SFDBMD Practice Question

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1. Moment diagram for a cantilever beam carrying 6. When it is indicated that beam is elastic, it means
·1mearly-' varying. load from zero at free end to that when force is applied, it will
maximum at supported end will be (a) Not deform (b) Be safest
(a) Rectangle (b) Triangle (c) Stretch (d) Not stretch ·
(c) Parabola · (d) Cubic parabola 7. The fixed end moments in beam of span L due
2. In cantilever beam, irrespective of the type of to a triangular load having zero intensity at ends
loading, maximu:m bending moment and and w N/m in the middle are given by
maximum shear force occur at
(a) Free end (a) MAB = MBA = - 10
, (b). Under the load
(c) Fixed end wL2
(b) MAB = MBA= - -
(d) middl~
3. Shape of bending moment diagram for a simply ·5 2
supported beam carrymg a number of (c) MAB= MBA= - -wL
concentrated loads is a
(a) Series of straight lines . 5 '2 .
(d) MAB = MBA = - -wL
96· . , .
(b) Straight line
8. The mid span moments in a fixed beam due to
(c) A parabola
uniformly distributed load ,w, throughout the
(d) None of the above span .is
I ••

4. Shear force diagram for a cantilever beam wL , 2

carrying a uniformly distributed load over its (a) -8-
length is a
(a) Triangle (b) Rectangle (c) wL2

(c) .Hyperbola (d) Parabola
9. The point of contra-fl~~~~~ occurs only in
5. A cantilever with .span l and subjected to a
moment M acting at the free end shall have a (a) Cantilever beams ·:! 1,.

shear force .. ..... .. at the support (b) Overhanging beams

(a) 0 (b) Ml (c) Simply supported beams
(c) Mil (d) -·Norie of these (d) None of these
• <
i:;ot ::: x ~;;;: -Jit.f J,,J_ ,. .,
j_fEJJ,.'lfJ.U. :4
10.. t'. Bending moment on a section.is .m !ll..,,;_
.··· ·
--.-..uuum ere 7. ,. fDiagraln ·showing .the variation of axial load
sheanng , force ,. , - i . . . . •
,· along0the spamis
r minimwn

(a) -Is maximum (b Is I • ' .

(a) Shear force diagram•

(c) Is equal '• (d) Changes isign•
(b) Normal WUst diagram
11. In a fixed beam carrying a concentrated load · th
"ddl bending m e (c) Influence line diagram
nu e, man~ \V.!ll be zero at a distance
from middle ·· (d) Bending moment diagram
I 18. A ,sirilply., supported beam of span I carrying a
t(a! 8 (b) .,~ >
uniformly vary4ig load from zero at one ~d to
' J
s • w at the other end undergoes a maximum bending
I I Ji'
(c) - (d) - of ,
2 4
12. A sudden change in shear_f<;>rce:diagram ,b.etween 4w/2 w/2
two points indicates that there is · (a) 125 (b)
(a) Point load at both the _points
8w/ 2 (d) 12w/
(b) No loading between two points (c) 125
.., 125
(c) U.d.l. between two_point
1 19. The .rate of change .of. shear .force at ,a .section·is
_(d) Uniformly varying load betwe~n tw~ points. equal to
j ' • ' ·(' . ,t ' ' •

13. If,_,the
;>l ~hear
,Ji·. " I
is zero along

a, section,. lJending (a) Bending moment
mQinent at that section will be
,., l" • -
(b) Loading
(a) Minimum
(c) Deflection
(b) Maximum
(d) Intensity of loading
(c) Zero
20. A point of contraflexure occurs lli a
(d) Either minimum or maximum
(a) ·simply supported beain . . 'I
14. Point"'i of contraflexure
. . ·' .Ji! ?l !.: . .
in a cantilever qf span,., /,
·(b) Fixed beam
I. 'L; I

. . ca~g .•u.d.l. occurs at .

