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[Your Name]

[Your Address]


[Contractor's Name]
[Contractor's Company Name]
[Company Address]

Subject: Demand for Completion of Construction Works

Dear [Contractor's Name],

I am writing this letter in reference to our contract dated [Contract Date], concerning the
construction works at [Project Location/Address]. As per the agreed terms, the project was
scheduled for completion by [Original Completion Date]. However, as of today, [Date of Letter],
significant portions of the work remain unfinished, leading to considerable inconvenience and
financial implications for us.

Despite previous discussions and assurances, the progress on the project has been
unsatisfactory. The specific areas of concern include:

1. Delayed Construction Milestones: As outlined in our agreement, the [list specific milestones]
were to be completed by [respective dates], which have not been met.

2. Quality of Work: There have been noticeable issues with the quality of work in [specify
areas], which are not in accordance with the standards agreed upon.

3. Communication and Updates: There has been a lack of regular communication from your
end, leaving us uninformed about the status and delays of the project.

This delay has not only caused a financial burden due to extended rental costs and other related
expenses but has also affected our planned operations. Under the terms of our contract, we are
entitled to seek damages for delays and failure to meet the agreed-upon standards of quality.

Therefore, we demand that the remaining construction works be completed by [New Proposed
Completion Date]. We expect an immediate action plan outlining how you intend to address
these issues and meet this new deadline. Failure to comply with this demand may compel us to
seek legal remedies, including but not limited to, terminating the contract and claiming
We still hope to resolve this matter amicably and avoid further escalation. Please provide a
written response by [Response Deadline] outlining your plan for the rapid completion of this

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We look forward to your cooperation in
resolving these issues as quickly as possible.


[Your Name]
[Your Position, if applicable]
[Contact Information]

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