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a. is Data Independency in DBMS?

Ans: Data independence is the type of data transparency that matters for a centralized DBMS. It
refers to the immunity of user applications to changes made in the definition and organization of
data. Application programs should not, ideally, be exposed to details of data representation and

b. Write the difference between DDL and DML.

Ans: DDL: DDL is Data Definition Language which is used to define data structures. For example: create
table, alter table are instructions in SQL.
DML: DML is Data Manipulation Language which is used to manipulate data itself. For example:
insert, update, delete are instructions in SQL.
Difference between DDL and DML:

It stands for Data Manipulation

It stands for Data Definition Language. Language.

It is used to create database schema and

can be used to define some constraints as It is used to add, retrieve or update
well. the data.

It add or update the row of the

It basically defines the column (Attributes) table. These rows are called as
of the table. tuple.

It is further classified into

Procedural and Non-Procedural
It doesn’t have any further classification. DML.

Basic command present in DDL are BASIC command present in DML


DDL does not use WHERE clause in its While DML uses WHERE clause in
statement. its statement.
c. What are different Integrity Constraints?
Various types of integrity constraints are-
1. Domain Integrity : Domain integrity means the definition of a valid set of values for an attribute.
2. Entity Integrity Constraint : This rule states that in any database relation value of attribute of a
primary key can't be null.
3. Referential Integrity Constraint : It states that if a foreign key exists in a relation then either the
foreign key value must match a primary key value of some tuple in its home relation or the
foreign key value must be null.
4. Key Constraints: A Key Constraint is a statement that a certain minimal subset of the fields of a
relation is a unique identifier for a tuple.

d. Explain different Features of SQL.

Ans: SQL is widely popular because it offers the following features−
• Allows users to access data in the relational database management systems.
• Allows users to describe the data.
• Allows users to define the data in a database and manipulate that data.
• Allows to embed within other languages using SQL modules, libraries & pre-compilers.
• Allows users to create and drop databases and tables.
• Allows users to create view, stored procedure, functions in a database.
• Allows users to set permissions on tables, procedures and views.

e. What are advantages of normalization?

Ans: Advantages of Normalization :
Here we can perceive any reason why Normalization is an alluring possibility in RDBMS ideas.
• A more modest information base can be kept up as standardization disposes of the copy
information. Generally speaking size of the information base is diminished thus.
• Better execution is guaranteed which can be connected to the above point. As information
bases become lesser in size, the goes through the information turns out to be quicker and
more limited in this way improving reaction time and speed.
• Narrower tables are conceivable as standardized tables will be tweaked and will have lesser
segments which considers more information records per page.
• Fewer files per table guarantees quicker support assignments (file modifies).
• Also understands the choice of joining just the tables that are required.

f. Write different Inference Rule for Functional Dependency?

Ans: The Functional dependency has 6 types of inference rule:
1. Reflexive Rule (IR1) In the reflexive rule, if Y is a subset of X, then X determines Y
2. Augmentation Rule (IR2) The augmentation is also called as a partial dependency
3. Transitive Rule (IR3)
4. Union Rule (IR4)
5. Decomposition Rule (IR5)
6. Pseudo transitive Rule (IR6)
g. What are ACID properties of Transaction?
Ans: ACID stands for:

• Atomicity
• Consistency
• Isolation
• Durability

h. What are various reasons for transaction failure?

Ans: Transaction failure
• Logical errors − Where a transaction cannot complete because it has some code error or any
internal error condition.
• System errors − Where the database system itself terminates an active transaction because
the DBMS is not able to execute it, or it has to stop because of some system condition

i. What are Concurrent Transactions?

Ans: Concurrency control means that multiple transactions can be executed at the same time and
then the interleaved logs occur. But there may be changes in transaction results so maintain the
order of execution of those transactions.

j. What is Lock in Transaction Management?

Ans: Locking protocols are used in database management systems as a means of concurrency
control. Multiple transactions may request a lock on a data item simultaneously. Hence, we
require a mechanism to manage the locking requests made by transactions. Such a mechanism is
called as Lock Manager.


