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CONCEPTS OF GLOBALIZATION For Steger (2005 & 2014a),

➔ The term globalization should be limited to a set of intricate

Economic imperialism
social processes that modify prevailing social statuses based
● one nation assumes economic power or influence over the others.
on the modern regime of self-dependent nation-states.
Age of "Westernization" and/or "Americanization" of contemporary
Filipinos A number of scholars define globalization as a multidimensional
● Filipinos adopt ideas and behavior that are characteristic of the group of social procedures that build, accelerate, elaborate, and
West and of North America while relegating the ideas and intensify worldwide interactions while, at the same time, nurturing in
behavior traditional in their culture. people an increasing consciousness of deepening linkages between
● Filipinos have become alien to Filipino products. the local and far-off.
● The internet has also made the world smaller and communication
faster. Steer (2005)
- As a result, the consumption of Western ideas and adoption of ➔ uses the term globality to mean globalization as a condition.
behavior have become rapid and widespread. ➔ For him, globality denotes "future social condition
GLOBALIZATION characterized by thick economic, political, and cultural
● is a phenomenon. interconnections and global flows that make currently existing
political borders and economic barriers irrelevant."
Reich (1998)
The condition that many are now experiencing is a result of the
➔ term whose meaning is obscure.
existence of multinational and transnational companies, international
Schottle (1995) trading, economic blocks, the United Nations (UN), the European Union
➔ states that "globalization stands for quite a large public spread (EU), and the like.
across the world as one of the defining terms of the
20th-century social consciousness." GLOBALIZATION IS DEFINED AS AN IDEOLOGY
➔ The term is often distinguished more by what it is not, rather
than by what it is. For some, ideology is dogmatic. While for others, it connotes
Rosenau (1996) political sophistication.
➔ recognizes such a tendency when he states that
(Gerring, 1997)
Globalization is not the same as globalism, which points our ➔ Ideology may also refer to the dominant modes of thought .
aspirations for an end state of affairs wherein values are shared by or Steger (2014b)
pertinent to all the world's five billion people, their environment, their ➔ defines ideology as a system of widely shared ideas,
roles as citizens, consumers and producers with an interest in patterned beliefs, guiding norms and values, and ideals
collective action designed to solve common problems. Nor is it accepted as truth by some groups.
universalism—values that embrace all humanity. An ideology is defined by core claims. Since globalization has core
claims; hence, it is an ideology.
For McGrew (1990)
Steger (2014b) uses the term globalism to mean globalization as an
➔ Globalization is described as something that is comprised of
multiple sameness and interconnectedness that go beyond
● He then identifies five core claims of globalism.
the nation-states.
1. globalization is about the liberalization and global integration
➔ A process in which individuals and organizations in one part of
of markets;
the world are affected by the activities, affairs, and convictions
2. globalization is inevitable and irreversible;
on another part of the globe.
3. Nobody is in charge of globalization;
Cerny (1997)
4. Globalization benefits everyone
➔ Cluster of economic and political frameworks and procedures
5. Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the world.
deriving from the changing marks of the interests and assets
that comprise the foundation of the international political Globalization is also defined differently depending on someone else's
economy specifically, the expanding structural differences of expertise, experience, and perspective.
those interests and assets.
For a political scientist,
First decade of the 21st century some scholars argued that ➔ globalization serves as a challenge to nation-states.
globalization is a process. For some, it is a condition while others ➔ The strengthening of regional blocks like EU, Association of
describe it as an ideology. Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and the UN is gaining a
stable ground.
➔ Similarly, the emergence of global political norms is
Freeden (2003) evident—for instance, the norm that each country is entitled to
➔ posits that globalization denotes a range of processes nesting the exploitation of human natural resources for its own growth
under one rather unwieldy epithet. (Giensen & Pijl, 2006). Subsequently, there is the emergence
➔ In part, its conceptual difficulty to handle or control arises from of global corporations. Businessmen and investors can
the fact that global flows occur in different physical and mental already demand what they want from the nation-state that
dimensions. would advance their interests. Some of them prefer to go to
countries where they can earn more with the least cost.
Appadurai (1996)
For an economist,
➔ proposed five dimensions of global cultural flow, namely
➔ globalization means increase of free trade, speed of trade,
'ethnoscapes," 'technoscapes,' 'mediascapes, 'financescapes,'
global economic organization, and regional trade blocks.
and 'ideoscapes.'
➔ The expansion of free trade allows governments not to restrict
➔ These landscapes are created due to movements of people,
the importation of products nor impede the export of local
technologies, information through media, money and
products. Importing and exporting are done in just a
commodities, and political ideas.
millisecond through technology and the internet.
➔ There is also the intense establishment of economic
organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
World Bank (WB), World Trade Organization (WTO),

