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Warcaster Focus Cantrips Maximum Spell Level Proficiency Points Known Level Known 1 2 2 2 1 2 "2 EB 2 1 ose Z 2 2 4 "2 2 3 2 aS 3 3 3 e338 3 a 3 eS 3 3 4 a) 3 3 4 es 4 3 5 10 +4 4 4 5 Ww o44 4 4 5 12. "394 4 4 5 1345 5 4 5 1445 5 4 5 iss 5 4 5 16 5 5 4 5 7 +6 6 4 A 18 6 6 4 5 199 +6 6 4 5 2 46 6 4 5 Class Features ‘As a warcaster, you gain the following class features. SHIT POINTS ‘+ Hit Dice: 18 per warcaster level ‘+ Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier ‘+ Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (oF 5) + your Constitution modifier per warcaster level after 1st Proficiencies ‘+ Armor. Light armor, warcaster armor = Weapons: Simple melee weapons, simple firearms, battleaxes, greatswords = Tools: None ‘= Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence ‘Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Athletics, Perception, and Survival Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the ‘equipment granted by your background: ‘+ (a) a mechanikal simple melee weapon or (b) a ‘mechanikal pistol with 15 rounds of arnmuniti ‘+ (a) two daggers or (b) any simple weapon *+ (a) a soldiers pack or (b) an explorer’s pack + Light warcaster armor Your choice of mechanikal weapon includes the housing of the chosen weapon, comes with runeplates inscribed with the Bond rune, and is powered by an alchemical capacitor. This item begins the game bonded to you, Bond Starting at 1st level, you discover an innate ability to ‘mentally contact and control stearnjack cortexes. Your intuitive connection to the arcane also enables you to bond with other mechanikal devices, thereby providing vessels for your channeled power. You can attune to a mechanikal weapon or sult of warcaster armor as if attuning to a magic item by spending an action in physical contact with the item, rather than a short rest. You must still follow the normal rules of attunement for magic items of other types. ‘Warcaster Magic You were born with an intrinsic ability to manipulate arcane energy, but you likely learned how to control this power through rigorous self-training or atthe feet of a mentor. Whatever method you learned to control your focus, it fuels your spells and your link to mechanika Cantrips ‘At 1stlevel, you know two cantrips of your choice from the warcaster spell list, You learn additional warcaster cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Warcaster table Focus Points Rather than spell slots, you use focus points to cast your spells. These points represent your innate ability to harness arcane energy. The number of focus points you have equals your proficiency bonus. To cast one of your warcaster spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a number of focus points equal to the level of the spell chat you are casting. You can increase a spelt level in this way. You regain a number of focus points equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded down) at the start of your turn. ‘Preparing Spells You prepare the list of warcaster spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the warcaster spell list. When you do so, choose a number of warcaster spells ‘equal to your intelligence modifier + your Warcaster level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level no higher than what's shown in the Warcaster table's Maximum Spell Level column for your level You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new Ist of warcaster spells requires time spent in meditation reflecting on arcane formulae: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your lst. Spellcasting Ability Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your warcaster spells, since your spells are powered by the complex formulae you keep foremost in your mind. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting abilty In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC of a warcaster spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one, Spell save DC - 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Inteligence modifier Control Range Your control range is a measure of how far your arcane abillty to interact with steamnjack cortexes can reach. When an ability refers to your control range, this number determines whether a steamjack is within range or beyond Control range = your maximum focus points x 10 feet Spellcasting Focus You can use a bonded mechanikal weapon as a spelleasting focus for your warcaster spells Focus Manipulation ‘At 2nd level, you learn how to channel the raw arcane ‘energy to not only augment the considerable powers of your mechanikal weapons and armor, but also boost your ‘own combat abilities, ‘Once per turn, you can spend focus points for one of the following effects ‘+ Attack Bonus. You can spend 1 focus point when you make an attack with a bonded mechanikal weapon to make the attack roll with advantage. ‘+ Damage Bonus. When you hit with an attack made with bonded mechanikal weapon, you can spend up to 3 focus points to deal an extra 1d8 weapon damage per point spent + Reduce Damage. If you are wearing bonded warcaster armor when you take damage, you can use your reaction and spend up to 3 focus points to reduce the damage by 148 per focus point spent. + Shake It Off. At the end of your turn, ifyou are suffering from a condition or effect that can be ended with a successful saving throw, you can spend 1 focus point per condition/effect to end it. Steamjack Bond When you reach 3rd level, you develop the ability lasting bonds with steamjacks. You must touch a steamjack and spend 10 minutes to forge your bond. You can use this feature to attune to one or more