contrast to Pramoedya’s
earlier works, they were written in a plain, fast-paced narrative style.

Taken from:

What can we say about Pramoedya Ananta Tour writing works or products?

A. His works mostly took Javanese culture or setting

B. His works are always in fast narrative style

C. All of his works were forbidden to be published back then

D. His works expressed people's condition at that time

E. Some of his works criticized the reigning government


SOAL NOMOR 4 pilihan_ganda

Cermati kalimat bernomor berikut!

(1) Kata-kata yang kau sampaikan begitu pedas terdengar di telingaku.

(2) Pertemuan itu dihadiri beberapa sarjana lulusan Universitas ternama.

(3) Pemerintah akan memberi latihan keterampilan bagi para tunakarya.

(4) Semua urusan langsung beres, ketika aku bertemu dengan saudaraku.

(5) Pengemis buta itu berjalan dengan bantuan tongkat sebagai penunjuk arahnya.

Kalimat yang mengalami pergeseran makna ameliorasi adalah kalimat bernomor...

A. (1)

B. (2)

C. (3)

D. (4)

E. (5)


SOAL NOMOR 5 pilihan_ganda_bs1

Robin Wright’s directorial debut “Land,” premiering this weekend at the Sundance Film Festival, is a con dent drama about
multiple forms of isolation. Edee (Wright) is isolated emotionally by a horrible tragedy and the lingering grief that has made
her suicidal. Almost as if she’s trying to mirror how alone she feels on the inside, she isolates herself physically too, going
to a remote cabin and trying to live off the land. Wright’s lm is a lyrical character study about two deeply pained people
who nd purpose in one another. Even as the vast landscape around them seems to recall the insigni cance of one person
against the beauty of Mother Nature, “Land” suggests that isolation isn’t the answer and connection is what matters. It’s a
smart, moving piece of work, hampered a bit by a rushed nal act that feels somewhat manipulative but con dently acted

Wright does a great deal of character work in the lm’s rst half-hour with almost no dialogue. The long opening credits
nd Edee driving to a remote cabin in the mountains. When she tells the man who guided her there to come and get the
rental car when he can, he suggests that it’s safer to have a vehicle up here. Edee doesn’t care about safety. There’s a lack
of preparation for what’s about to face Edee that almost leans into the ashbacks that hint at her suicidal nature following
an undisclosed tragedy. It’s as if Edee is ne with the Earth reclaiming her. She doesn’t know how to hunt or trap; she
doesn’t have enough supplies; winter is coming. If she dies out here, so be it. It's almost like watching someone slowly
drown, hundreds of miles from the ocean. Writers

Jesse Chatham and Erin Dignam withhold the details about what has driven Edee to a place that almost feels built by
Mother Nature to kill her other than brief ashbacks to a sister named Emma (Kim Dickens) begging Edee not to commit
suicide and glimpses of a man and a boy, who it becomes clear are Edee’s lost family. At its core, “Land” is a story of
unimaginable grief, the kind of pain that reshapes the landscape. Imagine something so horrible happening to you that the
world around you looks entirely different—why not change your setting as extremely as moving from the city of Chicago to
the Rocky Mountains? As a performer, Wright smartly imbues Edee with what almost feels like constant pain in the lm’s
rst act. It’s such a stark, gloomy story that we start to feel Edee’s non-stop sadness with her.

“Land” suggests us that being alone is the best way to escape from tragedy of life."

Based on the text, decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 6 pilihan_ganda

Pada awal tahun 2020 ini, dunia dikejutkan dengan wabah virus corona (Covid19) yang menginfeksi hampir seluruh negara
di dunia. WHO semenjak Januari 2020 telah menyatakan dunia masuk ke dalam darurat global terkait virus ini. Ini
merupakan fenomena luar biasa yang terjadi di bumi pada abad ke 21, yang skalanya mungkin dapat disamakan dengan
Perang Dunia II, karena event-event skala besar (pertandingan-pertandingan olahraga internasional contohnya) hampir
seluruhnya ditunda bahkan dibatalkan. Kondisi ini pernah terjadi hanya pada saat terjadi perang dunia saja, tidak pernah
ada situasi lainnya yang dapat membatalkan acara-acara tersebut. Terhitung mulai tanggal 19 Maret 2020 sebanyak
214.894 orang terinfeksi virus corona, 8.732 orang meninggal dunia dan pasien yang telah sembuh sebanyak 83.313
orang. Khusus di Indonesia sendiri Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan status darurat bencana terhitung mulai tanggal 29
Februari 2020 hingga 29 Mei 2020 terkait pandemi virus ini dengan jumlah waktu 91 hari. Langkah-langkah telah
dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk dapat menyelesaikan kasus luar biasa ini, salah satunya adalah dengan mensosialisasikan
gerakan Social Distancing. Konsep ini menjelaskan bahwa untuk dapat mengurangi bahkan memutus mata rantai infeksi
Covid-19 seseorang harus menjaga jarak aman dengan manusia lainnya minimal 2 meter, dan tidak melakukan kontak
langsung dengan orang lain, menghindari pertemuan massal. Tetapi banyak masyarakat yang tidak menyikapi hal ini
dengan baik, seperti contohnya pemerintah sudah meliburkan para siswa dan mahasiswa untuk tidak berkuliah atau
bersekolah ataupun memberlakukan bekerja di dalam rumah, namun kondisi ini malahan dimanfaatkan oleh banyak
masyarakat untuk berlibur. Selain itu, walaupun Indonesia sudah dalam keadaan darurat masih saja akan dilaksanakan
tabliqh akbar, dimana akan berkumpul ribuan orang di satu tempat, yang jelas dapat menjadi mediator terbaik bagi
penyebaran virus corona dalam skala yang jauh lebih besar. Selain itu masih banyak juga masyarakat Indonesia yang
menganggap enteng virus ini, dengan tidak mengindahkan himbauan-himbauan pemerintah.

Tahapan dalam penelitian etnogra yang berdasarkan penggalan laporan penelitian etnogra tersebut adalah …

A. Pemilihan proyek etnogra

B. Pengajuan pertanyaan etnogra

C. Pengumpulan data etnogra

D. Pengolahan data etnogra

E. Penulisan laporan etnogra


SOAL NOMOR 7 pilihan_ganda

Lesen Sie den Text! ( Bacalah teks berikut!)

Was ist richtig ? ( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!)

Der Bus ... .

A. ist von Berlin nach München

B. fährt dreimal in der Woche

C. fährt dreimal pro Tag

D. ist nur für Kinder

E. ist nur für Erwachsene


SOAL NOMOR 8 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Mercury and The Woodman

A poor Woodman was cutting down a tree near the edge of a deep pool in the forest. It was late in the day and the
Woodman was tired. He had been working since sunrise and his strokes were not so sure as they had been early that
morning. Thus, it happened that the axe slipped and ew out of his hands into the pool.

The Woodman was in despair. The axe was all he possessed with which to make a living, and he did not have enough
money to buy a new one. As he stood wringing his hands and weeping, the god Mercury suddenly appeared and asked
what the trouble was. The Woodman told what had happened, and straightway the kind Mercury dived into the pool.
When he came up again, he held a wonderful golden axe.

"Is this your axe?" Mercury asked the Woodman.

"No," answered the honest Woodman, "That is not my axe."

Mercury laid the golden axe on the bank and sprang back into the pool. This time he brought up an axe of silver, but the
Woodman declared again that his axe was just an ordinary one with a wooden handle.

Mercury dived down for the third time, and when he came up again, he had the very axe that had been lost.

The poor Woodman was very glad that his axe had been found and could not thank the kind god enough. Mercury was
greatly pleased with the Woodman's honesty.