Answer 2:

What is ER Diagram? Explain different Components of an ER Diagram with their Notation. Also make an
ER Diagram for Employee Project Management System.
Ans: ER Diagram stands for Entity Relationship Diagram, also known as ERD is a diagram that displays the
relationship of entity sets stored in a database. In other words, ER diagrams help to explain the logical
structure of databases. ER diagrams are created based on three basic concepts: entities, attributes and

Following are the main components and its symbols in ER Diagrams:

• Rectangles: This Entity Relationship Diagram symbol represents entity types

• Ellipses: Symbol represent attributes
• Diamonds: This symbol represents relationship types
• Lines: It links attributes to entity types and entity types with other relationship types
• Primary key: attributes are underlined
• Double Ellipses: Represent multi-valued attributes

ER Diagram Symbols

ER Diagram of Employee Management System

b). What is Relational Algebra? Explain Different Operations of Relational Algebra with Example.
Ans: RELATIONAL ALGEBRA is a widely used procedural query language. It collects instances of relations
as input and gives occurrences of relations as output. It uses various operations to perform this action.
SQL Relational algebra query operations are performed recursively on a relation.
Unary Relational Operations

• SELECT (symbol: σ)
• PROJECT (symbol: π)
• RENAME (symbol: ρ)

Relational Algebra Operations From Set Theory

• UNION (υ)

Binary Relational Operations



The SELECT operation is used for selecting a subset of the tuples according to a given selection
condition. Sigma(σ)Symbol denotes it. It is used as an expression to choose tuples which meet the
selection condition. Select operator selects tuples that satisfy a given predicate.

σ topic = "Database" (Tutorials)


The projection eliminates all attributes of the input relation but those mentioned in the projection list.
The projection method defines a relation that contains a vertical subset of Relation.

Π CustomerName, Status (Customers)

Rename (ρ)

Rename is a unary operation used for renaming attributes of a relation.

ρ (a/b)R will rename the attribute 'b' of relation by 'a'.

Union operation (υ)

UNION is symbolized by ∪ symbol. It includes all tuples that are in tables A or in B. It also eliminates
duplicate tuples. So, set A UNION set B would be expressed as:

The result <- A ∪ B

Set Difference (-)

- Symbol denotes it. The result of A - B, is a relation which includes all tuples that are in A but not in B.

• The attribute name of A has to match with the attribute name in B.

• The two-operand relations A and B should be either compatible or Union compatible.
• It should be defined relation consisting of the tuples that are in relation A, but not in B.



An intersection is defined by the symbol ∩


Defines a relation consisting of a set of all tuple that are in both A and B. However, A and B must be

Cartesian Product(X) in DBMS

Cartesian Product in DBMS is an operation used to merge columns from two relations. Generally, a
cartesian product is never a meaningful operation when it performs alone. However, it becomes
meaningful when it is followed by other operations. It is also called Cross Product or Cross Join.

Example – Cartesian product

σ column 2 = '1' (A X B)

c).(i) What is highest normal form of the Relation R(W,X,Y,Z) with the set F= { WY → XZ, X →Y }
Ans: WY and WX are the keys of this relation. W,Y,X are the prime attributes. For 3NF Left side of each
FD should be super key or right should be prime attribute so relation is in 3NF.
For BCNF Left side of each FD should be super key only so it is not in BCNF.
So the highest normal for is 3NF.

(ii) Consider a relation R(A,B,C,D,E) with set F= { A→CD,

C→B,B→AE} What are the prime attributes of this Relation and
Decompose the given relation in 3NF.
Ans: Keys of the given relation are A, B, C. As for 3NF, Left side of each FD should be super key or right
should be prime attribute so relation is already in 3NF.

d). Explain the method of testing the serializability. Consider the schedule
S1 and S2 given below
S1: R1(A),R2(B),W1(A),W2(B)
S2: R2(B),R1(A),W2(B), W1(A)
Check whether the given schedules are conflict equivalent or not?
Ans: For both the schedule all operations are non-conflicting because they operate on different data
item(transaction T1 on A and transaction T2 on B). So Both the schedule are conflict serializable and
both will generate the same output so both are conflict serializable also.

e). Explain the Validation Based protocol for concurrency control.

