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SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM. Independence - Freedom — Happiness CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Déc lap-Ty do-Hguh phic Ow OUTLINE UC CHIU TAI CUA DAT NEN Component Project 037 ort Essential Facilities under Long Thanh International Airport Construction Project Phase 1 Dy dn thanh phin 3: Cée cong trinh thiét yéu trong Cing hing khéng thuge Due dn Diu tw xdy dung Cing HKQT Long Thanh Giai doan 1 Package No 5.10: Construction and equipment installation of passenger terminal - Long Thanh International Airport phase 1 Goi thu sé 5.10: Thi cong xdy dung va lip dat thiét bj cong trinh nha ga hanh khdch - CHKQT Long Thanh giai dogn 1 Dia Dién: Long Thanh District, Dong Nai Province/Huyén Long Tinh, Tinh Dong Nai wes —- a BKTECHS IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES / DON VJ THU( HCM city University of Technology-VNU-HCM TRUONG DAI HOC BACH KHOA-DHQG-HCM Bach Khoa Ho Chi Minh City Science Technology Joint Stock Company CONG TY CO PHAN KHOA HQC CONG NGHE BACH KHOA TP.HCM Dja chi: 268 Ly Thudng Kiel, phurong 14, qué 10, Tp. HCM Dign thoai: (028) 3864 5398 — 3865 1664; Fax: (028) 3864 5398 Ho Chi Minh City, 01/2024 HCM city University of Technology-VNU-HCM Socialist Republic of Viet Nam ‘BK py !RUONG DAI HOC BACH KHOA-DHOG-HCM Independence ~ Freedom - Happiness a Bach Khoa Ho Chi Minh City Science CONG HOA XA HOI CHU NGHIA VIET NAM Eero. Technology Joint Stock Company D6c lip-Ty do-Hanh pluie CONG TY CO PHAN KHOA HOC sw CONG NGHE BACH KHOA TP.HCM Tel: (028) 3864 5398; Fax: (028) 3864 5398 Ho Chi Minh city 15/01/2024 lo: 0914/23/PDA/LAS-XD238 OUTLINE EXPERIMENT OF LOAD-BEARING CAPACITY OF GROUND BASE DE CUONG THI NGHIEM SUC CHIU TAI CUA DAT NEN Component Project 03/ | Airport Essential Facilities under Long Thanh International Airport Dy dn thanh phan 3 Construction Project Phase 1 Cae cng trink thiét yéu trong Cang hang khong thuge Die én Bau tw xdy dung Céng HKOT Long Thanh Giai dogn 1. Package No 5.107 - Construction and equipment installation of passenger terminal - Long Goi thu $8: 5.10 ‘Thanh International Airport phase 1 Thi cong xdy dung va lap age thiét bi cong trinh nha ga hanh khch - CHKOT Long Thanh giai doqn 1 Location / Dia diém |: Long Thanh District, Dong Nai Provinee /Figyén Long Thanh, Tinh Déng Nai Cient/ Chit dau te : Airports corporation of VietNam /Tong Cang ty cang hang khong Viet lf Nam = CTCP. Consulting Unit / Lien danh JAC - CONINCO Don vi Tw van gidm sét Contractor/ Nha thdu | \VIETUR Consortium/ Lién doanh VIETUR Lab experiment / Bach Khoa Ho Chi Minh City Science Technology Joint Stook Don vi thi nghiém Company / Céng ty Cé phén Khoa hoe Cong nghé Bach Khoa Tp. HCM Lab’s BKTECHS Bach Khoa Ho Chi Minh City Science Technology Joint Stock Company _ | EE I | 15/01/24] 08. |Procedure| i Hoing Bio | Eng.Hé Trung Vinh | Dr.Eng.Nguyén Hitu Son Vice Chief Material and inspection Vice General Director Time} Export | Page| File Prepared by TABLE OF CONTENTS / MUC LUC 1, INTRODUCTION/ MUC BICH THI NGHIEM 2, DESCRIPTION OF PLATE LOADING TEST/ MO TA THI NGHIEM. 24. Apparatus/ Thiét bj thi nghiém. 2.2. Testing procedure / Quy trinh thi nghigm 3. SOME CONCEPTS AND METHODS OF DETERMINATION / MOT SO KHAI NIEM VA PHUONG PHAP XAC PINH.. 3.1. Testing data-S / D6 lin cia dat nén — 3.2. Deformation modulus-E / Médun bién dang dit nén — E. 3.3. Ultimate bearing capacity (limit pressure)- Pi / Ap lure gidi han dat nén — Py, 3.4. Coefficient Ky / Hé sé K, 4, PROCESSING EXPERIMENTAL DATA / XU'LY SO LIEU THI NGHIEM ... 