"I admire your honesty," Mercury said, "and as a reward you may have all three axes, the gold and the silver as well as your

The happy Woodman returned to his home with his treasures, and soon the story of his good fortune was known to
everybody in the village. Now there were several Woodmen in the village who believed that they could easily win the same
good fortune. They hurried out into the woods, one here, one there, and hiding their axes in the bushes, pretended they had
lost them. Then they wept and wailed and called on Mercury to help them.
And indeed, Mercury did appear, rst to this one, then to that. To each one he showed an axe of gold, and each one eagerly
claimed it to be the one he had lost. But Mercury did not give them the golden axe. Oh no! Instead he gave them each a
hard whack over the head with it and sent them home. And when they returned next day to look for their own axes, they
were nowhere to be found.

(Source :

Read the text above quickly to locate possible characterization of the characters and decide whether the three statements
below are TRUE or FALSE!

A. The woodman stood wringing his hands and weeping, begging for his axe that he made for his living returned back.

B. The woodman’s axe was just more than an ordinary one with a wooden handle in that he values more than any other axes in the world.

C. Mercury dived down three times into the pool aiming at testing how honest the woodman was.

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 9 pilihan_ganda_bs1

Lesen Sie den Text! ( Bacalah Teks berikut!)

Ich bin Jenina, sechzehn Jahre alt. Meine Schule, das Goethe-Gymnasium, hat 1300 Schüler und Schülerinnen und mehr als
50 Klassen. Wir fangen den Unterricht um acht an. Wir lernen zwei Sprachen, Englisch und Französisch. Ich mag meinen
Englischlehrer, denn er ist sehr nett. Wir haben von Montag bis Freitag Schule. Am Samstag und Sonntag ist die Schule frei.
Einmal im Jahr haben wir immer Klassenfahrt.

Richtig oder falsch?( benar atau salah?)

Die Schüle beginnt um acht.

A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 10 pilihan_ganda_bs1

Sebagian masyarakat Indonesia menganut sistem kepercayaan sinkretisme yaitu suatu proses perpaduan yang sangat
beragam dari beberapa pemahaman kepercayaan atau aliran-aliran agama sehingga hasil yang didapat dalam bentuk
abstrak yang berbeda untuk mencari keserasian, keseimbangan.

Saat ini masih terdapat masyarakat Jawa yang melakukan tradisi Mitoni atau tingkeban. Yaitu tradisi memohon keselamatan
saat kandungan seorang perempuan mencapai usia 7 bulan. Salah satu ritual tradisi ini adalah ibu hamil dimandikan
dengan air kembang setaman disertai do'a kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, untuk keselamatan calon bayi yang dilahirkan.

Tradisi mitoni merupakan contoh sinkretisme yang masih dipraktekkan oleh masyarakat Jawa. Berdasarkan informasi
berikut, benarkah pernyataan tersebut?

A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 11 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Cyber bullying merupakan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau sekelompok orang terhadap seseorang melalui
text, gambar/foto, atau video yang cenderung merendahkan dan melecehkan (Hidajat, Adam, Danaparamita, & Suhendrik,
2015). Ia Juga menambahkan bahwa cyber bullying dapat dilakukan melalui media seperti pesan text, gambar video,
panggilan telepon, e-mail, chat room, Instant Messaging (IM), Situs Media Sosial, dan website. Media yang dicatat paling
banyak terjadi cyber bullying adalah situs media sosial. Situs media sosial dipercaya sebagai salah satu penyebab utama
maraknya cyber bullying. Selain itu juga, Tosun mengemukakan bahwa cyber bullying terutama terjadi melalui e-mail,
pesan teks, dan panggilan telepon. Meskipun sebagian besar korban bullying cyber berbicara dengan orang lain tentang
pengalaman mereka, sebagian besar bullying cyber tidak berbicara tentang perilaku berbahaya mereka kepada orang lain.
Korban sering tidak tahu cyber JISIP. Vol. 2 No. 3 ISSN 2598-9944 Nopember 2018 Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan 206
bully dan mengabaikan cyber bullying ketika itu terjadi (Tosun, 2016). Pelaku cyber bullying dikalangan remaja mengalami
peningkatan yaitu 60% dan mengalami gangguan kejiwaan karena memiliki sifat psikopat, dan pencari sensasi tinggi,
dibandingkan dengan sisa kelompok lain (Kokkinos, Antoniadou, & Markos, 2014).

Kasus tindakan bullying di media sosial dapat diuraikan dalam bentuk gra k, berikut diuraikan:


Berdasarkan gra k dan artikel di atas, solusi di bawah ini yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah yang terjadi adalah :

A. Pemerintah membatasi penggunaan media social hanya untuk 18 tahun ke atas

B. Mengembangkan etika dengan membuat konten yang berisi motivasi dan pendidikan

C. Pengguna media sosial hendaknya mempunyai kontrol diri terhadap tindakan primitif

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 12 pilihan_ganda

Hidup harmoni dalam keberagaman sosial budaya memiliki tujuan untuk menghindarkan masyarakat dari kon ik atau
perpecahan. Namun, terkadang permasalahan tidak dapat dihindari karena kurangnya komunikasi dan sikap toleransi.
Berikut adalah beberapa permasalahan yang mungkin muncul dalam keberagaman sosial budaya, antara lain 1. Kon ik
sosial dan budaya. Kon ik bisa berawal dari Primordialisme. Primordialisme adalah sikap yang menganggap jika sukunya
lebih baik dibanding suku lainnya. Sikap ini bisa menimbulkan kon ik sosial dan budaya di masyarakat karena minim
toleransi dan sikap saling menghormati. 2. Keberagaman sosial budaya bisa mengakibatkan berbagai perubahan.
Contohnya perubahan nilai dan norma sosial di masyarakat hingga perubahahan sistem struktur pemerintahan. 3.
Timbulnya sikap etnosentrisme Etnosentrisme adalah sikap atau pandangan yang bertumpu pada kebudayaan sendiri. Hal
ini akan menimbulkan perasaan atau sikap meremehkan suatu suku atau kebudayaan. Dan 4. Timbulnya stereotip Stereotip
akan menimbulkan pandangan yang negatif terhadap suatu kelompok budaya. Biasanya stereotip ini bersifat negatif.
Contohnya pandangan negatif terhadap suatu kelompok tertentu yang dianggap kasar atau lainnya. Berbagai
permasalahan keberagaman dapat diatasi jika Indonesia hidup Harmoni. Mengutip dari situs Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan (Kemdikbud), hidup harmoni berarti hidup dengan menjaga kerukunan, senantiasa bertoleransi, saling
menghormati antar masyarakat serta saling bekerja sama dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan. Contoh hidup harmoni
dalam keberagaman sosial budaya yang paling mudah, yakni mengutamakan toleransi dan tidak menjelek-jelekkan suatu
budaya atau suku bangsa


Berdasarkan ilustrasi tersebut, keberagaman bangsa Indonesia dapat memunculkan permasalahan sosial. Hal-hal yang
dapat dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang terjadi akibat keberagaman adalah….

A. Pemerataan tingkat kemampuan dan ekonomi

B. Hidup harmoni dalam toleransi di masyarakat

C. Menjaga persatuan internal agama

D. Menghormati diantara agama yang sama

E. Saling membantu dan kerja sama kelompok yang sama


SOAL NOMOR 13 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Lesen Sie den Text! (Bacalah Teks berikut!)
Richtig oder falsch? ( benar atau salah ?)

A. Markus ist am zehnten Oktober geboren

B. Hofmann ist sein Familienname

C. Er möchte einen Tanzkurs besuchen

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 14 pilihan_ganda


From the text above, we can conclude that the writer wants … .


the people to register for the event as soon as possible

B. the participants to ll the form in 1st November to join the course

C. the people to ll the form after 17th October to study in the university

D. the students to ll the form before 17th October to get cheaper fee

E. the students to pay after 1st November to purchase the package

SOAL NOMOR 15 menjodohkan
Hampir seluruh masyarakat di dunia mengalami globalisasi dimana terjadi ketergantungan antara manusia dan antara
bangsa yang saling mempengaruhi satu sama lainnya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, iptek telah berkembang dengan pesat
mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Iptek telah banyak membantu manusia untuk membantu pekerjaan sehari-hari. Namun
globalisasi dan perkembangan iptek juga menimbulkan dampak negatif dan masalah sosial pada masyarakat. Perhatikan
pada infogra s berikut ini.