Ans: Validation phase is also known as optimistic concurrency control technique. In the validation based
protocol, the transaction is executed in the following three phases:

1. Read phase: In this phase, the transaction T is read and executed. It is used to read the value of
various data items and stores them in temporary local variables. It can perform all the write
operations on temporary variables without an update to the actual database.
2. Validation phase: In this phase, the temporary variable value will be validated against the actual
data to see if it violates the serializability.
3. Write phase: If the validation of the transaction is validated, then the temporary results are written
to the database or system otherwise the transaction is rolled back.

Here each phase has the following different timestamps:

Start(Ti): It contains the time when Ti started its execution.

Validation (Ti): It contains the time when Ti finishes its read phase and starts its validation phase.

Finish(Ti): It contains the time when Ti finishes its write phase.

o This protocol is used to determine the time stamp for the transaction for serialization using the
time stamp of the validation phase, as it is the actual phase which determines if the transaction
will commit or rollback.
o Hence TS(T) = validation(T).
o The serializability is determined during the validation process. It can't be decided in advance.
o While executing the transaction, it ensures a greater degree of concurrency and also less number
of conflicts.
o Thus it contains transactions which have less number of rollbacks.


Answer 3:
a) What is Data Abstraction? How the Data Abstraction is achieved in DBMS?
Ans: Data Abstraction is a process of hiding unwanted or irrelevant details from the end user. It provides
a different view and helps in achieving data independence which is used to enhance the security of data.
The database systems consist of complicated data structures and relations. For users to access the data
easily, these complications are kept hidden, and only the relevant part of the database is made accessible
to the users through data abstraction.
Levels of abstraction for DBMS
Database systems include complex data-structures. In terms of retrieval of data, reduce complexity in
terms of usability of users and in order to make the system efficient, developers use levels of abstraction
that hide irrelevant details from the users. Levels of abstraction simplify database design.
Mainly there are three levels of abstraction for DBMS, which are as follows −

• Physical or Internal Level

• Logical or Conceptual Level
• View or External Level
These levels are shown in the diagram below −
Let us discuss each level in detail.
Physical or Internal Level
It is the lowest level of abstraction for DBMS which defines how the data is actually stored, it defines data-
structures to store data and access methods used by the database. Actually, it is decided by developers
or database application programmers how to store the data in the database.
So, overall, the entire database is described in this level that is physical or internal level. It is a very complex
level to understand. For example, customer's information is stored in tables and data is stored in the form
of blocks of storage such as bytes, gigabytes etc.
Logical or Conceptual Level
Logical level is the intermediate level or next higher level. It describes what data is stored in the database
and what relationship exists among those data. It tries to describe the entire or whole data because it
describes what tables to be created and what are the links among those tables that are created.
It is less complex than the physical level. Logical level is used by developers or database administrators
(DBA). So, overall, the logical level contains tables (fields and attributes) and relationships among table
View or External Level
It is the highest level. In view level, there are different levels of views and every view only defines a part
of the entire data. It also simplifies interaction with the user and it provides many views or multiple views
of the same database.
View level can be used by all users (all levels' users). This level is the least complex and easy to understand.
For example, a user can interact with a system using GUI that is view level and can enter details at GUI or
screen and the user does not know how data is stored and what data is stored, this detail is hidden from
the user.

b). Explain the following with example

(i) Generalization
(ii) Specialization
(iii) Aggregation
Ans: Generalization –
Generalization is the process of extracting common properties from a set of entities and create a
generalized entity from it. It is a bottom-up approach in which two or more entities can be generalized
to a higher level entity if they have some attributes in common. For Example, STUDENT and FACULTY
can be generalized to a higher level entity called PERSON as shown in Figure 1. In this case, common
attributes like P_NAME, P_ADD become part of higher entity (PERSON) and specialized attributes like
S_FEE become part of specialized entity (STUDENT).

Specialization –
In specialization, an entity is divided into sub-entities based on their characteristics. It is a top-down
approach where higher level entity is specialized into two or more lower level entities. For Example,
EMPLOYEE entity in an Employee management system can be specialized into DEVELOPER, TESTER etc.
as shown in Figure 2. In this case, common attributes like E_NAME, E_SAL etc. become part of higher
entity (EMPLOYEE) and specialized attributes like TES_TYPE become part of specialized entity (TESTER).

