Class 12 Chemistry Biomolecules Test

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FundaClass Academy, Mahipalpur, New Delhi


CHEMISTRY - Biomolecules (043)
Class XII
Date: 24/01/2024
Time allowed: 1 hour Max Marks: 56 marks
General Instructions:
i. This question paper consists of 56 questions. All questions are compulsory.
1 Write the reaction when glucose is heated with excess of HI. 1
2 Write the structure of the product obtained when glucose is oxidised with nitric acid. 1
3 Except for vitamin B12, all other vitamins of group B should be regularly supplied in diet. 1
4 What is meant by ‘reducing agent’. 1
5 What type of linkage holds together the monomer of DNA ? 1
6 What are the ultimate products of digestion of proteins ? 1
7 Name the sugar present in milk. How many monosaccharide units are present in it ? 1
8 How do you explain the presence of all the six carbon atoms in glucose in a straight chain ? 1
9 What are enzymes ? 1
10 Name the linkage connecting monosaccharide units in polysaccharides. 1
11 Under what conditions glucose is converted to gluconic and saccharic acid. 1
12 Monosaccharides contain a carbonyl group and hence are classified as aldose or ketose. The 1
number of carbon atoms present in the monosaccharide molecule are also considered for
classification. In which class of monosaccharide will you place fructose ?
13 The letters ‘D’ or ‘L’ before the name of a stereoisomer. This refers to their relation with one of the 1
isomers of glyceraldehyde. Predict whether the following compound has ‘D’ or ‘L’ configuration.
14 Deficiency of which vitamin causes scurvy ? 1
15 Aldopentose named as ribose and 2-deoxyribose are found in nucleic acids. What is their relative 1
16 Amino acids cab be classified as α −, β−, γ−, δ−¿ and so on depending upon the relative 1
position of the amino group relation to carboxylic acid. Which type of amino acids form
polypeptide chain in protein ?
17 Some enzymes are named after the reaction, where they are used. What name is given to the class 1
of enzymes which catalyse the oxidation of one substrate with simultaneous reduction of the other
substrate ?
18 During curdling of milk, what happens to the sugar present in it ? 1
19 How do you explain the presence of five – OH groups in glucose molecule ? 1
20 Name the vitamins whose deficiency is responsible for 1
i. Night blindness ii. Poor coagulation of blood
21 Why must vitamin C be supplied regularly in diet ? 1
22 Write two main functions of carbohydrates in plants. 1
23 Name the deficiency disease resulting from lack of vitamins A and E in the diet. 1
24 Why is cellulose in our diet not nourishing ? 1
25 Under what condition does each protein take a shape that is energetically most stable ? 1
26 Describe the following : 1
i. Functions of carbohydrates in plants
27 Define carbohydrates 1
28 What are heterocyclic bases ? Give an example of nitrogenous heterocyclic base. 1
29 In what sense are the two strands of DNA not identical but complementary to each other ? 1
30 Name two of the different types of RNA molecules found in the cells of organisms. 1
31 State a use for enzyme streptokinase in medicine. 1
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32 Define the term denaturation in relation to protein. 1
33 State any one characteristic of enzymatic catalysts. 1
34 Name one important function of nucleic acids in our body. 1
35 Mention two classes of nitrogen containing bases found in nucleotides. 1
36 Define native state in reference to proteins. 1
37 Name the purines present in DNA 1
38 The deficiency of which vitamin causes the disease ‘pernicious anaemia’. 1
39 What type of substance is phenylalanine hydroxylate ? What is its importance for us ? 1
40 Difference between the nucleotides of DNA and RNA. 1
41 Why are carbohydrates generally optically active ? 1
42 What is the name given to the linkage which holds together two monomeric units in 1
polysaccharides ?
43 Which types of bonds are responsible for secondary structure of proteins ? 1
44 Give an example of anomers. 1
45 What structural difference is there between α −glucose and β−glucose ? 1
46 How do amino acids form proteins ? 1
47 Name the enzyme that converts sucrose into glucose and fructose ? 1
48 Name the enzyme that is used to dissolve blood clots ? 1
49 If the fragment of one strand in DNA molecule has the base sequence CCATGCATG, what is the base 1
sequence of complementary strand ?
50 What is meant by primary structure of proteins ? 1
51 Give the name and structural formula of the simplest amino acid 1
52 What is meant by RNA and DNA ? 1
53 What type of bonding is present in globular proteins ? 1
54 Write the names of the enzyme whose deficiency cause albinism and phenylketone urea. 1
55 What is secondary structure of proteins ? 1
56 What type of bonding occurs in β− pleated structure of proteins ? 1

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55 What is secondary structure of proteins ? 1
56 What type of bonding occurs in β− pleated structure of proteins ? 1

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