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1. A cross-sectional descriptive study is used when C.

the reactions of consumers to the launch of a new digital voice recorder are captured only once at the point of sale.

2. Which statement best illustrates attitudes toward international marketing research? C. Cultural differences greatly influence the marketing mixes of companies operating in different parts of the world. 3. Before a piece of research is done, researchers sometimes set up a mock document that shows the way data will be presented and how two variables may correlate. This document is called a D. dummy table.

4. Modern information systems are characterized by C. the ability of users to request information themselves.

5. Which of the following statements best describes characteristics of focus groups? A. Focus groups are usually homogeneous. 6. When Visa contemplated a new logo, what was critical to consider as executives approached the research problem? A. Although widely recognized, customers might perceive the current logo as not in step with the times. 7. Which statement best explains the difference between the project approach and the systems approach? A. The systems approach is continuous, but the project approach looks at a specific moment in time.

8. Which statement best suggests the proper attitude regarding error avoidance when doing marketing research? D. Total error, rather than errors in one particular stage of the research process, is the most harmful. 9. Customer relationship management (CRM) is used to C. give managers knowledge about consumers. 10. If a company is concerned about saving energy and introduces a natural skylight lighting design into its new store construction plans because the company is concerned with depletion of the world's energy sources, we would say the company is concerned with D. utility ethics. 11. When researchers specify that one variable affects another in a certain way, they're stating the B. hypothesis. 12. The steps in the research process are designed to A. plan a project strategy. 13. In addition to obviously unethical situations, marketing research should not be done when the B. risks are high that the research topic will be "leaked" to the competition. 14. The process of selecting pieces of information from huge accumulations of customer data that's used when planning new marketing strategies is called A. data mining. 15. The research request agreement and the research proposal differ to the extent that the research proposal C. emphasizes actual research methods. 16. The type of test market that sells a product through traditional distributors, wholesalers, or retailers is called a _______ test market. C. standard 17. One of the disadvantages of test marketing (market testing) is that

D. it makes the company or product more vulnerable to competition. 18. There are several possible reasons why the Kinshasa Abroad restaurant isn't doing well. What type of research should be done first? A. Exploratory 19. A regional sales manager wants to create a bar graph showing the productivity of the company's sales force over the past 10 years. To do this, the manager will use a _______ system. B. dialog 20. Asking why female customers prefer to buy tank tops rather than long-sleeved T-shirts is usually done when discussing D. discovery-oriented decision problems. Lesson 2: The Dun & Bradstreet International Business Locator is best used in which of the following circumstances? C. A manufacturer wants to identify potential uses of its electronic parts. 2. When time isn't important and your objective is to gather detailed information on consumers' preferences in long-term investments, you'll probably use which type of interview? C. Personal 3. Voice-pitch analysis is useful when measuring the C. emotional intensity of a person's response.

4. If the goal of your research is to view customers as they actually shop in a homeimprovement store, then you would use B. direct observation. 5. In which of the following circumstances are open-ended questions best used? D. You run a small caf and want to know how customers feel about your new self-

service bagel counter. 6. When researching consumer attitudes toward the color of new carpeting, which types of questions should be asked? C. Open-ended 7. The Nielsen Retail Index is used to collect product sales information at the time goods are sold in stores. This method was originally based on _______ data.

B. store audit 8. Your company is considering improving its national advertising campaign and asks its marketing research team to collect information regarding the TV viewing habits of its target market. What should the company use to capture data that will tell them exactly who's watching which TV programs? D. People meter 9. If your research client demands that the research reports you gather for exploratory research are very accurate and that they fully discuss the research methodology used, the material is from a(n) _______ source. B. primary 10. Tesco, the British supermarket retailer, has been successful largely because of its B. great amounts of customer information. 11. If a building-products firm wants to determine the number of homeowners in Kalamazoo, Michigan, to direct newspaper advertisements to them, it would probably use D. mapping software. 12. When studying the teenage consumer market, researchers have found the best technique to use is

B. observation in a natural setting. 13. A natural setting would be used when collecting information by observation if

B. shelf position of products and influences of other customers are important to the study. 14. Setting up a merchandise display in a laboratory and asking research subjects to comment on the effectiveness of the display is an example of using a B. contrived setting. 15. Sony might use a disguised questionnaire when the company intends to C. judge the effectiveness of two different TV commercials. 16. One of the advantages of using communication as a way of obtaining primary data is that D. you can collect many different types of information. 17. To measure the effectiveness of the magazine advertisement for Valentine's Day jewelry, which resource would you use? A. Starch scores 18. Secondary data are useful under which of the following circumstances? D. When they provide comparative information that may eventually help future studies 19. An undisguised observation is used in a retail store when customers D. are briefed in advance and are totally aware of the presence of researchers. 20. You own a landscaping company and want to survey your customers to learn more about their attitudes and their intention to use some new services you want to add. You'll probably use a(n) B. undisguised questionnaire. 1. Variance can be estimated for data gathered using rating scales like the five-point Likert scale. Which statement best describes the characteristics of this method? A. The range of variance tends to be broader as the number of points on the scale increases.