Aggregation –
An ER diagram is not capable of representing relationship between an entity and a relationship which
may be required in some scenarios. In those cases, a relationship with its corresponding entities is
aggregated into a higher level entity. Aggregation is an abstraction through which we can represent
relationships as higher level entity sets.
For Example, Employee working for a project may require some machinery. So, REQUIRE relationship is
needed between relationship WORKS_FOR and entity MACHINERY. Using aggregation, WORKS_FOR
relationship with its entities EMPLOYEE and PROJECT is aggregated into single entity and relationship
REQUIRE is created between aggregated entity and MACHINERY.

Answer 4:
a) What is Aggregate Function in SQL? Write SQL query for different Aggregate Function.

Ans: An aggregate function performs a calculation on a set of values, and returns a single value. Except
for COUNT(*), aggregate functions ignore null values. Aggregate functions are often used with the GROUP
BY clause of the SELECT statement.

Types of SQL Aggregation Function

o COUNT function is used to Count the number of rows in a database table. It can work on both
numeric and non-numeric data types.
o COUNT function uses the COUNT(*) that returns the count of all the rows in a specified table.
COUNT(*) considers duplicate and Null.

2. SUM Function

Sum function is used to calculate the sum of all selected columns. It works on numeric fields only.


1. SUM() or SUM( [ALL|DISTINCT] expression )

Example: SUM()


3. AVG function

The AVG function is used to calculate the average value of the numeric type. AVG function returns the
average of all non-Null values.


1. AVG() or AVG( [ALL|DISTINCT] expression )



4. MAX Function

MAX function is used to find the maximum value of a certain column. This function determines the largest
value of all selected values of a column.


1. MAX() or MAX( [ALL|DISTINCT] expression )


5. MIN Function

MIN function is used to find the minimum value of a certain column. This function determines the smallest
value of all selected values of a column.


1. MIN() or MIN( [ALL|DISTINCT] expression )



b) Explain Procedure in SQL/PL SQL.

Ans: PL/SQL is a block-structured language that enables developers to combine the power of SQL with
procedural statements.
A stored procedure in PL/SQL is nothing but a series of declarative SQL statements which can be stored
in the database catalogue. A procedure can be thought of as a function or a method. They can be
invoked through triggers, other procedures, or applications on Java, PHP etc.
All the statements of a block are passed to Oracle engine all at once which increases processing speed
and decreases the traffic.
• They result in performance improvement of the application. If a procedure is being called
frequently in an application in a single connection, then the compiled version of the
procedure is delivered.
• They reduce the traffic between the database and the application, since the lengthy
statements are already fed into the database and need not be sent again and again via the
• They add to code reusability, similar to how functions and methods work in other languages
such as C/C++ and Java.
• Stored procedures can cause a lot of memory usage. The database administrator should
decide an upper bound as to how many stored procedures are feasible for a particular
• MySQL does not provide the functionality of debugging the stored procedures.

Answer 5:
a) What is Functional Dependency? Explain the procedure of Calculating the Canonical Cover of a
given Functional Dependency Set with suitable example.
Ans: Whenever a user updates the database, the system must check whether any of the functional
dependencies are getting violated in this process. If there is a violation of dependencies in the new
database state, the system must roll back. Working with a huge set of functional dependencies can
cause unnecessary added computational time. This is where the canonical cover comes into play.
A canonical cover of a set of functional dependencies F is a simplified set of functional dependencies
that has the same closure as the original set F.
Extraneous attributes: An attribute of a functional dependency is said to be extraneous if we can
remove it without changing the closure of the set of functional dependencies.
i) Consider the relation R(a,b,c,d) with Set F={a→c, b→d}. Decompose this relation in 2 NF.
Solution: ab is the key of the given relation. A relation is in 2NF if it has No Partial Dependency, i.e., no
non-prime attribute (attributes which are not part of any candidate key) is dependent on any proper
subset of any candidate key of the table.
In Given relation Both the FDs are partial so decomposition for 2NF is in two relation R1=={a→c}, R2=
ii) Explain the Loss Less Decomposition with example.
Lossless join decomposition is a decomposition of a relation R into relations R1,R2 such that if we
perform natural join of two smaller relations it will return the original relation. This is effective in
removing redundancy from databases while preserving the original data..
In other words by lossless decomposition it becomes feasible to reconstruct the relation R from
decomposed tables R1 and R2 by using Joins.
In Lossless Decomposition we select the common element and the criteria for selecting common
element is that the common element must be a candidate key or super key in either of relation R1,R2
or both.
Decomposition of a relation R into R1 and R2 is a lossless-join decomposition if at least one of the
following functional dependencies are in F+ (Closure of functional dependencies)