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS / KET LUAN VA KIEN NGHI . bee LR RR Dratf of Plate bearing test OUTLINE EXPERIMENT OF LOAD-BEARING CAPACITY OF GROUND BASE DE CUONG THI NGHIEM SUC CHIU TAI CUA DAT NEN 1. INTRODUCTION/ MUC DICH THI NGHIEM This test method covers the estimation of the bearing capacity of soil in place by means of field loading tests, The test is carried out by ASTM D1194-1994: Standard test method for Bearing Capacity of soil for Static Load and Spread Footings and TCVN 9354:2012: Soils — In-situ test methods of determination of deformation module by plate loading Thi nghiém ban nén hién trudng duge the hién theo ASTM D1194-1994 (Standard test method for Bearing Capacity of soil for Static Load and Spread Footings) va TCVN 9354:2012 (Dat xdy dung -Phuwong phdp xdc dinh Modun bién dang cia adt tai hign trang bing tam nén phiing) ‘The aim of the field loading test is to determine the deformation modules E, define coefficient of soil reaction K, and bearing capacity of soil Pi for the purpose of foundation design. Cong tac thi nghiém nhdm cung edp cde thong tin vé diéu kién dat nén, xde dinh gid trj médun bién dang E, hé s6 K; va gid tri site chiu tai gidi han Pr eta dat nén nim trén nén ddt nhdm phuc vu cong tée thidt ké, kiém tra thiét ké va xdy dung cong trinh The test has been carried out at Airport Essential Facilities under Long Thanh International Airport Construction Project Phase 1 Thi nghiém ban nén hién trudng duge thec hién tai Cae cong trinh thiét yéu trong Cling hang khéng thude Dee én Bau te xdy dung Cang HKQT Long Thanh Giai doan 1 2. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE LOADING TEST/ MO TA THI NGHIEM 2.1, Apparatus/ Thiét bj thi nghiém The required field test apparatus is as follows: ‘The compression plate is a flat hard steel disc, with an area of 1000 cm?, The load is created by a hydraulic jack that creates vertical pressure with an equivalent counterload system (The unit requires vehicle support to act as counterweight), Hydraulic jacks are inspected by the Vietnam Quality Measurement Standards Technical Center Tém nén la tim thép cttng phéng, c6 dién tich 1000 em?. Tai trong duge tao b6i 1 kich thiy lee tao dp lec thing dig vai hé théng déi rong neong dwong (Bon vi yéu edu Page | Draff of Plate bearing test hd tre xe dé léim abi trong). Kich thy tue duoc kiém dinh bai Trung tam Ky thudt Tiéu chudn do luéng chdt long Viét Nam Vertical settlement and measured by 03 clocks (tested by Vietnam Measurement Calibration Center) mounted directly on the compressed disk. These clocks have readings with an accuracy of 0.01mm and are arranged evenly on the compressed dise surface with symbols $1, $2, $3. Dé liin theo pincong thing ding va duege do boi 03 déng hé (dieoe kiém dink boi Trung Tam Kiém Dinh Higu Chudin Do Liedng Vigt Nam) géin trwe tiép trén dia nén. Cée dng hé nay 06 86 doc v6i dd chinh xéc 0.01mm va duege bd tré déu trén mét dia nén voi ky higu Si, So, Ss 2.2. Testing procedure / Quy trinh thi nghigm Preparatory work: Preparing the site and supporting works. The contractor digs to the test depth, Arrange technical work area. Cong tée chudin bj: Chudn bj mdt bing va ede cong tée phu tg. Nha thdu dao t6i 6 séu thi nghiém. Bé tri khu vue lam viée ki thudt Reinforcing the foundation and installing counterweights: Surveying the field ground in the support area. Install support bearings, reinforce support base. Check the pillow by stretching the string, Install main beam, install secondary beam. Check with a plumb line. Plug in, tension the rope and install the counterweight Gia o6 nén va lip dt abi trong: Khéio sat nén dda hign wardng Khu vee g6i do: Lip dat g6i db, gia 06 nén edi do. Kiém tra got bing edmg day. Lép dat dim chink, Ip det déim plus, Kiém tra bing doi. Ni v6, eding day va lép dit déi trong The experiment was performed using the constant loading method at the test locations, specifically as follows: Thi nghiém