Cocokkan masalah sosial yang muncul akibat perkembangan iptek dengan solusi pemecahannya.


A. Memegang teguh tradisi budaya lokal dan budaya nasional serta memilah budaya asing yang masuk A. Penyalahgunaan
B. Adanya sosialisasi sejak dini kepada remaja dan masyarakat mengenai bahaya NAPZA
B. Diskriminasi
C. Melakukan komunikasi dan interaksi sosial dengan orang lain secara sik tidak hanya melalui dunia digital
C. Westernisasi
D. Tidak membeda-bedakan berdasarkan perbedaan yang dimiliki seseorang seperti suku bangsa, ras, agama maupun
penghasilan D. Plagiarisme

E. Menghargai hasil karya orang lain E. Kosumerisme

F. Berbelanja sesuai dengan kebutuhan, bukan sesuai keinginan -->


SOAL NOMOR 16 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Lestarikan Tradisi Lisan di Indonesia

Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Litbang) Agama menggelar Festival Seni Tradisi Lisan Tingkat Madrasah Aliyah di
Cirebon. Kegiatan itu diharapkan mampu melestarikan dan mengembangkan tradisi lisan di kalangan pelajar madrasah.
Festival tersebut diadakan di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Kota Cirebon, Kamis (13/9). Kegiatan itu diikuti oleh sepuluh
MAN di Wilayah Ciayumajakuning ditambah Subang.

Adapun bentuk kegiatan yang ditampilkan dalam festival tersebut, yakni seni tari topeng Cirebon, tari ronggeng nyentrik,
tari ronggeng kedempling, dan tari susuk simbar kencana. Ditambah lagi, sisingaan, tari topeng dan teater babad
Indramayu, seni longser jumpah, wayang golek serta pameran seni lukis kaca. Semua kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh para
siswa MAN.

‘’Kegiatan ini didasarkan pada hasil riset tentang tradisi lisan, ‘’ ujar Kepala Litbang Agama Jakarta, Nurudin, saat ditemui di
sela kegiatan tersebut.

Nurudin mengatakan, dari riset yang dilakukan di enam provinsi pada 2016 lalu, hasilnya menunjukkan tradisi lisan di
Indonesia mengalami penurunan. Untuk itu, Balai Litbang melakukan berbagai upaya untuk mengatasinya, salah satunya
menggagas Festival Seni Tradisi Lisan Tingkat Madrasah Aliyah.

Seperti diketahui, di antara beragam bentuk tradisi lisan di masyarakat, salah satunya adalah kesenian. Upaya pelestarian
seni tradisi lisan itupun dinilai efektif dilakukan di satuan pendidikan, terutama madrasah. Apalagi, banyak seni tradisi lisan
yang mengandung nilai-nilai keagamaan.
‘’Festival seperti ini diharapkan jadi model agar dikembangkan di madarasarah-madrasah lain di Indonesia. Jangan sampai
generasi mudah kita tidak mengenal tradisi lisan daerahnya sendiri,‘’ tukas Nurudin.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Kabid Pendidikan Madrasah Kanwil Kemenag Jabar Provinsi Jabar, Abudin, mengapresiasi
dilaksanakannya kegiatan festival seni tradisi lisan tingkat madrasah aliyah. Dengan adanya kegiatan itu, para pelajar
madrasah bisa mengetahui bahwa seni tradisi lisan sudah ada sejak dulu sehingga diharapkan mereka tergerak untuk terus
menggali dan melestarikannya.

‘’Mudah-mudahan kegiatan ini menyebar di seluruh madrasah di daerah-daerah lainnya, ‘’ tutur Abudin.

Berdasarkan teks tersebut, berilah jawaban "benar" jika pernyataan berikut sesuai dengan teks dan berilah jawaban "salah"
jika pernyataan berikut tidak sesuai dengan teks.

A. Berdasarkan hasil riset yang dilakukan Balai Litbang Agama di enam provinsi menunjukkan tradisi lisan di Indonesia mengalami penurunan.

B. Kesenian merupakan salah satu ragam bentuk tradisi lisan di masyarakat.

C. Festival Seni Tradisi Lisan Tingkat Madrasah Aliyah dilakukan dengan tujuan agar generasi muda mengenal tradisi lisan daerahnya sendiri.

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 17 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Gift cards become more popular during recent years. For example, in one season of holiday, sales reach $19 billion in United
Stated and seem to grow more in the following season due to their convenience in the side of consumers and retailers. It
has some advantages and disadvantages.

In retailer’s side, gift cards bring them some bene ts. Selling gift card can be in simply selling product. When the cards are
sold, they will get bene t. Additionally, gift card tends to be a matter of image and trend which means it is not strictly
in uenced by the functionality. Since gift card is the trend, the sales will increase signi cantly.

However, there is potential disadvantages in the side of consumers. For example, iTunes gift cards apply process in the way
of completing the shopping. They need do one step to another steps in processing the shopping. Likely, most of the steps
apply time and date of validity or expiration. When certain step loose that validating date, the gift cards may be in risk. The
gift card can be rejected to redeem. Again, in retailer’s side, producing card its self is costly. It means that there is additional
cost which retailers have to pay.

In whatever thing, we need to be wise. If we can use that gift card effectively, the disadvantages can be reduced.

Adopted from:

The following statements are based on the text above. Decide whether the statements are True or False!

A. The writer does not express his stance explicitly whether gift cards are bene cial or not.

B. The writer believes that the disadvantages of gift cards can be reduced under strict supervision

C. The writer believes that the effectiveness of gift card uses depends on the wisdom of the users

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 18 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Cermati kedua kutipan cerpen berikut!

Cerpen ke-1

Kapan-kapan itu adalah suatu sore, ketika aku sedang sibuk mengetik tugas. Kamarku diketuk orang walau seingat aku,
sore itu aku tidak berjanji dengan siapa-siapa.

"Wah, Saudara sibuk betul rupanya."

Tentu saja sedang sibuk. Kalau tidak sibuk, tentu tidak bakalan berserakan kertas-kertas di mejaku. Kalau sudah tahu sibuk,
kenapa kau masih datang bertamu? Tetapi, cobalah bayangkan bagaimana pula kau harus mengusir orang yang sudah
berdiri di hadapanmu? Dengan membedaki mukaku setebal mungkin dengan rasa ketimuran, yang terlontar dari mulutku

"Ya, begitulah."

(Wolfgang Kipkop, Pamusuk


Cerpen ke-2

Saya sedang sarapan pagi di sebuh hotel di Pulau Bintan, ketika seorang lelaki tampan dan kekar menghampiri. Ia
tersenyum sehingga saya tidak sanggup berbuat apa-apa, ketika dia menarik kursi dan menanyakan apa dia boleh
''Bapak tidak kenal saya, tapi siapa yang tidak kenal Bapak,'' katanya sambil menyodorkan sebuah kartu nama yang sangat
meyakinkan. Saya kikuk karena tidak terbiasa makan sambil ngobrol. Tradisi saya memberi nasihat mesti konsentrasi penuh
pada makanan untuk menghormati rezeki itu. Jangan seperti orang asing yang makan dijadikan sambilan ngobrol.

(Capres, Putu Wijaya)

Dari kedua cerpen tersebut, Manakah pernyataan yang benar dan salah?

A. Cerpen ke-1 tersirat nilai moral bahwa seseorang harus sopan terhadap tamu

B. Cerpen ke-2 tersirat nilai moral seseorang harus waspada kepada orang yang belum dikenal.

C. Cerpen ke-1 tersirat nilai budaya bahwa adat Orang Timur tidak bisa mengusir tamu secara terus terang.

D. Cerpen ke-2 tersirat nilai budaya bahwa seseorang tidak boleh makan sambil berbicara atau ngobrol.

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 19 pilihan_ganda

By. Rudyard Kipling

IF you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:


(Taken from

What does the sentence "And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise." (line 8) mean?