steamjacks, allowing you to communicate telepathically with it. A bonded stearnjack obeys your commands to the best of its ability and acts on its own initiative in combat immediately after yours, but you determine its actions and decisions (no action needed). Ifyou are incapacitated in combat, all steamjacks bonded to you suffer backlash and become inert. Ifyour bonded steamjack is ever destroyed, you can recover its cortex and fit itinto a new chassis. This requires 8 hours of uninterrupted work and 250 gp in materials, whether or not any part ofthe old chassis is salvageable. Ifthe steamjack’s cortex is destroyed, you cannot recover your steamjack in this way, in which case your bond with that steamjack is severed and you can form a bond with a new steamjack. ‘A bonded steamjack counts as an attuned itern, You can voluntarily end your bond as a bonus action. forge Focus Allocation ‘Asa bonus action on your turn, you can allocate focus points to a bonded steamjack and in your control range. ‘The maximum number of focus points you can allocate to.a steamjack is limited by the quality ofits cortex. You cannot allocate focus points to a steamjack that does not have a functioning cortex. During its turn, a bonded stearnjack and in your control range can spend allocated focus points to use the Attack Bonus, Damage Bonus, or Shake It Off effect described in the Focus Manipulation feature. Focus points allocated in this way are lost at the start of yyour next turn, Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, oF you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature, If'your campaign uses the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice Instead: ‘Improved Focus Manipulation Starting at Sth level, You can use Focus Manipulation twice per turn. You can only spend focus points once as part of, each action. Focus Manipulation: Additional Attack ‘Starting at Sth level you gain an adaitional Focus Manipulation option ‘+ Additional Attack. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 focus point to make an additional weapon attack with a bonded mechanikal weapon on your turn, Power Up Starting at Sth level, atthe start of your turn, one bonded steamjack and in your control range gains 1 focus point. A steamjack cannot gain 2 focus point from this feature if it does not have a functioning cortex. Focus from Power Up cannot exceed the maximum focus of the steamnjacks cortex. Direct Control Starting at 11th evel, on your turn, you can take direct Control of one bonded steamjack and in your contra! range. You see thraugh the steamjack’s eyes and control its actions directly. While you are in direct control of a steamjack, it uses your proficiency bonus for attacks (if itis higher) and gains the benefit of any feats and class features you possess. You can cast spells that require a bonus action to cast while In direct control of a steamjack, but you—not the steamjack—are still considered the point of origin for the spell, and the spel’ line of sight and range are determined by your position, not the steamjack’s Warcaster Traditions Arcanist Your ability to augment your spellcasting with focus allows you to master the arcane lie few others can. Although you bond with steamjacks as other warcasters do, you use these constructs more as watchful sentinels that shield you while you work devastating magic upon your foes. Bonus Cantrip When you choose this tradition at 1st evel, you learn one additional warcaster cantrip of your choice. You remain in direct control of a steamjack as tong as you concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell), or until either the steamjack leaves your control range or you choose to end your contrel Superior Focus Manipulation Starting at 11th level, you may spend focus points for ‘multiple effects as part of the same action, such as using both the Attack Bonus and Damage Bonus effects on a single attack Additionally when making a Focus Manipulation: ‘Additional Attack you can spend multiple focus points and make one attack with a bonded mechanikal weapon for teach focus point spent. Battlegroup Starting at 15th level, when you use Power Up, it affects a ‘number of steamjacks equal to your Intelligence modifier Instead of just one (a minimum of two), ss ae Taking Initiative /At17th level, when you roll initiative you can spend focus points fora +1 bonus to your inate rol foreach focus Point spent. You do not regan focus pans at the start of SOUT HSE Storia ron Aggression ‘At 20th level, you can use a bonus action to grant yourself and steamjacks you are bonded with the following effects Until the start of your next turn + You gain resistance to all damage. * You make attack rolls with advantage. * Your weapon attacks count as magical and do 1d8 extra weapon damage. You can do this once until you have finished a long rest, Sharper Focus Beginning at 1st level, your maximum number of focus points increases by 1. Starting at 6th level, the focus cost of your spells decreases by 1 to a minimum of 1 Spell Manipulation Starting at 6th level, you learn an additional metamagic ‘option as per the sorcerer feature. Arcane Mastery Starting at 10th level, choose one Sth-level spell from the warcaster spell list as your signature spell. You can cast your signature spell once without expending focus points. ‘Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. Spell Resistance Starting at 14th level, you have advantage on saving ‘throws against spells, Furthermore, you have resistance against spell damage. Arcane Dominance ‘Starting at 18th level, you can fuel the destructive capabilities of your magic with an abundance of focus. When you