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PUBLIC SPEAKING  Thus, public speaking is a continuous

communication process in which messages

 Public speaking is a process, an act and
and signals circulate back and forth
an art of making speech before an
between speaker and listeners.
 Public speaking involves communicating Great speeches have created hope in perilous
information before a large audience. situations, and have people change their
 What makes public speaking different minds about the world and their places in it.
than, just talking to a crowd of people,
is in the way information is conveyed.
 In public speaking, the information is  Most well-known public speaking
purposeful and meant to inform, traditions come from the West, specifically
influence or entertain a group of Greco-Roman tradition.
listeners.  The Greeks studied the art of rhetoric on
DALE CARNEGIE AND ESENWEIN (2007) an the island of Sicily, and it began with a
acclaimed public speakers practical need.
 Their government had been overthrown, a
“Public speaking is public utterance, public new democracy was formed, and the
issuance, of the man himself; therefore, the first Greek courts was filled with clashing
thing both in time and importance is that the property claims.
man should be and think and feel things that
are worthy of given forth.” CORAX (GREEK TEACHER OF RHETORIC)

 The importance of public speaking cannot TISIAS (CORAX’S STUDENT)

be denied.  Proceeded to help citizens when it came to
 Great speeches have moved nations to war speaking persuasively in courts of law and
and revolution for they inspire and move this led to the expansion of the teaching of
people to act. rhetoric to mainland Greece.
 Also, the most successful and most
powerful people over the centuries have A BASIC SPEECH HAS THREE PARTS:
mastered the ability to communicate  The introduction;
effectively.  Evidence; and

 Human’s ability to communicate using and this simple organization of speeches has
formalized systems of language sets us endured throughout the ages.
apart from other living creatures on the PROTAGORAS
 It requires you to both know content  A famous Greek philosopher
and be able to perform a skill well.  The father of debate
 For the Greeks, it was a political in  Who made his students argue for and
nature and the spoken word was against issues of the day, to sharpen their
thought to be such important skill that reasoning skills and appreciate different
citizens were taught the art of rhetoric. sides of an issue.
 Early theories of communication viewed
public speaking as a series of one-way
messages sent from speaker to audience.  A famous Greek philosopher
 In fact, however, the audience participates  The father of modern communication
along with the speaker in creating shared  Wrote a treatise entitled “Rhetoric”, in the
meaning and understanding. use of persuasive speaking.
 The speaker’s ideas and values are tested 1. Logos – “Logical argument”
and refined through interaction with the 2. Pathos – “emotional argument”
audience, and listener’s knowledge and 3. Ethos – “speaker’s credibility”
understanding are modified through
interaction with the speaker.
GRENVILLE KLEISEN (2009) in successful  “Huwego de Prenda” – is a game used to
methods in public speaking entertain guests and the bereaved family
during wakes.
“The great orators of the world did not regard
 During the American period “Balagtasan” –
eloquence as simply an endowment of nature,
became more widely known, in order to
but applied themselves diligently to cultivating
honor Francisco Balagtas, as well-known
their powers of expression”
Filipino Poet.
 The most famous Ancient Greece Orator
 Is an ordinary debate except that one has
 Had many flaws in public speaking,
to reason and argue in verse.
especially his stammer and weak voice.
 Two master poets are assigned to defend
CICERO the pros and cons of an issue.
 And a board of judges sits to determine the
 The most famous Roman Orator
 Whose eloquence was described as a
“resistless torrent” THE SPEECH WRITING PROCESS
 A stateman who argued that the teaching
of rhetoric should be considered an art
form, and that this could be useful in “all
practical and public affairs”
 Believed that in order to prepare a speech,
one should first think of one’s listeners and
their interest and to use certain strategies
to engage the audience.


 Roman lawyer and educator

 Public speakers should be ethical
Profile of your target audience
“The ideal speaker was a good man speaking
well… a good speaker is ethical and of high  Demography
character, and speaking well meant being well-  Situation
informed and presenting the speech effectively.”  Psychology
Women were not allowed to speak publicly PURPOSE
during these times for a long time.
 Informative speech
The babaylan are allowed to speak in public for  Entertainment speech
the purpose of religious rituals.  Persuasive speech
These babaylan are women priestesses of the TOPIC
 Main point of your speech
However, during the pre-colonial times in the  Can be determine after determining the
Philippines purpose
 Has its own tradition of public speaking  Make the main idea more specific and
 It is called differently from different regions focused.
 Among the tagalogs “Karagatan” – is a
game wherein young men and women duel DATA GATHERING
with each other using words when it comes  Collect ideas, information, sources, and
to talking about love. references relevant to your specific topic.