International Labor Organization (ILO), European Free Trade and the expression of concern from the international
Area (EFTA), Mercusor, a customs union among Brazil, community for the alleged human rights violations of the
Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Venezuela, ASEAN Free current administration in the Philippines.
Trade Area (AFTA), and Trans-Pacific Partnership
Globalization may be defined and conceptualized from different
for Culture and Communications experts, lenses, but an interdisciplinary definition is necessary. Some scholars
➔ globalization refers to the concept of a global village. consider it as a process, a condition, or an ideology. Experts from
➔ Through globalization, the world has become a borderless different fields of social sciences also define globalization based on their
world. specialization or expertise. But a working definition has to encompass all
➔ Communication technology makes the world shrink. definitions of and notions about globalization. Steger's definition, for the
purpose of this module, is the most unbiased working definition.
McLuhan (1964) believes that media has connected the world in
ways that created a global village. THE GLOBAL ECONOMY
Steger's (2014)
● Global village was McLuhan's ideal in the 1960s that has become a ● (Globalization) as the expansion and intensification of social
reality during the later part of the century.
relations and consciousness across world time and space implies
● More so, globalization is referred to as cultural imperialism. It is the
conviction that there is a "better" culture. Some cultures see other that there are various forms of connectivity.
cultures as superior to theirs, forming inferior or nondominant ● Globalization is a multidimensional phenomenon, creating
cultures. In cultural globalization, therefore, the spread of popular economic, political, cultural, and even technological forms of
culture (e.g., music, art, literature, fashion, lifestyle, etc.) flows from connectivity.
dominant to nondominant cultures (i.e., from developed to - This section focuses on the economic dimension.
developing nations).
One objective working definition is that of Steger's (2013): - refers to the expanding interdependence of world economies.
"Globalization refers to the expansion and intensification of social Shangquan (2000)
relations and consciousness across world-time and world-space." ● Attributes this to the growing scale of cross-border trade
- From this definition, four attributes of globalization can be drawn. commodities and services, flow of international capital, and wide
1. Globalization has various forms of connectivity such that it and rapid spread of technology.
can be economic, political, or cultural. These forms, ➔ In the Philippines, cross-border trading can be best illustrated
enabled by various factors, pressures, or media, affect by the country's trading partnerships with China, the United
different degrees of interconnection. States, and Australia.
● To illustrate, a Filipino minimum wage earner may suffer ➔ Moreover, the flow of international capital can be observed in
from a slight price hike of basic commodities while his foreign direct investments (FDI),
neighbor who earns above the minimum might not be
affected by the said increase. This adjustment in prices of FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENTS (FDI)
commodities can be caused by national and international
economic and political events. ● A type of investment in which a company establishes a business in
2. globalization allows for the expansion and stretching of another country for production of goods or services and still takes
social relations. These can be observed in the existence of part in the management of that business.
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate in ● A good example of this is Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation
the local, regional, and international setting. which is a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation based in Toyota,
● For instance, the Philippine National Red Cross is an Japan. This flow of international capital can also be observed in
affiliate of the International Committee of the Red Cross, a foreign portfolio investments, trade flows, external assistance and
humanitarian institution based in Switzerland. Social external commercial borrowings, and private loan flows
relations can also be seen in the establishment of
sister-city relationships such as the cooperation between In 2008, the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Cebu City and Haarlemmermeer City of the Netherlands. ➔ defined economic globalization as a historical process, the result
● In addition, social relations manifest in the establishment of human innovation and technological progress.
of government associations and presence of multinational ➔ "It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the
companies in the Philippines world, particularly through the movement of goods, services, and
capital across borders" (IME, 2008).
3. Globalization intensifies and accelerates social exchanges
➔ Economic globalization can be traced from the time when there
and activities. Live telecast and the shift from snail mail to
was economic movement in Asia, Africa, and Europe through
email and social media are proofs of this attribute.
the Silk Road,
● In the early 1990s, some Filipinos could watch
international television shows only a week after the
episode aired. But now, cable TV and internet live
streaming allow Filipinos to watch shows as soon as they
● A network of trade routes that connected the East, particularly
are released. More so, mail can be sent instantly unlike
China, and the West. Historically, these routes also led to the
the mail courier-delivered letters of the 1980s.
discovery of the Philippine islands when Portuguese and Spanish
4. Globalization occurs worldwide. envoys were in search of spices, which then spawned colonization.
● Every person is a global citizen because he or she thinks ● In the contemporary period, foreign expatriates come to the
about the issues of the world. Europeans and Americans country to manage their company's foreign subsidiaries. Likewise,
used #prayformarawi in social media to show their the Philippines sends thousands of skilled workers to the Middle
concern for the victims of the Marawi City siege in May East as construction workers, seafarers, and nurses.
● Another instance is when teenagers associate themselves 4 INTERCONNECTED DIMENSIONS OF ECONOMY
with global trends like K-Pop. They imitate the way their - Benczes (2014)
K-Pop idols dress up, dance, and even talk. 1. Globalization of trade of goods and services;
● Global citizens also assume a sense of responsibility in 2. Globalization of financial and capital markets;
global matters. One good example is the participation of 3. Globalization of technology and communication
global citizens in Earth Hour every 3rd Sunday of March 4. Globalization of production.