·(c) Cantilever
• t, I ,,tl ·~
' 1 ..... ., ' • "· > 1

(a) Mid sp39. _. (b) Free en~ ,~

(c) F,ixJ e~d · (d) Does not exist (d) None of the above
15. Diffe~e~~- ~tlt; ordinate of shear for~ diagram 21. i· The sliape of the bending ~oment diaghun ov~!
behveen' afiy points is equal to th~ under the length of a beam, having' no extern~ load," i's
.' <a> ·
., J..
·sli~ ~t~eb~eeri tJ;iese po~ts
..1,_~': ., .. 7\,§J' "' ,..,..,
- always
(b) Bending·,moment diagram betweeQ. these (a) Linear (b) Parabolic . ·, 1
points :, • r •f I

(C) Load diagram -b etween these points

(c) Cubical (d) Circular
, . .
- 2014]
(d) None of the above
2i. In a at .a place wh~re the shear force .is
16. Bk ding 'inotrtent M- t:he centre of a ~ 6fl~gth .I !;~ maxiniwJ, .~e"bending mo&ent will,- l5e
.'Z: .firmlyt, ~_upi{og~cLat ..both ends).~d ~vmi .~ . ... . ,
(a) Maxim~
·1 9entraJ ~oad .9fW }~;--1. ,.,.. · ·, . ,1 .-
·•• . ,.r,. WI•. (b) Minim
-" . (b) -
'· •• .. l.•
(a) WI .. . -2 (c) Zero
. -~ . - . .:/ l _f ""!' . :~-"-.
WI (d) Neither ll)iniw,um iior ~ u m
(c) WI, (d) -
4 8
23'· !. : A load W acting at a distance 'a' from left hand
29;;i:.• In a continuous curve of bending moment tb6
·· support of a simply supported beam of span L point of zero bending moment, where it change.
causes a max bending _moment of . , · sign is called the - , . . , ..
(a) Point o_f inflexion - •. -, . 1
Wa(L - a) -- : "-~•-·-- Wa(L- a) 2
(a) . . (b) - - - ' - - (b) Point of contra-flexure
L . . L2 ·.,
(c) Point of a virtual hinge
(c) . 2 (d) None of these (d) All of the above
/ L
- . 30•._ The r~on at left.support of a simply supported
' .·

24. , Zero bending moment in -~ fixed beam of length due to a clockwise couple_moment (M)
'l' carrying uniformly distributed load will occur applied at the mid-point shall be · , _.:
at a distance from centre
M ..
l l I (a) L ·down~~d
··(a)- · (b)
. 2 M .
l l
(b) L upwards
(d) -
(c) - --·· ,
4 6 (c) Zero
25. ··' A beam is fixed at one end and freely supported (d) None of th~~bove .
at the other end. A load acts in the centre. The · ·'· • 1.- ' .i l
inaximimt bending moment will occur . ., · 31. A beam of length 1, having uniform load of w kg
.per unit len~ is supported freeli ·the ends.
(a) Under the load -· · ,
; ,., ' . ' \! The bending moment at mid span will be
(b) At fixed en-'d • .' '\,_:•~:.->,
2 ,.·, '. .to :': ,'..

(c) At supported end . ·; :_. ·.. :> ··.\._ (a) -

(b) wl
'.-, 1 ;,. i

Between centre·and fixed support

•.• ,.·· .!.,• ' •. ' 1 . • /

(d) , -, •• 'i '. >

. . .• . ..... J.:,,, ,1 ' ·' -
(c) wz2 .. . (d) wz2
26. Points of contrafl~~~ is ·the po~rwhere 4 8
•• •• • - ,. .., ·, ' - • .,. •. 1.-. t
. ·· ' · (a) Positive bending moment is maximum 32; · The moment diagram for a cantilever beam whose
J.•:' . : (b) Negative bending moment is maximum

free end is subjected to a bmding will be moment
(a) Tri~gle . . i·'· (b) Rectangle' :: :. 1
(c) Point of zero s~ear-for~ . ·. ,.
(d) Point of change in• sign of bending moment (c) P~a~l~ , ' ' (d) Cubic p~bot~'
,. - I , , I_ i • ,· I •' . " • ' ._ ' l.,._ } : l .., u

27. Shape of .the. bending moment diagram for a beam 33. Maximum hen~ mom~t" iii ~,·~~er. of
. . ; • f '· ' ~. . . •

carrying an concentrated load is

_; I
length I carrying
a uniforinIY,.varying . load of
, . ·. . zero intensttyat one end and .w.N/m at the other
(a) Parabolic_) . " ' " ._
• • • ,; .E- end is ·: 1. . • L
;, · : (b) Linear . ·_· ··
. ' .. ):

