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Wide azimuths - why not?
T. PADHI AND T. K. HOLLEY, Shell E&P Technology Company, Houston, Texas

In a recent TLE article (July 1996) and a plane (ABCD) which repre- Our crossed spread example
Canning and Gardner contend that sents the reflector. The DMO output, shows in an intuitive way how
a narrow range of azimuths is high- which can be thought of as a wire, traces that vary widely in azimuth
ly desirable for good prestack imag- will be tangent to the plane at one can combine to image reflectors,
ing. Their argument is based on point. Next consider the DMO wires provided certain conditions are met.
their observation that migration of generated by a suite of traces — It is not hard to see that the above
wide-azimuth data can generate namely the traces recorded by a line arguments can be extended from
undesirable artifacts in the migrated of receivers from an offset shot DMO to migration, with or without
output unless very costly survey (Figure 2). The tangency points of DMO, in time or depth. The impor-
designs are used. these DMO wires lie along a line on tant point is that the migration of an
Is this always true? We think not the reflector surface. Finally, consid- event on a single trace generates a
and hope to show, in this article, er a series of shots fired into the surface that still has only one point
that wide-azimuth acquisition geo- same line of receivers (Figure 3). of tangency with the full-imaged
metries can be cost-effective. Only three shots are shown, but reflector.
A useful notion for understand- you can imagine many shots in a A generalization of the idea of a
ing wide-azimuth acquisition geo- line perpendicular to the line of crossed spread is a minimal data set
metries is something we will call a receivers. Clearly, the DMO wires which we now further define as a
“minimal data set.” This is defined now have tangency points that single-fold data set that can be used
as the smallest amount of data that move “continuously” in two dimen- by DMO (or migration) to effective-
can adequately image a reflector (or sions over the reflector surface and ly image a reflector. Clearly, the data
at least a reasonable piece of one). it is easy to visualize that the DMO should be well sampled, and afford
output of this crossed spread will, in coverage over a reasonable area of
An intuitive example. Consider the fact, image the reflector (at least the reflector. Other important fea-
surface generated when an event on over part of its extent). tures of a minimal data set are:
a single seismic trace is migrated (or The data from a well sampled
DMO’d). This surface will be tan- crossed spread is a good example of 1) all points on the imaged part of
gent to the reflector at some point. what we mean by a minimal data the reflector should be tangent to
In order to actually define the reflec- set. (Interestingly, one of the earliest a DMO wire;
tor, we need to have the point of tan- applications of 3-D technology, 2) only one wire should be tangent
gency move in two dimensions over described by Walton in GEOPHYSICS at each point;
the reflector surface. For example, in 1972, involved a crossed spread to 3) there should not be any abrupt
Figure 1 shows the DMO output of acquire what we would now term a changes in the density, offset, or
an event on a single seismic trace minimal data set.) orientation of the DMO wires.

The first feature assures that

some part of the reflector is indeed
defined by the minimal data set; the
second is just the requirement of sin-
gle-fold coverage and ensures that a
bad velocity will not cause destruc-
tive interference or multiple images
of the reflector; and the third
ensures that artifacts (like “rooster
tails” or the distortions seen by
Canning and Gardner) are not gen-
erated by DMO.
As Canning and Gardner ob-
serve “sampling irregularities create
many problems for prestack migra-
tion.” The key to producing good
images of the subsurface is to avoid
the irregularities they ascribe to
Figure 1. The DMO response of an event on a single trace is a curve (or wide-azimuth recording by the use
“wire”) which is tangent to the surface ABCD representing the reflector of well-sampled minimal data sets.
fully imaged by DMO. We contend it is possible, using