A. We should be con dent in many ways.

B. We shouldn’t act as people do not want us to be.

C. We shouldn’t pretend by acting like others.

D. We shouldn’t keep okay when it seems to be not okay.

E. We shouldn’t stay when everything is getting worse.


SOAL NOMOR 20 pilihan_ganda_bs1

Robin Wright’s directorial debut “Land,” premiering this weekend at the Sundance Film Festival, is a con dent drama about
multiple forms of isolation. Edee (Wright) is isolated emotionally by a horrible tragedy and the lingering grief that has made
her suicidal. Almost as if she’s trying to mirror how alone she feels on the inside, she isolates herself physically too, going
to a remote cabin and trying to live off the land. Wright’s lm is a lyrical character study about two deeply pained people
who nd purpose in one another. Even as the vast landscape around them seems to recall the insigni cance of one person
against the beauty of Mother Nature, “Land” suggests that isolation isn’t the answer and connection is what matters. It’s a
smart, moving piece of work, hampered a bit by a rushed nal act that feels somewhat manipulative but con dently acted

Wright does a great deal of character work in the lm’s rst half-hour with almost no dialogue. The long opening credits
nd Edee driving to a remote cabin in the mountains. When she tells the man who guided her there to come and get the
rental car when he can, he suggests that it’s safer to have a vehicle up here. Edee doesn’t care about safety. There’s a lack
of preparation for what’s about to face Edee that almost leans into the ashbacks that hint at her suicidal nature following
an undisclosed tragedy. It’s as if Edee is ne with the Earth reclaiming her. She doesn’t know how to hunt or trap; she
doesn’t have enough supplies; winter is coming. If she dies out here, so be it. It's almost like watching someone slowly
drown, hundreds of miles from the ocean. Writers

Jesse Chatham and Erin Dignam withhold the details about what has driven Edee to a place that almost feels built by
Mother Nature to kill her other than brief ashbacks to a sister named Emma (Kim Dickens) begging Edee not to commit
suicide and glimpses of a man and a boy, who it becomes clear are Edee’s lost family. At its core, “Land” is a story of
unimaginable grief, the kind of pain that reshapes the landscape. Imagine something so horrible happening to you that the
world around you looks entirely different—why not change your setting as extremely as moving from the city of Chicago to
the Rocky Mountains? As a performer, Wright smartly imbues Edee with what almost feels like constant pain in the lm’s
rst act. It’s such a stark, gloomy story that we start to feel Edee’s non-stop sadness with her.

“Land” suggests us that being alone is the best way to escape from tragedy of life."

Based on the text, decide whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE.

A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 21 pilihan_ganda

Adopted from:

After reading the text, the writer wants the readers to …

A. buy the books

B. join in the event

C. donate some books

D. prepare the breakfast

E. buy the breakfast


SOAL NOMOR 22 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Mercury and The Woodman

A poor Woodman was cutting down a tree near the edge of a deep pool in the forest. It was late in the day and the
Woodman was tired. He had been working since sunrise and his strokes were not so sure as they had been early that
morning. Thus, it happened that the axe slipped and ew out of his hands into the pool.

The Woodman was in despair. The axe was all he possessed with which to make a living, and he did not have enough
money to buy a new one. As he stood wringing his hands and weeping, the god Mercury suddenly appeared and asked
what the trouble was. The Woodman told what had happened, and straightway the kind Mercury dived into the pool.
When he came up again, he held a wonderful golden axe.

"Is this your axe?" Mercury asked the Woodman.

"No," answered the honest Woodman, "That is not my axe."

Mercury laid the golden axe on the bank and sprang back into the pool. This time he brought up an axe of silver, but the
Woodman declared again that his axe was just an ordinary one with a wooden handle.

Mercury dived down for the third time, and when he came up again, he had the very axe that had been lost.

The poor Woodman was very glad that his axe had been found and could not thank the kind god enough. Mercury was
greatly pleased with the Woodman's honesty.
"I admire your honesty," Mercury said, "and as a reward you may have all three axes, the gold and the silver as well as your

The happy Woodman returned to his home with his treasures, and soon the story of his good fortune was known to
everybody in the village. Now there were several Woodmen in the village who believed that they could easily win the same
good fortune. They hurried out into the woods, one here, one there, and hiding their axes in the bushes, pretended they had
lost them. Then they wept and wailed and called on Mercury to help them.

And indeed, Mercury did appear, rst to this one, then to that. To each one he showed an axe of gold, and each one eagerly
claimed it to be the one he had lost. But Mercury did not give them the golden axe. Oh no! Instead he gave them each a
hard whack over the head with it and sent them home. And when they returned next day to look for their own axes, they
were nowhere to be found.

(Source :

Read the text above quickly to locate possible characterization of the characters and decide whether the three statements
below are TRUE or FALSE!

A. The woodman stood wringing his hands and weeping, begging for his axe that he made for his living returned back.

B. The woodman’s axe was just more than an ordinary one with a wooden handle in that he values more than any other axes in the world.

C. Mercury dived down three times into the pool aiming at testing how honest the woodman was.

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 23 menjodohkan

Cermati dua paragraf berikut!

Paragraf ke-1

Pelukis tua itu telah menyulap kanfas putih menjadi lukisan abstrak . Lukisannya sangat ribut. Setiap melukis, ia selalu
ditemani oleh pembantunya. Pak Jaka, nama pembantu setianya itu. Tak disangka-sangka, sekarang terdengar kabar Pak
Jaka tewas. Benar kata guruku, umur memang tidak ada yang tahu batasnya.

Paragraf ke-2

Perempuan yang ada diseberang jalan itu bukan orang sembarangan. Ia lulusan sarjana dari universitas terkenal di kota itu.
Kiprahnya dalam bidang politik jangan ditanya, siapa yang tidak pernah dicubit oleh perempuan itu. Ia juga terkenal dengan
gaya bicaranya yang pahit. Hebatnya perempuan itu, sampai saat ini, ia tetap setia selalu ada diseberang jalan itu.

Cermati kata-kata bercetak tebal pada dua paragraf tersebut. Kemudian pasangkan kalimat pada paragraf ke 1 dengan
kalimat pada paragraf ke- 2 yang memiliki relasi makna yang sama.


A. Perempuan yang ada diseberang jalan itu bukan orang sembarangan A. Kemarin pelukis tua itu masih melukis seseorang
yang menebang pohon besar
B. Ia lulusan sarjana dari universitas terkenal di kota itu.
B. Lukisannya sangat ribut.
C. Kiprahnya dalam bidang politik jangan ditanya, siapa yang tidak
pernah dicubit oleh perempuan itu. C. Setiap melukis, ia selalu ditemani oleh pembantunya.

D. Ia juga terkenal dengan gaya bicaranya yang pahit. D. Tak dinyana, sekarang terdengar kabar Pak Jaka tewas.

E. Hebatnya perempuan itu, sampai saat ini, ia tetap setia selalu ada diseberang E. Benar kata guruku, umur memang tidak ada yang tahu
jalan itu. batasnya.

F. - -->

SOAL NOMOR 24 pilihan_ganda
Simak bacaan berikut: - Sama seperti prediksi para arkeolog sebelumnya, Tim Nasional Peneliti Gunung Padang menyimpulkan
adanya struktur punden berundak buatan manusia yang disusun menggunakan batuan alami di Situs Gunung Padang, Desa
Karyamukti, Campaka, Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Anggota Tim Nasional Peneliti Gunung Padang, Wisnu Ariastika, di Cianjur,
Selasa (30/9/2014), mengatakan, dalam penelitian selama 23 hari, tim memveri kasi data bahwa Gunung Padang tak
hanya susunan batu-batu berserakan, tetapi juga sebuah struktur bangunan punden berundak berbentuk terasiring.
”Beberapa arkeolog yakin Gunung Padang hanya berupa punden berundak, tetapi struktur dalamnya mereka belum bisa
memastikan. Kami selama 23 hari membuktikan bahwa ada struktur.