(c) Arc of a circle

;' i : ) ,t' -~ . .. '.• ;· ;! , I •

'· · (d) None of the above 0 • ,. -· , •

' ... '
.( \
1L .
.. · -y.:·u ·,, ... ~, -.- -- · ;~ ··:·~~~ :· >~ :- . ·:·• : , ; . .. ...., . :' ,,,..:

2s; ., ·Abeam is loaded as ~tilever. If_the lqad at the !d) N~n~ , of__ I .I.
' end is"increased, the .fail'1re '_will occur
. ; J • ,

34. •' If a _beam of constant section · is·' subjected

.... ' _1· •. ~ -

(a) _In the middle

• • • .•·; • : ,.. _ , J .. ~·. )_;. .~ 4.•, -·~. 1 .•

throughout its length a _. uniform' bendills 'to

moment, it will bend to t ,.. ;, , .· ,_.. , : : .
(b) At the tip . below the load · .. •'.I . ;' ," I (I''

_ _.. ,'.:I
-- .

·. -
(a) A citculat arc· . (b)-~ 'parat,olic:
I ·• , ·'1 , f1 '
; !1.' 1 ..--; -~ i , 't·':4' (c) :A: catenafy '. , . I (d) Elliptical
- · . ~ ~ ~ ~S-ffl'QWl/fflffl . . I ..
- . . r h ~~ e ABGD•,is"suppo_rtcd by>i .a,,r~Her and
I!. - _nn.,.1:~does. the,slope .oi:a bending-moment cUIVe 3.9r, A .fram h . figure· The;,,Jieactlon 1at t
J;,. """"' . . . . ? -.· ' . bin e as s O.WD·.Ub " .
a .functt0n of distan~-repres.ent. .. g . . by -· . . ,
. , ., . ' roller end A ISh~ven )-
(a) The load applied · · ·· · · · · P p . j

(b) The stiffness 'at that' location _ _ L/2 /2 L/2

(c) The deflection · · ~B~-~~-~-- D
r (d)· Th'e shbr force at that -section

Shape of the shear force diagram for a simply

[l>DA t.JE';_ 2018) l
supported beam (AB) ·subjected to point load W . I

at the centre of span shall be : ..- (a) P. :(b)' 2P

(c) P/2 ··(d) Zero · ·
40. The variation of the bending morne~f in thi
I segment of a beam where the ·Joad is uniforrnl~

distributed is : -
(b) Al 1B
(a) Zero
,,(b) Linear _· · ,-
(c) Pa~abolic , _ • (d) ·c~bic ' -'·.
[RPSC, ·RJ>SC AC,F ~-201_1, TSPSC-AE,.2015)
41. n,e point of cy,n~flexure. i~ jl point w,here: -'-
(a) ·shear force '•changes sign
! . I. ' (b) bbnding moment .changes sign
, .. - • i
(d) (c) shear force is :inaxn:num ---1. -~ -:, . ,1,r

(d) ben~ng moiµent,._is ina,µmum , _. • . _i :

_. [RPSC-YP~1'J.:201 (j] _ ,:•. ,. , ~. _ [RPSC, GET(?!,;-2015,

37. The slopeJ,bf'the bending mom~nt diagram of _,. , Chandig~rp,JE·_- l016, DDA· JE~l018)
any sectioµ.r~~f a l~ed beam i~ : ,- ·
, .
42. . ~i9k up the correct statement from th~. fgllowing
(a)_ Tors~o~~~\ 1pte ~eftion. , :•".: ._ ·± , .
·, (a) For a unifom'ily distributed 'load; the shear
(b) Maximlml sheari ~.
force of the beam. >
l~j • -.~ :. ,. \,, 1 ' 1- • ' : t -force variqs lin~rly. _._
(c) Shear fQiice ~t that section. :
(b) For a load~vacying-Jinearly;-the shear force
(d) Maximiliti ·bencfutg moment of the beam. curve is a parabola. .. ,
t .. ,- ,
' ' - • I., - ,
r'' • , : ,, .M 1 . JRl!~~-VPITl72016] • (c) For a load varying linearly, ,the B.Mi curve
'\ ,
38. ~ t , lqiid,,_<l)~iliHg~,P.J.<?11?-~~!$, _(if any) are is a parabola., · · ·
develop~d at · the intermediate .. §µpport of a (d) All of the above
.; ,'\ '~- t beam
,~ '~ .loaded
~ by vertical lo~s: - 43. '
3 i " \.
The shearing for~ at the fixed end f .
1 '

·<a> of length L "' ·.. ·., . · _,..__ ,_ , ,~ .. ,~ . ~-~tilev,SI."