R1 ∩ R2 → R1
R1 ∩ R2 → R2

Ans 6:
a) What is Conflict Serializable Schedule? Check the given Schedule S1
is Conflict Serializable or not?
S1: R1(X), R2(X),R2(Y),W2(Y),R1(Y),W1(X)

Ans: A schedule is called conflict serializable if it can be transformed into a serial schedule by swapping
non-conflicting operations.
Conflicting operations: Two operations are said to be conflicting if all conditions satisfy:
• They belong to different transactions
• They operate on the same data item
• At Least one of them is a write operation

Schedule S2
T1 T2
The schedule is conflict equivalent to T2T1.

6 b) Explain Deadlock Handling with Suitable Example

Ans: Deadlock in DBMS
In a database, a deadlock is an unwanted situation in which two or more transactions are waiting
indefinitely for one another to give up locks. Deadlock is said to be one of the most feared complications
in DBMS as it brings the whole system to a Halt.
Example – let us understand the concept of Deadlock with an example :
Suppose, Transaction T1 holds a lock on some rows in the Students table and needs to update some
rows in the Grades table. Simultaneously, Transaction T2 holds locks on those very rows (Which T1
needs to update) in the Grades table but needs to update the rows in the Student table held by
Transaction T1.
Now, the main problem arises. Transaction T1 will wait for transaction T2 to give up the lock, and
similarly, transaction T2 will wait for transaction T1 to give up the lock. As a consequence, All activity
comes to a halt and remains at a standstill forever unless the DBMS detects the deadlock and aborts one
of the transactions.

Deadlock in DBMS

Deadlock Avoidance –
When a database is stuck in a deadlock, It is always better to avoid the deadlock rather than restarting
or aborting the database. Deadlock avoidance method is suitable for smaller databases whereas the
deadlock prevention method is suitable for larger databases.
One method of avoiding deadlock is using application-consistent logic. In the above given example,
Transactions that access Students and Grades should always access the tables in the same order. In this
way, in the scenario described above, Transaction T1 simply waits for transaction T2 to release the lock
on Grades before it begins. When transaction T2 releases the lock, Transaction T1 can proceed freely.
Another method for avoiding deadlock is to apply both row-level locking mechanism and READ
COMMITTED isolation level. However, It does not guarantee to remove deadlocks completely.
Deadlock Detection –
When a transaction waits indefinitely to obtain a lock, The database management system should detect
whether the transaction is involved in a deadlock or not.
Wait-for-graph is one of the methods for detecting the deadlock situation. This method is suitable for
smaller databases. In this method, a graph is drawn based on the transaction and their lock on the
resource. If the graph created has a closed-loop or a cycle, then there is a deadlock.
For the above-mentioned scenario, the Wait-For graph is drawn below
Deadlock prevention –
For a large database, the deadlock prevention method is suitable. A deadlock can be prevented if the
resources are allocated in such a way that deadlock never occurs. The DBMS analyzes the operations
whether they can create a deadlock situation or not, If they do, that transaction is never allowed to be
Deadlock prevention mechanism proposes two schemes :