 Structures that helps organize the ideas PLAN THE SPEECH

related to the topic.
 It is important to express oneself in an
OUTLINE expressive and articulate manner.
 Choose words carefully. BE SENSITIVE
 Hierarchical list that shows the relationship
 Builds on the foundation of LOGOS, PAHOS,
of your data.
BODY OF SPEECH  One must also nurture a speaking style that
is effective.
 Focus on one central idea gives examples,
 Speaking style varies from one person to
explanation, and details.
 Foundation of the speech first impression.
 One way to be authentic is to make eye
CONCLUSION contact with the audience and to speak in a
manner that touches them.
 Restates main idea summarizes the speech  It helps engaging the audience.
EDITING/REVISING  If one is having a hard time making eye
contact, try to pick out 3 people from the
 Correcting errors audience and make a mental triangle from
one's position and make eye contact with
them instead of the rest of the people in
CRITICAL/ CREATIVE REPORTS  If one is truly hesitant on making eye
contact, one may look at people's forehead
which creates the illusion of making eye
 Great speakers have been called hypnotic, contact without actually doing it
magnetic, and charismatic and it’s not just  If one is comfortable making eye contact,
because of the compelling message but pick out people who seem friendly or
because of the captivating manner they accommodating to look at so that one feels
deliver these speeches, as well. confident and at ease.



 The beginning of your public speech is the  One can only find one’s personal style
most important part. through constant practice
 The first 5-10 seconds of you and your  One can be as calm, trustworthy and
speech are crucial. reasonable with their hand gestures seem
 It is the foundation of your speech more open and thoughtful.
 Primary goal is to get the attention of your  Or one can bursts with passion and
audience. bombast, with pointing and punching in the
air to make a strong impression.
 Speeches and performances
 Delivered best if they have authenticity and  Hand gestures can create as much of an
earnestness. impact as the content of the message.
 Honest + Sincerity = Response  Must always look smooth and natural than
 Response + Relate = Strongly response stiff and robotic.
 Sense of humor helps break the ice  Can be useful signposts in making a point.
 Showing of vulnerability and concern  Although intuitive in nature, it can be
makes the audience feel closer to the extremely useful if use effectively.
speaker.  Note that it is culturally informed.
 Some of the gestures are rude.  As long as one looks neat and clean, should
 It is important to be able to match the satisfy most of the audience's
gestures to one's audience. requirements.
 Also, one should know the cultural
expectations of the audiences.
 Videotape speakers is one of the best  Some audiences may require heavy make-
practices in public speaking, then let them up for women, don a hijab or high heels.
watch themselves for feedback.
 They can watch for flaws and mannerisms
so they can correct it.  We’re living in a 21st century era wherein it
 They'll observe their fillers such as "uhms" has become de rigueur to have visual aids.
and "uhhs" that are distracting.  Such as infographics, PowerPoint
 One can see gestures that need to be presentations, video or audio clips which
eliminated. are acceptable and commendable as long
 Also, to see if one is smiling. as it is relevant to the topic.


 Feedback from people is important and a  It is good to use animation but it would be
great tool to improve one’s speech and best if this feature would not be overuse.
speaking style.  One slide for every 2 minutes is a good rule
 Teachers, coaches and peers could provide of thumb.
feedback when it comes to the effectivity  One must rehearse while using the
and impact of one's speech. presentation.
 Observations can range from one's posture,  Check first the equipment before the
facial expression and general appearance. speech.
 Can be done alone while rehearsing in front  Ensure that the TEXT is not too small.24 is
of a mirror. the acceptable font size or largerShould be
in dark colors for easy reading
 It is important to look credible and worthy  Visually oriented with the use of
of respect. photographs, illustrations, charts and other
 One's dresses should match the kind of visual.
audience one wants to impress.  SIX by SIX rule, no more than 6 bullets and
 FIRST IMPRESSION LASTS each bullets should be no more than 6
 It would be best for the audience so that
 Usually, suit and tie for men at the most they could follow your speech.
formal level or at the very least, long-  In case they are lost their attention during
sleeves button-down shirts, slacks and the speech, they could go back to the topic
leather shoes. While for women, a pantsuit by looking at the handouts.
or formal coat and skirt ensemble or a long
dress for formal events.
 Could also depends on the tradition and  The speaker should give attention to the
culture of one's country or region. non-verbal language of the audience.
 In our country, the use of slack and barong  The non-verbal language of the audience
for men, and filipiñana for women are are their feedback to the speaker.
acceptable.  Through their non-verbal language, the
speaker could see if the audiences are
enjoying the speech or getting bored or
 It is a MUST they're agreeing or not.
 Extends from one's hair to one's nails.
 The speaker should be more responsive
and sympathetic to match the audience's
visual cues.


 Restates main idea

 Emphasize the message
 Primary goal is to leave the audience with
memorable statement.

Public Speaking is a dynamic performance that

is meant to disseminate information, create
greater awareness and evoke emotions in the

It has been used to promote human rights on

the street and to create policies in the

Most important speeches in the world have had

material effects and made a significant change
in the world and these still affect the world
today, long after the speakers have already

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