' · f". !~·;:=. ... ) ,,.L . i..,__
of 'W'
r .. . j , .\-

' _-~ g - ~ f~f~~r ~stributed load

• l. ~h~. . . tJ.. . . ..~~\fig•
J 99 ,,..
-> t ..... ,j.'1 ,'f. ~-. •·.~- · : ._; :, .' , , · ·; • ' per Ulllt length over the whole Ieiigth is
(c) ~o moment ".J ·• t) it.·'~· r i.' in:: . ,· . WL ,·:t.. 1: .. 11 1 ~- f ~: ~?.:/
.( but;;sow.e~~$,:-zem. (a) - ._•,1....:1; '-·;
2 "(b);'f'WL . ~;,~I ... 1 >
(i ~~jJrwr:n~2016]
' . ,~ '. '. . <•• ' '.:_;} _l,
. (c)
(d) WL2 ~,
u~ ~-
A propped. cantilever beam of span L when 49. In a . simply suppoFted ~beam ca.uying udl (w)
load1;:d with' a uliifdrm.ly distributed ·load of along full span (L), the maximum bending
intensity p will have a bending moment M at the moment at centre would be
fixed end, where M is :
(a) wL2/4 (b) wL2/S
(a)' w_L2 wL2 (c) wL2/12 (4) wL2/l~
12 (b)
16 [PHED-RAJ., DDA JE - 2018)
(c) -
24 (d)
50. The diagram showing the variation of axial load
along th~ span is called
[ODA JE-2018] (a) Shear force .Diagram
45. For which of the following members subjected (b) Bending moment diagram
to bending, there CcUl be a point of contraflexure?
(c) Thrust ·diagram
(a) Cantilever beam ,
(d) Influence Line Diagram
(b) Beam fixed at both ends
·(c) A simply supported beam [PHED-RAJ., PMB JE-2018]
51. The bending moment for an ove~ hanging beam
(d) Cantilever beam with heavy point load at
the end is shown in figure. The point of contra.flexure
would include··· ·
- [DDA JE - 2018)
46. What-is the ratio' o( load carrying capacity of a .B ·.
fixed beam to that,of a ~til~ver beam .o f same
span having same maximum bending moment
and loaded with uniformly distributed load
(a) A and G (b) Band F
throughout the span?
(a) 6 (c) C and E (d) D .
' (b) 4
(C)' 3 . 52. The point of ·,zero bending mo,nent, where the
(d) 2 .
continuous curve of bending_ moment changes
[KPSC.:.AE, MPSC-2012] sign is called
471,: ,Which of tfie following is true with respect to
(a) The point of inflation ·· · ·
· the bending moment of a simply supported beam
with a central load? (b) The point of virtual liinge
_,,, · (~) ,f.!t i~ le.ast at -th~ centre , (C) The point of internal hinge
(b) It -is least at the• supports (d) Th~ point of contraflexure
- (c) It is maximuin._:a t the supports 53.
Aportion of beam between tw~ section is said
(d) It is maximum' at the !centre to be in pure bending when.there is
(a) Constant bending ' moment'- and izero shear
A cmitilever·
, • t. ' , t
beam is
I 1
force ·

· · (a) ··Fixed oµ_both ends · (b) Constant shear force and ·zero . bending
t .
• t l ,' f .• . J ! i : •
(b) Fixed on one end arid free· at the other end
constant bending
' • l i ..... , , . .. • t ", . ,J I
(c) Constant shear force and'
(c) Support~vfreely at '. bWi ends -
(d) Supported at more than two points · . '
. , (d) Constant shear f~rce and ·varying bending
[KPSC-JE] moment '
54. . For a cantileved>~m with a uriifomuy distiibtitea ' 59. A two span continuous beam having equal span_s
"t •
· load
_ w per ,um ·.run earned for a entire span '
each of length / is sµbjected to udl w per ~t
of J~gth l, then the DWµplum bending moment l~gth. The beam has constant EI. The reaction
will be
at the ~ddle support is
w/2 w/2 (a) w/ (b) 5w//2
(a) - (b)
3 4 (c) 5w//~- (d) 5w//&
1,· 2 [MPSC-2012]
wl wl
' Jc) 2
(d) - 60. A beam, supported on more than two supports is
55. If a simply supported beam of 5 m span carries called as
a . point load of 100 kN ~t 2 m from LHS, the (a) Overhanging beam
maximum bending moment on it is (b) Simply supported beam
(a) 62.;5 m (b) 120 kN m
(C) Continuous beam
(c) 125 kN m (d) , 312..5 kN. m
(d) Fjxed beam
56. A simply supported beam of span L is subjected [Haryana JE-2018)
,,- to two point loads Wat quarter span points. The 61. A beam is said to be_ _ _ if one end or both
the ends ofthe beam projects beyond the supports
vari~tion of bending moment : in between
(a) fixed beam
the loading ·points
· (a) Cubic (b) Zero · (b) ov~rhanging beam