GLOBALIZATION OF TRADE OF GOODS AND SERVICES China and the United States, each government imposes high tariffs on
● Demonstrated in the establishment of the World Trade goods and services. Thus, this trade war does not only affect their
Organization (WTO) that eases trade among countries. economies but also the rest of the world. On the other hand, some
- established in 1995, experts claim that the actors are now the global corporations.
- "ensures that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as
possible" (WTO, 2012). Ohmae (1995)
● Another indicator is the emergence of China as a major supplier ● argues that the nation-state has ceased to exist as the primary
and exporter of manufactured goods that has affected the world economic organization unit in the global market.
economy. ➔ Filipino consumers, for instance, prefer to consume and avail of
● China-made products or parts are sent to the United States. global products and services like H & M, Uniqlo, Accenture,
- To meet this demand, China creates more jobs for its citizens. Amazon, Alibaba, and FedEx.
● Another good example of economic globalization of trade and ➔ As a result of transforming the national economy into a global
services is the increasing number of business process outsourcing one,
(BPO) companies in the Philippines. - Reich (1999) posits that national products, technologies,
- Why do American companies set up subsidiaries in the corporations, and industries become obsolete. San Miguel
country? Cheap labor cost, English proficiency, and customer Corporation and Jollibee Foods Corporation are good
service skills are the common reasons. illustrations of this effect. These two Filipino companies have
expanded outside their home country as they are present in
● Evident in the liberalization of financial and capital markets. - According to Gereffi (2005), such TNCs are the main driving
● This is seen in cross-listing of shares on one or more foreign stock force of economic globalization accounting for two-thirds of
exchanges, cross-hedging and diversification of portfolio, and the world's exports. Forbes lists down companies from 63
round-the-clock trading worldwide (National Research Council, countries that together account for $35 trillion in revenue,
1995). $2.4 trillion in profit, $162 trillion of assets and have a
GLOBALIZATION OF TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION combined market value of $44 trillion (Schaefer, 2016).
● Emphasizes that various transactions and interactivities that
transpire instantly due to the internet and communication INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM (IMS)
technology ● was created in order to set a system in the financial and economic
relations in the modern day.
● The establishment of an international monetary system (IMS) is
● Best illustrated by the existence of multinational corporations
one of the actors that facilitate economic globalization.
(MNCs) and transnational corporations (TNCs).
● refers to internationally agreed rules, conventions, and institutions
● The Coca-Cola Company is an example of an MNC. Based in
for facilitating international trade, investments, and flow of capital
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, the company only manufactures syrup
among nation-states.
concentrates and sells them to various bottlers that hold exclusive
territories in different countries including the Philippines. 3 GLOBAL INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM (IMS)
● Toyota Motor Corporation is also an MNC. Through its subsidiaries Historically, there are three global IMS: the gold standard, the Bretton
in Japan and in the other parts of the world, it has been selling Woods System, and the European Monetary System (EMS).
millions of vehicles every year since 1998 THE GOLD STANDARD
● Functions as a fixed exchange rate regime, with gold as the only
The most fitting definition of economic globalization is that of international reserve and participating countries determine the gold
Szentes' (2003): content of national currencies (Benczes, 2014).
The process of "making the world economy an 'organic system' by
extending transnational economic processes and relations to more and BRETTON WOODS SYSTEM
more countries and by deepening the economic interdependencies ● The US dollar was the only convertible currency.
among them." ● Thus, it was agreed by 44 countries to adopt the gold-exchange
➔ This implies that the world economy is no longer controlled by the standard.
nation-states, but it must be seen from a global context—the ● Also, two financial institutions were established: the International
reliance and integration of world economies. Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the IMF.
➔ To illustrate, the price movements of imported fuels in the The former, now known as the World Bank,
Philippines are affected not only by the national Tax Reform for - is responsible for post-war reconstructions. The latter aims to
Acceleration and Inclusion's (TRAIN Law) excise tax on fuels, but promote international financial cooperation and strengthen
also by the peso-US dollar exchange rate. At the same time, this international trade.
exchange rate is also affected by the global market and the - Another form of integration is the establishment of the EMS. It
international economy's interest rates like the European Union (EU) came about after the collapse of the Bretton Woods System.
and the United States Federal Government's interest rates. It EUROPEAN MONETARY SYSTEM (EMS)
cannot be discounted that global corporations directly affect the ● Was successful in the stabilization process of exchange rates.
inflow of US dollars in the Philippines. ● It then prompted the foundation of a new European Economic and
Monetary Union (EMU).
Boyer and Drache (1996) ● National currencies were abandoned and member states delegated
● state that the role of nation-states as manager of the national monetary policy to a supranational level administered by the
economy is being redefined by globalization. European Central Bank (European Commission, 2008).
● Although such is the case, nation-states still act as a buffer to ● The development of international trade and trade policy is also a
negative effects of globalization. form of such economic integration.
● In support, Brodie (1996) calls the government as the "midwives" of ● Trade patterns must not be stagnant.
globalization. It means that nation-states are still relevant despite ● Flow of goods must be voluntary but restricting it might affect the
assuming a global perspective and act as mediators between the relationship between and among states.
effects of globalization and the national economy.
Benzes (2014)
Government policies and regulations either permit or deny the smooth ● Believes that economic globalization fosters universal economic
connection among world economies. In the looming trade war between growth and development.

