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Third assignment – English I

Instructions: Dear students, this is your third assignment for General English paper. Write
it on a new bluebook along with the answers and submit it by Tuesday (15/11/2022). You
have to write the questions as well as the answer on the bluebook. Be careful about the
number of each question. Submit your assignment on or before the deadline. Best of Luck!


Fill up the blanks with a/an, the, or no articles:

1. Moving to____ United States was____ most exciting thing I have ever done.

2. I moved last year to _____New York.

3. New York is____ exciting city, full of adventure.

4. In fact, I saw_____ famous actor on_____ street yesterday!

5. Today, I have_____ job interview at _____ financial company.

6. He has offices all over_____ world.

7. I’m not sure that I have_____ skills to get hired. I hope so.

8. Company‘s office is on_____ Main Street. That’s_____ same street my friend works on.

9. If I get hired, I could meet him after______ work for drinks. That would be great.

10.He’s from ______Scotland. He works 8 hours_____ day, 5 days a week.


Transform the following sentences as instructed:

1. You should respect your elders (Change to imperative sentence)

2. How remarkable the magic show was! (Change to declarative sentence)

3. It is extremely hot.(Change to exclamatory sentence)

4. Students imitate their teachers. (Change to negative sentence)

5. He paid the fees later than usual.(Change to interrogative sentence)

6. A doctor’s life isn’t easy.(Change to positive sentence)

7. You should submit your assignments on time.(Change to imperative)

8. Bring me my wallet. (Change to a request sentence)

9. Will you help me with the work given? (Change to imperative sentence)

10. Her brother is more generous than her. (Change to superlative form sentence).

Third assignment – English I

Use appropriate punctuation marks in the following sentences:

1. We had a great time in France the kids really enjoyed it

2. Some people work best in the mornings others do better in the evenings

3. What are you doing next weekend

4. Mother had to go into hospital she had heart problems

5. Did you understand why I was upset

6. It is a fine idea let us hope that it is going to work

7. We will be arriving on Monday morning at least I think so

8. A textbook can be a wall between teacher and class

9. The girl’s father sat in a corner

10. In the words of Murphy’ Law Anything that can go wrong will go wrong


Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

1. Mr Guinness is from Ireland, _______?

2. The car isn't in the garage, _______?

3. You are John, _______?

4. She went to the library yesterday, _____?

5. He didn't recognize me, _______?

6. Cars pollute the environment, ______?

7. Mr Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, ______?

8. The trip is very expensive, ______?

9. He won't tell her, ______?

10.Hugh had a red car, _______?


Choose the correct answer:

1. He works 8 hours (an – a – the) day.

2. Gaurav’s mango is the (sweetest –sweet – sweeter) of all.
3. This is an extremely attractive photograph. The underlined word extremely is an/a
(adjective – adverb – verb).
4. Sharks are (most dangerous- more dangerous) than dolphins.
Third assignment – English I

5. Dr Mark said I could come to his office (on– in – at) Sunday.

6. He ate not only the ice cream (but also – nor – or) the chocolate.
7. (Even though – because – because of )the weather was horrible, they still went
8. After she (has –have) learned to drive, John felt more independent.
9. (Gold–The gold– A gold) is a precious metal.
10. Does she (speak–speaks–spoke) (english–English)?

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