duge thee hién theo phuong phdp gia tai khong déi tai ede vi tri thi nghiém, cu thé nlur sau © Prk design load = 10,00 Tim? = 1,00 kG/om? © Tai trong thiét kb Pre = 10,0 Tim? = 1,00 kG/em? © Experimental load Pry = 2*Pre: = 20,0 Tim? = 2,0 kG/om?,, load levels are increased in the following order: + Cycle 1: : 0,25; 0,50; 0,75; 1,00 kG/em?, then reduce the load to 0,50 and 0,000 kG/em’, track within 30 minutes + Cycle 2: 1,00; 1,25; 1,50; 1,75; 2,00 kG/em?, then reduce the load to 1,00; 0, 50 and 0,000 kG/em?, track within 30 minutes Page 2 Draff of Plate bearing test Tai trong thi nghiém Pry = 2*P rx = 20,0 T/m? = 2,0 kG/em?, cde mite tai Kang theo thit te sau + Chu ky 1: 0,25; 0,50; 0,75; 1,00 kG/em?, sau dé gidm tai xuéng 0,50 va 0,000 kG/em?, theo déi trong vang 30 phiit + Chit ky 2. 21,00; 1,25; 1,50; 1,75; 2,00 kG/em’, sau dé gidim tai xudng 1,00; 0, 50 vat 0,000 kG/em?, theo déi trong vong 30 phit ‘The experiment was established on the basis of applying TCVN 9354: 2012 (Soils In-situ test methods of determination of deformation module by plate loading) Thi nghiém dueoc lp trén co sé dp dung TCVN 9354 : 2012 (Dét cho xdy dng — plucong phap tht nghiém hién tredng bang tai trong tinh) hosd cna red Order | test Tee Time to monitor and record field data (kG/em?) ; design Cycle 1 0 0 0 Initial reading number i oa 259% | Record 60° initial: 157-15°-15°-15"; 60° next: 30°30; then, ia ° | thor eached when reaching conventional stability * ca 50% | Record 60° initial: 15'-15°-15°-15"; 60° next: 30°-30'5 then l ° | thor eached when reaching conventional stabilit 5 Gas 75% | Record 60" initial: 15’-15'-15°-157; 607 next: 30’-30" then 2 mi 1h or eached when reaching conventional stability A Ae 100% _ | Record 60" initial: 15°-15°-15'-15°; 60° next: 307-30"; then i * _| 1h or eached when reaching conventional stability 5 0,50 50% | Record after 30 minutes 6 0,000 0% | Record after 30 minutes Cycle 2 % _ | Record 60° initial: 15°-15°-15°-15"; 60" next: 30°-30%; then : ra 100% | 1h or cached when reaching conventional stablit 1 _ | Record 60° initial: 15°-15°-15°-15"; 60° next: 30°-30"; then 2 yas 125% | thor eached when reaching conventional stabilit % _ | Record 60" initial: 15°-15-15-15°; 60° next: 30°-30"; then 3 tie 150%, | 1h or eached when reaching conventional stablit og | Record 607 initial: 157-15°-15°-15°; 60° next: 30°-30"; then So SIs 7S26 [ares pn eathtag conv eetitnaT RL wy, __ | Record 60 initial: 15°-15-157-15°; 60° next: 30°-30"s then 2 200 200% _| thor eached when reaching conventional stabilit 6 1,00 100% — | Record after 30 minutes Page 3 Draff of Plate bearing test, f, 0,50 50% | Record after 30 minutes 8 0,000 0% — | Record after 30 minutes Tai thi | so tai ‘The ty | nghigm ib % ie ‘Thai giam theo doi va ghi sé ligu hign trudng (kGiem?) Chu ky 1 0 0 0 6 doc ban dau fi a 25% | Ghinbin 60° du: 157-15°-15"-15"; 60° tigp theo: 30-30"; i sau d6 1h hoe dat dén khi dat d9 én dinh quy wée 5 0,50 50% | Ghinhén 60° du: 15'-15°-15"-15"; 60° tigp theo: 307-30"; sau dé Th hoje dat dén khi dat d6 én dinh quy wae 3 aa 75% | Ghinhan 60° dau: 15'-15'-15'-15"; 60° tigp theo: 30°-30°5 “ - sau dé 1h hodc dat dén khi dat d6 én dinh quy wdc Ghi nhin 60° du: 15°-15°-157-15°; 60° tigp theo: 30°-30°; a oe 100% | sau dé Ih hoc dat dn Khi dat 6 dn dinh guy ude 5 0,50 50% | Ghinhfn sau 30 phit 6 0,000 0% — | Ghinhan sau 30 phat Chu ky 2 1 1,00 100% | Ghinhdn 60° dau: 15°-15°-15°-15°; 60° tiép theo: 30-30, 2 us 125% | sau d6 1h hode dat dén khi det 46 én djnh quy whe 7 a 150% | Ghinhdn 60° dau: 15'-15'-15'-15"; 60° tigp theo: 30°30"; 2 ° | sau dé Th hoxe dat dn khi dat dQ én dinh quy use A i 175% | Ghinhdn 60" dau: 15’-15'-15°-15"; 60° tigp theo: 307-30"; a ° | sau d6 th hoae dat dén khi dat 46 én dinh quy ude og | Ghi nhdn 60° du: 15°-15?