Kepastian ini kami simpulkan atas penggalian dan pengeboran di teras dua dan lima serta penggalian di bagian lereng bukit
sebelah barat dan timur,”ujar Wisnu. Untuk mendeteksi struktur bagian dalam punden berundak Gunung Padang, Tim
memindai bagian bawah tanah dengan gelombang listrik. Selanjutnya, mereka menggali dan mengebor tanah untuk
memveri kasi keberadaan struktur tersebut. Terkait anggapan sebelumnya bahwa di dalam Gunung Padang terdapat
semacam bangunan piramida, Wisnu membantah hal tersebut. Tentang hipotesis adanya ruangan di dalam punden
berundak-undak Gunung Padang hingga sekarang belum ditemukan oleh tim. Tim masih menganalisis hasil pengeboran di
sejumlah titik. Begitu juga tentang temuan koin logam yang awalnya disebut berasal dari masa 5.200 sebelum Masehi
hingga sekitar 500 Masehi ternyata tim belum berani menyimpulkan umur koin tersebut. Arkeolog Pusat Arkeologi
Nasional, Harry Truman Simanjuntak, memprediksi Gunung Padang sama seperti

situs-situs megalitik lain yang dibangun abad VI-VIII. Arkeolog Universitas Indonesia, Mundardjito, mengatakan, setiap
penelitian semestinya berwawasan pelestarian cagar budaya. (ABK/KOMPAS CETAK)


Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul "Situs Gunung Padang"

adalah Punden Berundak",

Pada paragraf 2 terdapat kalimat yang menyatakan “temuan koin logam yang awalnya disebut berasal dari masa 5.200
sebelum Masehi hingga sekitar 500 Masehi ternyata tim belum berani menyimpulkan umur koin tersebut.”. Kalimat tersebut
menunjukkan adanya ruang lingkup dari cabang ilmu Antropologi yaitu…

A. Arkeologi

B. Somatologi

C. Etnologi

D. Etnolinguistik

E. Paleoantropologi


SOAL NOMOR 25 pilihan_ganda

Old saying means a lot for the next generation to come.

What does the sentence "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" mean?

A. One weak part will render the whole weak.

B. The connection among parts makes strong a unit.

C. The loop has crucial function to form the strong chain.

D. When you work alone, you will not succeed.

E. Coordination of small units empowers huge potency.


SOAL NOMOR 26 pilihan_ganda

Old saying means a lot for the next generation to come.

What does the sentence "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link" mean?

A. One weak part will render the whole weak.

B. The connection among parts makes strong a unit.

C. The loop has crucial function to form the strong chain.

D. When you work alone, you will not succeed.

E. Coordination of small units empowers huge potency.


SOAL NOMOR 27 menjodohkan

Lesen Sie den Text! ( Bacalah teks berikut ! )

Ich heiße Klaus Müller. Ich bin Deutscher . Am siebenundzwanzigsten Juni bin ich im Kassel geboren. Ich habe mein
Studium im Goethe Universität in Frankfurt absolviert. Zur Zeit lebe ich in Bangkok. Ich bin als Deutschlehrerin in einer
Deutsche Schule tätig. Nächsten Monat werde ich nach Jakarta umziehen. Ich werde im Goethe Institut Jakarta arbeiten. Ich
liebe mein Beruf.

Was passt zusammen? ( Jodohkanlah!)


A. Bangkok A. Klaus Müller kommt aus ...

B. Jakarta B. Jetzt wohnt er in ...

C. Kassel C. Er war ein Student in ...

D. Frankfurt D. Er hat neue Arbeit in...

E. - E. -

F. - -->


SOAL NOMOR 28 isian

Wind power or wind energy is the use of wind to provide mechanical power through wind turbines to turn electric
generators for electrical power. Wind power is a popular sustainable, renewable source of power that has a much smaller
impact on the environment compared to burning fossil fuels.

Wind farms consist of many individual wind turbines, which are connected to the electric power transmission network.
Onshore wind is an inexpensive source of electric power, competitive with or in many places cheaper than coal or gas
plants. Onshore wind farms have a greater visual impact on the landscape than other power stations, as they need to be
spread over more land and need to be built away from dense population. Offshore wind is steadier and stronger than on
land and offshore farms have less visual impact, but construction and maintenance costs are signi cantly higher. Small
onshore wind farms can feed some energy into the grid or provide power to isolated off-grid locations.

The wind is an intermittent energy source, which cannot be dispatched on demand. Locally, it gives variable power, which is
consistent from year to year but varies greatly over shorter time scales. Therefore, it must be used together with other
power sources to give a reliable supply. Power-management techniques such as having dispatchable power sources (often
gas- red power plant or hydroelectric power), excess capacity, geographically distributed turbines, exporting and importing
power to neighboring areas, energy storage, reducing demand when wind production is low, are used to overcome these
problems. As the proportion of wind power in a region increases the grid may need to be upgraded. Weather forecasting
permits the electric-power network to be readied for the predictable variations in production that occur.

What wind farms is proper for North Java coastal area?

A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

E. -

SOAL NOMOR 29 isian

Lesen und ergänzen Sie den Dialog mit Ja/Nein/Doch! ( Baca dan lengkapilah Dialog berikut dengan Ja/Nein/ Doch!)

Andy : Julio, hast du schon die Hausaufgabe von Herr Haering gemacht? Letzte Woche war er sauer auf dich.

Katharina :…

Ich habe wirklich keine Lust. Ich mag lieber Game spielen.

A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 30 pilihan_ganda_l1

Lesen Sie den Text! ( Bacalah Teks berikut!)

Familie Hoffmann möchte in den Schulferien ( 13.7 -21.8) eine Bali –Reise machen. Sie suchen eine Pauschalreisen von 2
Wochen. Sie haben 22.88 € für die Reise gespart. Ab iegen möchten Sie in Frankfurt , am liebsten mit Lufthansa. Peter
Hoffmann hat die Email adresse und die Telefonnummer 069-79803142.

Was sind richtig ( Mana sajakah pernyataan yang benar? )

A. Die Schulferien dauert von dreizehnten bis einundzwanzigsten August

B. Sie haben vor , sie iegen von Frankfurt ab

C. Peter Hoffman ist ein Pilot

D. Die Reisebüro kann durch Email mit Herrn Hoffmann kommunizieren

E. Familie Hoffman möchte aus Deutschland nach Bali mit Lufthansa iegen


SOAL NOMOR 31 pilihan_ganda

Lesen Sie bitte den Dialog ( bacalah dialog berikut !)

Emilia : Ich muss sofort nach Hause gehen. Mein Bruder hat Geburtstag.

Susi : Macht ihr eine kleine Party ?

Emilia : Ja, aber er arbeitet bis um 17.00.

Susi : Was macht er beru ich ?

Emilia : ...

Was ist richtig ? ( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!)

A. Er ist noch jung

B. Er ist 45 Jahre

C. Er ist sehr nett

D. Er ist Mechaniker

E. Er ist freundlich


SOAL NOMOR 32 isian

Wind power or wind energy is the use of wind to provide mechanical power through wind turbines to turn electric
generators for electrical power. Wind power is a popular sustainable, renewable source of power that has a much smaller
impact on the environment compared to burning fossil fuels.

Wind farms consist of many individual wind turbines, which are connected to the electric power transmission network.
Onshore wind is an inexpensive source of electric power, competitive with or in many places cheaper than coal or gas
plants. Onshore wind farms have a greater visual impact on the landscape than other power stations, as they need to be
spread over more land and need to be built away from dense population. Offshore wind is steadier and stronger than on
land and offshore farms have less visual impact, but construction and maintenance costs are signi cantly higher. Small
onshore wind farms can feed some energy into the grid or provide power to isolated off-grid locations.