Febuary 1997
1997 THE
overlapped minimal data sets, to that a reflector can be successfully xs - xg = 2h and ys- yg = 0
acquire wide-azimuth data with imaged with the data.
adequate fold and coverage in a where 2h is the shot receiver offset.
cost-effective manner. In fact, such An analytic view of a minimal data Thus for each common-offset gath-
an approach was described by Ver- set. Each trace in a 3-D survey can er, the traces lie on the 2-space satis-
meer at SEG’s 1994 Annual Meeting. be described in terms of four coordi- fying the above linear relations. A
He advocates the use of the crossed nates — two shot coordinates and crossed spread might be described
spread as the ideal basic subset for two receiver coordinates (elevation by the equations
3-D acquisition over land. coordinates are ignored in this dis-
Some other commonly encoun- cussion). Each trace can thus be rep- xs = 0 and yg = 0,
tered data sets are also minimal data resented as a point in the 4-D space
sets. The simplest (and almost triv- of the four trace coordinates. Note while a single shot into an areal
ial) example is a zero-offset data set. that, as shown in the four cited receiver might satisfy the equations
The minimal data set underlying an examples, traces in an ideal minimal
ideal marine acquisition geometry is data set lie on a 2-D plane in the 4-D xs = 0 and ys = 0
a common-offset gather. Finally, a trace coordinate space. For example,
single shot fired into an areal receiv- in the case of common-offset mini- demonstrating that in all four cases
er spread is also a minimal data set. mal data sets underlying an ideal the traces in a minimal data set lie
It can be readily verified, in each marine acquisition geometry with on a 2-D plane in the 4-D space of
case, that the three criteria for a no cable feather, trace coordinates trace coordinates. Previously, we
minimal data set have been met and would satisfy two relations like have noted how the imaging of a
reflector requires tangency points
that move in two dimensions over
the reflector surface. The observa-
tion that traces in an ideal minimal
data set lie on a 2-D plane is there-
fore not too surprising.
One might conjecture the con-
verse of this result: When traces in a
data set lie on a 2-D plane and are
sufficiently dense, we have a mini-
mal data set. However, we must
warn that all data sets that fit this
criterion may not be good minimal
data sets from a practical viewpoint.
For example, consider a minimal
data set consisting of a highly
oblique crossed spread; such a data
set degenerates in the limit to a sin-
gle 2-D seismic line, which is not a
minimal data set since it can give
multifold coverage along a line
Figure 2. The DMO wires from several traces define a “channel” which is rather than single-fold coverage
tangent to the reflector along a line. over an area.

Approximations to minimal data

sets. Practical considerations, or
cost, may dictate some departure
from the ideal geometries consid-
ered so far. The observation made
above on how the traces in a mini-
mal data set distribute themselves
in the 4-D trace coordinate space
suggests a criterion that will enable
us to judge how well a data set con-
forms to the notion of a minimal
data set. For instance, we may wish
to see how closely a common-offset
data set extracted from a 3-D marine
survey resembles a minimal data
set. Cable feather and platform
avoidance are two common reasons
why this data set may not precisely
Figure 3. The DMO channels from several shots combine to sweep out the represent a minimal data set.
fully imaged reflector. The sequence shown in these three figures is Given all traces belonging to an
applicable with slight modification to most minimal data setrs and makes ideal minimal data set, it can be
the imaging process easy to visualze, understand, and debug. shown that the minimal data set