● For one, globalization allows a worldwide distribution of incomes.
- for instance, cannot provide all the raw materials they need for
certain products or services, so it needs other nation-states to
produce or provide these materials. Also, economic
globalization reduces poverty (World Bank, 2002).
- As foreign countries are in need of workforce and human
capital, Filipino nurses become overseas workers; they go to
Europe and other foreign countries to support their families in
the Philippines. Lastly, globalization creates mutual
dependence between developing and developed countries
(Arrighi, 2005). Some developing countries rely on developed
countries for employment and income while the latter relies on
the former for raw materials and services like labor.

On the other hand, some observers of economic globalization believe

that it divides the world further.
● First, one might observe that the sources of goods and services
are exploited. Since these economically poor nation-states depend
on industrialized countries for employment and income, these
industrialized countries compensate their labor with cheap cost.
These industrialized countries even source materials from natural
resources of poor nation-states as another form of exploitation.
➔ Some even destroy nature without doing anything to
rehabilitate it.
● Second, economic globalization does not benefit all nations (World
Bank, 2002).
➔ There is an uneven experience among nations. Workers in
NCs are paid less compared to their counterparts in the
companies' home countries. This shows how cheap labor is in
the Philippines.
● Third, Wallerstien (2005) claims that capitalism created the
different levels of wages in the economic arena of world systems. It
further divides the world for it leads to inequality according to
expertise, experience, and skills.

In conclusion, economic globalization affects all nations and citizens

through the increasing integration of economies around the borderless
world. It's important players are the nation-states, global corporations,
and the international monetary systems. Though some people believe
that economic globalization brings unity of all economic movements,
others believe that globalization furthers the separation among
nation-states around the world.

● helps establish institutional bodies to address and reduce poverty
After the Second World War almost all countries around the world
like the African Regional TechnicalCenters (AFRITACs) in 2001, and
faced the great challenge of bringing their feet back on the ground.
assists in creating the conditions for mobilization of private domestic
As a substitute to the unsuccessful League of Nations, the United and foreign capital and job generation growth (Kohler, 2002).
Nations (UN) was established on October 24, 1945.
- Primarily, it was tasked to promote international cooperation
and to restore international order ● lends Money for the building of infrastructures that leads to growth in
business (, 2013).
Earlier in 1944 at the Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton
Woods, New Hampshire (US), the first government-sponsored Clearly, these global institutions are active agents in fostering social and
international financial institutions were established -the World Bank economic development by providing various forms of help to improve
(WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). the national and the global economies.

There are 2 types of international financial institutions:

- Private ● It was the result of the establishment of a global economy that
involved the homogenization of trade and commerce. Prior to the
WORLD BANK trends in globalization of the 20th century, international trade and
● The WB is an intergovernmental institution. exchange of goods and services were already practiced.
● Its aim is to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity in a ● Harvey (1990) sees that cities and countries were able to extend
sustainable way ( their reach beyond borders and patterns of trade and technology
● There are five organizations that belong to the WB Group, namely, because of developments in shipping and navigation.
1. the International Bank For Reconstruction and Development, - This was observable in the development of maritime transport
2. International Development Association, throughout history.
3. International Financial Corporation, ● Colonialism and imperialism rose as the new ways of putting order
4. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, and to the economic interrelationships among countries. Equity,
5. International Center for Settlement and Investment Disputes. corporate ownership, management subsidiaries, and central
headquarters which supply and distribute goods and services were
These organizations facilitate the granting of loans and
established through colonialism.
financial assistance to developing countries.
- The Spanish government in the 1600s, for instance, made use
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND of its colonies like the Philippines andMexico as suppliers of
● also an intergovernmental institution its resources for trade.
● works to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial
stability, facilitate international trade, and more ( About.
Like the WB, it also grants financial assistance and loans to The integration of the global market started when big American
developing countries. corporations began to emerge after the Second World War with the rise
of new conglomerates. International Telephone and Telegraph Bought
1960s Avis Rent-a-Car, ContinentalBanking, Sheraton Hotels, and Hartford
Regional development banks were established: the Asian Fire Insurance (American History, 2018.
Development Bank (ADB) in 1960 and the African Development
Bank (AfDB) in 1964. Later, Japan and Europe followed suit. Japanese global automobile
➔ These two are intergovernmental financial institutions that were corporations like Toyota, Nissan, and Isuzu took off after the giant
created to spur social progress and economic growth in order to American companies flourished.
address and reduce poverty. As financial institutions, ADB and ➔ These companies prospered as the primary and global makers of
AfDB are anchored on the goal of fostering sustainable trucks for the Japanese military (Dower, 1992).
development in their respective member countries. ➔ Renault automobiles, a French multinational automobile
manufacturer, was also used to help in the military post- war
- private international financial institutions ➔ The rise of American, Japanese, and European global
- provide investments around the world. Investments can be in corporations paved the way for the further development of
the form of foreign direct investments, stocks, or financial international trade.
CITI GROUP Iwan (2012) identifies the differences among international,
● is an American multinational investment banking and financial multinational, transnational, and global companies:
corporation. ★ International companies are importers and exporters with no
● It is the fourth largest bank in the US ( investments outside their home countries.
MERRILL LYNCH ★ Multinational companies (MNCs) have investments in other
● is the wealth management division of the Bank of America. countries, but do not have a coordinated product offering in each
country. They are more focused on adapting their products and
services to each individual local market.
Both intergovernmental and private financial institutions help facilitate ★ Global companies have investments and are present in many
the functionality of a global economy by lending money to their
countries. They typically market their products and services to
member states and global corporations. For example, the World Bank
helps in project lending, establishes structural reforms, provides each individual local market.
support and technical assistance, and helps design modern and ★ Transnational companies (TNCs) are more complex
durable social safety nets for the benefit of both developed and organizations that have investments in foreign operations, have a
developing nations (Stiglitz, 1998). It also provides international capital central corporate facility but give decision-making, research and
like foreign direct investments, short-term capital, and long-term development, and marketing powers to each individual foreign