The wind is an intermittent energy source, which cannot be dispatched on demand. Locally, it gives variable power, which is
consistent from year to year but varies greatly over shorter time scales. Therefore, it must be used together with other
power sources to give a reliable supply. Power-management techniques such as having dispatchable power sources (often
gas- red power plant or hydroelectric power), excess capacity, geographically distributed turbines, exporting and importing
power to neighboring areas, energy storage, reducing demand when wind production is low, are used to overcome these
problems. As the proportion of wind power in a region increases the grid may need to be upgraded. Weather forecasting
permits the electric-power network to be readied for the predictable variations in production that occur.

What wind farms is proper for North Java coastal area?

A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 33 pilihan_ganda

Bacalah kutipan biogra pengarang berikut dengan cermat!

Prof. Dr. Sapardi Djoko Damono adalah seorang pujangga Indonesia terkemuka yang dikenal lewat berbagai sajak
puisi-puisinya, penuh kata-kata sederhana. Sapardi merupakan anak sulung dari pasangan Sadyoko dan Sapariah. Sadyoko
adalah abdi dalem di Keraton Kasunanan, mengikuti jejak kakeknya. Berdasarkan kalender Jawa, ia lahir di bulan Sapar. Hal
itu menyebabkan orang tuanya memberinya nama Sapardi. Sapardi adalah sosok yang pemberani dan teguh dalam
Awal karir menulis Sapardi dimulai dari bangku sekolah. Saat masih di sekolah menengah, karya-karyanya sudah
sering dimuat di majalah. Kesukaannya menulis semakin berkembang ketika dia kuliah di Fakultas Sastra dan Kebudayaan
UGM. Kemampuannya di bidang seni, mulai dari menari, bermain gitar, bermain drama, dan bersastra, tampaknya bidang
sastralah yang paling menonjol dimilikinya. Pria yang dijuluki sajak-sajak SDD ini tidak hanya menulis puisi, namun juga
cerita pendek. Ia juga menerjemahkan berbagai karya penulis asing, esai, dan sejumlah artikel di surat kabar, termasuk
kolom sepak bola. Sapardi juga sedikit menguasai permainan wayang, karena kakeknya selain menjadi abdi dalem juga
bekerja sebagai dalang.

Sikap yang dapat diteladani dari Sapardi Djoko Damono adalah ...

A. Seorang pujangga Indonesia yang terkemuka.

B. Sosok yang pemberani dan teguh dalam keyakinan.

C. Karya-karyanya sering dimuat di majalah.

D. Memiliki kemampuan di bidang seni.

E. Menguasai permainan wayang.


SOAL NOMOR 34 pilihan_ganda

Perhatikan peta persebaran bahasa Austronesia berikut ini !
Bahasa Austronesia untuk wilayah Kayan Kenyah ditunjukkan pada nomor…

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5


SOAL NOMOR 35 pilihan_ganda

Perhatikan pantun berikut!

Biarlah orang bertanam buluh

Mari kita bertanam padi

Jangan suka mencari musuh

Lebih baik menanam budi

Maksud isi pantun tersebut adalah…

A. Melakukan kebaikan lebih mulia daripada mencari musuh.

B. Janganlah mencari musuh supaya tidak berhutang budi.

C. Budi harus dibalas supaya tidak menimbulkan permusuhan.

D. Permusuhan akan terjadi kalau tidak pandai menanam kebaikan.

E. Budi harus dipertahankan agar tidak terjadi permusuhan.

SOAL NOMOR 36 pilihan_ganda_l1
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, also spelled Pramudya Ananta Tur, (born February 20, 1925, Blora, Java, Dutch East Indies [now in
Indonesia]—died April 30, 2006, Jakarta, Indonesia), Javanese novelist and short-story writer, the preeminent prose writer
of Post-Independence of Indonesia.

Pramoedya, the son of a school teacher, went to Jakarta while a teenager and worked as a typist there under the Japanese
occupation during World War II. In 1945, at the end of the war, when Indonesia declared its independence and revolted
against renewed Dutch colonial rule, he joined the nationalists, working in radio and producing an Indonesian-language
magazine before he was arrested by the Dutch authorities in 1947. He wrote his rst
published novel, Perburuan (1950; The Fugitive), during a two-year term in a Dutch prison camp (1947–49). That work
describes the ight of an anti-Japanese rebel back to his home in Java.

After Indonesian independence was recognized by the Netherlands in 1949, Pramoedya produced a stream of novels and
short stories that established his reputation. The novel Keluarga Gerilja (1950; “Guerrilla Family”) chronicles the tragic
consequences of divided political sympathies in a Javanese family during the Indonesian Revolution against Dutch rule,
while Mereka Jang Dilumpuhkan (1951; “The Paralyzed”) depicts the odd assortment of inmates. Pramoedya became
acquainted with the Dutch prison camp. The short stories collected in Subuh (1950; “Dawn”) and Pertjikan Revolusi (1950;
“Sparks of Revolution”) are set during the Indonesian Revolution, while those in Tjerita dari Blora (1952; “Tales of Bora”)
depict Javanese provincial life in the period of Dutch rule. The sketches in Tjerita dari Djakarta (1957; “Tales of Jakarta”)
examine the strains and injustices Pramoedya perceived within Indonesian society after independence had been achieved. In
these early works Pramoedya evolved a rich prose style that incorporated Javanese everyday speech and images from
classical Javanese culture.

By the late 1950s Pramoedya had become sympathetic toward the Indonesian Communist Party, and after 1958 he
abandoned ction for essays and cultural criticism that re ect a left-wing viewpoint. By 1962 he had become closely
aligned with communist-sponsored cultural groups. As a result, he was jailed by the army in the course of its bloody
suppression of a communist coup in 1965. During his imprisonment he wrote a series of four historical novels that
further enhanced his reputation. Two of these, Bumi Manusia (1980; This Earth of Mankind) and Anak Semua
Bangsa (1980; Child of All Nations), met with great critical and popular acclaim in Indonesia after their publication, but the
government subsequently banned them from circulation, and the last two volumes of the tetralogy, Jejak
Langkah (1985; Footsteps) and Rumah Kaca (1988; House of Glass), had to be published abroad. These late works
comprehensively depict Javanese society under Dutch colonial rule in the early 20th century. In contrast to Pramoedya’s
earlier works, they were written in a plain, fast-paced narrative style.

Taken from:

What can we say about Pramoedya Ananta Tour writing works or products?

A. His works mostly took Javanese culture or setting

B. His works are always in fast narrative style

C. All of his works were forbidden to be published back then

D. His works expressed people's condition at that time

E. Some of his works criticized the reigning government


SOAL NOMOR 37 menjodohkan

Social Distancing to Protect Ourselves from Corona Virus

These days, there is a pandemic fatigue where people are starting to be so tired of being restricted for months in this
pandemic. However, most people are getting used to be discipline in obeying the health protocols such as wearing mask,
washing hands and keeping in social distancing. According to CDC, social distancing is staying away from mass gatherings
and keeping a safe space between yourself and people who are not from your household of 6 feet or 2 meters.

The government urges us to do social distancing in the midst of pandemic to break or slow the chain of transmission from
person to person. People can spread the corona virus for at least ve days before they show symptoms. Social distancing
limits the number of people an infected person come into contact with and potentially spreads the virus.

CDC also says that social distancing helps limit opportunities to come in contact with contaminated surfaces and infected
people outside the home. This can remind us that social distancing is not a trivial thing which people can ignore. It can
never prevent 100% of transmissions, but by following this rule, individual can play a critical role in slowing the spread of
corona virus.

Finally, we must always keep a distance at least of 6 feet or 2 meters. whenever we go outside to do something urgent.
Always wear mask and keep distance with people. We should avoid attending any event that involve many people and
most importantly, stay at home.

(Simpli ed from

In morphology, derivation is the process of creating a new word out of an old word, usually by adding a pre x or a suf x.

Find out the synonym of underlined word by matching them to derivation on the right column.

A. Exhaustion A. These days, there is a pandemic fatigue where people are starting to be so tired of being restricted for months in this pandemic.