(d) Linear .(c) simply supported beam

. •.J -

[LBS-ASST.PROF.2017) (d) cantilever beam

57. i!'Which part 'of the . beam is subjected to pure [Haryana1,JE-2017, Haryana JE-2018)
r ; • •
' I, beritling in the.following figure?

' .'• 2<l'kN 30.kN 62. ·· Consider the following 'statements :

! l If a ~jmply supported beam of uniform cross-

sectioir is subjected to a clockwise moment at
the left support and an 'equal ·anticlockwise
moment at the ri~t support, then--the- :
(a) AB
I. B:M:D will be in the shape' -of a rectal).gle
(bl ~c::·$ . . •, 2. S.F.D.' will be a straight line coincidiiig with
(c) CD ._ , : . . the base ~ ·. ·
-'(df Nirp~ ofl5~ i{ subjected topuie bending
:,!, .. . -( ,. [MPSC-2012] 3. ~eflection- curve will be in the shape of a
.J ' .,., • • i crrcular arc
S8. A two span continuous beam havmg equal spans
' eacli -of length :1 i~ : subjected to u '."dH.
' of'w _per Of-these statements
i · ,1· ·
unit over the" ~hole beam. Tlie"' beam has (a) b and c are correct
constant ,EL The bending;montent at, the 'middle ' - ,J I

(b) a and b are correct

·sUpport is .
(a). wP:j 4 · .. (g) YjP:/8 (c) a and c ai_:e FO.ITect
(c) wP./12 - \ (d) wP/16 ' (d) b and 5=- ar~ correct
[MPSC-2012] • I
63. ·,. _T he shear .force -is usually ~sociated with : , _.
69. . For-a 6 m long fixed beam carrying t,,,a ft
'; • · (a) Bending moment (b) Torsional moment >.··1 of 300 kN, each at 2 m from each s u ~
·' (c) th.rust (d) None of the above 1v . - , point of contratlexure will be situated

[NBCC-2017] distance 'a' from left support, where •a• is

64. In a fixed beam ~ving .a uniformly ·distributed (a) 1.33 m (b) 3 m
• - · •--· I - \_
load over the whole span, the fixed end'moments (c) 2 m (d) 1.5 m -
will be calculated by the formula :
.,, , _(a) WL2/12 . (b) WV/8 : . _ - lL~C-20tl)
·- .... ' .. . . ,
•· . 70. The following statements are related to bending
(c) WL2/8 (d) WV/12 , · .. of beam. Find the FALSE statement:
l t.. } .. ,
,, • ; j, . ·.;~ ..> '. ... ' I • I' '
.1 •
(i) ' The slope ~f bending moment
65. The shear force on a beam causes ·-
equal to shear force. - : ·J '.l.,. ·· . :, .
•.: (a) Linear transverse _displacement ..
(ii) The slope·0~ shear force d i ~ 'is'equat to
(b) Curved displacement . _, i , . ,._1 i the load intensity "., i . • • r I,:,-
:· ,° (c) No displacement
,- < , ,J-- • • • I I'. ';I

l J ·• ~. • l
(iii) The slope of the, curvature , i~ equal to the
(d) Rotation of the planes . : . flexural rotation:: .., . , '' ' ' - . -·1
' · ·' _. • ! ·. ' [Ch~ndig·;~h
JE. ~-2016] I