-15°-157; 60° tigp theo: 30-30, S anh 200% | sau dé th hodc dat dén khi dat d6 dn dinh quy ube 6 1,00 100% — | Ghi nhén sau 30 phit a 0,50 50% | Ghinhén sau 30 phit 8 0,000 0% | Ghi nan sau 30 phat Keep each pressure level until the conventional stability is reached, when the subsidence level does not exceed 0.1mm after 1 hour (ASTM D1194:94/TCVN 9354 : 2012). Page 4 Draff of Plate bearing test Gitt méi cdp dp ltre cho t6i khi dat én dinh quy wéc, khi s6 gia d6 lin khong vuot qua 0,1mm sau thdi gian la Ih (TCVN 9354 : 2012) Write the readings of the successive distortions at each pressure level: in the first 60 minutes, read the number once, in the next | hour half an hour read the number, then every 60 minutes read the number once. Ghi sé doe ede bién dang ké tai méi dp dp luc: trong 60’ ddu tién ct 15' ghi sé doc mét lan, trong | gid tiép theo mia gid ghi sé doc mot lan, sau dé ctt 60 phitt ghi so doc I lan ‘The measurement of subsidence is as follows: Record the initial reading right after loading, the following data are recorded as follows: Vige do hin dugc tye hién nlue sau: Ghi nhén sé doc déu tién ngay sau khi gia tai, 86 ligu tiép theo ghi nhén niu sau For clay soil / D6i v6i dit logi sét: + First hour: 15 minutes / 1 recording: + MOt gio ddu tién: ISphiit/1 ldn ghi; + The next hour: 30 minutes / 1 recording; + M6t gio tiép theo: 30phiit/1 lan ghi; + Next time: | hour / 1 recording. + Thai gian tiép theo: 1gid/I lan ghi; For sandy soil / D6i vi dit loai cat: + First half hour: 10 minutes / 1 recording; + Nita gid ddu tien: 10phit/t lan ghi; + The next half hour: 15 minutes / 1 recording; + Nika gio tiép theo: ISphuit/1 lan ghi; + Next time: 30 minutes / 1 time recording. + Thoi gian tip theo: 30phit/l lan ghi. The recorded data is shown in the annexes / Sé ligu ghi nhdn thé hién 6 cde phu luce Settlement of each level of compression pressure is measured until reaching the stable settlement (Not exceeding 0.1mm after 01 hour measurement for sand and 0.1mm after 02 hours of measurement for clay) before increasing pressure for the next level. Page 5 Draff of Plate bearing test _— Dé hin cita méi cdp dp lire nén duge do dén khi dat a6 hin én dinh quy woe (Khong qué 0.1mm sau 01 gio do déi v6i cdi va 0.1mm sau 02 gid: do déi vai sét) ted khi teing dp luc cho cdp tiép theo 3. SOME CONCEPTS AND METHODS OF DETERMINATION / MOT SO KHAT \NIEM VA PHUONG PHAP XAC DINH 3.1. Testing data-S / D@ lin ciia dat nén - S ‘The average settlement will be recorded from the three dial gauges of $1, S2 & Ss at each loading. Based on the settlement accorded the loading and time, the correlatives of settlement and time S = f(t), settlement and loading P = f(t) will be plotted. The deformation modulus and bearing capacity of soil will be defined. D6 hin trung binh sé duge ghi lai tie ba déng hé do SI, S2 & S3 tai méi lin tai. Dua trén a6 hin phit hop v6i tai trong va thé’ gian, sé vé do thi mdi tuong quan gitta dé hin va thoi gian S = f(), d6 lin va tdi trong P = f(t). M6 dun bién dang va khé nding chiu tdi ctta dét sé duge xée dink 3.2. Deformation modulus-E / Médun bién dang dat nén — E The deformation modulus is calculated by the following equation (after TCVN 9354-2012) / Médun bién dang dat nén tinh todn theo céng thite sau (TCVN 9354: 2012). Ba(-pyroraee Where Véi: E — Deformation modulus, kG/em?; E- Médun bién dang, kG/em? Ap — Increase of applied pressure to the plate; Ap = pa-po, kG/om? Ap - Gia sé ctia dp lye tée dung lén tdm nén, bang purpo, kG/em; As — Increase settlement of the plate follow Ap, As = Siv-Si; em; As — Gia sé a6 lin ctia tam nén ing voi Ap, em; 36 poson dege Idy nlue sau: [t~Poisson’s ratio / u- Hé = 0.27 for coarse particle / 4 = 0.27 Déi voi dét hon lon 11= 0.30 for sand and clayey sand/ 41 = 0.30 