American corporations operating internationally were at a great
advantage after the war for they had no competition. They had the
capacity to produce, organize, and distribute products because America
was not devastated by the war. Literature officially traced the start of
contemporary market integration from the return of the Japanese and
European corporations to the global market. It was acknowledged in
1974 that the major global economic actors were MNCs. Collectively,
they were described to be a particular corporate form to dominate global
production and exchange (Neubauer, 2014). Caroll (2003) termed the
emergence of international, multinational, global, and transnational
companies in the United States (US), the European Union (BU), and
Japan as the triad--the major economies of the world.

Gereffi (2001) identifies three structural periods in the existence of

global corporations after the war
a. investment-based period (1950-1970)
b. trade-based period (1970-1995)
c. digital globalization (1995 onwards)

The development of global corporations can be examined from the

sources and the levels of foreign direct investments (FDIs). The United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) defines
FDIs as funding made to acquire lasting interest in enterprises operating
outside the economy of the investor in which their purpose is to gain an
effective voice in the management of the enterprise (UNCTAD, 2011). In
1960, UN cited FDIs as the major drivers of global corporate
development and in 1990, FDIs tripled (Hedley, 1999).
➔ With this, around 20,000 new corporate alliances were formed in a
span of two years (Gilpin,2000).
➔ During the trade-based period, global corporations were
controlled by producer-driven commodities.
- As a result, firms are characterized by large amounts of
concentrated capital focused on large-scale or capital-
intensive manufacturing.
- More so, digital globalization affected the operation of global
corporations since technology became integrated in both
production and consumption.
- Producer-driven value streams have integrated their
corporate structures to reduce the effects of time and distance
in the production and consumption of goods while
buyer-driven value streams have changed the behavior of
corporations in retailing their goods and services via the
internet (Neubauer,2014).
- As Cammett (2006) observed, designing, ordering, factory
processing, inventory, delivery, branding, and advertising are
driven by digital operations since the 1990s.

The ascent of global corporations is a reflection of a globalized market

integration. TNCs and MNCs are no longer limited to their home
countries. They are able to expand their reach to other continents and

These global corporations have common attributes. Neubauer (2014)

identifies three of them--an agent of desired economic development, an
economic prominence, and a very powerful entity that can create a
crisis. These corporations may hit their target of economic development
by making their consumer products available in many parts of the globe.
● An example isNestlé. SomeTNCs and MNCs were only able
to reach their global annual growth target by exploiting the
environment. In the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, global
corporations brought chaos to the economy of the Asian
region by controlling the foreign direct investments that
resulted in the increase of real estate values, aggressive
government infrastructure projects, and huge corporate
spending all funded by bank borrowings.

On the whole, international financial institutions play an important role

in the social and economic development programs of developing and
transitional nations. They are instrumental in the functionality of the
global economy which is reliant on global corporations.

