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Morphology of Flowering Plants (Conta.) ZL. Compositae (Asteraceae) ES leot J a (a) Itis the largast dicot family and considered to be the mast advanced family amongst angiosperms. Vegetative Characters fet__:btvetiiny uarelly Rep vesks Leaves Usually simple but sometimes compound petrola absext Akernate or opposite phyllotaxy, exstipulate, peticlate or Sassi and has reticulate venation. Racemozea wilk rat cnaracers: PPR SemOge Aleltanea pode frocks ina whowh or vosathe —lnflorescence_: Head or capitulum. Sutrouding an infls rescence ‘hey er surourdo by ne ot nas, nay el pAeBSRA} cer ee ey ae in on ee IE a ah = a hemege- ee ferets mos, hakevegamamous - Flower Mostly bisexual but sometimes unisexual Epigynous usually pentamerous with reduction in certain whorls, A flower is tubular (actinomorphic) or ligulate (zygomorphic), bracteate or ebracteate. “Tubular florats ara called dise florats and ligulate florats are called ray florats Ray forts = Towards piper ofhead sessile, beceat, yma, pista o neu out, eynous “Tie, pedicol abpent— Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delni-110005. Phone : 071-47623458 _ Helbs paracheube mechan yeu of sead dispersal 2. Morphology of Flowering Plans card & Competitive Exams (Level) Calyx : Absent or hairy pappus or scaly, persistant. Corolla + Petals five, gamopetalous, valvate aestivation, ligulate (Petals unite to form a tongue. lke structure. Androecium _: Absent Gynoeclum —: Bicarpeliary, syncarpous, ovary inferior, unlocular. one ovule in each locule, basal placentation Whof inflorescence As only ray florets the fnens t00, {B) Disc florets :_In the centre of head, bracteate, bisexual, actinomorphic, tubular, pentamerous epigynous, Calyx Absent or in the form of pappus. Corolla + Petals five, gamopetaious, tubular, valvate aestivation Androecium —: Stamens five, epipetalous Gynoecium —; Bicarpellary syncarpous, ovary inferior, uniloculer, single ovule in the locule, basal placentation (C)_Neutral florets : Androecium end gyncecium both are absent as in ray forming ligulate flower of sunflower. Fruit Cypseli Floral formulae Ray florets: 86% 9 Kepusae Cu As Ga ae BF Keanna Coss: Ea, Neutral florets : % or ® K,C,,4,G, Disc florets Economic Importance : 1. Food + Lactuea sativa (Lettuce) — end Used as vegetables Elephentopus _l 2. Medicines + Carthamus tinctorius. 3. Omamental plants : Helianthus annuus (sunflower) Tagetus erectus (marigold). 4 Commer use: Perfume ol is prepared from Eclipta erecta, Aati-inseet cil is prepared from Pyrethnum, Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Puse Road. New Dehi-110005. Phone : 011-47623458 Board & Compettive Exams (Level!) Morphology of Flowering Plants 3; Fig. : Helianthus annuus (sunfiower) plant: A. Flowering twig, B. L.S. of inflorescence, C. Disc Floret, D. L.S. of Disc Florot, E. Ray Florot, F. LS. of Ray Foret, G. Syngonosious stamons, H. Gynoocium, I. Disc florot (tubular) J. Rey floret (Ligulate) . Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) [Dic oT] Za ‘Ths family is commonly known a mustard family Vegetative Characters : Habit + Usually annual or perennial herbs or shrubs. Roots 1 Tep root system ‘Stem Herbaceous, branched. erect. Leaf £ Simple, altemate phyllotaxy, petiolate, exstipulate, reticulate venation, Floral Charactors = Inflorescence : Racemose Flower Bisoxval, usually actinomorphic but sometimes zygomorphic. Calyx Sepals four, polysepalous, imbricate aestvation. Corolla + Petals four, polypetalous, crucform, valvate aestivation Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623458 4) Morphology of Flowering Piants Board & Competitive Exams (Level!) Androecium —: Stamens six, totradynamous sometimes didynamous. Gynoecium — : Bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, unilocular but sometimes bilocular due to false septum or replum. Panetal placentaton, sigma Dit . Brassica oleracen ver, cop! bata Fruit Siliqua or silioula Seed 2 Seeds ere smal, non-endospermic. Brascica cleveces