2. You're doing survey work for an entertainment theme park to learn more about customers' perceptions of special events held at this park and at one of its

competitors. You decide to divide the theme park attendees whom you've previously identified into three groups: those who have visited only your client's park, those who have visited only the competition's park, and those who have visited both. You've set up a(n) _______ sample. A. stratified

3. The question "Does it measure what you want it to measure?" best describes the concept of A. validity.

4. Fancher Golf Center made which type of error when using telephone interviews to reach people between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.? A. Not-at-homes

5. Which statement best characterizes nonsampling errors? A. Nonrandom nonsampling errors are particularly problematic.

6. When estimating proportions, what is wise to keep in mind regarding sample size? A. Sample size is dependent on the needs of the research project.

7. The target population for a study on horse feed is horse farms in Lexington, Kentucky. However, the researchers want to survey only farms that have produced one or more thoroughbred foals in the past year, and they have a list of farms that breed only thoroughbreds. The researchers have stated the A. sampling frame.

8. An error that occurs when the wording of a survey question causes respondents to answer in different, unanticipated ways is called a(n) A. random error.

9. Which statement best describes the challenges of calculating response rate?

A. With some variation across collection methods, in general response rate is calculated by dividing the total number of responses by the greater number of individuals who were eligible members of the sample.

10. When a researcher notices that the answers given by respondents using a fivepoint Likert scale contain an unusual number in the "strongly disagree" category, the researcher suspects that A. response-set bias is evident.

11. When individual questions are developed, researchers should keep in mind that A. the most significant answers come from respondents who know at least something about the topic being studied.

12. When deciding on sample size, the attribute that describes the acceptance of a certain amount of error in the sample estimate is called A. precision.

13. Deciding whether the information will be gathered by personal or telephone interviews or by mail or Internet questionnaires is done in which step of the questionnaire design process? A. Determining method of administration

14. If you were constructing an attitude scale to measure general likes and dislikes toward a political candidate, which type of design element would you most likely use? A. Global measure

15. The number of not-at-homes has been increasing, making it more difficult for researchers to get responses to surveys. What can be done about this problem? A. Use a modified callback approach, and if a respondent hasn't been reached after a few tries, send a survey with a stamped return envelop in the mail.

16. Of the four methods mentioned as possible ways to select sample size, which would be best to use if your research skills are marginal, the goal is to minimize time spent on the project, and you know much about the company for which you're working? A. Historical evidence approach

17. The best way to interpret scores generated by a rating scale is to use A. normative standards.

18. Which statement best describes the relationship between precision and confidence? A. It's possible to have a high level of confidence, but the data represented may not be precise.

19. When several versions of a questionnaire are written and used to reduce response order bias, this is called A. a split-ballot technique.

20. Individuals who meet specific criteria for membership in a greater group are called A. population elements.

21. As a rule-of-thumb, scale surveys work best when they contain A. 5 to 9 scale positions. .

22. Survey participants are asked to respond to a question regarding their likelihood of buying a snowmobile. They can check a box that best describes their intentions: definitely yes, probably yes, maybe, probably no, definitely no. They're answering which type of question? A. Multichotomous

23. If each member of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has an equal chance of being selected for a survey being done by the organization, we would say that participants are part of a _______ sample. A. probability

24. If we decide to use a z value of 2.58 in the formula for estimating means, what does this signify? A. We're looking for a very high level of confidence.

25. Rather than specifying sampling or nonsampling errors and focusing on increasing or decreasing sample size, researchers should be most concerned about A. total errors.

26. Numbers that designate runners in a marathon and social security numbers are examples of a/an _______ scale. A. nominal

27. A firm specializing in organizational leadership seminars directed a survey to all male CEOs of Fortune 500 companies in the United States. Which type of error has occurred? A. Noncoverage

28. Recall loss most commonly occurs when respondents A. entirely forget what happened when asked to remember an incident.

29. Which situation is likely to cause a random error? A. The respondent is having a bad day.

30. When self-report attitude scales are used and the intent is to select words on opposite ends of an emotional spectrum, the researcher will specify a/an _______ scale.