cast.a spell of 1st to Sth level that deals ‘damage, you can spend focus points to ignore the damage resistance of creatures affected by the spell. You ignore ‘one type of resistance per focus paint spent. Controller You focus on augmenting the might of the steam-powered constructs that fight by your side, The close bonds you forge with these mechanikal beings lead you to devote your spelicasting to protecting them and maximizing their terrible power. ‘Bonus Proficiencies {At st level, you gain proficiency with a mechaniks toolkit, land steamjacks, Patch Up {At st level, you can make minor repairs to a bonded steamjack. When you finish a long rest, you can restore a ‘number of hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) to a bonded steamjack and in your control range. You must have access to a mechanik’s toolkit to make these repairs. Bond Clapped-Out Steamjack When you choose this tradition at 1st level, you gain control af a broken-dawn steamjack made of salvaged components, junkyard scrap, and bolted-on plates. This steamjack is much smaller than a normal laborjack due to ‘missing hull plating.ersatz replacement components, and, other workarounds. The clapped-out stearnjack does not come with weapons for equipment and has a Ferrum-grade cortex. Focus Manipulation: Steamjack Attack Starting at 6th level, a bonded steamjack within your control range can attack twice, instead of once, whenever it takes the Attack action on its turn. ‘Additionally, your bonded steamjacks gain access to Focus Manipulation: Additional attack. Overpower Starting at 10th level, you can direct a surge of arcane power to your stearnjacks, When a steamjack gains focus from your Power Up feature, you can increase the amount of focus it receives to 2. You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature again. Field Marshal Starting at 14th level, you can spend 1 focus point to grant ‘one of the following benefits to all bonded steamjacks that are under your control and in your control range. This benefitlasts until the start of your next turn, + Aggressive. As a bonus action, the steamjack can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it + Flank. When the steamjack makes a melee attack against a hostile creature within reach of a friendly creature, the steamjack gains a +2 bonus to the attack roll and scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 of 20, + Unyielding, Melee attacks against the stearnjack are made with disadvantage. ‘United Battlegroup When you choose this tradition at 1st level, you refine your ability to bond with steamjacks, You can choose to replace your bond with a mechanikal weapon with a stearnjack bond, which works as described in the Steamjack Bond feature. Bonding with that steamjack does not count toward the total number of items you can be attuned with, When you gain a level in this class, you can choose a new steamjack to bond to. Ifyou do so, the bond with your previously bonded steamjack is severed, Starting at 18th level, when you cast a spell with a range of self, you can spend 1 additional focus point while casting, the spell to have it affect all bonded stearnjacks that are currently under your control and in your control range. Soldier ‘You relish being in the thick of battle, and you direct your efforts toward mastering the battlefield, Although you augment your combat abilities with the use of spells and the support of steamjacks as needed, your primary focus is on increasing your skill at arms and expending your focus to cut down great numbers of your foes. atts mar Bond When you choose this tradition at 1st level, you refine your ability to bond with mechanikal weapons and armor. Choose one mechanikal weapon or suit of warcaster armor in your possession that you are proficient with. You bond to that item. Bonding with that item does not count. to the total number of items you can be attuned with. When you gain a level in this class, you can replace your bonded item with another mechanikal weapon or suit of warcaster armor. ‘Extra Attack ‘Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, rather than ‘once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn, Revitalizing Focus ‘Starting at 10th level, you can draw on your focus to replenish your strength and stamina. On your turn, you ‘can use a bonus action and spend 1 focus point to gain temporary hit points equalto 1410 + your warcaster level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again. Focus Fueled Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to further augment your attacks with your focus, As a bonus action, you can expend 1 focus point to grant one mechanikal Weapon you touch a bonus when you attack with it, While affected by this bonus, the weapon scores a critical hit on a roll of 19.0F 20. This bonus lasts for 1 minute or until you use it again, Vengeance Strike ‘Starting at 18th level, when you take damage from a Creature thatis within § feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature, Multiclassing Inorder to multiclass, a warcaster needs to have a minimum of 13 Intelligence, ‘Awarcaster multiclassing into another spelicasting class ‘does not gain spell slots or sorcery points. Ifyou have spell slots or sorcery points from another class, you will lose all ‘of them when you multiclass into warcaster. You do not gain spell slots or sorcery points as you level up in the non- warcaster class. You will use focus points to cast spells from all classes. Features from other classes that involve spending spell slots or sorcery points become subject to Focus Points and Focus Manipulation rules.

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