English 7 45 Copies

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Tan Street, Barangay 3, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte


2nd Grading Examination

English 7
SY: 2023-2024
Name : _________________________ Grade Level/Strand:
Teacher: Jerome Kenneth M. Capilitan Date:

Directions: Read the following questions and choose the letter of the CORRECT answer. NO ERASURE

1.Anna _______a volleyball yesterday.

a. plays b. played c. playing d. play
2. What is the past participle of “drive”?
a. Drove b. driven c. driving d. drives
3. We ________ finished eating dinner.
a. had not b. not had c. didn’t had d. none of the above
4. I always _________my car twice a week.
a. wash b. washes c. washed d. washing
5. “I’m a nurse,” she said.
a. She said that she was a nurse. b. She said that you were a nurse
c. She said that he was a nurse. d. She said that they were nurses.
6. “I’m not going,” he said.
a. He said that she was going. b. He said that they weren’t going.
c. He said that he wasn’t going. d. He said that you were going.
7. She said that she had read it.
a. “I have read it,” she said. b.“I didn’t read it,” she said.
c. “I hadn’t read it,” she said. d. “I had read it,” she said
8. He said that he had bought a car.
a. “I bought a car,” he said. b. “I bring a car,” he said.
c. “I buy a car,” he said. d. “I brought a car,” he said.
9. The falcon soared majestically.
a. Phrase b. Dependent Clause c. Independent Clause d. none of the above
10. Sam loved chicken
a. Phrase b. Dependent Clause c. Independent Clause d. none of the above
11. Is "but" a coordinating conjunction?
a. Yes b. No c. maybe d. No, it's just a FANBOY
12. What must any clause contain?
a. subject and verb b. subject verb predicate
b. Both a and b c. none of the above
13. What are the two main types of clauses?
a. Simple and Compound b. Compound and Complex
c. Independent and Dependent c. Incomplete and Complete
14. Which of the following is correct about this passage?
Yesterday they got ___________

a. Marry b. married c. marryied d. marrying

15. Which of the following tense means that it already happened?

a. Present b. past c. future d. all of the above

16. Which of the following is correct about this passage?.

He ___ last night.

a. Study b. studied c. will study d. will have studied

17. Which of the following past tense form of the verb CRY?

a. Cryed b. crying c. cried c. crys

18. Which of the following past tense form of the verb LOVE?

a. Loved b. loves c. loveed d. lovied

19. The teacher said to the students “Be quiet while I am talking”

a. The teacher said to the students to be quiet while she is talking.

b. The teacher said to the students to be quiet while I am talking.

c. The teacher said to the students to be quiet while she told.

d. The teacher said to the students to be quiet while she talks.

20. Which of these is correct?

a. "Could you help me carry these bags?" He asked.

b. "Could you help me carry these bags?" he asked.

c. "Could you help me carry these bags" he asked?

d. "Could you help me carry these bags," he asked?

21. Which of these is correct?

a. Jamal said, “We passed by a beautiful lake in Goa".

b. Jamal said, We passed by a beautiful lake in Goa.

c. Jamal said, “We passed by a beautiful lake in Goa.”

d. Jamal said, “we passed by a beautiful lake in Goa.”

22. Which is correct?

a. He said, “Could you please repeat the question"?

b. He said, Could you please repeat the question?”

c. He said, "could you please repeat the question?”

d. He said, “Could you please repeat the question?”

23. Convert the following statement into direct speech: She asked the teacher when they could eat their

a. The teacher was asked when the girl could eat her snacks.

b. When can we eat our snacks?

c. When can we eat our snacks? She asked"

d. She asked the teacher, "When can we eat our snacks?"

24. Which is correct about independent clause?

a. Bob drank lemonade.

b. Because of the drought.

c. Athough she is smart.

d. After the basketball game.

25. A compound sentence has...

a. two or more independent clauses

b. two or more dependent clauses

c. one independent clause

d. one dependent clause

26. The following sentence is what type of sentence?

“Although I really enjoy dessert, bu did not go to to JD Chippery with my friends because I do not like

a. Simple Sentence

b. Compound Sentence

c. Complex Sentence

d. None of the above

27. The following sentence is what type of sentence?

“I love my mother a lot”

a. Simple Sentence

b. Compound Sentence

c. Complex Sentence

d. None of the above

28. The following sentence is what type of sentence?

“Me and my friends plays volleyball”

a. Simple Sentence

b. Compound Sentence

c. Complex Sentence

d. None of the above

29. The following sentence is what type of sentence?

“because of climate change”

a. Simple Sentence

b. Compound Sentence

c. Complex Sentence

d. None of the above

30. The following sentence is what type of sentence?

“Mr. Capilitan works at Buenavista Institute,but he is also my subject teacher”

a. Simple Sentence

b. Compound Sentence
c. Complex Sentence

d. None of the above

TEST II. Past and Past perfect tense of Verb:

A. Direction: Supply the correct simple past form of each verb inside the parenthesis.

1. I _______ (go) to the plaza to meet my friend Jenny.

2. We ______ (want) to go to the movies, but she didn’t come.

3. They _______(study) for their exam last night.

B. Direction: Supply the correct past perfect form of each verb inside the parenthesis.

4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mother (bake) _______.

5. I could not remember the poem we (learn) _____________.

6. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall)_____from the tree.

TEST III. Direct Speech and Indirect Speech:

Are the sentences below direct or reported? Label them “DIRECT SPEECH or REPORTED SPEECH”.

Example: DIRECT SPEECH “ Are you studying?”

___________________7. "You are a very good employee."

___________________8. “she said I am hungry”

___________________9. “are you free right now?”

___________________10. “anna said it was sunnny there”

___________________11. “you are beautiful”

___________________12. “my mom said the food is already in the table”


DIRECTION: Identify the sentence whether Dependent Clause or Independent Clause and underline the
Subject and the Predicate in the given passage.

Example: Independet Clause “Andy riding a bike”

subject predicate

___________________13. My family went to the park.

___________________14. She runs every morning.

___________________15. The sun shines brightly, and the leaves falling along the tree.

___________________16. They laughed at the joke.

___________________17. He ate an apple, and the taste was good.

___________________18. The cat meowed loudly.

___________________19. We went for a walk in the park, yet we have tired.

___________________20. I like to sing, but my voice isn’t good.

“Remember, the harder you study, the luckier you'll get! Don't stress, just do your best and let the
results speak for themselves.”

Prepared by: Jerome Kenneth Capilitan

Subject Teacher

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