2 The establishment of economic and political integrations.
Weber (1997)
- describes the state as a compulsory political organization with a
● One good example is the European Union (EU) and the
centralized government that maintains the legitimate use of force North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). EU has
within a certain territory. become a supranational body with 28 members. It has a
single currency and monetary system among 17 states,
On the other hand, the concept of nation emphasizes the organic ties parliament with legislative powers, with common citizens'
that hold groups of people together and inspire a sense of loyalty and rights to live, work, vote, and run for office, with developed
belonging i.e., ethnicity, language, religion, and others (Schattle, 2014). collective mechanism to resolve crises and assist those in
need, and with intercontinental jurisprudence in the case
Combining these two, a nation-state can then be defined as a political of the European Court of Justice and the European Court
community that emanates from civic society to legitimately execute of Human Rights.
● The statehood of the members is not dissolved, what has
peace. Thus, the civic society is the basis of the people's oneness.
changed is only how the nation-states function, in terms of
SCHOLARS: APPADURAI AND OHMAE economy and politics, as part of a whole (Schattle, 2014).
● claim that globalization has superseded the individual function and
jurisdiction of nation-states, this is still arguable. In fact, they still play 3 The establishment of international laws and principles.
vital roles in the way globalization establishes a borderless world.
Nation-states can manipulate competitive advantages with ● Observable in the establishment of the UN that operates
as a forum for nation-states to air their differences and try
international and political issues, transnational civil society
to resolve them.
organizations, and multinational companies. ● The UN Security Council has powers that include the
● On the other hand, they are also accountable for a host of creation of peacekeeping operations and international
international norms and standards, find themselves in subordinate sanctions and the authorization of military action.
positions to protect their economy, and face new kinds of pressures ● Also, UN's International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutes
of supranational integration and focus of local fragmentation individuals accused of crimes against humanity such as
(Schattle, 2014).
● The founding of ICC is based on the adoption of the
● However, if nation-states no longer have power in today's globalized Rome Statute of International Criminal Court in 1998, with
world, then why does the United Nations (UN), with its increasing the vote of 120 to 7, with 21 abstentions.
number of states, remain relevant in global decision-making? ➔ It began functioning in 2002 when the statute
officially came into force.
➔ However, the United States, China, and India are
The 194 member states of the UN prove that globalization has affected not signatories.
the dynamics of nation-states in the context of their agency as legitimate
holders of force in their jurisdiction. Thus, the treaty is not binding to these economic powers. Moreover,
there are also universal principles that are adopted by nation-states
in relation to the dynamism of globalization. Two of them are the
Globalization has, in a way, reshaped the role and functions of Universal Declaration of Human Rights that affirms an individual's
nation-states as governing bodies in their particular territories: rights and the other is the United Nations Convention of the Law of
the Sea that defines the rights of nation-states on the use of the
1 Globalization is seen to impose a forced choice upon world's oceans.
These three mentioned effects are vertical effects. Aside from this,
● Either they conform to the neo-liberal ideas and globalization also has a horizontal effect which can be observed
free-market principles of deregulation, privatization, and in the formation of transgovernmental Networks (Slaughter, 2004).
free trade or run the risk of being left behind in terms of National government offices connect with their counterparts in other
development. nation-states in order to establish linkages that would benefit all
● Nation-states, in this contemporary age, are forced to parties. These linkages are informal institutions that connect
submit themselves to the demands of globally accepted legislators, finance ministers, and other valuable individuals who are
free-market principles. significant in carrying out various aspects of global governance. As
➔ Friedman in Steger (2005) claims that nation-states institutions, policies are agreed upon and individual state-participants
are in danger of losing important elements of are conscious that their home country policies should not be violated.
economic sovereignty because of the notion that
neoliberalism is beyond contestation as an aspect 4 Effect of globalization is the rise of transnational activism
of globalization. (TNA)
➔ In other words, nation-states still exist but lose a
part integral to their economic development and let
● Such happens when activist groups of nation-states
global corporations control their economic
connect with their counterparts in other states.
movement. Though government policies can be put
● For example, an advocacy-based organization in the
in place, nation-states are forced to realign their
Philippines may connect itself with and get support from
policies to be congruent with the principles of free
other human rights groups in Europe to pressure the
trade because of the pressures from global
Philippine government to realign its stance and actions in
upholding human rights.

ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) When a nation-state recognizes international interventions and
changes its behavior in response to international pressure, it
- Established by the member states of the Association of reconstitutes the relationship among the nation-state, its citizens, and
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), including the international actors (Keck & Sikkink, 1998)
- Its goal is to encourage the member-states to deepen 5 The creation of a new communications network.
their commitments in investment, trade, and industrial
collaboration to brace them for the increase in the ● Globalization binds communities through digital media.
region's economic activity. With new technologies in communication, political
interaction can happen in a virtual sphere. People can
exchange political perspectives through the internet,
therefore stirring political discourse on an online platform.
Because of the so-called network society (Castells, 2009),