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1997 THE
plane in the 4-D space of trace coor- space, it is not mandatory for ade- needed to better suppress multiples,
dinates is orthogonal to the eigen- quate imaging of the subsurface. For this too should be done before the
vectors of the two smallest eigenval- proper imaging of the primary data data are migrated. Also, the crossed
ues of the covariance matrix of the via a Kirchhoff-type migration oper- spreads themselves should be regu-
trace coordinates. In fact, the four ator, we just need to have a well- larly spaced and overlapped, so that
eigenvectors of this covariance defined Jacobian. As long as the the fold of the data is maintained
matrix can be used to define a rota- traces lie on a surface that undulates with little variability over the area of
tion of the coordinate axes such that gently at wavelengths long com- interest.
two postrotation coordinates repre- pared to the Fresnel zone, good Inextricably linked with imaging
sent the trace coordinates in the images should be possible. On a tad- is the question of velocity analysis.
minimal data set plane and two rep- pole plot, this would be evidenced With narrow-azimuth data, it is
resent the off-plane coordinates. If by tadpoles that vary relatively unusual to test for correct velocity
the traces all lie precisely on the slowly with position. by verifying that the depths of an
minimal data set plane, the latter event on different migrated com-
two coordinates would be zero (or Other processing issues. So far we mon-offset panels are the same.
constant) for all traces. If the mini- have mainly discussed the imaging Analogously for minimal data sets,
mal data set is not perfect (e.g., we aspects of minimal data sets. We a test for a correct migration veloci-
have common-offset marine data will touch briefly on several other ty is that an event appears at the
with variable cable feather), the off- issues regarding the processing of same depth on different migrated
plane coordinates would show such data sets, and also some pecu- minimal data sets. Velocity updat-
some variability and the in-plane liarities. It should be borne in mind ing can, in principle, be done using
coordinates would not in general lie that processing with minimal data picks made on minimal data sets. If
on a uniform grid. A useful diagnos- sets is in a relatively immature state picking is to be done in the CRP
tic plot shows all four minimal data and, undoubtedly, some of the com- domain, the labeling and ordering
set coordinates as a tadpole: the ments made here will need modifi- of the traces from various migrated
coordinates of the head of the tad- cation as experience is gained. We minimal data sets contributing to an
pole represent the in-plane coordi- note that data may not have to be output location is an issue, since a
nates of the trace, while the tail rep- physically sorted in minimal data minimal data set will not generally
resents the vector defined by the sets to take advantage of some of the have a unique offset associated with
off-plane components. This kind of features. Imaging will generally be it. Usually, there will at least be a
display is analogous to another dis- successful if there are well-sampled natural ordering, based upon how
play often seen where the x-y coor- minimal data sets underlying the the minimal data sets are located on
dinates of the head of the tadpole data and if the weighting, tapering, the ground, but this will be an
represent the midpoint coordinates etc. take account of this fact. ordering in two dimensions which
and the tail represents the offset vec- An issue closely tied to the above may be inconvenient. An analysis of
tor. We claim that the tadpole dis- discussions (regarding approxima- the problem for small velocity errors
play of the minimal data set coordi- tions to minimal data sets) is the and small dips shows that the resid-
nates is more diagnostic, however, issue of regularization and interpo- ual moveout on some standard min-
and gives a better direct visual indi- lation. We believe this should be imal data sets is proportional to the
cation of the quality of the minimal done in the domain of the acquisi- square of the offset corresponding to
data set. tion coordinates, and aimed towards zero dip and no velocity error. We
When such displays are created the development of well-sampled have found this to be a very useful
for candidate minimal data sets minimal data sets. In our view, this result, since it provides a label for
extracted from data acquired with a goal provides a rational framework each output trace and consequently
geometry similar to that shown in for the whole regularization/in- allows the use of standard tools for
Figure of the Canning-Gardner arti- terpolation process. The pitfall to viewing and picking CRP gathers.
cle, the results can be quite dramat- avoid, if at all possible, is the inter-
ic. If we pick, as a candidate set, the polation of binned data where traces Summary. We believe that wide-
data from shots zigzagging along with azimuths that differ greatly azimuth 3-D survey designs and
approximately a 450 line, fired into a may be juxtaposed. processing strategies should be ana-
single line of receivers, we get a dis- Some minimal data sets only lyzed using the concept of minimal
play showing tadpoles of relatively define a reflector over a part of its data sets. Ensuring that the underly-
modest size. (If the shots were exact- extent. The situation is analogous to ing minimal data sets are adequate-
ly along this 450 line, the data set the migration of shot gathers in 2-D. ly sampled will ensure that the
would be exactly a minimal data set, In the latter case, the traces near the migrated output will not suffer from
and the tadpoles would have not ends of the active receiver spread the problems described by Canning
tails at all.) On the other hand, a can- are usually tapered to avoid seams and Gardner. Velocity analysis,
didate minimal data set consisting in the middle of the data and to get noise suppression, multiple elimina-
of all traces with approximately the more uniformity in the amplitudes. tion, regularization, and interpola-
same absolute offset produces tad- Similarly, in the case of a crossed tion are other processes that can be
pole tails that overwhelm the plot spread, it is advisable to taper the usefully impacted by cognizance of
and so would be quite inferior from traces from the shots and receivers the underlying minimal data sets. LE
an imaging standpoint. at the ends of their respective ranges
While in an ideal case, the traces before migrating them and combin- Corresponding author: Trilochan Padhi,
in a minimal data set lie on a 2-D ing with other crossed spreads; if Shell Oil Company, 3737 Bellaire Blvd.,
plane in the 4-D trace coordinate weighting of the near offsets is Houston, TX 77025.

Febuary 1997
1997 THE

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