A. semantic-differential

1. The planned sample size in the (B) case was 200. When surveying 437 university students who were possible respondents, the researchers found that 141 students were ineligible due to faulty addresses, 49 refused to participate, and 76 weren't at home. The entire population at the university was 6,000 students. Based on this information, what was the response rate? (2) D. 7.5 percent 2. Performing a field edit is most useful for (3) D. finding obvious errors right after the survey is completed.

3. When using a z-test to compare a sample portion against a standard, the probability turns out to be lower than a 0.05 significance level. Which action should be taken? D. Reject the null hypothesis.

4. If you're already aware that our research sample had knowledge of a new restaurant in town but you also wanted to find the percentage of young adults, baby boomers, and retired people who expressed awareness, we would need to use (5) A. two-way cross tabs. 5. If you need to test the significance of results in a cross tabulation analysis and you're especially concerned with the strength of association of two dependent variables, you'll most likely use the A. Cramer's V. B.. C. Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient. D. chi-square goodness-of-fit test. 6. Which two principles govern the delivery of an oral report? D. Know your material and know your audience. 7. In a sample of 200 members of a small town in Ohio, all felt similarly that a

member of the community should become town moderator. You expect that the standard deviation will be (19) A. very large. C. very small. . 8. The problem of multicollinearity may occur when D. doing multiple regression analysis. 9. Detail about the sampling plan, including type of sampling units used, detail on how the samples were drawn, and whether they were probability or nonprobability samples, is included in which section of the research report? D. Data collection and results 10. If you need to convey revenue, production rates, or population statistics and want to add excitement and graphic appeal to your research presentation, the type of chart you'll use is a

B. one-scale bar chart. C. pictogram. D. stratum chart. 11. There are several types of analysis that involve categorical and continuous measures. If you were attempting to measure differences in attitudes toward three different housecleaning services and wanted to see if geographic location of respondents and age made a difference in their perception of service quality, which technique would you use? (9)

B. Analysis of variance D. 12. If the significance level is set at 0.05, a p-value is considered significant under which of the following circumstances?

B. If the p-value is less than 0.05

C. When a type I error has been made D. When a Type II error has been made 13. When a researcher specifies that the data that's being coded must be as clean or pure as possible, which action should the research assistant take regarding the answer to one question missing from a questionnaire? (16) A. Totally disregard the entire questionnaire from further analysis. . C. Keep the questionnaire for the rest of the analysis, but leave out the one missing question. D. Substitute numbers for the missing data taken from the mean or the mode. 14. The level of significance chosen for a Type I error is usually set at C. 0.05. . 15. The alternative hypothesis is selected when . B. the null hypothesis has been rejected. 16. The questionnaires are gone over in detail and mistakes are corrected during which phase of data analysis? (15) C. Central-office edit 17. Writing that the population of the United States just reached 300,000 people in a research report is an example of not paying attention to the criterion of A. accuracy. 18. Which statement best describes Don Schultz's attitude toward marketing research? A. Marketing researchers need to be able to extend their ideas to the executive officers of a company to best help the company.

C. It isn't essential to have a central source within an organization from which to dispense information. D. Data within an organization is managed by marketing researchers, not information

technology people. 19. If you suspect that buying patterns of laundry detergent have changed since an earlier study, you might want to test your suspicions by using the A. chi-square goodness-of-fit test. . C. p-value probability test. D. z-test for sample mean. 20. When survey participants have answered questions that require a numerical response on five possible locations ranging from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree," the individuals preparing the data will follow instructions used for coding A. closed-ended items. 1. What is considered an advantage of using a banner table? D. It makes it easier to investigate many variables at the same time. 4. When preparing the research report, reading the report aloud will help to reduce errors of C. conciseness.

6. A pie chart is best used under which of the following circumstances? A. The researchers' objective is to show in one place and time the generational age breakdown of the state of Kansas. 12. One-way tabulation of data is based on the assumption that A. items in a response category will be counted.

14. Which statement best describes the circumstances in which researchers use confidence intervals? A. When they need to prove to a certain degree that a sample is representative of the

population from which it was selected 17. Your null hypothesis states: "The majority of respondents won't purchase a new brand of low-fat, low-cholesterol ice cream." If your survey results show that the majority would purchase the new brand, then you would say that the researchers have

D. rejected the null hypothesis.

18. No matter what type of analysis is done, what is possible when data analysis is based on a carefully drawn sample that's representative of an appropriate population? C. The statistical significance of the result can be tested. .

20. If a reader of a research report had a limited amount of time to digest the major point of the study and the most significant findings, where would you suggest he or she look? D. In the executive summary

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