World Trade Organization (WTO)
nation-states must reshape themselves to become part of
global networks in the arena of finance, education, ● has 164 member-states.
science, technology, arts, and sports. ● It is the sole IGO that caters to rules of trade on a global scale. Its
➔ This can be seen in the proliferation of online objective is to ensure that trade runs as smoothly, predictably, and
education from universities outside the Philippines. freely as possible.
Conversely, Philippine universities offer online ● It also encourages trade by lowering trade barriers that may hinder
courses to non-Filipinos. how products and services flow from nation to nation.
➔ Thus, digital media has become the platform for
strategic communications at home and abroad
wherein the nation-states can utilize the internet to Some other examples of IGOs are the:
gather feedback from the citizens. - International Criminal Court (ICC),
➔ Social media gives people the power to air their - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
sentiments, and also, serves as an avenue to - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
discuss issues. All IGOs serve purposes based on the common interest of their
➔ Government websites can also be avenues to
member-states that are deemed beneficial to all parties involved.
formally forward concerns to particular government
offices. Many nation-states also establish their own INTERNATIONALISM AND GLOBALISM
state-funded television networks for information The intensification of relations among nation-states gave birth to the
dissemination as alternatives to the
idea of internationalism and globalism. The former is the theory and
well-established privately-funded news networks. In
the case of authoritarian and repressive states like practice of interdependent collaboration while the latter is an attitude.
China, Russia, and North Korea, the Internationalism
governments make use of media technologies to
● basically anchored on the opinion that nationalism should be outrun
filter content that can be viewed by their citizens.
➔ On the other hand, digital media can also be used because links that bind people of different countries are more
by governments to gain public support in their powerful than those that disconnect them (Anora, 2014).
campaigns. ● Moreover, in order to avert wars, Immanuel Kant (1795) stated that
agreements among nations must be reached.
Thus, social media, in particular, can become an alternative to
Immanuel Kant
mainstream media that advances its biased perspective
➔ conceptualized the idea of liberal internationalism which
INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS (IGOs) proposes that nations must give up their freedom and submit to
a larger system of laws that is embodied by common
● Were established in order to facilitate connections among
international principles.
➔ He believed that a form of global government is needed to
● Their aim is to foster strong economic, political, cultural, educational,
create and enforce these laws.
and technical intergovernmental relationships.
● EXAMPLES: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872)
European Union (EU), and World Trade Organization (WTO) ➔ assumed that nationalism and international cooperation
complemented each other.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
➔ He believed that cooperation among nation-states is essential.
● Has 10 member states: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, US President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)
● Its aims are: ➔ thought that nations were subject to the universal laws of God
1. to accelerate economic growth, social progress, and cultural that could be discovered through reason.
development in the region; ➔ He adopted the principles of self-determination, democratic
2. promote regional progression; government, collective security, international law, and a league
3. advance peace and sustainability; of nations in his concept of internationalism.
4. promote active and beneficial cooperation and mutual
assistance on matters of common interest in the economic, Socialist Internationalism
technical, cultural, administrative, and scientific fields;
5. provide assistance to each other in the framework of training and ● contradicts liberal internationalism.
● This form of internationalism is based on the view that capitalism
research installations in the educational, professional, technical, is a global system and that the working class must unite as a
and administrative spheres; global class to forward the struggle against capitalism.
6. work hand in hand for more effective and greater use of ● The notion of socialist internationalism is linked to the goal of a
agriculture and industries; world revolution-to end class struggle globally.
7. advance Southeast Asian research; and ● The Second International (1889-1916), the original socialist
8. preserve close and beneficial collaboration with current international, was an organization of labor and social parties
established in Paris in 1889.
international and regional institutions with similar aims and
- It is best known for declaring the International Workers Day
purposes (May 1) and International Women's Day (March 8) and for
European Union (EU) initiating the campaign for the eight-hour work day.
● Has 28-state members, established in November 1993
● Its goals are
1. to promote peace, its values, and the well-being of its citizens; ● emerged as an attitude that seeks to understand all the
2. offer freedom, security, and justice without internal borders; interconnections of the modern world and to highlight patterns that
3. uphold sustainable development based on balanced economic underlie them. It pursues to describe and explain a world that is
growth and price stability; characterized by a network of connections that span
4. combat social exclusion and discrimination; multi-continental distances.
5. promote scientific and technological progress;
6. enhance economic, social, and territorial cohesion and solidarity Overall, the global interstate system is a facet of contemporary political
among member countries; globalization that seeks to form collaboration among nation-states
7. respect cultural and linguistic diversity; and 8) establish an through the establishment of intergovernmental organizations. It is
economic and monetary union rooted in the idea of internationalism. Experts on interstate relations
cannot discount the numerous effects of neoliberalism on the rise of new
communication networks utilized by governments.

GLOBAL INTERSTATE SYSTEM governs the conceptual, institutional, political, and operational
advancement of the Responsibility to Protect.
● Makes world affairs systematic, secured, and formulaic. In delivering humanitarian aid, the UN is responsible for
● Weiss & Thakur (2014) describe global governance as the totality of coordinating responses to emergencies and supports rapid humanitarian
norms, laws, policies, and bodies that define, comprise, and response for people affected by natural disasters and armed conflict.
facilitate transnational relations between citizens, states, cultures, MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS
intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations. Rules and ● was set to promote sustainable development.
norms put everything in order. ● In 2015, this was changed into the Sustainable Development
● Though global governance is rule-based, it has no central authority. Goals (SDGs).
● However, there are systems for international relationships that bind ● These goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more
the states, people, and society together. sustainable future for all.
UNITED NATIONS (UN) ● This collection of 17 global goals covers social and economic issues
● has the most number of members among the established global including poverty, hunger, health, education, global warming, gender
systems equality, water sanitation, energy urbanization, environment, and
● composed of six organs: social justice.