(iv) The second derivative of curvature is equal

• ·• • ' ? ;· . : -~ ; .'_ .r

on a simply supported beam is

. ; \. - , , ' '•

66. The shear force {I

·, ·to the curvature.
proportional to \

(a) (i) (b) (ii) . , ::.r ·. '1

.. : _; .(a) Disp~t of the; neutral axis' ._ . -'
·(c) (iii) (d) (iv) · ' 1 ( ;\
(b) Sum of the moments divi~ed 'by the ·effective, • , 1 .... • s , \

' ,,
· : ·___dep~ ;:_·.. , '. ·_-:·e ·1· ,; i •• -.-. •. .. ·· •
J : ' I' ' . ; • 1•, ' ,' : ;_ J '
:·--: • ' [GETCL-2015)
-I; _.

.: i,: ! (c) Sum of transverse .forcet ::. . ;. - 71. Under a beam loading condition, if the bending
(d) Algebraic sum of the transvers~ forces _of inomeni' is ,~nstant ·over a ~ertain
,. . ,
. ....... '
the section then the shear ·forces would be :
·? ' ·' ' ' ' . '. ::_'.: [iSR0-2018] (a) Zero
f , . I . ' .• i 1, ·• l '

· 67. . ·The bending moment is maximum on a section (b) ~creasing

of a . beam .
where shear, force . . , , , , ":
(c) _constant and a non~zeyo value . i
, . ·. , I
..,_,_ - ·- . i

.· :,_ja'. (a) Is maximum .•.. (b) Is minimum :_:

(d) decreasing · -'~ 1 ::,
.• .(c) -,Is . equal. , (d) Changes sign · ' ' '., ' ',J ;
!~_/} \:. ~-; ~, --:, '/ • } :,· .• . '
. [Coal India - 2011: DDA ~20IS)
(RPSC ACF - 2011, NBCC-2O17,
,, PMB JE-2O18, .ISR0:-2O18]
. .. '
72. . Which one of the following'. statem~ ~:;nect?
1.. ,:\ .. _, r :, -~~, . .., -L . .,

~-(~) ;hea~ for~ i~ th~ fii~·:d~riv~ve o f ~

68. : . A simply supported beam oflength '3a' supports . I. :

· : , moment. .. _ , _·.. ··: " ,.,.. , .·,, . -.;;it--

(b>·bending is t1t~-. fi~·den~
· three separate loads. The load at centre is 2P,
• .• i .
· while the loads at distance 'a' form eac~ support 1 . . •
.. : shear J.Orce . · l- '., -; . ,
.C,. ; ,- r •

are p each. What;~11 be the

i1. 1
shear . ·. ' • . :. .. • ,., I· . _. • . I ; '·'

force in beam? '- the

.: . .-: · . ;, (c) · shear force is' the filst "denvanve
of load.
, ; .- '(a) 2p •,:;; ·~' (b) 4P -
(d) load intensity on'2(lbtaril is the'd
(c) 6P 1
·: ·• (d) Zero :,. • 1 ·, • of bending- moment. l
,,r . . ."&~l,U.·t, ··
cames a uniformly distributed
. distance of points of contraflexure 1 ~e
. · -79: :·'The fixed·end moment FEMA' and FE
f,ixed ·at botli
-- • -·- - · . -

'. ·; \. beam. shown is -~. .,: : , : ... r r•_· •• • .• ,'i. fo:·'.

n •·. - , I

........a IS. . . e1 er A-~ M~_ ; . . ' ~, · ;_ i
c;uu : ·-: ..
i 'h a b B i_:.,, •",,.
(a) 0.~~7~,__r·l ... t ~-. (b) 0.211L I U2 I 1/2 , ·. ') \'• '; ,
(c) 0.277L i , _ i (d), 0.25L · ,
(. , , . i r ( ) z (b) M/2 ·
.,.:) .. , j_ '.:_j: _1:. ' . i- '. ·; [PMB JE-2018] -·, . a ero . :. -.
74. in c~ .of two point -loading . condition, shear (C) Ml4 . ~--:, '; .-... ·.; (d) -¥J8. :,),,
· span is defined as the zone where .;:, · (e) No~e · of the above
(a) Shear 'force is zero :; t/ / ;"· '-.,1 [HPSC AE ·_ 2010]
' '-, ..