ver. bétryti« Boaggica rapa Floral formula : Ebr @ or % 9 Ku. C.. An. Be Economic Importance : Cowie 2 Edibiooll: Mustard ~ Rephanwe 3. Medicines: Sisymbrium officinale, Nasturtium indica, Enuca sativa, 4 Omamental plants : Alyssum sp., Iberis amara (candytuft) Fig, : Brassica campestris (mustard) plant; A. Twig with flower and leaves, B. A flower, C. LS. of flower, D. Calyx, E. Corolla, F. Androecium and gynoecium, 6. T.S. of ovary, H. Floral Diegram Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Puse Road. New Dehi-110005. Phone : 011-47623458 Board & Compettive Exams (Level!) Morphology of Fowating Plans | IX. Gramineae (Poaceae) [Meowee or] ZA “Ths is commonly known as grass family” Za Is one of he largest among the anglospermlc families. Habit + Herbs, annuals or perennials or shrubs somatimes ke tee (Such as bamboo). Root Stem Underground sizome ial perennial gasses, cyndical, culm wih conspcuous nodes and internodes To aerial cten of ttven Leaves 1 Sessile, altamate, simple, exstipulate with parallel venation. vere, v —$——S a i, paraetvonaten OIE Chellone acemare inf lowotconca om ing da 85+ Fora Characters: [7 ® Flowetcan rom donde 05 Bankes Inflorescence : + [Sakalot spikelets which may be sessile or staked to Empty glenn ie OZ + Spikelet consists of short axis called racila on which one to five sessile or short stalked flowers are bome, At the base of the rachila two storle soalos caled touey ‘ —sislked flowors are Borne. AE the base of the rachila two storlo_soalos caled fi broke jumea are present, The gues are pied one above the Tira SpECats SHB, below sptkekee ‘“THbore Tie clumes series of forets are present, Each frets has an inferior palea or sof lpresceme® emma and above i's superior palea. Flower + Brasteale and bracteolate, sessile, zygomorpnic, bisewa, | Lammo ond Paleo Exception : Zea mays has unisexval flower. ove fertile glumes Perianth Represented by membranous scales called lodicules. The lodicules are situated above and opposite to the superior palea or may be absent ormany of 2 oF 3. A flevak is surveumded by too bracts — external Clewma) & istexnal C pales) Androecium — : Usually stamens thrae, rarely six (Bambusa, Oryza). Filament long, anther dithecous. Gynoecium —: Monocarpelaty or may be ticarpelay, ovary superior, unlccuar with single ovo basal placentatonsiyo short or absont, stigma two and{foathory , BIf:A cbigmon Fruit + Caryopse, arly rut (Dendrocalamus) or berty (Bambuee). dB Seed + Endospemnie and containing a single cotyledon called scutllem. aay Floral Formula: %¢ Pheseisaun vue 8 oma Economic Importance : l= acetone utie [eae 1. coments: harvard Rho, nant eas an 2 Millets Bajra. Hordaum ne 3. Sugar plant sopra, vulgare 4 Grass Dooh arass (Gyrodon aacvion \ Bemnigetuen aol 5. Paper grass : Themeca, genta rocker am (rg. A ephelst) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623458 6 Morphology of Flowering Plants Board & Competitive Exams (Level!) D ‘ . wae are ROH 4 Lodeute cate 6 sxporerpiea PN Ineorpale 4 * Laila Fig. Triticum eestivum (wheat) plant: A. Flowering twig, B. Spike of spikelets C. One spikelet, . An oniarged spikolet, E. Open Flowor F. A flower dissected, 6. Floral diagram TY... Matvaceae [or] ZO Itis also called cotton farly. Vegetative Characters : Habit + Annual, biennial, horb or shrub or sometimes tres. Root “Tap root system ‘Stem + Erect, branched, cylindrical Leaves + Stipuiate, alternate phyllotaxy, simple, petiolate, reticulate venation. Floral Characters Inflorescence : Solitary, axillary or terminal racemose or cymose. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Puse Road. New Dehi-110005. Phone : 011-47623458 Board & Compettive Exams (Level!) Morphology of Flowering Plants 7 Flower + Bracteato or ebracteate, Bisexual, actinomorphic. Calyx + Sepals five, gamosepalcus, valvate aestivation, epicalyx is found, Corolla + Petals five, polypetalous, twisted aestivation. Androecium _: Numerous stamens, monoadelphous, monothecous anther. Gynoecium —; Pentacerpellary, syncarpous, mulilocular superior ovary, axile placentation, each locule has ‘infinite ovules, style single. —— Fruit Dry, capsule, schizocarp. ‘Seed = One to many, endospermic, Floral Formula: Ep1,,&.G Ke mos Namerou Economic Importance : iabawecs 1. Food + Bhinky/Lra— (usos 28 vegoiabies). RbeAmogchs Coton ~ (ois extracted). Gee eypiaw 2. Medicine Urera repende Abutilon incu 3. Fibre Gossypium sp. ~ Fibre of eed coat used in textieindusty Omamental plant: China rose (Gurhal) HH} Fig, : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (china rose) plant: A. A flowering twig, B. LS. of flower, C. Epicalyx and calyx, D. Androecium, E. Gynoecium, F. TS. of ovary G. Floral diagram Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623458 = 8 Morphology of Flowering Plants Board & Competitive Exams (Level!) ramlyogminaes [>1<07] ————__,—————,, Paptionatae Caesalpnicideae mimosordeae (Fabaceae) eg. Fisum stim — ¢.g. Cassia fistula €.g. Acecia nilotios EXERCISE 4. Tetradynamous condition of stamens is found in the members of ferily (1) Malvaceae (2) Solanaceae (@) Brassicaceae (4) Liliaceae 2. Ray florets of sunflower do not (1) Have inferior ovary (2) Show basal placentation in gynoecium @) Have unites petals (4) Have androscium 3. Presence of epicalyx and monoadelphous condition of stamens is found in (1) Makot (2) Mustard (@) Grouncnut (4) China rose 4. Select the families in which members have bicarpeliary, syncarpous, gynoecium and superior ovary. Solanaceae, Brassicaceae, Liliaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceze, Asteraceae. ‘Choose the correct option (1) Three (2) Two () Four (4) Five 5. _Allof the following are subfamilies of family Leguminosae, except (1) Caesalpinoideae (2) Mimoscideae (8) Gramineae (4) Paptionatae 6. The distinc! monocot character shown by the flowers of Gramineae family is (1) Bisexual flower (2) Actinomorphic flower (3) Hypogynous flower (4) No clear distinction of petal and sepal 7. Siliqua or silicula is the fruit of (1) Cotton (2) Mustard @) China rose (4) Grass, 8 Inwhich flower, the peduncle is flat on which florets are attached?” (1) Sunflower (2) Wheat @) Cotton (4) Groundout Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Puse Road. New Dehi-110005. Phone : 011-47623458 Board & Competitive Exams (Level!) Morphology of Flowering Plants 9) 9. 10. u 2 19, 14 Match the folowing Column-1 with Column-ll and choose the corract option. Columnd Column a. | Compostae @ lei, ogk, 6X8 . [Gramineae @ [89K CAG, . [Malvaceae (i) 92 Panan As S. 3. [Cructeree (0) [BE9 Keesan a Op aA 8 ¢€ oD oo 0 wo w am w 0 @ eg 9 ® ow Ww @ 0 Calyx in the form of pappus is found n (1) Catton (2) Tobecco (@) Chine rose (4) Dice fret of eunflowor How many among the following belong to Malvaceae family? Gossypium, Helianthus, Triticum aestivum, Hibiscus, Brassica, Abutilon (1) Five (2) Three @ Two (4) Four Inwhich fower stamens are syngenesious /.e,, anthers are fused and filaments are free from each other is cbsorved? (1) Ray florets of suntower (2) Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, (3) Disc florets of sunflower (4) Neutral florets of sunflower Fruits is called caryopsis in the members of the family (1) Poaceae (2) Malvaceae (3) Fabaceae (4) Composite ‘The subfamilies of leguminasae are differentiated from one another on the besis of (1) Calyx and corolla (2) Stems and leaves (3) Androecium and fruit (4) Corolla and androecium Consider the following characteristics and choose the flower which shows them (a) Pentacarpellary gynoecium. (©) Monoadelphous androecium with numerous stamens. (©) Locule has one to numerous ovule in the gynoecium (1) Tetcumn (2) Oryza sativa @) Gossypium (4) Chrysanthomum ago Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623458 40. Morphology of Flowering Piants Board & Competitive Exams (Level!) ANSWER (3) 2 3. (4) 4 Q) 5 @) 8 @ 7 a 1) 9%. @) 10. (4) 1. 2) 12. @) 13. (1) 14. (4) 15. (3) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Puse Road. New Dehi-110005. Phone : 011-47623458

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