B. Assembly B. We should be always staying away from mass gatherings

C. family C. We should keep space from people who are not from our household.

D. - D. -

E. - E. -

F. - -->


SOAL NOMOR 38 pilihan_ganda

By. Rudyard Kipling

IF you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:


(Taken from

What does the sentence "And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise." (line 8) mean?

A. We should be con dent in many ways.

B. We shouldn’t act as people do not want us to be.

C. We shouldn’t pretend by acting like others.

D. We shouldn’t keep okay when it seems to be not okay.

E. We shouldn’t stay when everything is getting worse.


SOAL NOMOR 39 pilihan_ganda

Lesen Sie den Dialog ! ( Bacalah dialog berikut !)

Sebastian : Anne, Kommst du zur Schulparade mit ?

Anne : Tut mir leid, ich kann nicht. Ich bin allein zu Hause.

Mein Hund, Bella ist krank.

Sebastian :…?

Anne : zwei Haustiere. Einen Hund und eine Papagei

Was ist richtig ? ( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar !)

A. Was hast du

B. Wie heiβt deine Papagei

C. Wie alt ist dein Hund

D. Hast du Haustier zu Hause

E. Wie viele Haustiere hast du


SOAL NOMOR 40 pilihan_ganda

Lesen Sie den Dialog! (Bacalah dialog berikut!)

Was ist richtig ? ( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar!)

● Sag mal, was hast du in den Ferien vor ?

◘ Ich möchte nach Lombok fahren.

● Lombok ist wunderbar. Die Strände sind schön.

◘ Ja, stundenlang am Strand liegen ist mein Traumurlaub.

● ....!

Sonst wird dein Haut verbrennen.

◘ Ok,

A. Vergiss nicht deine Sonnencreme

B. Vergiss nicht dein Badeanzung

C. Nimm Medikamente

D. Nimm deine Reisepass mit

E. Bring mal dein Regenschirm


SOAL NOMOR 41 pilihan_ganda

Bacalah kutipan novel di bawah ini dengan cermat!

Setelah ia menghidupkan api cangklongnya ,orang tua itu meneruskan bicaranya, “Dengarlah nasihatku lagi. Nasihat
orang tua yang banyak pengalaman ini. Kawini gadis itu lekas, jangan tunggu lama! Jangan biarkan angin jahat masuk
seperti yang kau alami dulu.”

“ Memang demikian rencanaku, Pak.“ kata anak muda itu.

“ Bagus, bagus. Tapi nasihatku dalam hal ini, jangan kau yang meminang dia ke orang tuanya. Biarkan orang tuanya yang
datang menyampaikan pinangan padamu.”

“ Keluarganya memang sudah datang kepadaku, Pak,” kata anak muda itu pula. Orang tua itu bergetar bagai tersengat
listrik. Wajahnya merah padam Ia merasa seolah-olah dilampaui begitu saja. Tak percaya ia, kalau Hasibuan akan
memutuskan sendiri perkawinan itu, tanpa berunding dengan dia, tanpa minta nasihatnya. Ia mencoba menguasai diri ,lalu
berkata,“ Tapi aku percaya kau cukup bijaksana bukan ?”

“ Ya, Perkawinan akan dilaksanakan minggu depan.“Hasibuan berkata tanpa melihat wajah orang tua itu yang pucat
pasi, dan badannya gemetar .

“Apa nasihat Bapak dalam hal ini?” Wajah orang tua berubah jadi biru. Ia banting pintu kamarnya dari dalam.

Nasihat- Nasihat karya Ali Akbar Navis

Keterkaitan nilai yang terkandung dalam novel tersebut dengan kehidupan saat ini adalah …

A. Berbicara sambil menghidupkan api canglong.

B. selalu melibatkan orang tua dalam hal apa saja.

C. Anak suka mengambil keputusan sendiri tentang jodoh.

D. Orang tua suka marah tanpa sebab yang jelas.

E. Wajah merah dan badan bergetar ketika menahan marah


SOAL NOMOR 42 pilihan_ganda

Adopted from:

After reading the text, the writer wants the readers to …

A. buy the books

B. join in the event

C. donate some books

D. prepare the breakfast

E. buy the breakfast


SOAL NOMOR 43 pilihan_ganda_l1

Cermati kutipan kritik sastra berikut!

Terlepas dari bagus tidaknya lm ini, saya hampir tidak peduli. Beberapa kritikus melontarkan ada bagian-bagian yang
keliru dari isi novel. Seperti misalnya tentang penangkapan Minke oleh polisi Hindia Belanda, asal-usul nama Minke, dan
detail properti yang digunakan pada lm berdurasi tiga jam lebih ini. Karena memang menurut saya, pada dasarnya sastra
dan lm adalah dua semesta yang berbeda. Roh sastra terletak pada imajinasi dan intelektualitas pengarang. Sedangkan
nyawa dari lm adaptasi adalah interpretasi sineas. Baik kognitif maupun teknis visual. Jadi, jika ada bagian-bagian yang
tereduksi atau terdistorsi ya sah-sah saja sebagai lm. Saya hanya menyayangkan sinematogra yang terlalu sederhana
untuk ukuran lm sejarah akhir abad ke-18 ini.

Berdasarkan kutipan kritik sastra tersebut, tentukan komentar yang paling tepat terhadap kritik tersebut.
(Anda dapat memilih jawaban lebih dari satu)

A. Ketidakmampuan sutradara dalam memegahkan lm ini, saya setuju karena apresiasi pemain lm yang dangkal.

B. Tidak mungkin roh sastra bisa disandingkan dengan roh lm walaupun semesta dua hal tersebut berada dalam satu ruang.

C. Sastra dan lm memang dua semesta yang berbeda, oleh karena itu wajar hasil akhirnya akan ada perbedaan.

D. Memang seharusnya sinematogra lm sejarah akhir abad ke-18 tidak digarap terlalu sederhana seperti itu.

E. Penangkapan Minke oleh polisi Hindia Belanda, asal-usul nama Minke, dan detail properti harus dibuat semirip mungkin dengan yang di novel.


SOAL NOMOR 44 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Perhatikan penggalan teks sastra berikut.

Namaku Harja. Umurku saat ini menginjak dua belas tahun. Aku tinggal di Dusun Mekar Sari, Desa Malimping, Kabupaten
Lebak-Banten. Dusun tempat tinggalku merupakan perkampungan Baduy Luar. Karena itulah kami berpakaian serba hitam
atau biru tua, tidak seperti halnya saudara kami orang Baduy dalam yang mengenakan pakaian serba putih. Perkampungan
Baduy Dalam dan Baduy Luar mendiami daerah Kanekes yang berada di lereng Pegunungan Kendeng.

Masyarakat Baduy terbagi atas dua kelompok. Yaitu Baduy Luar yang disebut Panamping dan Baduy dalam yang
dinamakan Tangtu. Tangtu atau Baduy Dalam pun berada dalam tiga daerah yaitu daerah Cibeo, Cikertawana dan Cikeusik.
Menurut urutan silsilah, penduduk Cikeusik adalah yang tertua, kemudian Cikertawana, dan Cibeo yang paling muda. O-ya,
tadi aku sempat menceritakan kalau hasil penjualan palawija kebunku itu diantaranya aku belikan alat tulis. Karena
memang aku sekolah. Anak-anak Baduy Luar umumnya sudah bersekolah. Sedangkan anak Baduy Dalam tidak bersekolah.
Karena bersekolah dilarang atau disebut ‘buyut’. Karena mereka tidak bisa baca tulis, buyut atau hukum larangan
disampaikan secara turun menurun dengan lisan.


Berilah jawaban BENAR jika pernyataan di bawah ini sesuai dengan nilai kultural pada teks tersebut, dan berilah jawaban
SALAH jika pernyataan di bawah ini tidak sesuai pada teks tersebut.

A. Buyut merupakan wujud nilai kepatuhan adat dalam masyarakat

B. Masyarakat Panamping melanggar hukum larangan adat

C. Masyarakat Tangtu sangat mentaati hukum adat

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 45 pilihan_ganda_bs1

Cermati ilustrasi berikut!