.(b) _Shear force i~ constant / 80. Generally .the action~ in a ,grid _member are, . ._
(c) Bending moment is ~ero · '·- '· · · .., ·· ·
, , , (a) Axial fo~ce, twisting moment and bending
(d) Bending moment is constant moment . . ._ ',_ · .
. ' ,
,, . [AEC-2017] (b) Shear force, . twisting moment and bending
• " • • . ,. • , • • -~ , I •• ' C
' I .· ' I ,l f.., • . ' ,..
7S. A simply.supported beam is subjected to external moment
l ' . • J.,_ f;:

. moment _of. ~c at center of beam. What is the (C) Axial force, shear force and bending moment
. . ··:•. . ;. . .. ' t.
( :; 'shear force at the point of.application of moment? .. . ' .( ·"
\ •• r . .,. . •- • , . (d) . Shear force and bi-~xial_,-b. ending moment
(a)_2~JL, ,: (b MJL
'. ' '

(e) None of the above .·.·. :·; -:;-:>f' ,·. ·"· 0


(c) MJ~: · . · · (~) L/Mc.

- . [HPSC AE -~ 2010]
[AEC-2017] .... .. ..... --_.. ....... _...,,,,·, _,_

force in cantilever
' l ..
76. . What-is the maximum shear 81. ' If z and I are the ~ection ~bduius 'and moment
subjected to uniformly vaJ)'ing_ !~ of w/ of inertia of the s'ection, the sh~ i'orce F and
' ~t length? ,,,:-;·:.,, LS. ;, • ·. 1: ·, ; ,• •i ' _\ ' . the bending moment M at ·a section are related
, .• ! ".·.~ ' . .:. . . . by \ ··t / 1' , ·> · ),
·' •; (a)··wP/i
(c) wP/6
. :- -.· ·,
(b) wl
(d) wV2
~; •

. . '.
.-/ I
( ,,
,1, • •..:~

a) F = _m_y
..( I
..•· . ,·., [AEC-2017]
=-J~dx, >.
. '\_ , , _, : ,?- ·:,;.

77. The maximum bending moment (M) caused by (c) F _dm (d) 'F
dx _ _· \.','., . ;_L . ,,: l
a concentrated,- loa.d (W) at the mid ·span of a
simply supported beam is f · ; _: · · · · ¥
(e) None of the above
·;,_; (a) M =. (WL/Z) _ _.,. (b) M =_(WL/8) ·. ..,,
. .' .
. .
[HPScAE ·~·20101
. :·(c). M ·=·(WL(4) ,-~
-:: ' . "'..

82. -A ~hnply su~~~ed·: b ~ of span ·(l + 2a)

(d~ _
M = (\nil~) ::": with
. - :·-.·· __'_ -_. __ ~ ~-ACF__ 2011,:IS,R~-~OlS~ equal ' overhangs ·(a) carries 'i i uniformly
18. 'Dhe shear force bendins moine.nt is -zer~ at_ ~ci distributed load over the whole length, ·the·B.Mt·
changes sign if ':,, ..... ~. -/;i ;.,·:."" .;..~·-·,.. ,:.,
th~ free .end of a ~tilever beam if _it._ca.mes -

Pofu1:' load -~ the free end - l,:·) ..•,.~,>. ,._,. · ·. ca> ·1 >

. '' '' . ft•

2~ ~·":.' J~:\i). i~ :,~·

. t load .~:tt _the -~ddl~ o~ ~: !~ .- ff. ·(c) i~ 2a ·: r1 · ·, ·: ('(d) -~; ··
•t '
. C. '[rJ.
Cb) - -
.._l ,. - .
ij--~n '-?••''· t .: 1
... ,.
Ota~~ · r: ,...;._,.J~).;.-fl"~ ' ,U
.. -· ~ l o.II

j l
\\ ii,\
111 1,
l'lr:' 1. Ans. (d) 18. Ans. (b)
I w
:I I I
2. Ans. (c)
.,, 111

II -1 · 3. Ans. (a)
I I' I
,' I

I' t t t
;_!I ii
I ' I

I 111 I

, ·1.
1_·,1' I
. B
L = .WL 2L
-2 x -
·•; ·l11.'
,1 ijli 4. Ans. (a)

: 1/. ,,
'' .
n , WY"t

! '
X L - . w2 X L2 X !-x 2(!:)
. SFD , 6 2 . 2 2
~I . '.