Déi voi dat edt va cdt pha 11= 0.35 for sandy clay / 41 = 0.35 Déi véi ddt sét pha = 0.42 for clay soil | p= 0.42 Déi voi dat sét d— Diameter of the plate, em / d- Duong kinh tém nén, cm - Coefficient of compressibility, @ = 0.79 Page 6 Draff of Plate bearing test. @- hé sé khong thir nguyén, Idy bang 0.79 3.3. Ultimate bearing capacity (limit pressure)- P1,/ Ap le gidi han dit nén — Pr ‘The procedure for determination of the ultimate bearing capacity (limit pressure), with reference to the following diagram, comprises: ‘© Determine the zero point on the pressure - settlement curve graph at the point of greatest curvature © Xie dinh diém 0 trén dé thi dudng cong dp lic - dé lin tai diém 6 dé cong lén nhét © Draw the tangent line OA at point O. © Ve duong tiép tuyén OA tai diém O ‘© Draw the tangent line to the remaining curve. © Ve duéng tibp tuyén cdnh dudng cong con lai © The intersection point of two tangents is denoted B. The pressure corresponding to point B is the limiting pressure P © Giao diém cia hai tiép tuyén ky hiéu la B. Ap luc tuong ting voi diém B la dp lire gibi han Pr Pl Pp s Determination of the bearing capacity of soil /Xde dinh dp luc gidi han eta dat nén However: The specified limit pressure is only applicable in the case of compression to the destructive state of the ground, the settlement of the compression table 0./5d (S=0.15d)/ Tuy nhién: Ap luc gidi han xdc dinh theo céch trén chi dp dung duoc trong trudng hop nén dén trang théi pha hity cita adt nén, tite a6 hin cia ban nén dat 0.15d (S=0.15d). Trong dé d la duedng kinh cita ban nén. Page 7 Draff of Plate bearing test 3.4. Coefficient K, /Hé sé Ke After finishing with the compression load level Peompssion = Pre (kG/em?) then reduce the load to 0.0 kG/cm? and hold the load for 30 minutes, at that time we have residual settlement $1 (mm), then increase the load again to Peompressin = PTK (kG/em?), the settlement is $2 (mm). At that time, the background coefficient K, is Sau khi két thie v6i cdp tdi nén Prin = Pre (KG/em?) r6i gidim tai vé 0.0kG/em? va gift tai trong 30 phiit, lic db ta c6 db lin dhe Si (mm), sau db gia tai lai dén Paen=Pre (kG/em?) thi dé ltin lai S2 (mm). Lite dé, hé sé nén Kz la: PB — x10 kG/em?, S- S, 4. PROCESSING EXPERIMENTAL DATA /XU'LY SO LIEU THI NGHIEM Based on the settlement data corresponding to each pressure level and the corresponding time, recording the actual data, we draw a graph of the relationship between settlement and time S = f(t), settlement and load $ = f(P), load and time P = f(t) to observe, compare, calculate and produce the value of the deformation modulus Eo as well as the value of the ultimate load-bearing capacity P1 of the ground.: K Dua vao sé ligu a6 lin ting véi timg edp dp luc va théi gian tong ting, ghi nhén 36 liu thyee 16, ta vé dé thi quan hé giita a6 liin va thai gian S = f(y), dé lin va tdi trong S =A), tai trong va thai gian P = f(t) dé quan sdt, so sdnh, tinh todin va cho ra duege gid tri m6 dun bién dang Eo cing nine gid tri site chju tdi t6i han Pt ctia ddt nén: in, 8; + Deformation module of ground ground, Eo / Médun bién dang cita ddt nén, Eo; + Settlement of ground, S / D6 hin ctia dat + Limited pressure of ground soil, Pt. / Ap lve giéi han cia dét nén, P1; + Coefficient Kz / Hé sé Kz 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS / KET LUAN VA KIEN NGHT Based on the test results after the treatment, the owner of the experiment will make comments, assessments, conclusions and recommend the bearing capacity of the ground under the foundation. Dua vio két qua thi nghiém sau khi da xte lf, ngudi chit tri thi nghiém sé dua ra nhGn xét, dénh gid, két luan va kién nghi stte chiu tai ctia ddt nén duoi déy mong Page 8

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