• Wait-Die Scheme –
In this scheme, If a transaction requests a resource that is locked by another transaction, then the
DBMS simply checks the timestamp of both transactions and allows the older transaction to wait until
the resource is available for execution.
Suppose, there are two transactions T1 and T2, and Let the timestamp of any transaction T be TS (T).
Now, If there is a lock on T2 by some other transaction and T1 is requesting for resources held by T2,
then DBMS performs the following actions:
Checks if TS (T1) < TS (T2) – if T1 is the older transaction and T2 has held some resource, then it allows
T1 to wait until resource is available for execution. That means if a younger transaction has locked
some resource and an older transaction is waiting for it, then an older transaction is allowed to wait
for it till it is available. If T1 is an older transaction and has held some resource with it and if T2 is
waiting for it, then T2 is killed and restarted later with random delay but with the same timestamp. i.e.
if the older transaction has held some resource and the younger transaction waits for the resource,
then the younger transaction is killed and restarted with a very minute delay with the same
This scheme allows the older transaction to wait but kills the younger one.
• Wound Wait Scheme –
In this scheme, if an older transaction requests for a resource held by a younger transaction, then an
older transaction forces a younger transaction to kill the transaction and release the resource. The
younger transaction is restarted with a minute delay but with the same timestamp. If the younger
transaction is requesting a resource that is held by an older one, then the younger transaction is
asked to wait till the older one releases it.

Answer 7:

a) Explain Time Stamp Based Concurrency Control technique.

Ans: Timestamp-based concurrency control algorithms use a transaction’s timestamp to coordinate

concurrent access to a data item to ensure serializability. A timestamp is a unique identifier given by
DBMS to a transaction that represents the transaction’s start time.
These algorithms ensure that transactions commit in the order dictated by their timestamps. An older
transaction should commit before a younger transaction, since the older transaction enters the system
before the younger one.
Timestamp-based concurrency control techniques generate serializable schedules such that the
equivalent serial schedule is arranged in order of the age of the participating transactions.
Some of timestamp based concurrency control algorithms are −

• Basic timestamp ordering algorithm.

• Conservative timestamp ordering algorithm.
• Multiversion algorithm based upon timestamp ordering.
Timestamp based ordering follow three rules to enforce serializability −
• Access Rule − When two transactions try to access the same data item simultaneously, for
conflicting operations, priority is given to the older transaction. This causes the younger
transaction to wait for the older transaction to commit first.
• Late Transaction Rule − If a younger transaction has written a data item, then an older transaction
is not allowed to read or write that data item. This rule prevents the older transaction from
committing after the younger transaction has already committed.
• Younger Transaction Rule − A younger transaction can read or write a data item that has already
been written by an older transaction.

b. Explain Recovery from Concurrent Transaction.

Ans: Concurrency control means that multiple transactions can be executed at the same time and then
the interleaved logs occur. But there may be changes in transaction results so maintain the order of
execution of those transactions.
During recovery, it would be very difficult for the recovery system to backtrack all the logs and then start
Recovery with concurrent transactions can be done in the following four ways.
1. Interaction with concurrency control
2. Transaction rollback
3. Checkpoints
4. Restart recovery
Interaction with concurrency control :
In this scheme, the recovery scheme depends greatly on the concurrency control scheme that is used.
So, to rollback a failed transaction, we must undo the updates performed by the transaction.

Transaction rollback :
• In this scheme, we rollback a failed transaction by using the log.
• The system scans the log backward a failed transaction, for every log record found in the log
the system restores the data item.
Checkpoints :
• Checkpoints is a process of saving a snapshot of the applications state so that it can restart
from that point in case of failure.
• Checkpoint is a point of time at which a record is written onto the database form the buffers.
• Checkpoint shortens the recovery process.
• When it reaches the checkpoint, then the transaction will be updated into the database, and
till that point, the entire log file will be removed from the file. Then the log file is updated
with the new step of transaction till the next checkpoint and so on.
• The checkpoint is used to declare the point before which the DBMS was in the consistent
state, and all the transactions were committed.
To ease this situation, ‘Checkpoints‘ Concept is used by the most DBMS.
• In this scheme, we used checkpoints to reduce the number of log records that the system
must scan when it recovers from a crash.
• In a concurrent transaction processing system, we require that the checkpoint log record be
of the form <checkpoint L>, where ‘L’ is a list of transactions active at the time of the
• A fuzzy checkpoint is a checkpoint where transactions are allowed to perform updates even
while buffer blocks are being written out.
Restart recovery :
• When the system recovers from a crash, it constructs two lists.
• The undo-list consists of transactions to be undone, and the redo-list consists of transaction
to be redone.
• The system constructs the two lists as follows: Initially, they are both empty. The system
scans the log backward, examining each record, until it finds the first <checkpoint> record.

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