., --~
S. Ans. (a)
'If1·,I1 1·
;1l11 .
11 ~=
S:F.D,~-.- - - -
At point of zero shear stress
11: I
I, ·1
6. Ans. (c) 19. Ans. (d)
7. Ans. (d) 1
20. Ans. (b)
8. Ans. (d) 21. Ans. (a)
9. Ans. (b) 22. A _ns. (d)
10. Ans. (d) 23. ·Ans.. (a)
11. Ans. (d) 24. Ans. (b)
12. Ans: (a) 25. Ans. (b)
l3. Ans. (ti) 26. Ans. (d)
14. Alls. (d) 27. Ans. (b)
. I •
28. Ans. (c)
Clt"lt'YVn CJ it'Y'•-f-n
29. Ans. (d) . .
30. Ans. (a)
~ o . ~mt of co~exure 31. Ans. (d)

15. 32. Ans. (b) . , •J

Ans. (c)
33. Ans. (c)
16. Ans. (d) . -. .

17. 34. Ans. (a)

Ans. '(I,)
35. Ans. (d)
. ,
• It ' 1"Jl(i,1N,J!iJ!i.lUl''l\..- .
). • • <... >

j6. ns. ,, Ll 't""'.,_'·, 47. Ans. (d)

' . • "~
w . ' '· .

•, II

·' '48. Ans. (b)

49. Ans. (b)

lB so. Ans. (c)
51. Ans. (c)
1B 52. Ans. (d)
37, Ans. (c)
53. Ans. (a) l

38. Ans. (a)

' 54. Ans. (c)
39, Ans. (d)
55. Ans. (b)
Taking :E(M) =0 about point C
Maximum bending moment will be unaer point
L L load
R xL-Px-+Px- =0
A 2 2
; ,
RA = 0
40. Ans. (d) ! '

41. Ans. (b)

At point at contraflexure, bending moment
R~A -2m

changes its given from negative to positive or f .1 .

RA= 60 kN, Ra= 40 kN
42. Ans. (d)
Taking moment about the point under load
43, Ans. (b)
44. Ans. (d)
M = RA x 2

45. Ans. (b) = 60 x 2 = 120 kN

46, Ans. (a) 56. Ans. (b)
57. Ans. (d)
20kN 30kN


2m .'I
For maximum ~ending in~~ent to be same in,
both beams


58. Ans. (b)

59. Ans. (d)
60. Ans. (c)
61. Ans. (b)
62. Ans. (a) As structure is symmetric R, = =2
63. Ans. (c)
w1 2
64. Ans. (a) For UDL in fixed beam M1 = M2 = 12
65. Ans. (a)
So BM zero at point of contraflexure '
66. Ans. (d)
2 2
67. Ans. (d) -wL wLx - ~-= o
68. A~ (a)
12-t~ 2-
0n solving
p 2P p x '= 0.211L

* * l
Ans. (b)
Ans. (b)
- -- --~>·<~'"- -
- ~)~(E---~~B A B

a a a

As this is·a symµietric 'structilr~, t,1.

- Total load 4P A
RA =~= -., -
- = -=2P
.·• . f2 Takiµg moment about B
So, SFD is RA x I+ Mc= 0
· I • I • 1

2Pr - - - - - - ,P• RA= -Mell

I•, r--------------,B
-2P -ve
Hence maximum SF _
= 2P at supports ,i.e. at A
and B
-MJI l

69. _An~ . (a)
76. Ans. (d)
300kN 300kN

. . ! ·r ! wkN/m

~2m~+-2m )IE 2m-4

For a fixed beam with two concentrated loads
at equal distance from- support, point of
contraflexure is given by
Maximum SF == Tofal load on beam
POC = 0.221 x L
POC = 0.221 x 6 = 1.33 m 1
70. Ans. (c) SF == -x w xi
l1lBX 2
71. Ans. (a)
72. Ans. (~ SF == wl kN
max 2
7. Ans. (C)
79. Ans. (c)
A ~1---a-)+-:--b- ~ B
1/2 L/2 L/2

For simply supported beam maximum bending
moment occurs under the load at mid span.
As structure is symmetric
RA=~= 2
Taking moment under load

w l wl
M = -X- --
e 2 2 4
'8. Ans. (b) Ma(3b-/)
similarly FE~= - 2

FEM= -
- B 4

80. Ans. (c)

81. Ans. (c)
82. Ans. (a)


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