General Assembly In order for international laws to be upheld, the UN settles legal
is the central deliberative and the only organ where all member-states disputes referred to it by the member-states. It also accords advisory
have equal representation in discussion and consideration, and opinions on questions that are of legal nature submitted by legitimate
policymaking UN organs and particular agencies.

Security Council The Security Council's veto power over resolutions is one of the
challenges that the UN has been facing since the organization's
The organ which has the commitment to preserve peace and security.
foundation. For example, the UN resolution in December 2017 that
Economic and Social Council required US President Donald Trump to withdraw the recognition of
Main organ for cooperation, policy review, policy dialogue, and advice Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel was vetoed by the United
on social, economic, and environmental issues. States in the Security Council. In effect, the resolution was not
Trusteeship Council passed. Some states refuse to adopt resolutions and statements
especially since the membership is on a voluntary basis. The new
Organ tasked to administer international oversight for 11 trust territories
government of Lebanon openly defied the Security Council's many
and to make sure that adequate procedures are taken for independence
resolutions on the Israeli-Lebanon conflict. In 2017, the Philippines
and self-government.
voted against a United Nations General Assembly committee draft
International Court of Justice resolution on the human rights crisis in Myanmar concerning the
● UN's prime judicial organ. Rohingya people. These challenges seem to hinder some of the
● The Secretariat is the organ tasked to execute the daily activities as functions of the UN. Furthermore, Weiss and Thakur (2014), in their
assigned by the five other organs. article titled, The United Nations Meets the Twenty-first Century:
Confronting the Challenges of Global Governance, identify challenges
The United Nations was established after the Second World War with confronting UN based on knowledge, norms, policy, institutions, and
one central mission--to maintain international peace and security. compliance:
Currently, with the world being faced with numerous issues that threaten 1. In terms of knowledge, the UN, is underappreciated regarding
peace, the UN serves as an actor in confronting these. how its convening capacity and mobilizing power are utilized
➔ In 1948, the UN was responsible for bringing human rights to help funnel and consolidate knowledge from outside and
into the realm of international law through the Universal ensure its discussion and dissemination among governments.
Declaration of Human Rights. 2. The contrasting moral structures of social behavior in different
➔ The UN is also a space for its members to manifest their member-states complicate the formulation of a normative
perspectives through its core organs and committees. standard that can be applicable to all.
➔ The organization has become an instrument for governments 3. In formulating propositions, problems occur when only the
to identify spaces of agreement and resolve problems member-states are heard. The UN belittles the helping hand
collectively by enabling the exchange of opinions between of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and the global
and among its members and by hosting consultations. public opinion. Sometimes, recommendations are not
Aside from maintaining international peace and security and protecting 4. Institutions can also be places where ideas are cornered and
human rights, the UN also carries the functions of delivering left behind. The modality and processes for enforcing
humanitarian aid, promoting sustainable development, and upholding compliance with international norms and laws are not present.
international law. In fact, some UN staff members violate, cheat, and challenge
The organization utilizes good offices, diplomacy, and mediation. It them.
does peacekeeping processes in countries with domestic conflicts and Despite the establishment of global norms and international laws that
peace-building tasks in countries freed from conflict, lessening the risk nation-states should follow, the nation-states are still relevant for there
of reversing into conflict and setting the groundwork for sustainable will be no intergovernmental organization without them. Also,
peace and development. It agrees on the global battle against terrorism international and multinational agreements are designed by the states
and works for the removal of nuclear weapons and other instruments of and propelled by the initiatives that they undertake. As Bertucci &
mass destruction. All of these are executed to maintain international Alberto (2018) affirm, the sovereignty of nation-states in the midst of
peace and security. globalization has not been diminished for the cooperation and converted
In order to protect human rights, the UN scrutinizes situations and action among nation-states represent the greater exercise of their
issues reported to them and oversees the exercise of international sovereignty. Furthermore, the nation-states remain to be active agents
human rights agreements. It takes responsibility for reviewing, of local and transnational realms of concern.
monitoring, reporting, and commending human rights from a To conclude, contemporary global governance defines the political
country-based perspective. It approaches human rights energy within scope of globalization. Cooperation among nation-states is the only way
the UN development system and boosts awareness of the reasons and to reform and advance the roles and functions of interstate relationships
acts of genocides, warns relevant players where there is a danger of despite real challenges being faced by the United Nations.
genocide, promotes, and mobilizes for relevant action. Ultimately, it

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