Ratna sudah cukup lama belajar membuat baju. Ia telah berkali-kali membuat pola pakaian yang cocok untuk dirinya. Ia
sudah berusaha bertanya kepada ibunya yang memiliki hobi menjahit. Namun, karena ibunya tidak memiliki
keterampilan menjahit secara profesional, maka Ratna pun belum mendapatkan ilmu menjahit yang ia harapkan. Karena
itu, Ratna memutuskan untuk belajar lewat kursus menjahit baju. Di sana ia menemukan guru profesional yang dapat
membantunya mendesain dan menjahit baju yang dia inginkan. Sekarang, Ratna sudah pandai membuat baju dengan
berbagai model yang nyaman dipakai.

Gurindam yang sesuai dengan ilustrasi sikap Ratna adalah:

Barang siapa hendak bertanya

Maka tanyalah pada ahlinya

Benarkah gurindam tersebut menggambarkan sikap Ratna?

A. -

B. -

C. -
D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 46 menjodohkan

Social Distancing to Protect Ourselves from Corona Virus

These days, there is a pandemic fatigue where people are starting to be so tired of being restricted for months in this
pandemic. However, most people are getting used to be discipline in obeying the health protocols such as wearing mask,
washing hands and keeping in social distancing. According to CDC, social distancing is staying away from mass gatherings
and keeping a safe space between yourself and people who are not from your household of 6 feet or 2 meters.

The government urges us to do social distancing in the midst of pandemic to break or slow the chain of transmission from
person to person. People can spread the corona virus for at least ve days before they show symptoms. Social distancing
limits the number of people an infected person come into contact with and potentially spreads the virus.

CDC also says that social distancing helps limit opportunities to come in contact with contaminated surfaces and infected
people outside the home. This can remind us that social distancing is not a trivial thing which people can ignore. It can
never prevent 100% of transmissions, but by following this rule, individual can play a critical role in slowing the spread of
corona virus.

Finally, we must always keep a distance at least of 6 feet or 2 meters. whenever we go outside to do something urgent.
Always wear mask and keep distance with people. We should avoid attending any event that involve many people and
most importantly, stay at home.

(Simpli ed from

In morphology, derivation is the process of creating a new word out of an old word, usually by adding a pre x or a suf x.

Find out the synonym of underlined word by matching them to derivation on the right column.


A. Exhaustion A. These days, there is a pandemic fatigue where people are starting to be so tired of being restricted for months in this pandemic.

B. Assembly B. We should be always staying away from mass gatherings

C. family C. We should keep space from people who are not from our household.

D. - D. -

E. - E. -

F. - -->


SOAL NOMOR 47 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Lesen Sie den Dialog! ( Bacalah Dialog berikut!)

Auf dem Markt

Verkäufer : Guten Tag. Was hätten Sie gern?

Kunden : Tag, ich hätte gern 500 g Erdbeeren.

Verkäufer : 1Kg ist heute sehr günstig: €5,49 statt € 6.

Kunden : Nein, ich möchte nur 500g, danke.

Verkäufer : …?

Kunden : noch 1 kg Eisbergsalat.

Richtig oder falsch? ( benar atau salah?)

A. Ist das alles

B. Sonst noch etwas

C. Möchten Sie probieren

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 48 pilihan_ganda_bsl1

Bacalah kutipan teks berikut!

Sukses adalah puncak dari sebuah usaha. Namun ada begitu banyak anak tangga yang harus dilewati. Cucuran peluh
bahkan air mata setia menemani dalam menapaki setiap anak tangga. Itulah dinamika dalam sebuah perjuangan. Sering
kita tersadar kala kegagalan itu menghampiri lalu dengan lancang mempersalahkan orang lain. Saya tidak berhasil karena
si dia ataupun lainnya yang intinya mempersalahkan orang lain sebagai biang atas kegagalan tersebut. Berkumpul bersama
teman dan kerabat adalah wujud interaksi sosial yang banyak manfaatnya. Sudikah kita menginginkan hal demikian tetap
berada dalam diri? Tentu tidak. Dengan demikian tetap berusaha dan bangkit. Gagal adalah jalan untuk menuju kesuksesan.
Gagal mengajarkan kita tentang nilai dari sebuah perjuangan. Gagal pula mengingatkan kita akan apa yang mungkin telah
kita lupa. Memang tidak mudah untuk bangkit dari kegagalan. Butuh waktu dan proses. Namun demikian tetaplah bangkit.
Bila masih tetap gagal tetaplah berusaha untuk bangkit kembali.

Agar padu, perbaikan kalimat bercetak miring dalam paragraf tersebut dapat ditemukan pada …

A. Hati yang bahagia dapat tercermin dari wajah yang ceria maka jangan bersedih.

B. Adapula yang menyalahkan dirinya sendiri dengan berkata, aku tidak pantas. Aku tidak berguna lalu terseret akan perasaan sendiri.

C. Tidak menerima kegagalan dan merasa orang paling tidak beruntung di dunia.

D. Teman-teman yang baik dan mendukung kita adalah sahabat penghalau kesedihan.

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 49 pilihan_ganda


From the text above, we can conclude that the writer wants … .

the people to register for the event as soon as possible

B. the participants to ll the form in 1st November to join the course

C. the people to ll the form after 17th October to study in the university

D. the students to ll the form before 17th October to get cheaper fee

E. the students to pay after 1st November to purchase the package


SOAL NOMOR 50 isian

Ragam Bahasa adalah variasi bahasa menurut pemakaian, yang berbeda-beda menurut topik yang dibicarakan, menurut
hubungan pembicara, kawan bicara, orang yang dibicarakan, serta menurut medium pembicara (Bachman, 1990). Ragam
bahasa yang oleh penuturnya dianggap sebagai ragam yang baik (mempunyai prestise tinggi), yang biasa digunakan di
kalangan terdidik, di dalam karya ilmiah (karangan teknis, perundang-undangan), di dalam suasana resmi, atau di dalam
surat menyurat resmi (seperti surat dinas) disebut ragam bahasa baku atau ragam bahasa resmi. Ditinjau dari media atau
sarana yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan bahasa, ragam bahasa terdiri dari: Ragam bahasa lisan dan Ragam bahasa
tulis. Berdasarkan cara pandang penutur, ragam bahasa Indonesia terdiri dari ragam dialek, ragam terpelajar, ragam resmi
dan ragam tak resmi. Berdasarkan topik pembicaraan, ragam bahasa terdiri dari ragam bahasa ilmiah, ragam hukum, ragam
bisnis, ragam agama, ragam sosial, ragam kedokteran dan ragam sastra. Contoh ragam dialek adalah ‘Gue udah baca itu
buku'. Contoh ragam terpelajar adalah ‘Saya sudah membaca buku itu'. Contoh ragam resmi adalah ‘Saya sudah membaca
buku itu'. Contoh ragam tak resmi adalah ‘Saya sudah baca buku itu'. Contoh bahasa lisan 'Ari mau nulis surat'. Contoh
bahasa tulis 'Ari mau menulis surat'.


Berdasarkan ilustrasi tersebut, kalimat “ saya sudah membaca buku” merupakan bentuk dari ragam Bahasa…

A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

E. -


SOAL NOMOR 51 isian

Cermati kutipan naskah drama berikut!

Irma : (Masuk) Hai Leks, tugasmu sudah kau kumpulkan?

Aleks : sudah, sesuai jadwal yang ditentukan.

Irma : (Duduk di kursi samping Aleks) sudah kuduga, kau pasti tepat waktu.

Aleks : Jadi nggak kerja kelompoknya?

Irma : Jadi, nggak jadi? (memasang muka serius)

Aleks : Jika ingin sukses, kita harus tepat waktu, jangan menunda-nunda pekerjaan! (Air muka masih tampak kesal)

Watak tokoh Aleks dalam kutipan drama tersebut adalah…

jawaban hanya satu kata dan ditulis dengan huruf kecil.

A. -

B. -

C. -

D. -

E. -


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