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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
San Miguel National High School
Purok 3 Visita, San Miguel Island, Tabaco City 4511

Pre-Test in Food Processing 9

Name: ______________________________________ Grade/Section: ________________ Date: ___________
Directions: Read the questions below and write the letter of your answer.
1. Which of the following casseroles has a large cylinder with a deep straight pot used for preparing stocks and
keeping them simmering all the time?
A. brazier B. stock pot C. colander D. saucepan
2. Which of the following kitchen utensils used to drain or wash ingredients?
A. colander B. stock pot C. casserole D. saucepan
3. Which of the following steps in cleaning the refrigerator comes first and very important to remember?
A. wrap frozen foods C. allow the ice to melt
B. remove all ice trays D. unplug the refrigerator
4. Which of the following is the last step in cleaning the broiler?
A. wash the broiler rack C. wipe all the walls of the broiler
B. rinse and dry thoroughly D. return the broiler pan on the rack
5. What ladle is useful for portioning liquids like stocks, sauces, and soups?
A. slotted ladle C. flat bottom ladle
B. flat frying ladle D. long handled sauce ladle
6. Which of the choices is a quality of fish?
A. sunken eyes C. foul odor
B. unclear eyes D. firm and tight skin
7. What is the best quality of eggs to choose for salting?
A. slightly cracked shells C. smooth shells
B. unbroken shells D. scratched shells
8. Which of the following should be the first step in curing meat?
A. chill meat at 3 degrees Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius
B. chill meat at 2 degrees Celsius to 5 degrees Celsius
C. chill meat at 2 degrees Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius
D. chill meat at 1 degree Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius
9. What is the best thing to do if the raw material is infested or spoiled?
A. chill B. cook C. set aside D. dispose
10. Which of the following is used for curing?
A. brine solution C. smoke
B. fresh herbs mixture D. soup
11. Which of the following are the three (3) various formulations in salting?
A. Binders, fillers, emulsifiers C. Wet curing, dry curing, injecting
B. Kench salt, brine salt, dry salt D. Pumping pickle, curing mixture, salting
12. Which type of curing involves soaking the meat in a salty brine solution (water, salt, nitrates)?
A. salting B. pickling C. smoking D. marinating
13. What is the significance of using food processing tool, equipment and utensils?
A. It provides the correct instructions.
B. It provides information on how to handle and operate properly.
C. It provides information about the tools, equipment and utensils.
D. It provides the proper use, care, and maintenance of the tools, equipment, and utensils
14. Which hastens the color production due to chemical reaction of nitrates?
A. salt B. acid C. sugar D. vinegar
15. Which causes the partial dehydration of the tissue through osmosis?
A. salt B. water C. sugar D. vinegar
16. It is a curing method injected into the muscle of the meat.
A. salting B. dry curing C. pickle curing D. injection curing
17. Which of the following is a method of preserving eggs at about 18-21 days?
A. curing B. drying C. salting D. brining
18. How many months are required to cure dilis in preparing a bagoong?
A. one to six months C. one to five months
B. one to two months D. one to three months
19. Which of the following is used as ingredients to cure meat that control the growth of botulinum toxin?
A. salt B. sugar C. spices D. pink salt

20. Which of the following ingredients added in preparing a pickle-curing method?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V – Bicol
San Miguel National High School
Purok 3 Visita, San Miguel Island, Tabaco City 4511

A. salt B. sugar C. phosphate D. chilled water

21. Which of the following is the composition of brine?
A. salt and water C. vinegar and water
B. sugar and water D. caramel and water
22. In making grana solution, how many cups of water needed in one teaspoon grana crystals?
A. 2 cups of water C. 4 cups of water
B. 3 cups of water D. 5 cups of water
23. In making brine with the ratio 1:4, how many cups of salt and water is needed?
A. 1 cup salt and 3 cups water C. 3 cups salt and 12 cups water
B. 2 cups salt and 4 cups water D. 5 cups salt and 10 cups water
24. In dyeing the eggs, how many minutes you are going to submerged the eggs in grana solution?
A. 1 minute B. 2 minutes C. 3 minutes D. 4 minutes
25. How many minutes you are going to uncover the pot while boiling the salted eggs or until hardboiled?
A. 2 to 5 minutes
B. 3 to 7 minutes
C. 10 to 15 minutes
D. 20 to 25 minutes

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct term. Select your answer from the choices inside the box.

Solution Salted eggs

Curing Brining Crystalline

26. ___________it refers to the types of preservation and flavoring processes.

27. ____________it is treating food with salt and water solution or brine which preserves the food.
28. ___________ it is a substance with homogenous mixture and with variable composition.
29. Salt is a ____________white or colorless compound known as Sodium Chloride.
30. The product of curing eggs with brine is called ______________.

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